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((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up this morning, Lapis got a full breakfast from somewhere. Pancakes, eggs, toast, sausage, bacon, juice, crispy hashbrowns, and a fruit bowl. She fed me on the second floor where I slept and had a wall of water up here to 'make things more pretty'. I tried to look out of the water wall, but it was so waving and wiggly to tell what anything was. She would just turn me back to her with another bite of food ready for me. I felt like someone was looking at us and then I noticed something green coming up and coming through the wall...


She didn't say anything and Lapis pulled me into her and watched Peridot get closer.


Peridot-I want to talk about the (Y/N) with you.

Lapis-What about him?

Peridot-I just wish to observe your behavior with him and how he reacts.

I tried to leave, but Lapis pulled me in a little tighter than last time and stood up while holding me like a baby. She only looked at Peridot before she went to a pile of hay to lay down with me.

Lapis-Fine, but keep those machines and pests away from him. He's still fragile and I don't need him worked up even more.

(Peridot's POV)

She was as defensive as ever when it came to him, but I of course already knew that. She began hugging him while (Y/N) looked rather uncomfortable and shifted a lot in that small spot. She rewarded this odd behavior for what humans call,... 'cuddles'. I did something similar, but it was only to observe closely... They don't need to know that. After two hours of watching Lapis cuddling him, I needed to provoke something to trigger a reaction.

Peridot-Besides this, what else do you do for 'fun'?

Lapis-I let him swim in my water and when things calm down, I plan to take him out to play more. I even saw a store with more clothes and one outfit I saw would look so cute on you. ~

His cheeks turned pink which meant he was embarrassed, so I guess embarrassment relates to cuteness on some standards. Mostly by dressing, feeding, cuddling, and playtime. I tried to do something more productive with my time but turned my attention to (Y/N) burying himself in the hay under Lapis in a horrible attempt to hide.

Lapis-(Y/N), where do you think you're going? ~

Suddenly, he busted out from behind the pile and tried to make a run for it to some boxes next to me, but Lapis swiftly caught him when he was in front of me.


Lapis-Gotcha. ~


I did find his little escape attempt amusing to me because of how poorly planned and pathetic it was. It was clearly never going to work, but... I felt a little odd like I did last night.

Peridot-Wait... Mind if I see him for a moment?

Lapis-Huh?... Why do you want him now?

Peridot-Just... a social experiment. Nothing more... It's not like I can go anywhere with him.

She only refused my request and took him back to her side. This only made me feel annoyed and even more so the more I watched. It got to a point where I just went back down and looked at the adults in the cell I made them. I gave them food and water, but they were not nearly as tame or trustworthy to try the things I wanted to do to the (Y/N). The male and female were just so stubborn right now. I would let them go if there wasn't a chance they would bring those gems back to our hiding spot. The female's behavior only added to that as she was yelling at me again, but I didn't hear anything thanks to the soundproof hard light barrier I made.

Peridot-Why do I even care? He's property to Blue Diamond now... Oh yeah, I'm basically a rebel now no thanks to her... And now, I'm talking to myself.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I really had to go to the bathroom and Lapis only took me out and away from the barn to go in a bush. When I went to pee, I tried to sneak away since I got her to look away. I had to get back home to Mommy and Daddy, but when I only took 5 steps away she grabbed me from behind.

(Y/N)-Hey! Put me down!

Lapis-I think you're well enough to go back in the barn.

I just crossed my arms before she flew with me back into the barn while keeping my face in her chest until we got past the water wall. Peridot was up here again and this time came up to us. I sat down on the hay and looked up at both of them... Peridot was not really happy.


Lapis-Wat do you want now?

Peridot-I want him.

Lapis-I said-!

Peridot-You destroyed the real reason why we came here, no doubt are going to anger the Diamonds when they find out, and took my whole life and status from me by doing so! Let me see the (YN)!

Lapis only spread her water wings from her gem and got mad too, so I got nervous.

Lapis-Touch him and you're pebbles.

It looked like they were going to fight and that will just make everything so much worse. The gems will even find us, but I want to get back home on my own for some alone time with my parents. I got in between them and tried to stop them.

(Y/N)-Wait, if you fight, the gems will just come here!

Peridot-Exactly! Just let me see him!

She grabbed my arm and then Lapis grabbed my other arm.

Lapis-Let go of him!

They both started to pull on me and argued about, "Why do you care so much?". Both of them would not answer the question. They kept on fighting over me until...


They stopped fighting, but even if they stop fighting, the gems keep on fighting, and if they are not fighting them, it's going to be a fight with someone else! I just can't take all of this fighting anymore! I would rather be babied again if it meant everyone would stop fighting all the time! When my legs gave out, they just went to the floor to cry and soon Lapis picked me up and pulled Peridot into us for a... I guess a group hug. The fighting stopped and it took me a while to stop crying, but during that time, I heard Lapis say something.

Lapis-If you you poke him with anything that hurts, you deal with me. Got it?

Peridot-*Tch* Whatever. I wasn't going to do that anyway, you clod.

(Lapis's POV)

I hated the idea of sharing (Y/N) with anyone which was the whole reason I did this, but I hated to see him cry like this even more. I sat down with Peridot and she wasn't even enjoying this like I would which made him feel awkward.

Lapis-*Sigh*... Wrap your limb enhancers around him. Hold him close and lay down.

She did what I said and I lied down with her on the floor and he only whimpered now. I gave him the affection he needed and I wanted to give him before closing my eyes for a nap with him.

(Peridot's POV)

I did something like this last night and the feeling was back. He was starting to go back to sleep with Lapis, even when we didn't even need sleep... Curiosity got the better of me, so I closed my eyes too. With only the noises in the dark, I focused on his breathing until it changed. It took a while, but I got cozy enough to really relax and let my worries be cast aside for now... The feeling took over and I felt so strange, but in a good way.

Peridot's mind-Is this... cute?... I guess... this isn't so bad, but why is this happening?... I'll get more data later... I'm too comfortable.

(Garnet's POV)




Ruby and Saphire were furious and it was hard to stay together, but the common goal the both of them and I shared kept me together. That didn't make things better after I only found another empty cave because Saphire... couldn't focus on seeing the future.

Ruby's mind-Where... THE FUCK ARE THEY?!?!?!

Saphire's mind-I can't see, but they are miss handling him!... Th-They are! I just know it! Where is he getting a bath?! If everyone else is dead in Beach City, where will they get food for him when it runs out or expires?! HE'LL STARVE!!!



I punched a hole in the wall of this cliff again and again until I walked off, still angry as I was before. I went off deeper into the fields and forest until I saw something. I headed for it and when I got out of the trees, I saw an old barn that was full of all sorts of junk. Saphire was still too angry and worried to focus and see what outcome was most likely to happen, so I summoned my weapons and walked up to the barn.

Garnet's mind-When I find you, Lapis, I'm going to-!

(Amethyst's POV)

Pearl and Garnet got to go out and search, but of course, Pearl wanted us to flip the locks and turn the basement into (Y/N)'s new room slash cage. We should be out looking for him. When we got the last of the things down here, Pearl took me out with her and we went searching together... We only stopped in the middle of the street.

Amethyst-What now?!

She only responded by doing a pose and holding out a hand.

Pearl-Opal is stronger than the both of us... Let's give her a shot.

(No POV)

Amethyst processed this for a bit and smiled before she struck a pose. They both started dancing with their own styles until they got more in sync with each other. They moved in closer until they fused into a clump of light that grew and an old friend emerged.


Opal stretched a little but then got serious and annoyed really fast when she quickly caught up to what was going on.

Opal-... So, trying to poof her wasn't enough... I'll aim for her gem next.

She walked down the street to begin her search and soon launched high into the air to get a better view of hiding spots.

Opal's mind-If not in town and can't go high without getting spotted... I would find a spot in the wilderness to hide for the time being.

She headed for the forest and as she searched, she pictured (Y/N) in his new room and under her protection after Lapis was shattered. She smiled making her shattered pieces into a mobile to hand and spin over his bed... Maybe she could find Peridot too and add her pieces as well. Her fantasy of (Y/N) sleeping with her while listening to a soft lullaby for him as his new mobile spun made her so happy she shuttered and wiggled her body a little.

Opal-*Chuckles*. ~


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