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((Y/N)'s POV)


I jumped into the pool off of the bridge and thought about the swimming lessons the staff gave me... I just couldn't stay above water for very long, so Vanilla, Rosalina, and Palutena were there to catch me if I started to go under. I wanted to at least really swim for a while and have them teach me too, but when I got tired they just put me in a floatie. Everyone was having a good time swimming, sunbathing, or even having a drink at the stand we had here. We even had a net set up out here for volleyball and Peach and Daisy were a very good team... Dais would just celebrate more after each score. Sally and Bunnie were having a hard time. The sun was going down a little, but it was still hot when the sun kept on hitting me, so I went to the stand where Bayonetta and Jeanne were.


Bayonetta-The nerve of the fool. He thought a picture would make me fall in line.


They both turned to look at me when I tried to go into the stand, but Bayonetta picked me up and pulled my feet out of the cool water to put me on her lap.

Bayonetta-What do you think you are doing?

(Y/N)-I'm trying to get some fruit and tropical punch.

Jeanne-Well, we can't in good conscience let you go back that. Just wait here, Little One.

She went back and got the stuff I asked for and she and Bayonetta wanted to feed me the grapes, strawberries, and pineapple she got me. I finished my fruit and drink before Bayonetta put me back in the water to go play.

Bayonetta-Don't go too far. I may want something to cuddle later.

Phosphora-Don't mind if I do!

I was grabbed from behind and swung around to see I was being held by Phosphora and Daisy was with her to plant a kiss on my cheek. My face burned up when I looked at both of them.


Daisy-Hey, we need a 3rd teammate for dodgeball. Just stay on our side of the court and look cute for us. There's cake if we win!

(Y/N)-But the cake is not done, yet... And it's big enough for everyone, so it's for everyone.

Phosphora-See? Cake. Just like we promised. Extra cuddles for you, let's go.

(Ankha's POV)

I was sunbathing all alone while watching (Y/N) play dodgeball with Phospra, Daisy, Peach, Blaze, and Krystal. He was no beach babe, but he was a baby that I didn't mind watching. Suddenly, Isabelle, Rouge, and Amy came over to sunbathe or just dry off.


Amy-Are you sure you're done swimming?

Isabelle-It's not so hot out anymore, plus we should get ready to head inside for dinner soon.

Rouge-I heard that. This has been fun.


Blaze-Phosphora, he's not a ball!

We looked over to Krystal holding (Y/N) and she took him out of bounds when she got hit with the ball. The girls continued with the game and I caught Isabelle giving her phone a look before she sighed.

Ankha-... What are you looking at?


She tossed her phone before she caught it and pressed random buttons to go on something else.

Amy-Jeez. What's making you so jumpy?

Rouge-Are you taking pictures of the little cutie over there? ~

Isabelle-Wh-What?! That's ridiculous! Who would do that?!

Rouge showed us her phone and it was a picture of her and (Y/N) on her lap in a little pose as her wallpaper.

Rouge-I even got mistaken as an adoptive mother on my page.


Rouge-Isn't it just adorable? ~

I went on my phone after wiping the lotion off my hands and saw 9 other pictures of (Y/N) on her page and I have pictures of us together too. I wanted to keep those to myself, but... I posted them and waited for replies.

Rouge-*Tch* Copycat.

We stayed out here for a while longer until everyone started to get dried off in time for dessert. On the way inside to get changed I saw a file of the paper we would need to bring (Y/N) to live on our island on her phone. I smiled and leaned over her, but she jolted and I didn't even say the best part.

Ankha-Oh Isabelle... Was that your signature on the dotted line? ~

Isabelle-*Shhhh*!... Don't tell the mayor! *whisper*

Ankha-I wouldn't dream of it... As long as he comes over to visit. ~

Not like he wasn't going to find out later anyway. I guess it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. When I got changed in the bathroom, I saw myself smiling in the mirror when I was in my sleepwear.


Ankha-*Chuckles* I wonder how you would feel about cuddles with me tonight? ~

(Olivia's POV)

I was with Audie getting a quick wash to get the chlorine off of us and many were joining us while (Y/N) took a shower of his own. We all got into something cozy to sleep in and later Olivia and I went out first to go to the living room. Looks like (Y/N) already beat us out here and was watching a show.


We sat next to him and he smiled, so I gave the little guy and nice big hug and he smelled so nice after his shower.

Olivia-Hey, thanks for the fun party.

Audie-You're just the sweetest little thing! ~

He blushed a little for us, but he returned my hug playfully until the chefs said the cake was done and started to wrap things up. That started by putting slices of cake out for everyone as they went to the dining room to set them on the table. By the time they finished the last of the cleaning, they all left us as they looked at the living room full of Smash Fighters and their friends with the child of this house. When we were left alone, we all made sure to clean up after ourselves and even played with (Y/N). He had table games, board games, and video games, but some of us had other things in mind...

(Y/N)-So, what am I supposed to do again?

Audie-Just lay down and hold still with Cream back to back.

Vanilla-We will be right here. Just tell us when to stop.


((Y/N)'s POV)

They all started to roll both of us in blankets, but staying back to back was too hard and Cream scooted up, so my face was in her neck and her chin was on my head. Everyone smiled and giggled while getting pictures... Even Cream was laughing a little while nuzzling into me.

(Y/N)-You like this?

Cream-A little.

The game kept on going until we were wrapped in 5 blankets and now they took pictures and cooed at us. My face was burning up, mostly from Phosphra, Daisy, Bayonetta, and Ankha cooing at us I just hid my face in Cream's neck which made them even louder and harder to ignore. I felt someone kiss my cheek and I didn't know who it was until...

Vanilla-My daughter looks so happy. you look so cute together. ~

When she rubbed my head a little I felt someone jump on top of the blanket and when Cream and I both looked, we saw Bunnie and Audie.


Bunnie-Cozy in there Sugar Plums? ~

Just then I get Cream slip her arms around me a little to hug me and she giggled. Audie poked my nose and licked my forehead.

(Y/N)-What was that for?

Audie-Could you stop me?

(Y/N)-... No.

She licked me again and some of the girls helped pick up us and move us to the couch with extra pillows to lay our heads on. I was facing Cream's neck and the wall, but I could see camera flashes and hear clicks of them taking pictures. When I said I didn't want to be in here anymore, they started to let us out and I stretched. I went to the game room where we had ping pong and stuff with most of the girls and Cream and I played foosball and her mom helped her. This was fun, but it was time for me to go to bed and I wanted to ask something.

(Y/N)-So, when are we getting up to go to the tournament tomorrow?

A few of them looked at each other and Palutena came up to me.

Palutena-We think it would be best if we stay here tomorrow and have a serious talk in the morning.

I know the way adults talk and when it's like that, it's almost nothing good. I started to get a little nervous, but then Rouge wrapped a wing around me, so I looked at her in her robe.


Rouge-Hey, it's getting late. Why don't a few of us head to bed with you? Keep you company and in the morning, we'll have that talk.

I was still nervous, but she, Ankha, Palutena, Peach, and Rosalina all came to my room with me. Rouge kept me wrapped in her wings, even when we lied down, but I was worried I was hurting her when I lied on top of one of her wings. She only smiled and Rosalina got behind me and pressed me against her and Rogue before Ankha got on top of me... I never cuddled this much and... it felt so cozy and relaxing.

Palutena-Are you comfy, Little Man? ~

(Y/N)-Yes... But, can I scoot up a bit?

The only answer I got was Rouge pushing me down deeper and even if her chest was soft, I felt my face burn up from embarrassment. Ankha stayed on top of me and played with my hair, but my embarrassment slowly left my body and made me super when I heard Peach humming something and Rosalina came over to kiss my head.

Everyone waited for the song to be over and the last thing I heard was Peaches's voice.

Peach-I hoped you enjoyed that Sweetheart... Everything will be just fine in the morning. ~

I looked up at her really tired and she kissed my head, but I was confused about what she meant.


Peach-Goodnight. ~

Rouge turned me back into her and I closed my eyes. I thought about what they wanted to talk about in the morning that was so important.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Samus's POV)

We were trying to make this morning very special for (Y/N) to help soften the blow. We had conversations behind his back and an even longer one last night. He simply can't stay here with a family that is hardly around. It's just cruel. Rosalina and I made breakfast ourselves and Peach and Daisy were having him sit in the middle of them at the table. I suggested we wait until after he eats and whoever sat next to him would help provide extra support while the rest of us break the news to him... Soon, it was time.

Samus-(Y/N), we need to have that talk now.


He already looked nervous, so we need to do this slowly.

Samus-What we are about to say is only for the best. Even if it is scary.

(Y/N)-Um... ok.

Vanilla-We know you are a sweet boy and you are not in anyway in any trouble here, but we do need to address something... Really, it's about you sleeping at a nightclub a lot, your parents not being home, and the staff not being legal caregivers. Your home school teacher doesn't even count for that.

He shifted in his seat a little, but Peach just pulled him up to her lap and Daisy took his old seat to lean up to him.

Krystal-You understand that even your mommy left you when you needed her most. That is not okay and she can get in trouble for that.

(Y/N)-B-But I was with all of you.

Bayonetta-At last moment's notice. She didn't even hire someone to look after you when she knew she was leaving.

Isabelle-In any of our worlds that is not only frowned upon, but that is illegal.

His breathing was changing, so we couldn't drag this out anymore. We just have to rip the band-aid off and I guess someone else saw this too.

Blaze-(Y/N), Sweetie... We 'have' to call the police and report this neglect.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Isabelle's POV)

It was heartbreaking to see him this upset as police were here and questioned all the staff that were coming in and none of them ith authorized for legal child-care of this level because they thought someone else was. The Night Club was even looked into and caught (Y/N) there several times and sometimes not on the top private floor when he was all alone. That's when CPS got involved, but I dealt with them by stating I will care for him and showed the papers to make him a citizen in my world... I was on thin ice to keep (Y/N), but they didn't take him... It didn't stop him from crying into Samus and Sally was rubbing his back while Cream was hugging him. The rest of us were packing his things since he could not stay here. As for his parents... I was heading to a police car to go see (D/N) in the hospital now.

Officer-Maybe it's a bad time, but I got a kid that's a fan of Smash and plays a lot of Animal Crossing... Think you and your friends could sign something?

Isabelle-Umm... I can sign something right now. Do you have a pen and paper?

Officer-It's a stuffed animal of you and your friends. In the trunk.

I thought that was rather sweet of a father, but it didn't make this moment that much better. When we made it to the hospital I followed him inside and e found the room for his father. In this world, he can be looking at $2,000 in fines and a year in jail. Suddenly, when I saw his room number... I felt a jolt of anger rush through me as I gripped the papers I had.

Isabelle-... *Sigh* Calm down. *whisper*


Isabelle-Nothing. Let's just inform him and you can arrest him.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, back at the house, the police were still talking to the girls separately and they said that Isabelle would be taking him in during the case. (Y/N) was still crying and hoping that this was not happening. However...

Vanilla-It does sound nice for a temporary home, but I plan for him to stay with me.

Somewhere else at the house.

Krystal-There is plenty of room on my ship.

Also... Someone came to visit Rouge to after getting her location online, but their whole group was surprised when they saw cops.


Meggy-What happened here?


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