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(Peridot's POV)

While flying, I noticed a body of water turning into a whip or something in the distance. I have reason to believe that this was Lapis due to her set of powers and abilities, so I went to see what was going on. The water was cut by a whip and the body of it flew over to me which I narrowly dodged. The closer I got the more I was able to see, but I had to land or I would just get caught in the crossfire. When I landed, I proceeded on foot until I saw one of the rogue gems get smashed into the ground, but kept on fighting.


She sprung back up and lashed her whip at the water, but it did almost nothing to stop it. She didn't notice me and jumped up onto the rooftops where Lapis came into view.


Lapis had the (Y/N) last as far as I know, but even if these gems got him... He has to be close by. I sent a camera out to search more in the open while I focus on hiding and let Lapis do all of the fighting.

(Lapis's POV)

I threw over a dozen needles at Amethyst and she avoided all of them when she turned into a ball of hair to roll around super fast and then jumped up to ram into me. I crashed into the ground and Amethyst pinned me to the ground while I was dizzy.

Amethyst-I should shatter you for coming here!

Lapis-Here's a thought!

I wrapped water around her and threw her into one of the houses that were still being rebuilt. I got back up to my feet only for a whip to wrap around my neck. I used water to cut the whip before she could do anything else, but there was no resistance... She rammed me on the side by flanking me and we crashed into a car, but I took this chance to trap her in a water bubble and focused really hard to make it harder for her to break free.

Lapis-*Pant* *pant* *pant*... *sigh* I'll deal with you later... (Y/N)!

She tried to break free, but I just walked to the house where I saw another car driving off from the front of his house. I saw two adults in the car and (Y/N) was in the backseat.


Lapis's mind-Oh no you don't!

((D/N)'s POV)

I was flooring it to get out of here while (Y/N) was getting dressed in the backseat of the car. (M/N) was giving me directions, but would not tell me where we were going. Suddenly, the car was shot and green lightning surrounded us for a moment and someone landed on the hood of the car with a hand that acted like a helicopter.


My wife and I screamed and (Y/N) ducked down before the car was lifted at. I looked to where the green lady was looking now and we saw the blue lady known as Lapis who was after our son.


???-Glad you could join us. Who are these other two creatures?

Lapis-It doesn't matter.

???-Actually, it does. I can use these other two.

Lapis made two big balls of water and spun them until they looked like blades and my heart stopped. Neither my wife nor I could breathe.


Lapis-Find your own humans! I'm taking-!

The green lady jumped off and blasted our car again, but this time it was a green field and none of us could move at while when she pulled us away from Lapis.


Peridot-In case you have forgotten the reason why we are here, it's mainly because of you! Now we're stuck here and The Cluster is going to emerge soon!


(Lapis's POV)

I pierced the car with water and took (Y/N) out to pull him into my arms while glaring at Peridot. She looked confused about my statement but didn't let go of the humans she wanted and needed.

Peridot-What are you talking about?!

Just then... I saw a hammer flying at me and was about to hit my head. I narrowly dodged it and we spotted a fusion on the roof of a house... She looked weird.


???-Sorry Hun, but I believe you have something of mine. Why don't you be a good girl and hand him over to me? ~

Peridot made a run for it with the parents, but they didn't care about them. I then felt something rap around my leg and looked down to see Amethyst was free. My outburst with Peridot must've made me accidentally let her go.


The fusion lunged at me, so I cut myself free and used more water to grab all of them and fling them somewhere before I dashed off with (Y/N). When things finally calmed down, I finally noticed (Y/N) was crying and shaking very hard in my arms. I couldn't do this to him, so I landed in a field and looked for a place to hide... I found an odd-looking house and went inside to find a bunch of junk in this place, and it was hot. I took the moisture from the outside air and pushed it in and pushed it around until it was cold in there. When we got in, I closed the door and it was mostly dark, but it was a safe enough place where I could start calming him down.

Lapis-Hey, hey, it's ok. I got you now and I am so sorry you had to deal with all of that. They took you from your comfy little bed, didn't they? ~


I only bounced him in my arms while walking around and found a place to sit in here. He soon tried to push away from me and crawl away, but I didn't let him and soon found a blanket in here that I quickly washed and dried to wrap him in to keep warm.  Also, it makes it easier for me to hold him.

(Y/N)-I want Mommy and D-Daddy! *sobbing*

It took a while, but he was finally running out of energy and that's when the door opened. I got ready to fight until I saw who it was and she had the parents trapped in a field without the car now.


Lapis-What are you doing here?! How did you find me?!

Peridot-I'm doing the same thing as you, you clod. You're careless stunt put those gems on a rampage in random locations to look for you.

Lapis-... *Tch* Keep those pests away from my Funnel Cake.

Peridot-... Huh?

I flew up to the second floor with (Y/N) and he just looked so exhausted and drained from all of his crying. When I stroked his cheek a little, he started to close his eyes and I smiled at how adorable it looked. I gave him a few kisses and Peridot was working on a holding cell, but all the noise she was making was bothering (Y/N). He couldn't sleep and he was whimpering.

Lapis-Can you do that outside?!

Peridot-Calm down, I'm almost done with the cell for the adults and he's next.

Lapis-You are not putting him in a cell! He's staying with me! You have no idea what I did to get him back!

Peridot-I think I have a pretty good idea. I saw the mess in that city.

Lapis-Like you care.

Peridot-I don't, but at least I have a point.

There was silence between us until she was done and slipped the adults in the cell before she turned off the field and closed it. Now, I could faintly hear them until Peridot did something us, but I didn't bother to turn a look. I just gave (Y/N) more kisses before I lied down with him in the dark for him to sleep. When I heard him make those cute little noises in his sleep, I played with his hair.

Lapis-Hmmmmm. ~

This moment didn't last long because Peridot came up here and scanned (Y/N)'s face which made him stir, and that made me angry. When she saw me glaring at her...


Lapis-For starters, be quiet. Humans need it to be quiet to sleep properly or else you'll wake them up. Second, leave him alone. *whisper*

Peridot-*Sigh* I'm gathering additional information since this mission is taking longer. Assuming we make it back before The Cluster emerges, and we hand them over to Blue Diamond. *whisper*

Lapis-He's not going to Homeworld and I took care of that thing to make sure it doesn't emerge. *whisper*


That was way too loud for (Y/N) to sleep through. Not only that, her yelling like that scared him and he was already in a fragile state.


Needless to say that I was not happy.

Lapis-... Peridot.

She only panicked that I destroyed the thing she came to check on, but I used water to grab her and throw her to a wall before I formed a water around us to ease him into sleep... Again.

(Peridot's POV)

I am going to be shattered by Yellow Diamond herself!... No! I'm going to be cracked and harvested in a bubble for years to suffer before she finally does the deed! Lapis will get it far worse because she destroyed the weapon, but this was 'my' mission and she threw it all away for... for!...


Peridot's mind-Him!

(Timeskip To Night)

(No POV)

Lapis gave sleeping a try with (YN) and cuddling him made it so much easier and pleasant for her. She even had a smile on her face while sleeping because she was having a dream of simply pampering (Y/N) and he loved her just as much as she loved him, and he even thanked her for getting rid of everyone else. During the night... Someone took (Y/N) from Lapis in her sleep and brought him down to the first floor of the barn.

(Peridot's POV)

The (Y/N) was still 'sleeping' as Lapis described it when I took him from her. I held him the same way she did while observing him to find what was so entrancing that she threw away our lives. When I turned to the cell, I noticed some movement and noticed the male and female pounding on the makeshift bars I made for them. They seem to be attached to him as well, but he just seems so...

Peridot-Useless... What is your purpose? *whisper*

I moved him around a little before he turned into me in his sleep. Not only that, I felt him going deeper into me as he moved until he finally stopped, but he still made that somewhat scratchy noise. I sat down with him near the cell I made with him.


(Pearl's POV)

Amethyst said a green gem blasted the car with an electric shock, so now the chips we had on the parents were scrambled. With only one option of searching around Beach City, this neighborhood, and other parts, we decided to split up. All day and no lunch, but I couldn't rest, not even just to panic. When Garnet went back to the temple for some reason, it was down to just me and Amethyst. I checked the town first to see if Lapis tried to gather food, but it looked like everyone in Beach City was killed... I would care once upon a time, but now all I can think about is (Y/N) being with Lapis and whoever that other gem is. Soon, I made it to the arcade and looked at myself in the reflection of a screen.


Pearl-*Heavy breathing*!


(Peridot's POV)

I took off one of my limb enhancers to put my hand on (Y/N)'s hair and he did feel soft and fluffy... Blue Diamond could enjoy this, so I tried to find other forms of entertainment he could provide while sleeping for her. The more I found, the more I found myself enjoying... When I snapped out of it and blushed I put my limb enhancer back on and snuck him back over to Lapis who was getting a little angry while moving her arm in her sleep, but calmed down when she wrapped it around (Y/N) again

Peridot's mind-Enough of this... Now, just think of your next move... In what? Your legal case in court?

Peridot-*Sigh*... (Y/N)s.


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