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((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt something wet on my head and it also felt soft while it was rubbing me. I tried to open my eyes, but then a water drop got in my eye that felt annoying, so I closed my eyes again. I brought my hand to my eyes to wipe it away and I heard a gasp. Everything felt and sounded fuzzy for a while longer and my head hurt. When I could think more straight, I noticed the smell of something and it smelled good. It was cold, sweet, and... very close to me. It was pressed against my lips and when I opened my mouth it was pudding with something a little crunchy in it. When I finally opened my eyes I saw Panini helping me eat pudding before she held a sandwich up to me to take.



I got out of the bed she made for me in this room and crawled backward away from her. She got up to her feet after she put the sandwich down on a plate and then held her hands up.

Panini-Wait, calm down!... Last time you ran you got hit by a car!

I didn't trust her, but I tried to remember what happened... It came back to me quickly, but so did everything else. I ran for her door, but it was locked and I didn't see a key anywhere, so she might have it. I tried to look for another way out, but then she started to come closer and it made me back up against the door as much as I could.

Panini-I'm not going to hurt you! I brought you here when the hospital was full! You're still covered in bandages!

I looked to see the bandages and when I looked they started to hurt... My legs hurt a lot now from standing and I fell down... The pain was so bad from hitting the ground.


She pulled me back to the bed and let me lay on top of it. I tried to get up, but my arm hurt so much and she just sat on her bed while looking down at me.

Panini-Doctor said that you were lucky to not have any broken bones, but you do have a lot of bruises and he took care of the eternal bleeding.

I tried to wiggle away like a worm or caterpillar and she just glared at me.

Panini-Are you seriously still trying to run?


(Panini's POV)

He shifted a little faster and I don't know if he thought he was moving or not, but all he was doing was shifting the blankets. First, it was annoying... Now, it just looks a little funny... Awwww, he's like another Chowder. I wonder if this is just something I'm into... One step at a time. I heard his stomach growl, so I grabbed his sandwich and held it up to him. We didn't share any words, but he just froze and looked at me.

Panini-Can I at least get your name? My name is Panini.

???-... (Y/N).

Panini-Ok (Y/N), I would ask if you had a place to go, but with no family or anyone coming up for you back at the fair, I'm assuming you're alone.

(Y/N)-N-No. I-I have a family.

Panini-Then you can tell me where you live and we can get you home.

I could see how nervous and taken off guard by that simple question.

(Y/N)-Um... I live down the street, to the next city.


I remember Chowder telling me that same lie before he said he was dead while pretending to be someone else.

(Y/N)-... B-By a bakery with a flower on the sign.

Panini-What was it called? There's a lot like that.


Panini-Is called "Sweet Liars"?

He looked stumped and then he nervously took a bite of the sandwich I made for him since he could not move his arms that much still. When he finished there was a knock at my door before it was unlocked again and opened. Ms. Endive came in and I could see (Y/N) shaking.


Panini's mind-Why are you so afraid of us?

(Endive's POV)

I came to check on my apprentice and guest/patient here and saw that he was awake now. He looked like a quivering mess and no doubt in pain from whatever medicine he was given before wearing off. Thankfully for him, I prepared a dish that will help ease it... By making him completely numb, but it's better than suffering.

Panini-What is that Ms. Endive?

Endive-Before I get into that. Did you find out anything about him that we can use to get him home?

Panini-Um... He told me his name is (Y/N)... I don't think he has a place to stay if nobody went around town looking for him.

Either his parents or whoever are twits or he really doesn't have another place to go. This was just a fine predicament to be in, but I guess it could be worse. I knelt down to him and got a little spoonful for him to eat.

Endive-Usually this would not taste very good. 'Unless' prepared properly by a real chef. Such as myself.

(Y/N)-Wh-What is tha-?

I slipped it into his mouth and he gulped it down. I gave him a few more bites before I stopped. He can't have too much at his age.

Endive-You'll be numb soon, but you won't be feeling any pain. If by luck, you might still be able to talk while you heal. In the meantime... I could smell you from the door. All that dirt and strong medicine on you will not do.

Panini-I can get an air freshener.

Endive-We don't need an air freshener. He needs a bath.

Panini-But he'll be numb soon and he can still barely move.


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)


I put (Y/N) in my tub a few times, but he couldn't sit up, so I had to put a bathing suit on before I got in with him. I kept him in one arm to clean him and while cleaning him, he looked so fragile... Given he also had fear in his eyes and if he was not numbed out, he would still be shaking.

Endive-Honestly, what made you afraid of girls?

He kept on whining during the bath and this was getting mildly annoying. When we were done with the bath, I just wrapped him in the towel since his clothes were being watched. His bruises and bumps were going down a little bit already. He just needs more rest... I put him under a blanket while I got dried off and changed before I picked him back up and took him with me to the living room. Panini was on the couch waiting for us and she got her big adoring eyes fixed on (Y/N) when she saw how I was holding him.



Endive-Panini, make sure he's taken care of while I go tend to prepping for dinner. He can't move still, so that should not be a problem.

I lied him down next to her and the way he was looking up at me like a scared puppy... I have a taste in strong and... a certain man of stone. It's just cute and cuddly really seems to suit him and has an allure to him. My body acted on its own to stroke his head with my finger a little before I left.

(Panini's POV)

I can't believe how cute (Y/N) looks like this. His scared face looks like Chowder's face when he runs away to play hard to get... I guess I do like the chase. I just crawled over to him and put his head on my lap.

(Y/N)-P-Put me back!

Panini-You can still talk?


Panini-But you can't move?

(Y/N)-... I-I can move.

Panini-Oh... Then just start wiggling around when you want me to stop this. ~

I wrapped an arm around his head and started to pet him. He just made whining sounds and tried begging since he could not move at all.

Panini-Awwwww, you like it. That's so cute. ~


Panini-Then wiggle. Or maybe you just don't feel like it? ~

(Y/N)-I-I lied! I can't move, j-just stop!

Panini-No take backs. ~

I continued to pet him and this made me feel how I feel about Chowder and he can't even move right now... Wait, that means I can do something I never could with Chowder without him fighting me.

Panini-*Giggles*. ~

He looked at me confused before I pulled out the lipstick I always carry with me for emergencies. They tasted like my favorite berries when I kissed my own lips and the fear on his face grew as he blushed super hard for me.

Panini-Pucker up... Num Nums. ~

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Endive just looked at me being covered in lipstick from Panini's many kisses on my face. I still could not move, so Endive said she had to feed me. I just stopped talking when she started to smile at me after I asked her to let me go. I looked at the night sky in the ceiling until she held me in front of her face. She looked a little mad.


Endive-Are you listening to me?!

(Y/N)-... Ummmm yes.

Endive-Don't you lie to me!

I wasn't that deep in my thoughts... At least I don't think so. She got up with me and walked down the hall with me and Panini walked by her until she got behind her.

Panini-Ma'am, can I hold him back here?

Endive-... Make sure he stays on until we get to my room.

She passed me behind her to Panini and... We were on her huge butt and Panini put my head on her lap. She even held her lipstick in her hand.

Panini-Hi Num Nums. You're so cute... You know, these lipstick marks mark you as my boyfriend. ~

(Y/N)-I-I'm not your boyfriend!

Panini-*Giggles* Just like him... And now you're mine. ~

I heard a door open and we were in Endive's room. Panini jumped with me on her bed and then Endive finally took me out of this towel to dress me up in front of Panini while she was looking in a small mirror to add me lipstick.

Endive-Seeing as there were no cops asking questions around to look for you, I think nobody is looking for you... You can just stay here.

I wanted to scream, but nobody was going to hear it or help me... I just wanted a pen and go back to the library. I wasn't supposed to be stuck here!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Endive's POV)

I was wiping away the last of the lipstick from Panini enjoying our new company here, but tonight he was going to be cuddling with me. I even gave him more of the dish to numb for two reasons. He still looked like he needed a bit more healing and it kept him from from running and letting me play with him. Even now he was blushing adorably while being nuzzled into my body and I pushed him up to my chest area. It was late and he could barely sleep, but I wasn't tired either. I even came up with some fun ideas, so I sat up with him.

Endive-You know, I always pictured myself with a strong man to have an adorable family with... Sadly, that spot for a son is not for you. ~

(Y/N)-Wh-... What are you going to do to me?

Endive-Oh relax. I don't know what made you so afraid of course and quite frankly, I don't really care. I got a better idea for you. ~

He looked scared and I took him to my wardrobe where I even kept some fabrics and supplies for knitting as a small hobby away from cooking.

Endive-What's small, adorable, and unable to move or care for themselves?... A toy. ~

He blushed super hard when I took his clothes off to do measurements on him. At least I think I'm getting the measurements right... I guess you learn through trial and error with these things at times. He was pleading with me with his cute little (E/C) eyes to stop, but I was not going to hurt him... I was going to dress him in little outfits. There's a butler outfit, a little explorer, a kitty cat, a dog, and a little onesie with my kitchen's name on it.

Endive's mind-So many ideas. So much time.

Endive-Hmmmmm... I'm thinking of making you little booties for your tiny hands and feet. I can even make them look like squishy paws. ~... I believe I do have a book for knitting something like that somewhere.


(Beldam's POV)

They all failed me... All of them. I only had my new daughters who were on very thin ice with me, but as for everyone else, I put them in paintings of their own and put those paintings in another painting where they will suffer forever. I made the world an empty void except for my house and I stared off into it from the window in my room.


Beldam-Come in.

My door opened and I saw Mel come in with the book.


She was free from my control, but she was so afraid of me and found everything so hopeless that she wouldn't dare defy me. Even now, she was quivering in front of me like a scared little girl and when I erased this world I even saw her pee her pants in fear earlier.

Beldam-Why are you here? Any new leads?


Beldam-Then you have wasted my time.


I raised my hand in silence as I turned to her. She was shaking more and more with each step taken towards her. When I gently put my hand on her cheeks, tears silently poured down from her face as she closed her eyes and only let her lips quiver.

Beldam-I've given all of you here food,... I didn't put you in a painting again,... the house functions like normal, and... I'm sorry. What was your reason for coming here?

Mel-*Whimper* I-I-.



She fell to the ground and stayed silent and I put the bottom of my shoe in her mouth to stop her annoying cries.

Beldam-My daughters are truly heartbroken over the loss of my son too! But unlike you, they are doing something about it! What are you doing if you are not tending to us?!

She couldn't look at me anymore and I would love to kill her for good, but she's the best vent I have. I just got off of her and gave her a look that told her to stay there while I got the painting off the wall and picked out a random painting. It was a crying little girl with a spike going through her stomach and I placed it in front of her. She looked horrified.

Beldam-Tell me what this is.

Mel-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic*.


Mel-I-It's a girl! It's a girl... I-In the painting.

Beldam-And do you know why you are not in there right now?

She let more tears hit the ground before shaking her head no at me, so I slammed the painting down which made the girl scream louder from the harsh movements and I gripped Mel by her ear.

Beldam-It is because you only have 2 purposes now. You will clean whenever we are not telling you to do something... And now, I'm telling you to take a brush and add more spikes to that painting.

Her eyes shrank in horror at what I told her to do. I knew she would not do it, but this is the process of breaking her. When she says no to me, I plan to make an example of her in a nice long family meeting in front of my daughters. Goldilocks has been especially testy lately with her mood swings that practically give her whiplash. When I dropped a brush in front of her...

Mel-*Hyperventaling* AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

To Be Continued

(Hey guys, so this is the end of book one and the reason I am doing this is to start a Yandere Lackadaisy book as soon as it starts. There is an announcement chapter up right now and I will start it when more episodes start coming out)


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