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(Lyla's POV)

I just sent another 'report' to Miguel while I was rocking (Y/N) back and forth to constantly soothe him while he still looked affected by the sedative drugs I gave him. He looked so cute and I even gave him a baby bottle with juice for 2 reasons. I tried a regular cup of water and it mostly spilled and he just looks so adorable like this. I could do anything I wanted to him and all he could do was sit there and barely know what was going on.

Lyla-Oh (Y/N). How's my special little man? ~

(Y/N)-I'm... Whaaat?

Lyla-*Giggles* Don't worry about it. ~

I felt like this could last forever and the thought of that put a smile on my face.

(Gwenpool#1's POV)

Alright, I got my plan and a super badass team I have assembled from other universes that have agreed to help me grab a kid, but not inappropriately. I took us to a briefing room and I know what they must be thinking. "Gwenpool, isn't this the backroom of a coffee shop you just met She-Hulk at?" And to that I say,... "Shut the fuck up, you try getting a briefing room at a moment's notice when you are not in S.H.E.I.L.D. We got a whiteboard, markers, and chairs. It's close enough." I pulled up my boots and whacked my palm with a ruler like a general... I always wanted to do that. When I turned to my team, I felt like a proud mother.


Gwenpool#1-Alright ladies! The mission is simple, but daring! The universe we are going to will have Spider-Men, women, cats, dogs, a fucking T-Rex waiting for you to bend over!

She-Hulk-... Do you want to rephrase that?

Gwenpool#1-No time! We have a little boy to say and damn it all, we are going to be 'FUCKING' heroes of this picture! At this moment, we will be known as-!

Thor-Wait, these Spider-People and animals are all evil?

Gwenpool#1-Or at the very least, have a crazy leader. It happens all the time in cults, politics, kingdoms, armies, or some online gaming clan that calls you and your team bitches and later finds themselves with broken fingers and a tail plug in where their insults came from.

Black Widow-... What?

Gwenpool#1-Now, let's go!

They all put their watches on and I opened a portal and they made their own too. I jumped into mine and soon arrived in the future Spider-Man world... Good-new 2099.

I saw other portals open in different locations and I smiled.

Gwenpool#1-Here we come with our pants down, 2099. ~

(No POV)

The first one to come through a portal was the female Thor in all her glory as she did a superhero landing.


Gwenpool was filled with excitement when Thor raised her hammer into the air and Gwenpool pulled out her phone to record it. She crossed her fingers hoping she would say the words...


Lightning struck her hammer and enveloped her whole body for an amazing shot... Unfortunately, she never did it in another dimension and her watch started to go crazy since Felicia's version didn't count on electric attacks at that level. Not only did it break, but it escalated the process of glitching as it opened 5 portals that each got a limb or head before they started to close.


All that was left when they instantly closed was her torso which fell to the ground in a glitchy and bloody mess.

Gwenpool#1-*GASP* NO!!! HOLY FUCKING HILLBILLIES ON DONKEYS!!!... Okay, I still have two

The other portals were side by side and She-Hulk and Black Widow came out, but She-Hulk came out glowing from gamma radiation and glitching.


The placement of atoms was so violent from the radiation that She-Hulk was burning herself and tried to get back into the portal, but her watch exploded from the gamma radiation and it closed on her hand to cut it off.


She rolled around in pain while glitching violently.

Gwenpool#1-Oh my god. That is going to give me so much nightmares. *gag*

Black Widow tried to do something about her friend and get her into a portal of her own, but when she got too close, she started to break out in hives and radiation burns. The first thing to close was her throat and she gagged and choked on her blood while gasping for air.

Gwenpool#1-Really?!... What the fuck?!

Gwenpool#1 watched what was left of her team burn up in radiation and glitched when the last watch blew up from the intensity of Black Widow's condition. She saw both her and She-Hulk pop like bloody bubbles she took off her mask to throw up.

(Gwenpool#2's POV)

I got the last of the equipment I needed and #3 came with me to 2099's universe. What was supposed to be a badass entrance as we walked in slow-motion, was ruined by the sight of #1 throwing up on the outskirts of the city.


Gwenpool#2-What the fuck happened to you?!

Gwenpool#3-Where's the temp team you said you were getting?

Gwenpool#1-*Gag* I-I don't wanna talk about it.

Gwenpool#2-Ok, well if they are not here then come with us. We need more help getting in.

Gwenpool#1-... Coming.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Strawberries?... No, blueberries... Or is it grapes? What was I eating that tasted yummy? The computer lady gave me another bite while rocking me on the bed until a red flashing light with loud beeping went off... Pretty light... I reached for it until I was covered in a blanket.

Speaker-Intruder alert, intruder alert! All stations-!

Just then it went completely dark and scary. I just curled up and held onto my blanket and the computer lady was gone... When less bright lights came on, she came back and we heard an explosion.


Computer-No!... No, no, no, no!

She was trying to do something and it only showed a red screen.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, all security protocols were shut down and the villains were freed all around the base for every Spider-Person to fight. Even Gwen and Peni were freed and the first they they did was go for their suit and gear while they heard more and more explosions. That's when Peni noticed something...

Peni-Miguel?... You had this?!

Meanwhile out in the rest of the Spider-Society they were trying to contain the villains that had escaped, some of which were just trying to get out of the building and succeded with Spider-People on their tail. During the chaos, 3 people snuck in by using the vents and less populated hallways.


(Gwenpool#3's POV)

#1 was still shaken but did not want to talk about what happened to the small team she gathered to bust in here guns blazing. She even got sick again on the way in. We were now looking for (Y/N) and that was going to be hard, but if he talked about being put in a lab... and if I know lab locations for bad guys and mad scientists they would either be near the top floor or down in the basement... A grown man recruits and manipulates mostly teen superheroes... Creepy basement lab.

Gwenpool#3-Ok, it's a simple find the lab, grab (Y/N), get out, get them back to the boss, and-. Is that a fucking Santa sack again?!

Gwenpool#2-... I paid $300 for a sack of this quality. I'm fucking using it. Besides, he might be tired and not able to walk. Creepy fucks that kidnap people love sedative drugs down the long. It's like peanut butter and chocolate. It just works.

Gwenpool#1-It was my idea first! Give me that!

Gwenpool-Hey! Fuck off!

They both started to fight over the sack and I just continued to walk forward. There was nobody in this hallway and it made me wonder why. I thought at least some villains would take a wrong turn down here, but soon we saw a door get punched and pried open before we saw 2 people come out.


(Gwen's POV)

We were going to go get (Y/N), some new watches, and get out of here. That was the plan, but now... we were looking at 3 odd soldier versions of me and two of them were holding a Christmas-looking sack. The one with blue straps holding her swords smiled at me.

???-Heeey, you're a Spider-Woman version of us. Soooo, wanna be besties and let us pass?

Gwen-Who are you?!

???-Oh, well, I'm Gwenpool#3, this is Gwenpool#1 and Gwenpool#2. You know speaking of missions...

Gwen-I didn't say anything about a mission.

Gwenpool#3-Well, we should. Your boss ordered a bunch of creepy fucks to kidnap a little boy, so if you excuse us.

They were after (Y/N)! I was not going to let them have him, but then we all heard something... A motorcycle.

Gwenpool#2-By chance, do you all have an indoor race tra-?

Just then, Jess came around the corner and swung the back of her motorcycle at her to send that Gwenpool to a wall and her small team backed her up.


Jess-None of you move! Mary, Julia, go get (Y/N)!

Gwenpool#1-Eh, eh, eh! We call dibs on him!

She pulled out swords and threw one at Jess's tires and popped the front one. She only did a wheelie to fight while her team went for (Y/N). I just webbed Mary's leg, but she gripped the ceiling to stay up and I never had this much trouble pulling something down. How strong was her wall-crawling ability?

Mary-Julia, go!

I tried to Web her too, but she shot a web at mine to block it and Mary caught me by surprise and kicked me in the face. Peni only has a few gadgets, but not a functioning suit with her pider being taken to another part of the base.

Gwenpool#1-I got-!

Gweenpool was hit with a popped tire and sent flying to the wall, but I noticed one of the Gwenpools were gone!

Gwen's mind-NO!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

The computer lady was trying to stay in here, but she was forced to leave and glitch for some reason. I rolled out of bed and crawled to the door, but it would not open. I barely heard her over the flashing lights, loud noises, and crying from being so scared. I could barely think straight at all. When the door finally opened, I just saw a foot and grabbed it to hold onto before I was picked up. I only closed my eyes for a moment before I felt a gentle touch on my head.


I think I know her.

???-*Shhhh* It's ok. We're getting out of-.

She suddenly dodged an attack from behind her and she was just moving so much and swinging me around while someone else was yelling... I even started to hear metal ringing.

(Y/N)-*Sobbing* AAAAHHHHHH!!!

I gripped the lady and closed my eyes when I saw something glowing. More things were going on and I could think a little better now, but it only made me more scared. Everything was only getting worse until... I saw a lash from my closed eyes.

(Julia's POV)

We were suddenly going through a gateway of a portal that I have never seen before and this must've been what happened last time. We came flying out of a portal sideways over a lake in Central Park, but I webbed a tree to pull us away from the water and landed on aft grass. (Y/N) kept on screaming and crying and when I tried to comfort him, my watch shocked me and I saw it got cut from the Kitana that Gwen had. I pulled it off from it just being broken now and worked on calming (Y/N) down, but nothing was working. I saw from his eyes that he was a little out of it and there was a little bandaid on his leg from a needle.

Julia-They gave you a shot?!

I said that out loud and that made him scream even more and I flinched at it. I took a look around and noticed a few things that only my universe had exactly... I saw some people were coming to check us out, so I just took (Y/N) with me to take him to my place. The whole way he cried until I got home and got him a drink of water, put him in my bed, and stayed with him until he finally tired himself out and slept.

Julia's mind-Jess said just check ups and scan! Who and what did they inject you with?!

(No POV)

The fighting was still going on, but nobody noticed that a certain go was leaking into the vents and some of it embedded into Peni's old suit when it caught traces of her spider. It started to spread into the suit and while Peni hid in the cell room as Gwen and the Gwenpools continued to fight, she felt so useless. The goo on the other hand saw she had a connection to the spider... one that they liked. It moved the suit a little.


Peni looked at her old suit and tried to rely on her Spidey-Sense, but she didn't sense the danger. She still had an uneasy feeling and that was confirmed when... her old broken suit lunged at her.


(Gwenpool#1's POV)

We all stopped fighting when we heard a girl screaming and looked at the cell room where the teen girl hid. My team and I grouped together and soon saw something crawl out until it stood up and that girl jumped on top from behind it.


???-Ahhhhh... Hello. ~

Gwenpool#1-... #3, you said that the Julia lady poofed off somewhere with (Y/N)?

She only nodded her head and I opened a portal under us to fall in... Fuck that noise if (Y/N) is not there.

(No POV)

The portal closed and Peni only looked at Gwen and sicked her robot on the others when she did a backflip off of it. Gwen tried to web Peni, but her new strength let her rip the webs off and shoot her own at Gwen from her body. She pulled herself over to Gwen and tackled her.

Peni-Don't fight it Gwen... We have to get my little brother... 'We' will make you stronger. ~



Well this has gone pretty much bonkers now