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(Holli's POV)

We just got our gifts from (Y/N) and they were very nice and thoughtful, but despite these nice gifts, our meeting last night still played over in my head. The best we could come up with was very risky still. Kitty still had that thing in her room, but...

(Flashback Start)




She shook her paw a little when she took the lid off of the glass bowl and then put on an oven mitt before she took it out. This is the most powerful thing we have, but now it's acting crazy.

Madonna-So what are we doing with this thing again?

Millie-It can ring out all sorts of people if it did the same to us. If we can get all of our worlds out somehow then it will be chaos that we can use to simply slip away... Or most likely have demons take over the world.


Millie-Well... Yeah, we have demons like the king of hell Lucifer. What do you think might happen?

Kitty-How about we don't bring the king of hell here?!

Madonna-One demon is already more than enough!

Dawn-Stop yelling. You're gonna wake up Planetina and (Y/N) down the hall... Also, that's a no on bringing hell here.

Millie-Well if this world learns about us, the government is going to hunt us. We need an army too.

Dawn-What we need is to learn more about this thing and how it works.

Holli-With what? We only have the remote and a fucking T.V. to go off of. The same thing doesn't work twice and last time it nearly blew up.

Kitty-Yeah, I'm not a fan of this thing blowing up.

We all kept on arguing on what to do and the conclusion was trying to bring our worlds here even when we have no idea how, if it's possible, or if it won't just kill us all.

(Flashback End)



I looked down to see my feet were in my new spa and (Y/N) was on my lap. It looks like he was trying to get my attention

(Y/N)-Do you like it?

Holli-Oh, of course, I do Honey... Are you hungry? ~

(Y/N)-Not really... Can we play a game together?

Holli-Mommy doesn't really do much video games and she has a lot on her mind... We can watch a show and cuddle if you want.


He got comfy by laying his head down on my lap and letting me pick something for us while the others enjoyed their gifts. Madonna couldn't stop looking in the mirror like she was a queen. Suddenly, Dawn came over and held a strawberry juice-soaked pacifier up to (Y/N) and he took it to suck on it like it was candy. He just turned over to nuzzle into my belly, so I petted his head while watching my show as my feet were having a little spa day. Kitty sat on the couch and put his legs onto her lap while holding her little plushie (Y/N) got her. Everything was great until (S/N) came in to clean with (G/N) and (Y/N) got up to go hug them.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* *muffled*. ~

(S/N) gave him a look that we did not like her giving, but when Millie snapped her fingers, she flinched and immediately stopped. She really whipped her and her becoming a human swing for us and her own little brother, knocked her down a few pegs. Planetina went over and picked (Y/N) up and he wrapped his arms around her with his head on her shoulder.

Planetina-(S/N), I'm going to have you help clean the pool. I wanna go swimming tonight with my baby.

She took her outside and left (G/N) in here with us to clean. She still looked whiny when we stared at her.

((S/N)'s POV)

I was seriously about to lose my shit with all of them if this kept up and now I was forced to scrub and sweep the inside of the pool after Planetina drained it. Meanwhile, she told (Y/N) to go play around in the yard or walk around in her new garden. He grabbed onto me and the first thing he asked was...

(Y/N)-Can I swing on her or grandma again?! It's swinging and cuddles put together!

Planetina-Sorry Sweetie. They are busy right now, but maybe later... I think I saw butterflies go into my garden for the pretty flowers. ~ Oh, but don't touch their wings at all, they are super sensitive.

He ran to the garden and even put his hands in his pockets before he went inside. Planetina made me get to work, but when I started sweating out here in the sun... I dropped the broom.

(S/N)-Can I just do the rest later? How long have I been doing this anyway?

Planetina-... 7 Minutes. Keep going.

(S/N)-Why can't you do this?! You have all the power to get this done in seconds!

Planetina-Because I heard what you tricked (Y/N) into doing!

(Planetina's POV)

She was going to argue more, but I just showed a few flames to shut her up and put her back to work. Meanwhile, I went to my garden and saw (Y/N) sitting in and enjoying some freshly picked blueberries and I sat down to put him on my lap. He did his own thing as I watched until he got up to go run around and I went to go check on (S/N)... She was basically dragging her feet on the job and I had enough of her whinny crap. I pulled her out and quickly cleaned the pool myself before I threw her on a chair.

(S/N)-I was cleaning! What are you so mad about?!

Planetina-You were still on the same wall where I left you! Are you this incapable?!

(S/N)-Now you have a problem with incapable?! Look at (Y/N)!

Planetina-Your brother is just fine and even better without you!

(S/N)-Oh yeah, look at where he's going across the yard!

I turned to him running for something, so I flew up until I saw the road and there was a white van that had 'Free Candy and Wi-Fi' painted on it.


(S/N)-He's only and always going to be a kiss ass in life like men who know their fucking place will! I even had 12 boys line up to is my-!


We both turned to see Millie at the door glaring at her and (S/N) lost all of her color... I didn't have time to see how this plays out.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I got to the van when I hoped they had Milky Ways chocolate. I wanted to bring more back home. When I knocked on the door I saw a lady out the door and she was shaking a little, but smiled when she saw me.

Lady-Oh... hello.

(Y/N)-Hi! My name is (Y/N) and I'm here for the free candy! I want Milky Ways, Snickers, Peanut Buttercups, Hershey's,-.

Lady-Now, now, I have free candy for you, but it's special. ~


She got out of her van and picked me up to put me in and it smelled a little funny in here... I wonder if it's the candy.

Lady-Just wait here and I'll get ready and show you how to get it.

I was bouncing in place as I was sitting down and she pointed to the other door in here before she closed the one I came in at.

Lady-J-Just give me a moment!


I heard a bit of laughter until I heard other noises outside. I wonder if this is how the candy was made, but I didn't see a machine outside... Maybe it's magic like my mommies are. It was quiet for a little while until the doors opened and...



I ran up to her and jumped in her arms.

(Y/N)-Where did the candy lady go?

Planetina-Oh, she... decided to go give candy to the poor little boys and girls, but I told her we would get plenty of candy for you. Whatever you want... I even know where you can get super duper sized candy.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Like double king size?!

Planetina-As big as your cute little head. ~

She rubbed her nose on mine before we started to walk home and I waved goodbye to the van. When we got home, I saw Madonna outside and Planetina gave me to her.


Planetina-Can you take him inside?

Madonna-Millie is doing... unspeakable things in there.

Planetina-Well, I'm going to be busy out here. Also, we are going to be ordering candy online.

She sighed and took me inside and turned me into her while I heard kissing noises in the living room. I think we went to her room, but when she put me on her bed...


It sounded like it came from outside.

(Y/N)-What was that?

Madonna-Let's just do some simple tasks. Keeping that back straight will be a nice start.

I kept my back straight for her and we did a few more lessons that she liked. Some of them were funny even when she said they were not meant to be funny... Books on top of my head are funny. It's like wearing socks on my ears, shoes on my hands, and when Grandma said I could put a belt around my neck.

Madonna-This is not working... How about we will work on our word problems until dinner?


Madonna-Hmmm... A stranger offers you a piece of candy and you do not know them. What do you do?

(Y/N)-Is it chocolate?

Madonna-It doesn't matter what piece of candy it is. Do you take it or not?

(Y/N)-No... But what kind of candy was it?

Madonna-... The candy is not there.

(Y/N)-But then why would they offer candy? The candy lady was going to give me lots of her special candy outside.

Madonna-We are not talking about-... I don't want to know. The point is there was never any candy. They were a dirty liar.

(Y/N)-Oh... I get it now!

Madonna-Good... Now, you come across a 'stranger' offering you a ride on their horse or... car. What do you do?

(Y/N)-Oh, I ask for a ride home!

Madonna-We have been over this one.

(Y/N)-Oh, no!

Madonna-And why not?

(Y/N)-Um... Hmmmmm... No Uber sticker?

Madonna-... *Sigh*... Perhaps something simpler.

(Madonna's POV)

I am literally giving him helpful advice and he can't even comprehend that. It's amazing how ignorant he is and beyond lucky we came along. The next lesson only proved that fact. I put him on the ground and gave him a green paper and a red paper. The test was...

Madonna-If you press the green paper, you get cuddles from any Mama you want.

He instantly put his hand on the green paper, but I took it off.

Madonna-If you press on the red paper you get cuddles from your grandma, sister, and (M/N), but after they will get to smack you and call you names.

He spent almost a full moment thinking about this before he stacked the papers and pressed on them with both hands. I made the same choices, but harder. If he drops the book on head, it means no more cuddles from his sister and grandma... Now, he was on the ground whimpering because I threatened 'no more cuddles' and I could watch this.

Madonna-*Sigh* Disregard that last one. You can have cuddles still... Mostly from us.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Ok.

Madonna-Why do you want to cuddle them after they hit and yell at you? Even Cinderella would have enough sense to dislike that person.

(Y/N)-Because I love them and I know hitting me makes them feel better.

Madonna-... Nap time.

I meant this as a punishment, but all he did was take my hand and pull me to his bed for cuddles during the nap. It felt so nice and he looked so cute and nuzzled into me.

Madonna's mind-Get up and walk away. This is supposed to be a punishment... Why do I indulge this from him and not anyone else?

(Timeskip To Dinner)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie and I were eating out in the living room with my sister, but Millie said she was going to be giving special kisses to her and I got the normal kisses. I'm happy my sister gets to feel special again, but I don't know why she needs to be under a blanket while I kind of sit on her while on my Mama's lap to be fed.

Millie-Open up for the yummy ravioli. ~


She gave me the bite and I can get some garlic bread next. I looked at my lap to think about my sister under us giving Millie more kisses... What was she kissing anyway? I stopped thinking about it when Millie held up a mozzarella cheese-filled meatball to me.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Ahhhhh.

Millie-*Chuckles* Is it yummy? Your Mommy Kitty helped make them with your sister. ~

I looked over to Kitty and waved when I took the bite and she waved back to me and when I swallowed I looked down at (S/N).


(Y/N)-Thank you, (S/N).

She only kept on giving our Mama more kisses on I think her upper legs. For the rest of dinner, I noticed Mama Millie never used the steak knife. There was no dessert tonight because the candy was coming tomorrow and they were going to be huge. Kitty came over and took my hands.

Kitty-Come on, hijo. We're going to get in a bath and have some play time before bed.

(Y/N)-I wanna play a video game from my room. I can even set it up.

Kitty-Bath time comes first. Let's go and you can play with your new bath toys.

I followed her to the bathroom and sat down on the floor with my hands up after she turned on the water.

((G/N)'s POV)

That woman they killed was a friend of one of my friends who got away with kidnapping children. I thought if (Y/N) was gone these women would at least ease up and (Y/N) could still feel loved in a way. I was lucky to keep that call under radar. (S/N) thinks she can turn the girls on him, but that is beyond hopeless. We can't beat them either, so we just have to get rid of (Y/N) somehow.

(G/N)'s mind-How hard was it to get a boy in a van and drive off? I even promised he was yours to do whatever with if that wasn't enough motivation.


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