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(June's POV)

Today was a good day for most kids, but we could hardly get (Y/N) to interact with the other kids. We know kids are super shy at first, but when he got put into a group... I saw him slip away from his group and put himself in a corner. We had the last of the parents picking up their kids, but one... (Y/N). We close in 5 minutes where is he? I know he works at Kinsely's husband's company, so I thought I would check with her to see if she knows anything, but when I got close to the door...

Kinsely-Are you fucking kidding me?! You had him do overtime?! *muffled*

My heart sank a little, knowing that this meant (Y/N)'s dad was not coming and he was looking forward to his dad coming to get him.

Kinsely-I am closing in a matter of minutes!... Don't 'Honey' me!... Marcus?... Marcus?! *muffled*

I walked in and saw Kinsley very annoyed and leaning over her desk. I was going to ask her what happened, but she just looked at me and said...

Kinsely-He hung up on me. Now we are stuck with a kid after hours.

June-Well... I can stay here and-.

Kinsely-No. We all planned to go to my house and if my husband is getting closer to his new favorite employee, he can come over to pick up his son... I just wonder how hard (Y/N) is going to take it.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Miley's POV)


Poor thing was heartbroken when he was told he was coming to Kinsely's house with us. I bounced him in my arms while the others wrapped things up around here before we could head out. I promised him we would bring toys, his dad would meet us there, there would be treats, and we would give him our full attention. Out of all of that... I don't think he was listening and I can't blame the poor kid. Kinsely's husband basically stole his dad from him to keep on working. How do you explain that to a boy his age?

Miley-Hey, hey, hey, heeey, it's going to be ok. You're gonna have some more fun today. We're gonna go on a nice car ride. ~

Just then Bri came over and leaned onto my shoulder to look down at him.


Bri-We all got swimming, karaoke, treats, and cuddles, just for yoooouuu. ~

She poked his nose and he calmed down a little to blush. At least he wasn't screaming his head off anymore no thanks to his piece of shit dad making his son cry like that. Bri took him from me to cradle him and his small form almost fit perfectly in our arms.

Bri-See? We're all friends here. You get to sit in the far back with us... Oh, I forgot one more thing in the deal. ~

(Y/N)-*Whine* H-huh?

She kissed his head and blushed harder for us.

Bri-Kisses! ~

I gave him some kisses too and he curled up.

Miley-Oooooo, you love kisses. We can telllll. ~

We found this adorable and it did help stop his crying, but then Betsy came over and took him from us.


Betsy-That there is enough fer now girls. Lil' fella needs some downtime.

She sat down with us and it was so cute how he would fit in one of her arms so nicely. He was so small to her that his feet rested on her hand as he lied down on her arm. Soon June, Kinsely, Ruth, and Rose came into the playroom and that meant it was time to go, so Betsy gave (Y/N) back to us.


Kinsley-Very good. You calmed him down a little... Well, time to lock up. Let's head to my place girls.

We all left the Daycare and Kinsely locked up before she followed us to the parking lot. All of our cars were taken to her house by other drivers, so we all piled into a big SUV. Betsy just had to have a seat moved in front of her for her legs. During the drive, (Y/N) whimpered and didn't want to look out the windows, so he turned to me.

Miley-Awwwwww. Look at him. ~

Most of them looked at me, but Kinsley was driving. I just took out my phone and did a selfie with him. During the ride, I felt him feeling my abs and pressing on them.

Miley-You like my abs? All of that playtime and former trainer at a gym. ~

He shied away from feeling me and turned into my upper belly again. At a red light, I saw Kinsely turn back to see this and she gushed. We soon made it to her house and when Bri poked him a little, he looked in awe when we got out of the car.


Miley-We're here... Isn't this cool? ~

That's when Kinsely came over and finally took (Y/N) for herself before we walked inside.

(Kinsely's POV)

As crazy as this is still, it's still nice to spend time with a little cutie after work. The first time a child had ever been in this house. We all went to my living room first and (Y/N) looked around and seemed nervous still. I bounced him in my arms while everyone sat down and I turned side to side while standing.

June-What do you want to do first?

Bri-How about a nice movie for him and we can make some drinks and food.

I looked down at (Y/N) and he must be getting hungry and I rubbed his belly a little.

Kinsely-Hmmm... Do you like little hamburger sliders? ~


He shifted when I touched his belly and it was clear how flustered he was. We all just with to the kitchen and I had a perfect little job for him to help us cook. I had him was his hands before he could help June and Rose with the lemonade.

Rose-Not too fast, Honey. You don't want the lemonade to spill.


That was almost a whimper.

June-You're doing so well. Keep it up. ~

I had the others help me with the food and we had some small talk between ourselves, but we mostly gave (Y/N) our attention. There was one thing we were not expecting... When (Y/N) finished helping with the lemonade, he looked outside to see it was almost dark and he broke down. Not only that, we think this was a panic attack for him from the way he was breathing.


All of us reacted at the same time to go to him, but someone made us stop.

Rose-Wait, don't crowd him!

The others stopped, but I went up to and bent down to him when he crawled back to lean on the cabinets to cry. I know he wants nothing more than to be home right now, but all we can do is comfort him. I hated his father so much for being this irresponsible and my husband for causing this.

(Y/N)-*Hyperventilating* *SOBBING*!!!

Kinsely-(Y/N), we need you to take deep breaths. Just deep breath in and deep breath out... Here, we can get you some lemonade. ~

Betsy poured a cup of the cold lemonade and I stayed in front of him to guide him into calming down. When I got the cup, I gave him a few sips and he was still crying, but getting a little better.

Kinsely-Very good, that's it. ~

It took a few more minutes and the others just let me be with him as they cooked. When he was ready to be moved, I took him to the living room to put him on a chair and give him more lemonade.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* I w-w-wanna g-go *hic* *hic* home. *whimper*

Kinsely-I know honey. I know and we're so sorry this is happening.

Making him cry with a panic attack like that. (D/N) should be ashamed of himself...

(Flashback Start)

Today was my 7th birthday and I wanted to go to a waterpark and go swimming, but I'm stuck at my school in an after-school thing... It was 7:00 and that made another promise broken to me from Mommy and Daddy. I just hid in the locker rooms to cry and be alone on my birthday.


I got a message from my Daddy and he said he would make it up to me later. The next message was 'Happy Birthday', but I just put my phone in my locker to ignore it.

(Flashback End)

I was holding him and closed all the curtains in the living room, so he didn't have to look outside to see it was going to be night. He finally calmed down for the most part, but the damage has already been done...

Kinsely-I'm sorry your daddy didn't pick you up, but I think I know something that will cheer you up. It's better than any present, treat, or toy put together. ~

He looked at me confused until I put him on the couch and smiled at him.

Kinsely-How would you like a mommy to take care of you? Someone who shows nothing, but love and care, and will 'never' forget you. ~

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kinsely-Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, choo, choo. ~

I opened my mouth to take a pit of this mini cheeseburger and the bun was a sweet Hawaiian roll. She wanted to feed me because she said that this is what a mommy does and I should give it a try. Everyone loved watching her feed me on her lap and that baby talk made me feel weird. When we were done eating, she put me on the floor with her and had me sit in front of her.

Kinsely-Are you ready to play a little game? ~

(Y/N)-Wh-What game?

Kinsely-Just copy what I do with my hands.

I did what she said and this was a game of patty cake like I saw on T.V. once and she was even singing. I didn't feel so comfortable and wanted to disappear, but when the game was over, I was picked up from behind by Rose and I looked back at her.


Rose-Don't forget that we brought some toys too. We can play, but then I want to do a little checkup on your hair, eyes, mouth, and ears.

Kinsely-Actually, it's getting close to an actual bedtime. Let's do that during a cartoon for him. I'll help you check him.

Rose gave me to Kinsely and she left to get a few things. When she came back, Kinsely got a cartoon on for me, but she started with my eyes and shined a tiny flashlight into them. I followed her instructions and my eyes felt funny with the light. When she was done, she lifted my shirt and looked in my belly button with her flashlight.

Rose-This could stand for a little cleaning too... *deep breath*

She blew on my tummy and it tickled a lot and made my curl up and squirm.


Even awed and cooed at me until I stopped laughing and Kinsely put my head on her lap and made me lay down on the couch while Rose cleaned my belly button a little and she was very gentle. Kinsely rubbed my head while I watched a cartoon a little but I was mostly watching Rose clean me. She then came up to my head and turned me to my side before giving Kinsely the flashlight to shine into my ear.

Rose-Ok, just hold still and we're going to make those ears squeaky clean. *whisper*

Her voice felt nice in my ears, but when she put the scooping thing in my ear, the squishy stuff was moving around and it felt icky.

Rose-Oh, my god... Honey, how does your daddy clean your ears?

(Y/N)-Um... He just lets me use a Q-tip or my finger.

Rose-Oh... Honey, that's a very bad way to do it, so you can't do that anymore. Lucy for you, I'm cleaning it now and thankfully before your poor ears got infected. ~

That's when Ruth came over to help take a look and even had a napkin with her as Rose kept on cleaning my ear.


Ruth-Oh my goodness... It's so dark and hard now. I'm going to get some olive oil for him. Hold on.

Betsy-Anything else, Suger Cube needs help with?

Rose-I can see his hair looks okay for the most part, but I wanna get it combed so I can check it more.

Kinsely-My husband has tons of them in our bathroom unused. Just grab one.

Bri-Anything June, Miley, and I can do?

Everyone tried to help me and Bri even rubbed my feet. Everything felt weird, but some of it felt really nice. I didn't even watch the cartoon, so they changed it to music when I was flipped over to get my other ear cleaned. My first ear wax thing came out in one big piece before she wiped the inside of my ear with cotton. It made it hard to think from how good it felt... I felt my mouth open on its own when my head got fuzzy and the same thing was happening again in my other ear, but this time...


(Kinsely's POV)

He didn't notice us taking pictures and his yawn was just so adorable, but we wanted him to be completely clean before bed. I even got him to take a little bath in my big sink in the kitchen and June put his clothes in the washer. After letting him soak when he was all clean, he fell asleep and we put his clothes in the dryer. We all adored him before I put him in a guest bedroom bed and sat by his side. Everyone stayed in the room with me, so I showed him his 'special care' purchases for the daycare. June and Betsy saw this and the storage room is ready to be given a new purpose...

Kinsely's mind-This is going to be for (Y/N)'s own little nursery. ~

When I thought that, (Y/N) was just a cute little baby sneeze in his sleep that woke him up a little.


Kinsely-*Chuckles* Come here baby. You can snuggle with Mama tonight. I'll be right here while you're asleep. ~

When I cuddled with him and wrapped my arm around him, he looked at me with groggy eyes. The girls looked a little envious of me snuggling with him and I saw a few tails sway, but the most obvious was June.

(Timeskip 1AM)

((D/N)'s POV)

Tonight was the fucking best and my boss's wife got to take my son to her home. He said they tried to have a kid for months once, but something was wrong when she would never get pregnant for some reason. We pulled up to his house after our celebration and I laughed when I fell to the ground. We got inside and my head was starting to hurt.

Mr. Callahan-Just... get your boy and go home. Enjoy your day off *hic* tomorrow.

(D/N)-(Y/N)!... (Y/N)!

I went around the house to look for him when my boss went to his room to pass out on his bed. After a bit more searching, I found (Y/N) in a room with all the caretakers of the Daycare. My boss's wife and the fluffy-tailed nurse slept in the bed with him while the others were on makeshift beds on the ground.


They were all so peaceful sound asleep... Too bad I gotta get him home.


Everyone woke up and I heard whining on the bed before everyone looked at me and I tripped over Betsy. Other groans could be heard.

Miley-What is wrong with you?

(D/N)-Hey, don't mind *hic* me. I just gotta get my son, get dropped off at the parking garage, and go home.

June-You're not driving! You're drunk!

(D/N)-Oh, please! I'm an expert driver, so a few shots are not going to hurt-!

Just then I was hit on the hit by something and when my face hit the ground I passed out.

(Betsy's POV)

There is not a chance in hell that this drunk slob is going to be driving, let alone with his son in the car. (Y/N) was whining and groaning up on the bed, but wanted to come over to see his pa over the bed. It looked like he was sleeping when I knocked him out, but I got up to pick him up and lied him back down between Kinsely and Ruth.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* D-Daddy.

Kinsely-No honey. He's sleeping after being super rude. *yawn* Let's go back to sleep. ~


Betsy-Don't worry, Pumpkin. Ol' Betsy will take good care of him down here.

With that, we all went back to sleep, but the smell of booze on him was annoying, so I took him out to the living room and put him on the couch. He can go in the morning when he's able to drive. By the time I went back to sleep, I heard (Y/N)'s soft snores being music to my ears.

Betsy's mind-Such a Cutie Pie... Why does his pa have to be as dull as a rock?


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