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((Y/N)'s POV)

I just stepped into the teleporter and when I did, I ended up on the islands of Animal Crossing with Isabelle and her friends. Isabelle took us to her office for the very first thing and Ankha and Olivia held my hand the whole time. They said the others would be able to come, but it will take longer for them. Krystal said there was another way for her without the teleporters we just used. When we got inside the office, Isabelle put some papers in a folder before she did more work around here. Ankha, Olivia, and Audie just took me to a couch to relax.

Isabelle-We'll go to my house after I get you in our Orphanage care system.

Ankha-Why should we go to your house? If he saw our houses, he knows my house would be the best. Right (Y/N)? ~

Audie-The games could not get the real interior of our houses. Aside from a few videos online they never got our houses right.

Ankha-All the more reason to bring him to my house. He'll just love it there.

Olivia-Why not to my house? It's more homey than a pyramid,

Audie-Why not my house?!

Isabelle-Girls, calm down. He's not going anywhere and he's not in the system. You're making him uncomfortable.

(Isabelle's POV)

I have no idea what the big deal even is. After I adopt him when he's done going through process, he's going to be around the around. I still have many things to do and wait for before that even happens. When I got all I could get done today, I put it in a file on the mayor's desk along with a cupcake to help my odds... You never know. Anyway, we all left my office and showed him around the village a little.

Audie-How about we let him pick whose house he wants to see first? It's only fair.

Seriously? This again. I just sighed and the others got around him... Now, I just felt nervous and really wanted him to pick my house. My tail was even tucked in between my legs from how stressed I was about this decision. Ankha hugged him from behind, and Audie and Olivia got his arms.

Ankha-Come on, Honey. You lived in a big house with a luxury lifestyle. I'm the closest to your old home. ~

Olivia-I have a more cozy home besides having to walk down 3 halls to get to the bathroom. ~

Audie-My house is more like a tropical vacation all the time! I can even make you a nice smoothie! ~

Everyone was swarming and persuading him while he looked uncomfortable. My uneasy feeling turned into... Something else.


They didn't notice what I was doing, so I caught myself before I grabbed (Y/N) and pulled him over to me from the girls! I even turned him away from them and everyone, even the bystanders looked surprised at this.

Isabelle-Stop!... We are going to my house and we will wait for the others there!

(Ankha's POV)

She was really getting on my nerves. I had him in my grasp and ready for him to pick me and she just rips him away from us... I know if I go with her she's just going to hog him, but then I got an idea. If she's not going to play fair and have control to be the first one to adopt him, I need to play just as dirty. My tail puffed up with my fur as I just walked off.

Ankha's mind-Enjoy this small victory, but I'm going to win this war or custody.

Ankha-*Growl* *hiss*.

(Olivia's POV)

Isabella took us to her house and was pouty the whole walk here. Even (Y/N) was taken off guard by this and she was really controlling in her house too. (Y/N) was just distracted this time because her house looked much better than it did in the game... My house is cozier than this. I know you would just love it so much that you would want to live with me. Just then, Isabelle came back over and gave us all drinks before she put on cartoons for (Y/N). She even had a little change of clothes.


This clothing was supposed to look sexy, but instead, she just looked more adorable and when she sat next to (Y/N), she nuzzled her soft fur onto him... He even leaned into it.

Isabelle-Sorry I was a little mad earlier. I hope some nice soft cuddles can help you feel better. Lord knows you need all the comfort you can get. Is that right? ~

(Y/N)-U-Um... I-I guess.

I rubbed myself up against him like she did and his hand did a little thing... I think I know what it was.

Olivia-Were you going to pet us? ~

That's when he blushed madly and it looked so cute! I was about to take his hand to put it on my head to grant him this pevilage, but Audie beat Isabelle and I too it.


Audie-Doesn't it just feel so fluffy and nice, Sweetie? You can pet me as much as you want.

Isabelle took his other hand to put it under her chin and guided him to rub her cheek. I however did a daring move... I rubbed my cheek up against his and...

Olivia-*Puuuuuurrrrrr*. ~

(Tortimer's POV)

Isabelle sent me a text earlier that we have a big issue to tackle and she left it on my desk for me to finish and turn in for process. I just said goodbye to Mario, Pit, and Snake after I lost and came home and got back into work mode. I just wondered what had Isabelle so eager to tell me this early. When I walked into my office...

Tortimer-Isabelle, before I get on this paperwork, can you tell me what it-?

I looked at my desk and I was not greeted by Isabelle... It was Ankha eating a cupcake while sitting on my desk with her legs crossed and smiling at me.



Ankha-Hello, Mr. Mayor... Got a minute to help me? I'm feeling sad and things are just very unfair right now.

She hopped off my desk and finished the cupcake.

Tortimer-Y-Yes, but you didn't have to come here. You could've written in a request to-.

Ankha-*Sniffle* *hic* *whimper*.

She started crying... Why was she crying? I just went to her side, but she was picky about me touching her still, so I backed off a little.

Tortimer-Here, take a seat, and let's talk about it, so I can help you.

She only nodded her head and she got in her seat while I sat in mine.

Tortimer-Now, what seems to be the problem?

She pointed at the new folder on my desk, so I opened it and the file had a CPS label on it with a picture of a little boy I never saw before.


Tortimer-Um... Why is there a CPS file in my-?

Ankha-It's just so unfair, Mayor!

I jumped a little in surprise that her crying instantly stopped and she yelled, but still had her tear stains.

Ankha-I have a big and empty pyramid and nobody to share it with! Now, I hear about a neglected boy that we helped save, but now he has no home!


Ankha-I want to give him a home as soon as possible and this will take way too long!

Tortimer-... 'You' want to adopt?

Suddenly, she looked offended and I shrank back in my chair.

Ankha-Why do you sound so surprised?

Tortimer-... No reason.

Just then she went back to her normal self and I was a little lost in these mood swings.

Ankha-Perfect, so can you help me put him in my custody by the end of the day?

I looked at the folder again, and something was off.

Tortimer-I didn't sign or approve any of this?... Why is this here?... Is this kid already here?!

Ankha-Hey! Heartbroken here! Focus!

She put her hands on my desk to lean over to me and looked a little mad. That aside, I looked at this case and this just seems like a big mess and I don't know who faked my signature... I can't bring a kid from another world here all of a sudden and now he's in my CPS's system... I didn't even know we had a CPS system... I guess I'm relieved we have one and I want to know what else we have. Suddenly, Ankha snapped her fingers.

Tortimer-O-Oh, sorry.


Tortimer-Well... Ankha, I'm happy to hear of your decision-.

Ankha-Perfect, I'll be back later to sign adoption papers.

Tortimer-But wait!

Ankha leaned over my desk more and put a finger on my lips while smiling.

Ankha-*Chuckles*. ~

Suddenly, she put her fingers on my cheek and I felt her claws poking me and they felt really sharp.

Ankha-I want adoption papers printed by the time I come back. He is in your system and if you turn a mother' away from adoption, not only does she have claws, but she has a whistle to blow and knows how to get people to follow her. Clear?

Tortimer-... *Gulp*.


She let me go and walked out of my office, but glared at me one last time when she opened the door before she left.

Tortimer-... What... happened?

(Peach's POV)

Daisy, Rosalina, and I were in Animal Crossing now after going through protocols with security. We were only cleared for the week. I always found these islands a great place to vacation, but we were here for (Y/N). He should be with Isabelle which is most likely the Mayor's office right now, so we headed there first. When we got there we saw the Mayor talking in a crowd of people outside, but he seemed nervous in the few moments we saw him.

Rosalina-Do you think everything is alright?

Peach-Let's not meddle in their affairs. We only came for (Y/N).

With that, we went into the office. Daisy had to be in there first.

Daisy-Hey Isabelle!

There was nobody in here, but she snooped and found the CPS file of (Y/N) on the Mayor's desk. I just took that from her and put it back down.

Peach-Daisy, please stop. We already know what's on that file. Let's just go look for Isabelle. (Y/N) has to be with her.

Daisy huffed before she followed us outside soon we saw a ship fly overhead and as it did, we saw the pilot in a ship with only room for two... There was someone else in the second seat.


(Samus's POV)

I have never really been here much, but it does seem like a nice place to rest and take a load off after a hard mission. However, we have important matters to discuss regarding (Y/N)'s future... I wish for him to come with me, but it would be unsafe for him because of my missions.

Samus-Do you know where Isabelle lives?

Krystal-Um... Do you?

Samus-*Sigh* Then let's ask the villagers. Someone has to know where she lives or where she is exactly.

We landed the ship and when we got out, the villagers looked at us in awe and some even came over for autographs. It wouldn't hurt to sign while asking questions.

(Bayonetta's POV)

Jeanne and I finally got threw security after a weak-willed man tried to give us a hard time, but I guess he liked a woman who was bigger and stronger than him. He had Jeanne and I step on him for a while as well as do other minor things in exchange for doing everything himself. Needless to say, (Y/N) is never going back to that world with creeps and irresponsible adults like that running around. He will be spending nights in only the best hotels, boats, or anything of the sort with us as my little cuddle toy. I even have cute names for him to pick out.

Bayonetta's mind-Now... Where did Isabelle take my cuddle boy toy?


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