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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were in a nice house and it looked a little decent, but abandoned from how dusty and untouched it looked in some places. She left me in her room while she went to clean up the house a little, but I thought I would take a little look around. When I got off the bed she left me on the first thing I saw was a picture frame facing down. I put it back up to look at it and I saw a family. I lifted a few more around the room and a woman was on every last one of the 5 pictures. I was looking at the last one now.


That's when Julia came in and saw all the photos were up, so she put them back facing down before she came to me and picked me up.


Julia-Next time, let's learn to not touch other people's stuff without permission, ok?... Let's get you checked out.

She put me back on her bed and I noticed a med kit was with her and she only took my shirt off. She shined a light in front of my eyes and it felt a little hazy.

Julia-Follow the light.

My vision got blurry a bit at times, but I followed the light like she said before she turned it off and sighed.

Julia-Did you get poked with something? Where did it poke you?

(Y/N)-... Poke?

I tried to think about getting poked and my head felt...I don't know, but I don't remember being poked. I tried to think harder until she sighed and took me to the kitchen to get me something to eat.

Julia-It should be over in a few hours but for now... Do you prefer grilled cheese with tomato soup or grilled cheese with chicken noodle soup?

(???'s POV)

I was trying to get away in the chaos when all of a sudden a Spider-Man tackled me, but then a portal opened at random and took both of us inside of it. I used my arms to grab their arms and legs before I pulled on them until something snapped off their wrist and they had one arm free. I quickly threw them away from me into another portal before a different one opened for me. I crashed into an AC unit on a roof and came face to face with my reflection in a puddle.



I used my arms to get up and walk until I wasn't dizzy anymore and looked at the place I was in. It was still not my universe. I saw something in one of my arms, so I made it push it out and into my hand... It's one of those watches, but the latch was broken and the screen is damaged.

Liv-Huh. Should be an easy-. Aaahhhhh!

I was glitching and this really hurt until it stopped. I only gave myself a bit of time to recover before I got a move on. I know a few places where I can find the equipment for the parts I need and to better understand this technology. There's Alchemex, Oscorp, and A.I.M. and those were the places I knew about, but those places could have more or something completely different. Just as I was going from rooftop to rooftop, the watch tried to project something, but I heard the message loud and clear from a woman.

???-All units, (Y/N) is missing in the base! On top of containing the outbreak, retrieve him and bring him back to the lab! He is a young boy, but do not touch him if he is panicking. Calm him first or you risk a jump back to your universe!

That sounded really interesting. A little boy that is able to do that?... If I can unlock the secrets to traveling the multiverse, I can try to hunt down this bo,y and instead of relying on watches, I can make it organic to not glitch and travel, or something even bigger. When I got to an Alchemex building, I walked right in the front door and I don't know who hired security, but when I was done, I left a note that they needed better guards. I shut off the alarms and labeled it as a false alarm before I went to the lab. Very similar to the Alchemex I know and it was easy to find the lab.

Liv-Alright, let's get you fixed and replicated... I'm gonna need some help.

(Julia's POV)

I kept a close eye on this boy and he was still out of it a little. I don't even think he was aware of his situation, but at least he wasn't screaming his head off anymore. When I made his food and put it in front of him on the table, I put my watch down in front of me to observe it as he ate. The motherboard was split so that alone made this thing out of commission. I just have to wait for others to come. When I looked at (Y/N), he gave me little puppy eyes while he nibbled on the grilled cheese sandwich he dipped in his soup.


Julia-*Sigh*... Are you a fan of Spider-Man or Spider-Woman?

(Y/N)-... Are you a nice or mean Spider-Woman? You were with Jess who wanted me in a lab too.

Julia-Mean?... I can tell you had talks and meetings with Miguel. I wouldn't call him nice, but he's not... all bad. I'm nice though.

(Y/N)-I wanted to go home,... b-but he put me in a lab and didn't try to help or be nice. He is a meanie.

Julia-Ok, fair enough... How can I prove I'm not a mean Spider-Woman?

(Y/N)-... Gwen took me from home first, but she always tried to make it better even if I knew she lied about my parents putting me in a lab.

Julia-So... Give treats and stuff? Sounds too easy.

I had a daughter before... an incident, so I know what most children like. I never had a son, but if I had to guess, he would rather have cuddling and dotting behind closed doors. He still seemed weak from the sedative he got at the base, so I let him eat before I took him with me to my room and turned on a T.V. in here. I mostly used it for music, but this time I turned on cartoons... Like I did with my daughter after the divorce... I shook it off and focused on getting him more comfortable around me seeing as we had nowhere to go. I pulled him close to me and he seemed conflicted about looking at me or watching his cartoons. After a few times he was easily getting fussy, so I just muted the T.V. and turned him to face me.

Julia-Here, just... Eyes on me.

I rubbed his head and it reminded me of my 5-year-old daughter. She loved it when I did this to her and since he wasn't at 100% right now, he either likes it or likes it and can't pretend he doesn't... Oddly, that would look more adorable to me. He nuzzled into me with groggy eyes until I gently scratched his head, so he closed them.

Julia's mind-Just like... her.

I thought about a time when I was married and my daughter came crying to us at night from having a nightmare. She would get in the middle of us and sometimes she didn't even wake us up. I guess she got her sneakiness from her... Mommy... I stopped thinking about it and watched (Y/N) fall asleep. After a while, I thought of something...

Julia-Shouldn't have sent someone by now to give me a watch and join the fight?

(Miguel's POV)

So many got away, so now we are stretched super thin. Spider-people infected with Symbiots, some are their first time, I don't know how many villains got away in stray portals, and now countless canons are in danger. We just got things under control at base, but nowhere near what we had before. I had more watches to give out after they got damaged and less time by the second to get this under control.

Miguel-Lyla, I got everyone out right now, show me the last footage caught of that kid. Jess told me he made his own portal out, so he's with someone he touched last.

No answer... I went on my console to look up the footage myself, but I suddenly got locked out of the system.


She finally popped up and just looked annoyed rather than her usual self, and not a fun-like attitude either.



Miguel-What's going on? I can't get in.

Lyla-Huh... Weird.

Miguel-What got damaged during the attack? I need that footage to find that kid.

Lyla-I know. I already got it and know who he's with.


Lyla-Don't worry about it.

Miguel-... Excuse me?!

When she said that, I knew something was up, but I also noticed that I was weakening, so I needed another shot. I went to where they were, but Lyla was not off the hook either.

Miguel-I'm going to worry about it! Tell me who he's with!

Lyla-So you can put him back in a lab like his parents did... I don't think so.

Miguel-I'm not going to repeat myself!

I gave myself the shot and walked up to her, but she smiled. With my Spidey Sense back up, I felt it go off and looked at the serum I just used.

Lyla-Is something wrong with the new batch, Miguel?

I had enough of this and was going to rip Lyla out of the console and start her over from scratch later. Before I could do that... My Spidey Sense went off again and my console blew up.

Lyla-You're not going near him, and 'none' of you are having him... I am.

I tried my best to recover, but my body started to feel like it was ripping itself apart. That's when a door opened and I saw something walking out when Lyla disappeared... I heard her coming from the room.

Lyla-You know the saying. "One man's trash is another man's treasure."... Well, if Peni got her old suit back. ~


Lyla-Don't mind if I do. ~

The suit lunged at me as she was going to attack.

(Felica's POV)

Not only did they fail, but now we have no idea where my son is and my new close friends were just as angry as me. The Gwenpools were irritable too and were out searching, but I was done sitting. I gave everyone more watches to recruit others and the main mission is to find my baby. I was out searching too and came to realize something...

Felica-Even in a one-on-one fight, I'll just lose... I need something to help 'me' fight.

I know wandering around in infinite universes was pointless, so I went back to the 2099 Earth and maybe with it still being under attack or recovering, I can find something. I went to the location the Gwenpools portal out of. It was an empty hallway and the lights were flickering. Claw marks and punched holes all over the place, and webs still dissolving.

Felica-If these walls could speak.

I went into an open door I saw was pried opened and went inside... Prison cells, but other than that nothing. I moved to other rooms and found... a lab with a cozy-looking cell... Looked like a bedroom for... a little boy.

Felicia's mind-He was here. He had to be.

I went inside and looked for any clues he might've gone, but then I heard something.



It didn't sound human, but if I learned one thing from multi-versal travel is not everyone is human.


I decided against speaking and left this lab.

(No POV)

Little did Felica know that on her way out, a little piece of black goo was latched onto the back of her foot. She went to the cameras in the hallway and took all of them to go over the footage and see what happened before she jumped through a portal... The good was manifesting itself around her foot.


(Liv's POV)

I managed to fix the watch and further studied it to see the remarkable-. No. Unbelievable technology compacted into a watch. Forget making a new collider to gain access to the multiverse, I can make more watches. I know an army of 'former prisoners' that would be happy to form an army with me and crush not only one Spider-Man but all of them... And why stop there? Multiversal domination and nobody will be able to stop us. I just need that boy to take this further and when that happens...

Liv-The power of the multi-verse... In the palm of my hand.