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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up in a room and soon noticed I was sleeping on a bunch of sleeping bags and there's a box full of donuts right next to me. I sat up in the makeshift bed to look around some more and wondered where Lapis was. When I left the room I saw I was in the donut shop, but the door was blocked off and it was almost nighttime outside. I tried to move this stuff to get out, but it was too heavy and tangled for me to even make it budge. When I gave up, I tried looking for a window or something to get out, but there wasn't anything. Even the vents were too small and high for me to get to. I might as well just have a donut and wait up front and hopefully, someone will walk by. There is still some light out, so I bet a lot of people are awake.

(Y/N)-Is this place supposed to be open?... Where are the people that work here?

(Y/N)'s mind-They wouldn't just let Lapis leave me here... Would they?

I kept on waiting and even tried to call out for help, but there was nobody. When the sun went down I finally saw someone and they got through the barricade super easily and put it back with magic water... Lapis.


She smiled at me while I backed up and hit the counter. When she giggled she came over to pick me up and take me to the back where the beds and donuts were.

Lapis-Awwwww. Only one donut? You must be so hungry still. ~

(Y/N)-I'm not hungry. What's going on?

She ignored me to sit down with me cradled on her lap and she held up an apple fritter to me. She made me eat it by pressing it against my lips and got a bottle of strawberry milk from the mini-fridge. When I was done drinking she got another donut for me.

Lapis-Open up my Little Funnel Cake. Say-. ~

(Peridot's POV)

Peridot-Ahhhhhh! Doesn't anything here work at all?!

This stupid warp pad will not function and that means I have to travel the old-fashioned way to the locations I need. I will start with The Kindergarten and then try to locate a communications hub. When I looked into a puddle of some clear and reflective liquid, I only saw a desperate and doomed gem.


Peridot-Ugghh! Why me?! WHY ME?!?!?! WHAT DID I DO?!?!?!

I got moving again and while I used my propeller setting for flight, I went on my screen to look at the data I have on (Y/N).


Peridot-... Peridot's Log. I am going over the data I have on the (Y/N) while I am traveling to see if I can piece together something new about them. Hopefully, my data will help lessen the blow of this unwanted turn of events. I can already see the look of disapproval on everyone, but I will make sure I don't take all of the blame.

I ended my log and continued to go over the data. When I pulled away from my screen I came across another pad that looked intact. I landed on it and used it to travel faster and made it back to The Kindergarten.

Peridot-At least something works around here.

It took some time, but I got eyes on the communications hub and tried to warp there... It would not work, so I went to the closest location possible. After that, it was a 50-minute flight to the hub and when I got there, it looked like someone wrecked it.

Peridot-*Sigh*... Of course... Those clods.

(Alexandrite's POV)

My future vision showed (Y/N) was back at Beach City, so I was heading there to get my baby. Another ship shot at me with its pathetic cannon and when I looked at it, all the humans on it looked horrified.


Man-Ummm... I was against this plan.

I let out a roar before I raised my hand to bring it down on the ship.



I swam in the direction of Beach City and through the wreckage of many ships. Ruby was the most energetic to get back, but we still had a long way to go. I tried other plans in my head with future vision, but even the best one was going to fail. The plan would've been to infuse and shapeshift into a raft to have Pearl send a message to (M/N) and (D/N) to get (Y/N), but all that ends in, is them 'missing' and (Y/N) not being at The Big Donut anymore. We were stuck taking it slow and having no idea what Lapis is doing to him.

(Lapis's POV)

(Y/N) said he was tired of donuts and wanted something else, so I went out to find new food for him. I came across a place that gives out 'pizza'. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and if (Y/N) didn't want donuts anymore... Right now, I was having a great time feeding him, but he doesn't need to know how I got this.

(Flashback Start)

Lapis-I don't care what $13.99 means. You're going to give me the biggest (F/P) pizza you got or I am going to make someone else do it!

My wings had water thorns on it while I glared into this disgusting human's eyes.

???-Y-You... I'm going to call the police or even the guard! What are you going to-?!


I cut this human's belly open and let him fall to the ground before I turned to the screaming and crying females. They were even crying between their legs.

Lapis-Go make it... NOOOOWWW!!!

(Flashback End)

Lapis-*Giggles* Ahhhhh. ~

He took another bite of the pizza that I held out for him and he loved it. It was worth disposing of that human and 10 others in those outfits for law enforcement. He didn't even have a clue since I washed off all the blood and cleaned the bodies in town. I saw the fear in everyone's eyes, so I think we have an understanding. You give me whatever food I want for my Little Funnel Cake and I don't cut you and whoever you call for help into pieces.

(Y/N)-Where did you get this pizza if you don't have money?

Lapis-I worked for it. All for you. Now open wide because here it comes. ~

I enjoyed the sight of his adorable little chews when I fed him, but my mind turned back to my task at hand. I made good progress on reaching the cluster today and I must be getting close, but I just wanted to check on (Y/N) again. When I find him awake, I plan to adore and take care of him until he gets tired. Just then he started to move around a lot in bed.

Lapis-What's wrong?... Oh, you just want to play. Wait right here for a moment. ~

I poked his nose and went to the front part of the building and focused on the water outside. I slowly slipped water from under the door and was sure to leave the dirt, sand, and other minerals out of the water and made the water form a cube. I went to the back and got him to take off his clothes to keep them dry when he goes swimming.


I jumped in the water with him and I saw and felt a little bit of dirt come off of him.

Lapis-Looks like you need to be cleaned up as well. ~

I made the water rush around in different directions to throw him around the pile of water I made for him. He tried to ct pouty, but I could tell that he was enjoying this little ride. While he was moving around, I power-washed him to get the dirt out of his body and the grease out of his hair, but I could only do so much without hurting him.

Lapis-How do you humans stay so clean?

(Y/N)-Um... We used soap, shampoo, and conditioner.

Lapis-I also notice some humans have a certain smell to them. Does the soap work differently for everyone?

(Y/N)-Well... There is a bunch of different-smelling soap. Like flowers, green apples, ocean breeze, coconuts, and all sorts of stuff.

Lapis-... Is there one that smells like the treats I give you?

(Y/N)-Ummm... I think so.

Lapis-... Stay here and have fun swimming. I'm going to get soap for you. ~

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I have no idea why humans need to make things so difficult. I fly overseas to get a scent that smells like "cinnamon buns" for (Y/N) and they make me have to get violent. I showed petty on the last two human females since they gave me soap that smelled like cookies and shampoo and conditioner that smelled like cinnamon buns. I thought they still needed a punishment to remember for the next time I come over to get more. I stuffed them both in a bag, put them into a tall lock in the backrooms of the building, and hung them upside down on the ceiling. It was all worth it though. (Y/N) smelled so good. Even better than those funnel cakes.

Lapis-You smell so good now... How about we go to the place with the rides and games here? ~

(Y/N)-But it's so late out... Can we just go to my house, please?... I just want you to be friends with the others. I can tell them you saved us.

That sentence annoyed me so much and I had just about had it with him bringing them up. I flew to the back room with him to tuck him in bed for an early bedtime while I went to work.

Lapis-I'll be back soon and I expect you to be asleep and ready for me to carry you to a new place. If you're not, I'm going to be upset and level this whole Beach City before leave. Do you understand me?

He looked horrified about my threat and I was completely serious. If this place is going to make him say awful things like that, I will get rid of the problem for good. He closed his eyes and I kissed his nose before I left. I remember a place that looked very secure and cozy... "Sunrise Hotels", I think it was... I'll clear out the people before I bring him there.

(No POV)

Lapis flew off to her digging site and got to work on getting to the cluster, but while she was deep underground and far away from the city a huge wave was coming up and crashed onto the beach. It was on the other side of the temple, so nobody saw it... until the being came around the temple and had eyes on The Big Donut.

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)'s mind-Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to-.


I opened my eyes when the ground shook after that thud and wondered what that was.


(Y/N)-... Lapis?


It was getting closer to me.


I closed my eyes again, like it was going to keep everyone in the city from getting hurt. I think Lapis was not bad enough to kill anyone, but I don't want to make her mad at me. It's scary.







I heard so much stuff fall over and saw the ceiling get ripped away and thrown to show a giant... I saw the gem on the head and knew who it was, but who was she fused with?


(Y/N)-... Pearl?

I noticed more gems when she knelt down over the building to smile at me.

(Y/N)-Amethyst?... Garnet?

???-*Chuckles* Hello Sweetheart. I am Alexandrite. ~ *echo*

She scooped me up and frowned when I flinched and cried a little.

Alexandrite-Awwww, do not be afraid anymore... Here. ~ *echo*

She lifted me up and slide me into her huge boobs and my face started to burn. She then sniffed the air a little.

Alexandrite-Sweetheart, is that you?... *giggles* You smell like a cute little treat. ~ *echo*


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