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((D/N)'s POV)

I was talking to a police officer and an over-dressed dog in my hospital room about her wanting to forfeit custody of my son to her. They even said my wife would be informed and even after, we would be charged for neglect and bring him to my nightclub. I argued that it was my nightclub and he was on the top floor, but I saw the look in his eyes that he didn't care. The dog named 'Isabelle' put the papers and clipboard on my lap with a stoic look on her face and then took a step back.

Isabelle-You can choose to sign these papers and be offered a plea deal or you can not sign them and make this harder. Either way, (Y/N) will be out of your custody and I will take him into mine.

(D/N)-She can't do that!

Isabelle-Not officially as mine, but in my CPS office, I can. He's being moved as we speak.

(D/N)-You can't do that either without my consent! He's still my son and this counts as kidnapping! You need a court order!

Officer-CPS has already seen hours' worth of video that (Y/N) has been at your night club and sometimes on the lower levels 'alone'. This is your plea deal to make things easier.

Isabelle just looked at me and I looked at the paper. I thought if me and my wife were to sign these papers our business's reputations will be shredded when they heard CPS came to take our child. I can't sign these.

(Zelda's POV)

We came to see why some of the girls were skipping out on the final day, but we did not expect to see them as part of what looked like a crime scene. Even CPS was here, so a child got caught up in all of this. Min Min and TwinTelle were with me and soon we saw Bayonetta and her friend speaking to a police officer.


Bayonetta-That's how we became babysitters at the very last minute. Not even really. She was already gone.

Officer-I see. That checks with the others.

The officer left them alone and they turned to see us, and were a little surprised.

Bayonetta-Hello... What are you doing here?

Zelda-We were looking for you and Meggy helped track you here from Rouge's post... What happened here?

Bayonetta-It's a bit of a long story. Why don't you come inside and have a seat?

(Samus's POV)


Poor thing would scream when a police officer even tried to talk to him about any of this and cried into me the rest of the time. Sally tried her best to calm him down too, but he would not listen to us. He is just in a very emotional state right now, and we can't really blame him... I know what it feels like to lose a home too. While we were still trying to calm him down, we saw three little friends walk up to us.


Meggy-Yo, what's going on here?... I guess it has to do with him.

Sally-Huh? What are you three doing here?

Pearl-We could be asking you the same thing. It's the last day of the tournament and it looks like someone got arrested.

I covered (Y/N)'s ears, but it was too late. He already heard everything and cried harder again. Sally and I glared at her for what she did.

Pearl-... Am I wrong?

Marina-Pearl. Maybe we should go over there and ask what happened. We shouldn't crowd him.

Sally-You do that.

Two of them left, but Meggy stayed and looked at (Y/N) and I think he felt her gaze because he turned around and saw her. She had sympathy in her eyes but then played it off to look like herself.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* M-Meggy?

Meggy-Hey, you know my name. Even the Narrator just calls me Inkling. You know those two that just left?

(Y/N)-*Hic* P-P-Pearl *sniffle* and M-Marina.

Meggy-Very cool. You seem friendly, so what's with the waterworks?

(Y/N) only pointed at the CPS and police for an answer. Sally and I had no idea what she was doing, but she better not set him off again. She just got close and hopped up on the ledge to sit next to us.

Meggy-Well, I don't know what to say other than, this sucks, but I know my friends. If they did this, it has to be for a good reason and they won't just leave you hanging.

(Y/N) looked at us and he was still sad, but he was listening now. That's when Meggy pulled out her paint gun and gave him a smile.

Meggy-Watch this, kid.

She aimed her gun and shot at the driveway and made the inkling logo you would see from her world and her card on Smash. He watched in awe... or rather, less sad and his crying only turned into whimpers. She showed off more by running and turning in the squid to swim in her painting before she hopped out to do a flip, stick the landing, and take a bow.

Meggy-How's that for a street performance?! Woah!

She showed off her skills again and again until (Y/N) stopped crying completely, but he still didn't look very happy. She still did help though.

Sally-Much better. Now, it's going to be ok Hun. Better even. ~

He only looked at her and I gave him a kiss on his head. After a bit more love and care he nuzzled into me and turned into me to not see the CPS workers and police.

Meggy-Um... Thank you, Meggy?... Someone had to say it.

((M/N)'s POV)

(M/N)-I left him with babysitters! They can't call it neglect if I leave him with babysitters!

A police officer came in with a CPS worker from the Police Department around here with papers for me to give up my son, but there is no way I am signing those, and they are not taking my son anywhere! Do they even know how this will make me look if CPS gets involved and the public learns about this?! I'll be ruined!

(M/N)-Get these papers out of here and if anything, I will call the police on those babysitters! I hired them and now I will have them arrested!

Officer-Ma'am, there is evidence and CPS is already involved. Someone with outside authority got us to cut you a plea deal as long as you sign these.

(M/N)-I said I am calling the police on them and now I will have your job and badge when I am done with you!

I grabbed the papers and tossed them back at them before I went on my phone to call the police myself.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw most of my stuff was packed and all of the girls were with me now and Peach held me when the police were talking to all of us. I didn't even want to look at them because they were taking me from my home. When tears started to come out of my eyes again, I felt Peach stroking my head and Krystal brushed my leg with her tail. My ears were covered by my hands and shirt, so the police could not talk to me. After a while, we started walking away from my house which made me cry even more.

Peach-Please, don't cry, Sweetie. We're going to make sure you have a nice loving home. ~

Daisy-It'll be fun! We can play with you all day and I can even see you wearing all sorts of outfits.

Zelda-In another time... May I see him?

Peach gave me to Zelda and she felt warm and softer to rest on. She even stroked my back in a way that just felt so relaxing.

Zelda-So, where are we going first?

Krystal-We can't get him past security at the teleporters to our worlds until CPS gets everything situated, so until then... We have to stay in this world.

Bayonetta-I have plenty of money for a nice big hotel room.

Rosalina-We're not staying here another night. Just until Isabelle comes back with news.

Vanilla-I think he deserves a treat after... All of that. Do you have a favorite restaurant, Sweetie?

(Waluigi's POV)

Wario and I had binoculars and were watching the kid from a distance. This bought us time to set up our trap for him. It's simple, but genius. When we break this big stick under the boulder, it will make the girls dodge it, and before they know it, we ambush them. It'll take just one direct hit to teach that brat a lesson.

Wario-Wahahaha! Time for the boulder!

Waluigi-Pull the stick!

Wario-Wahahahaha! *grunt*


A smile curved onto my face, but then I was missing something... The boulder was not rolling, so I turned to see it was stuck. Wario climbed on top and started to jump and stomp on it.


Wario-Move you stupid rock!

I went in front of it and tried hitting it with a tennis ball, but nothing. Soon, it was too late because they would all be out of the way by the time it makes it down there.

Waluigi-Stupid piece of hard dirt!

I kicked the bottom of it and a few smaller rocks under it moved...


(No POV)

The boulder finally started rolling when the girls were out of the way and out of sight with (Y/N). Waluigi got crushed and stuck under it asd it rolled down the hill and Wario was running backwards on top.



It smashed into a statue in the neighborhood and Wario crashed into a tree that had woodpeckers on it that started pecking him and Waluigi flew into an open manhole that was under construction.


Waluigi-Uggghhh. *gag* *vomits*


(Marina's POV)

Rouge told us that (Y/N) knows a lot about every fighter and their friends and he's a complete sweetheart. He's just going through a tough time right now, but I would like to get to know him. I just wonder how I should go about it. I thought over it when we got to his favorite restaurant. I expected a restaurant that has games and stuff for kids, but he just picked a cozy Italian restaurant that looked a little fancy too. We had to put tables together and he was so cute when he wanted to just be held by someone and sit on their lap.

Pearl-Hey, can you pass the bread and butter?

Marina-Oh, here.

I just passed it to her while watching (Y/N) getting cozy with Zelda still on the other side of the table. She even performed small bites of magic for him. That's when someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned to see Twintelle was sitting next to me now.


Twintelle-I see you eyeballing the little cutie. Want to see if he'll like to come over here?

Marina-Oh, no thanks. I don't know if he'll find comfort in someone smaller and tentacles for hair... I'm fine watching.

She only gave me a look before she swung her hair over to him to take him from Zelda gently and bring him over her onto her lap. I saw him blush and other girls had a bit of a problem with it since she made other people stare at us.

Twintelle-Hey there. Why is someone as adorable as you not smiling?... Is it because you weren't being held by the most beautiful girl in the world? ~

Just then, ARMS flew across me and snatched (Y/N) again and I looked to see Min Min pulled from across Pearl and I.


Min Min-I bet he just wants to be loved and have some fun later. I can give you upsies better than anyone. Yes, I can. ~

Vanilla-Min Min, be careful with him, please. He's very fragile.

Everyone saw him blushing and Min Min gave him a horse ride on her leg until the food we ordered showed up. Bayonetta agreed to pay for everyone as long as she and Jeane got to feed him during dinner. Jeanne and Bayonetta were being teases about it, but it just made him look even more adorable... I... I...

Marina's mind-I want to do that to him! It's just too cute! They got to have this baby in secret for long enough! ~

(Isabelle's POV)

The papers were never signed, but it didn't make a difference. (Y/N) is now cleared to come back with me to the islands of my home and when (D/N) gets discharged in a few days, he will be going to jail with no bond because he didn't sign. (M/N) also refused to sign, so she was arrested on her little business trip. This brought a smile to my face and I made a group chat with Audia, Olivia, and Ankha to tell them...

Isabelle-Bring his stuff to the teleporters tonight after he says goodbye. He will be staying with us and I will begin the process of adopting him.

(No POV)

Everyone in the group chat was gushing at the thought of (Y/N) living on the islands... Well, all but one.

Ankha's mind-Excuse me... You're adopting him?... I'm adopting him.


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