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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sitting on Felicia's lap while Classic gave me another cookie to eat and other than their teasing and petting me, everything was calm. I barely paid attention to the cartoon and just thought about my home. When the episode was over Felicia lied back and had me look up at her while I was lying on top of her. Kitty reached over to pet my head and Bad Luck tickled my foot to make me laugh a little for everyone. When I tried to pull my foot away from her Black Cat grabbed it and held it in place. Bad Luck kept tickling me and everyone made sure I was holding still. When I looked back to Bad Luck, I saw her smiling at me.


Bad Luck-You're just so ticklish Kitten. It's soooo cute. ~

I tried begging her to stop, but they didn't stop until we heard something that sounded like an explosion and an alarm. Felicia sat up and gave me to Black Cat while she got up and went on her watch.

Felicia-What's going on?

Watch-Spider-Men and Women! Multiple of them!

They all looked at me and all of them got a little mad. Black Cat got up and started to walk off somewhere with me.

Black Cat-Webs... I'm taking him back to my world!

Felicia-No, stay together. If they found a way to track us, we need to stay together. One Spider-Man is bad enough, but the last thing we need is a bunch of them coming after one of us and we are already outnumbered and outpowered by their society.

Classic-What do we do?

Felicia-I'm putting my room on lockdown and I will direct everyone to try and separate the Spider-People before destroying their watches. Only Black Cat will stay.

I was getting scared when she said more than one Spider-Man because that meant it had to be Miguel, Jessica, and the others. I just held on to Black Cat because I would rather stay here than in a lab.

Felicia-... Strike force, do all you can to draw attention to you. Spider-People don't kill, but you do. Whatever happens to them is their fault for coming after my baby.

They all left and metal doors came down at the door and windows before Black Cat took me to Felicia's room.

(Lyla's POV)

I was monitoring the battle through many points and I heard an order to go for the watches. Black Cats, Silk, Gwenpools, and a few other select villains that more or less fall into a Black Cat's field of play. I warned all others of their plan and we need to stay on track until I locate (Y/N) which is insanely hard. They all blend in almost perfectly when up close and all of this chaos makes it difficult. I went back to Miguel.


Lyla-I can't pinpoint where he is! Everything is too much!

Miguel-This place has cameras! Patch into the system to find them that way!

He dodged a few darts before a Black Cat got a hit on him from behind while in mid-air. He got back into the fight and I tried to get into the system when he shot a drone for me to control. I slipped by everyone and found a place to plug in and uploaded myself to the console. During that...


I was glitching so much and it hurt, so I pulled myself out and connected to someone wirelessly.

Lyla-Uggghhh- *Glitch*-hhh. What kind of firewall was that?... What's going on?

I looked around to see fighting while looking up my primary objective right now... (Y/N). Secure (Y/N). Getting into the system was a bust and I'm lucky to not have a virus... Or at least I don't detect one, and I can't detect his location with all of this going on.

Lyla's mind-Think... If I were a Black Cat, where would I keep a hostage?... Out of the dozens here.

I could see we were losing Spider-Men by the minute... Where would I put him?... The most secure place would be too obvious because it would be swarmed, we have eyes on the outside, and this building has so many rooms... The building is on lockdown... They wouldn't leave this base because I was ready to track them and all portals that leave here open back up. I got nothing to go on from here, so I connected to someone else.


Julia-Any luck?

Lyla-No. I can't pinpoint him here and all portals just come back with accounted returns, minus one for each time.

Julia-Ok, then we're doing this the old-.

???-OPEN WIDE!!!

Julia narrowly dodged a blade that was swung under her that would've cut her from her lady parts. We both saw who her new opponent was.


Gwenpool-Hands off the kid, Cara Dickey!

Julia-Ugh, great. I get the female Deadpool with no powers.

Gwenpool-No powers huh? Alright... FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!

She jumped off the ledge and we looked down to see a grenade with a smiley face on it. Julia barely had time to web it and throw it away before it exploded.


Gwenpool got her from behind to knock her down and stuck a rifle in her butt.

Gwen-This hole, that is. ~

(Julia's POV)

I shot a web and curved it in the air to split it off to hit her eyes and snag her rifle to pull it... out of my crack before she fired. This girl was a freak and clearly insane. When I webbed her in a cocoon, I hung her off the edge.

Julia-Out of all the help she could've gotten, she added you?

???-And us! ~

I turned and had a deadpan look on my face when I saw who it was.


Julia-You gotta be kidding me... I hate Gwenpools.

Gwenpool#2-We know you mean love! ~

(Jessica's POV)

Mary and I were going in through the roof. Miguel has been so uptight that he and most of the others in there have forgotten the most basic rule to this. Big boss, an army of goons, and the building is fortified... It's always the top floor if it's not the basement and Julia confirmed that it's not the basement. Mary was slimmer, so she went first and I was careful with my baby. When we got to the first vent we dropped down silently. I looked around before I turned back to Mary.


I pointed to the other side of the apartment while I searched my half. From this point, we are not quiet. We are silent. I slowly crept and looked for secret doors on the walls. When I got to the kitchen I saw cookies on a tray and just then I heard a door swing open and it nearly hit Mary. I rushed to her side and when I saw the Black Cat here throw something at me, I tried to web it, but it was a flashbang that exploded on impact.


I shielded my eyes, but the ringing was still in my ears which made me feel dizzy. I had to trust my Spidey Sense right now, but it never went off and my vision cleared up. Mary had her under control and she tried to tackle her, but Black Cat kicked her off and to a panel on the wall that made these shields go back up.

Cat Black-Keep your hands off of him!

Mary-Oh, like you are?!

Cat Black-*Grunt*!

I webbed the Black Cat to the window and Mary tackled her outside, but she shot a hook to take them to the rooftop by mistake. She tried to fix it by getting a hook in here, but Mary webbed them up to the rooftop too. I just ran into the room and I heard crying in the bathroom, and I knew who it was. I slowly walked inside and I saw (Y/N) curled up in a bathtub and he got more scared when he saw me.


(Y/N)-*Sniffle* No... No.

Jessica-Awwww, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. ~

(Y/N)-I d-d-don't w-wanna go to the la-lab!

I just picked him up and he curled up tighter like it was going to protect him. I just signaled everyone that I got the kid and we could pull out. We already have to establish a lot of rescue missions.

Jessica-It's going to be ok. Nothing is going to hurt, Hun. ~

He did have to go into a lab cell, but I made it comfy for him in there. I opened a portal and his last act was trying to reach for something to grab. We traveled to the Spider-Society labs together and he looked at his cell to see a nice-looking bed with a tablet, a small table, a fuzzy rug, and some toys. I even went inside with him before I turned on the hard light shield. I sat on the bed with him and let him try it out. Unlike the other cells here, he gets a bed and a cozy one at that thanks to me. Just then Lyla showed up and (Y/N) went against the wall to face it and not look at us.


Jessica-What is it?

Lyla-Miguel is sending you to these earths to retrieve stranded recruits. You have 8 to go search for... Ben being one of them.

Jessica-I can't just leave (Y/N). He's a wreck from just being here.

Lyla-I will be here getting him settled in. This is Miguel's order.

I sighed and gave (Y/N) one big hug and kiss on his head before I headed out into a portal.

Jessica's mind-I'm gonna have a talk with Miguel when I get back.

(Lyla's POV)

I felt funny, but I got to work and did a quick scan on (Y/N) for starters. Next, I need him to be willing to cooperate. I activated a function on the bed to move the mattress until he was flipped over. Next, he looked at me with a pair of sad,... cute,... adorable,... entrancing,...-.



Lyla-Huh?... Oh, let me do a little system check on myself and we'll do a simple check-up. Ok?

He didn't answer and I saw my programming was a mess right now, so I just reset a few things and optimized the rest. After a quick restart, I was ready to go.

Lyla-Let's start with checking your health. Can you hold your breath while I count to three, please?

He sat up slowly and did what I said, but I felt something when I saw his cheeks puff up... My blushing function was active and I could not turn it off, so I covered my face.

Lyla's mind-What are you doing Lyla?! This is a job!... AHHHHH!!! SO PUFFY!!! ~

He let go and held his knees while peeking up at me with those adorable eyes.

Lyla-*Ahem* Good. Now, deep breaths, so I can check your heartbeat.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

This was like a normal check-up at the doctor, so I tried to calm down a little. Gwen and Peni are here, so maybe if I'm good enough, I can see them or they can come in here. That was all the normal stuff and I thought she would leave, but she looked at me a little weird.

(Y/N)-A-Are we done?

Lyla-... No. Lay on your belly with your arms straight out in front of you and your legs straight too.

I did what she said and I never did this at the doctor before or with my parents.

Lyla-Now, stretch like that.

I did my best to stretch and while I was making a noise, I think I heard her making a noise too until I looked at her.

(Y/N)-Um... What's this for?

Lyla-Oh, it's to make you are not in any pain... Is there any pain?

I shook my head no to her and she smiled.

Lyla-Good... Now, lay on your back with your feet up in the air and do your best to try and grab your feet.

This was weird, but I did it anyway. We did a few more things until I saw some tools that looked sharp next to a table in the lab and cried. Lyla looked over to it while I crawled on the bed and tried to not look at them.

(Lyla's POV)

I stored the table and medical tools under the floor. Those are not meant for him, but in case we need a sample from someone. Watching him cry again made me feel horrible... And Miguel wants him to stay in here. I already had doubts about this treatment before, but now it's on a whole new level. I was thinking of ways to calm him down because I told him that those tools are not for him, but... he wasn't listening.

Lyla's mind-Ok, kids love sweets, he has toys, I can project a show or movie in here for him, I have games I can get from all over the Arachno-Humanoid Poly-Multiverse, and... cuddles.

I looked at myself and I can't do probably the only thing he really needs to settle down... Miguel will notice if Jessica stops, but... what about her small team... I will just give their assignments to a few other people and after they find their last assignment they can come here to help. Also...

Lyla's mind-We need a better name than, Arachno-Humanoid Poly-Multiverse.


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