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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was dreaming about being in a magical land made out of candy, pizza, pancakes, and all sorts of food, and having a good time... That was until I woke up hearing a big crash and screamed. I was suddenly held tight and my face was buried into Lapis. Nearly crushing me for a second before she got up. The water wall went down and I was breathing really fast thinking a bomb or something went off. When I tried to run, Lapis flew up in the air with me only to almost be shot by something. So much stuff was going on so fast that I could not pay attention or know what was going on... It was getting hard to breathe and hear anything.

(Y/N)'s mind-What's going on?! Was that a bomb?! Is it the police?! WHO IS SHOOTING AT US?!?!?! WHERE ARE WE GOING?!?!?! I JUST WANNA RUN!!!

I think I was falling all of a sudden and was grabbed by someone.


(Y/N)'s mind-OPAL?!?!?!

I think it was... My vision was starting to get fuzzy and my chest started to hurt.

(Opal's POV)

I had (Y/N) cradled in one set of arms while I used my other free arms to shoot for Lapis and the gem she was with. Suddenly, I was blasted by a laser and almost dropped (Y/N). When I looked down at him to see if he was okay, he looked like he had trouble breathing. I know I could win this fight, but I need to get him out of here now.


I was suddenly hit with a ball of water but stuck on the landing. However, some of the water was latched onto his foot. He wiggled I think trying to scream, but he was out of breath and even choking on himself. I was hit with a laser and (Y/N) was trapped in a field, but then I saw someone come out of the sky...





That's one gem down and... she had multiple parts fall all around her which looked really gross. At that moment, I was hit in the head and sent flying. I hit a tree and (Y/N) landed in some bushes.

((M/N)'s POV)

This cell was busted open and (D/N) and I crawled out and ran out the broken barn doors. It was a battle out here and there was a pile of machine parts I accidently tripped over. We can't stay here, so we need to find our son and go while they are distracted... I ended up quickly finding him passed out in a bush.



We ran to grab him and when I had him, we started to run. We can't go back to the house and the car was destroyed, so we are running away on foot. The sounds of the fight got farther and farther away because they didn't know we were gone or too busy trying to kill each other... Let's just hope they kill each other off.

(M/N)-We need a place to hide! If we get caught we're going to get chipped again!

(D/N)-There should be a motel not too far from the neighborhood! We just need a car! Any car or it's a 40-minute walk!

(Timeskip ???)

((Y/N)'s POV)

My ears... they were ringing... The ringing was so loud and the light was too bright. I couldn't see anything. My chest hurt and felt so heavy while I was being carried by someone. The light was pure white, so I could not see anything until we got into the shade for a bit.

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy?

The light came back and I could not see her anymore, but I started to calm down now... Slow and deep breaths. After a while, we made it into a place that had a nice cool breeze and got the sun out of my eyes. I could barely hear anyone or understand what they were saying. We went outside one more time and made it to a room where I was finally put down on a soft bed. I saw Mommy and Daddy sit next to me and tried to get me to control my breathing.

(M/N)-Deep breath in and out, Honey.

(D/N)-I'm going to go get you a cold bottle of water.

They took care of me and in time, I felt better, but so tired now. I went back to sleep after I got water and more time to calm down.

((D/N)'s POV)

Well... We have no home, no car, nobody strong enough to take down 3 gems that can form into a fucking giant and to top it all off... No plan. I sat on the bed in this motel room and leaned over while my wife went out to get a cheap charger for her phone. She came inside and plugged it in.

(M/N)-We need to go in the morning. I'm getting tickets for North Korea and we are staying with someone I know there.

(D/N)-Honey, they have warps all over the world and even turned into a giant to swim across oceans, and one of them has future vision.

(M/N)-So we just sit here and wait for them to come take us in as prisoners, and take our son from us again?

(D/N)-I'm saying they are good at tracking us down with future vision alone and going across the state alone makes a lot of noise for someone with that ability and now you want to go to North Korea. Do you think they won't make that giant again and stop that plane or hunt us from across the world?

(M/N)-Then what do you think we should do?

(D/N)-Well... Garnet can stay one step ahead, maybe she needs to think about one of us. So that person can be a decoy and go somewhere else and keep running to buy time and have fake leads to throw them off for a while longer.

(M/N)-Buying time is the best you can do?!

(D/N)-Well, I never went up against someone with future vision, OK! It just can't be that simple to get away.

(M/N)-Ok... Well, who's going to take them?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I got in the car with Mommy and Daddy said he was taking another UBER tonight... We were going to the airport to spend the night there and get a ticket in the morning. Mommy asked for the driver to go the long way to the airport and Mommy just told me to put my head on her lap to rest, but I just woke up and can't go back to sleep. During the drive, the driver put on music, but I still didn't want to talk. This all started because I wanted to be friendly and now everything is just crazy.

Mommy-It's going to be okay, Hun. We're going to be with a friend of mine and your Daddy is going to take care of this.

I wanted everyone to be friends, but I don't think that was going to happen... She was lying and a lot of people are going to fight. I can't even get the gems to be friends with Lapis and Peridot doesn't even want to be real friends with Lapis either. When we made it to the airport, Mommy took me to a few empty seats to lie down with me to cuddle while we waited for our flight in the morning. I never flew in a plane before, but I traveled in a more embarrassing way.

((D/N)'s POV)

I just gotta keep my cool. I am getting away from Beach City, they might most likely follow me if my wife was more deadset on throwing them off. I got to a car rental place and really went off the grid and parked in the woods somewhere to sleep out in the car tonight. I had food, the heater, and nearly a full tank of gas, and as long as I am settled about this, I think this could work for both of us.

(D/N)-You're in the middle of nowhere. One of the hardest places to find someone. Just calm down, pull up a downloaded movie, get some snacks out, and relax... Yeah. I got this.

I just leaned back in my seat and put a movie on for me. Soon the sun was down and it was dark out. I took deep breaths and remembered that this was the plan... I ended up turning off my movie and looking outside threw the window with a flashlight. I could hardly see anything, so I turned on the car and then the headlights, and for a moment, I swore I saw someone.


I flinched and dropped my phone, but when I looked back out front they were gone... I'm just on edge. I'm miles and miles away and unless there's a warp nearby they couldn't be this close, yet. Not when they were fighting and it can last a while...

(D/N)-I gotta get out of here!

I started the car and when it did...





A giant foot landed in front of the car and the car was picked up. When I saw who it was, I peed a little.


???-Throwing us off like this?... I'll fucking break you.

Just then, she tore the top of the car off and someone landed in the backseat to grab me by the back of my shirt and hold me over the outside of the car and a long drop I will die from.


Lapis-Where's my Little Funnel Cake, you pest? Or you're soil.

(D/N)-I'm... not telling! And even if I did, it's too la-! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Suddenly, I giant foot came on top of me to make me fall faster until...


(Sugilite's POV)

Sugilite-*Chuckles*. ~

I was hoping he would tell us where (Y/N) was exactly to make the search easier, but we didn't have time to waste. I was going to crush him either way and the human bitch was next to join her husband under my foot. That's when the pouty green pebble came out to inspect the car after I put it down. She's complaining about how her gear was crushed during the last fight when she reformed, but she's lucky we have a common enemy now.


Lapis landed on the car to help her and I was tapping my foot to hear the squishing sound under me, but that's only going to satisfy me for so long.

Sugilite-Anything? I'm getting irritated!

Peridot-Stupid primitive Earth tech! I might've found them if my limb enhancers weren't destroyed!

I used my future vision to try and find them, but we look at a lot of different places. It took me about an hour to find the best possible future, so I started walking off.

Pearl-Where are you going?!

Sugilite-Where do you think?!

I kept on walking and the others just followed me. I was going to get there first, so I started running. We just had to get there before morning.

(Blue Diamond's POV)

I was leaving for one last trip to Earth right now behind Yellow's back, but she didn't need to know anyway. I got in my ship and started to head over to her planet. The memories are making me cry already, but it will all be over soon... Maybe then I could find some closure.

Blue's mind-Just one last time Blue... Speaking of Earth, shouldn't that Peridot and Lapis have long since been done with their mission?... Perhaps I could still turn back to bring some gems along with me.

I wanted an expert and I have a Holly Blue stationed at The Human Zoo. I'll get her and only here. I don't want to cause too much trouble or noise for Yellow or White to find out while I'm away.


Red Soda Man

So they’re going to North Korea to become prisoners of there own volition. South Korea sounds better just from a view standpoint as in north there’s no technology or outside space from inside as they are limited.