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((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up this morning with Felicia after we fell asleep when we got out of the bath, the first thing she did was give me another bath. After that, she did other things to me to clean me, like she did my ears, rubbed lotion on me to make my skin softer and smoother, dressed me in some clothes she said looked cute on me, and finally wrapped me in a small blanket when I tried to argue about walking to the kitchen with her and sitting on my own chair. I saw others walking outside the room in this huge building, but I saw her small team in here having breakfast being made already.


Classic-Good morning. Hope you don't mind that Silk will be joining us soon.

Felica-What about our strike force?

Black Cat-Those 3 wanted breakfast burritos instead of waffles.

Bad Luck-They also made it clear that they wanted to go to a universe where Hitler was still alive and ruling... And then kill him.

I don't think none of them cared much and when Felicia sat down with me on her lap Kitty came over and cooed at me.

Kitty-Awwww, he looks adorable in the little blanket. Mind if I hold him? ~

Felicia-I'm feeding him, but I did need someone to watch him. I'll be going over a few things with new recruits here while heading out for 'work'.

Classic-I don't mind watching him.

Bad Luck-Hey, I wanted to do it!

Black Cat-You both look so desperate.

Kitty-You want me. Don't you (Y/N)? ~

I didn't know who to answer and I was already embarrassed before Felicia made it worse by feeding me in front of everyone. They all talked over breakfast about babysitting me, but since I didn't pick... I will be left with all of them. Just then the door opened and Silk walked in.


Silk-Hey, I'm not too late am I?

Classic-There's a plate left on the counter... Where were you?

Silk-Just... Doing things.

(Silk's POV)

I know I'm a superhero running with villains here, but the offer Felicia gave me was too good to pass up. Including the fact that a bunch of Spider-People from other dimensions were after a kid, it just felt right. I went to an Earth where 'he' was still alive and another me was still locked up, but it was only for days... I thought sparing her the years, it would make me feel better... It didn't do as much as I had hoped. I pulled down my mask to eat while watching Felicia feed the child she was protecting. When breakfast was over Felicia gave (Y/N) to the Black Cat that we call Bad Luck and she smiled at him.

Felicia-Play nice girls... Mommy will be back soon, (Y/N). ~

She gave him a kiss that made him blush. It's moments when I see these thieves being motherly that make me feel better about being here.

(Timseskip 10 Minutes)

And now I am questioning this again. Bad Luck and Classic with both directly teasing him. Black Cat was lightly doing it whenever he backed up closer to her in the circle they formed around him, but now he got too close to Kitty, so she grabbed him.

Kitty-Hi there, Little Kitten. Aren't you just the perfect little cuddle toy? Yes, you are. ~

She brushed her tail under his chin and Black Cat came over to get close up to him which made (Y/N) lean back into Kitty. They both laughed a little before she gave him a f aw kisses all over his face and Kitty licked his cheek. He squirmed and laughed a little, so I guess that tickled him.

Bad Luck-Heads up. He's ticklish... And I don't see much covering his feet. ~

(Y/N)-I-I'm not ticklish! I'm not!

They could tell he was lying and getting closer to him while Kitty held him still.

Silk's mind-And I'm done watching.

I jumped p to the ceiling over them and shot 5 webs out of my fingertips to wrap around (Y/N) and pull him up into me. We were both upside down on the ceiling and they all looked up at us.

Bat Clack-Hey!

Classic-What's your issue?!

Bad Luck-Give him back!

Kitty-He was comfy!

Silk-His burning red face says otherwise.

I saw Bad Luck's eyes change, but my Spidey Sense and Speed made it easier for me to be prepared. The part of the ceiling I was gave out a little, just parts where my hand and feet were. I shot a web and yanked myself to the door with the boy and quickly slammed it while they ran for us. I acted fast and made my way to a vent and closed it with a web as I slid back. The vent was damaged because the edge of my web felt like barbed wire, but they seemed to be unaware. I crawled with (Y/N) to Felicia's room through the vents. We dropped into her room and I put him on the bed.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I looked at her fingertips where her webs came out of. Gwen, Peni, or even my Spider-Man could do that. She left the room for a moment and then came back with some water for the both of us.


Silk-Hey, you know they aren't here anymore. You can stop blushing.

I didn't know I was still blushing and she giggled a little before she gave me the bottled water, and sat next to me on Felicia's bed. I still looked at her hands and she saw this and waved them a little before she smiled at me.

Silk-Never saw a Spider-Man do that before?... My name's Cindy. Cindy Moon.

(Y/N)-Oh... Well, thanks for... You know. The help.

Cindy-*Giggles* Yep.

While we were relaxing I saw her look in the mirror before she touched her hair and looked a little sad.

(Y/N)-Hmm?... What's wrong?

Cindy-It's nothing... Those 4 are gonna be coming back soon and I can't take you anywhere, so... consider this a break.

I felt a little nervous when she said that. I tried to think of a way to stay with her since she wasn't a bad Spider-Person like Miguel and Jess, or trying to make me blush like the Black Cat Women did. I leaned on her while looking up at her with the thought that if she had me, maybe they wouldn't take me back.

Cindy-What are you doing?

(Y/N)-... Leaning.

Cindy-Yeah, but why?

(Y/N)-I just... like it. I thought all Spider-People were good at first, but then I saw bad ones... You're nice though.

She looked a little surprised but smiled and pulled me onto her lap for a hug.

Cindy-Awwww. I can see why Felicia wanted you in the first place. You're so sweet even after being through so much. ~

She gave me a horsey ride on her leg and it was kinda fun. No swinging from super high places, no running away from someone... It was nice. I smiled back to her and she looked happier now.

Cindy-Having fun?

(Y/N)-Yeah... Can I ask you a question?

Cindy-What is it?

(Y/N)-What was it like when you first got your spider powers?

(Cindy's POV)

When he said those words, my heart sank a little. I slowed down his ride a little while I thought about the time after I was bit... I was locked in that bunker for so long, alone and scared. All of that power that I was scared to use because someone was hunting me down... I guess (Y/N) is not that different. Wanted by Spider-People, trying to be stuffed in a lab, and having no hope of a normal life... Just like me.


My next thought is how Spider-Man tried to free me, but got me to come out after 'he' was dead. Peter taught me how to be a hero, to use my powers for good... And then... What happened, after a fight with the Sinister Six he died after he counted on me. I couldn't get much sleep for a while and cut my hair with a knife after.

(Y/N)-Cindy, are you crying?

Cindy-Huh? Oh, I just got something in my eyes... Um, having powers was cool, but you know...

(Y/N)-With great power, comes great responsibility.

Cindy-That's right... Now, how about you? Tell me about you.

(Y/N)-Oh, I come from a nice home and my parents loved me.

He went on about his story and you could hear the manipulative abuse in I that somehow missed. His story matched up with Felicia's version and then he went into parts after he met her. The deeper I got in, the more I saw we had in common... I held him tighter and he even hugged me back. Now he got to the end.

(Y/N)-I still want to go back home, but this place is better than the Spider Society. I thought with this being full of Black Cats, those Gwens, and a few other villains, I thought you would be a thief too... But you're good... I guess if Felicia wants to pretend to be my mommy... I think that makes you a pretend big sister.

My heart skipped a beat a little... Me, a big sister?... He thinks of me as a big sister? His cute little smile warmed me up and even after getting bitter with my villains for a while, and going to another universe to take out the man responsible for taking a decade of my life away from me... I haven't felt this good in a long time.

Cindy-... (Y/N)-.

Suddenly, the door opened and we saw Classic and Black Cat come in.


Black Cat-There you are. Hogging him all to yourself, I see.

Classic-Now... before we were rudely interrupted.

(Y/N) snuggled into me like I was going to protect him, but I sensed no danger and even knew they weren't going to hurt him. I just held him on my lap and rubbed his side a little before they both played with and tickled him. He was squirming around while laughing and Classic blew on his belly a bit before he curled up into a ball and nuzzled into me. He was begging for my help, but I saw no harm in letting this go on for a little longer.

Cindy's mind-So cute! ~

After a while, I got them to stop and then Classic had a new kind of smile on her face.

Classic-Hey... Let's play another little game. ~

(Felicia's POV)

I got done recruiting a few more recruits and was ready to head back home to my baby. When I got back, I saw Classic spinning (Y/N) around while he was blindfolded before she let him walk around a small area with her, Silk, and Black Cat.


Classic-Come on Kitten, try and find who has the treat. Is it me? ~

Black Cat-Or me? ~

I saw one of them had a cookie with them and he was wobbling around. They noticed me walk in and I decided to be playful and join, but I got in front of him and puckered up my lips. He slowly moved around, so he gently walked into my kiss on his nose. I even ended it with a little smack before I gave him similar kisses. His face turned bright red while the others chuckled and giggled.

(Y/N)-H-Hey, you said no kis-.

He took off his blindfold to come face to face with.

Felicia-No to kisses?... If anything, that's a crime to not kiss someone this adorable. ~

He pulled his blindfold back over him to blush harder before I picked him up and walked over to the others to let them gather around him. I asked about Bad Luck and Kitty and they said Silk tricked them that she left, so they must be out searching still... I'll tell them he's hear, but in the meantime, more of my baby for us. His blush was starting to go away and I thought it was unfair they got to see it more than me... I knew just the thing.

Felicia-Who wants milk and cookies with cartoons? ~

He only perked up and looked at me a little past his blindfold when he lifted it up. Little does he know, I plan to put that milk in a sippy cup for him... or maybe even a bottle... Only if he tries to get fussy while we bake with him.

(Jessica's POV)

Lyla was scanning both Peni and Gwen without them knowing to get traces of (Y/N)'s atoms off of them, but it takes a while and is not an exact science. In time we finally got it, but Miguel was with us because he got suspicious that I didn't report much to him for a while... He doesn't need to know everything I do.

Miguel-Lyla, where is he?

Lyla-Narrowing it down... Oh. I'm getting odd detections near his location in another world. I've counted 98 of them.


Lyla-I guess that's a way to put them.

Jessica-I can take my team and we'll get him while reporting what she's detecting.

Miguel-... Call your team, and I'm coming with you. Pull Ben and his team back. We're about to get what we need.


He walked away and now I felt nervous about this because (Y/N) was already afraid of us. But for all we know, he could be surrounded by anomalies, so we need more than just a small team.

Jessica's mind-Calm down, girl. Just get to (Y/N) before Miguel does... So much for taking him back to my place, but I can at least make sure he's as comfortable as he can be.

I called in my team to pull away from interrogations and waited for the green light from Miguel to go in.

Jessica's mind-I'm coming, Hun... You'll be with Mama soon enough. ~


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