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(Lapis's POV)

I finally reformed and kept my old looks to make this go faster. As soon as I formed I looked around the ship for Peridot or (Y/N), but thankfully, I didn't have to look far. I heard (Y/N)'s crying from down the hall and if I'm right, he is in the lab area doing the examinations done on most species of planets we colonize. I spread my wings and rushed down the hall and found (Y/N) in a small cage over an observation area while Peridot was ignoring him and giving a report.



Peridot-Well I see you're here. Finally.

I just went up to (Y/N) to let him out and hold him to try and calm him down. Peridot just got up from her seat and I glared at her while she didn't even look at me. If I wasn't forced to go back with her without getting in trouble, I would poof her and throw her gem into deep space.

Peridot-We'll be heading to Homeworld shortly. I informed my manager and Blue and Yellow Diamond about the progress of the mission... Or at least Blue Diamond. Yellow Diamond may be attending more important matters and blocked her channel.

Lapis-Has there been a response?

Peridot-Only from Blue Diamond. *Ahem* I am pleased to hear that the (Y/N) has been secured. Have them meet me at The Zoo for a private inspection. I'm curious as to why they took an interest in a Lapis in the first place... That's it.

Lapis-Private inspection?... I thought they just went to The Zoo... Anything about talking to me?

Peridot-If there was, I would've read it. Now, if you excuse me. I have to inform my manager that we'll be taking a detour to the zoo at the request of Blue Diamond.

She walked past me and (Y/N) seemed scared now and looked out the window at earth. I know Earth is a doomed planet, but... That private inspection makes me feel uneasy. What does she want to inspect?... Is she going to see if she wants to keep them to herself or not?

Lapis's mind-No... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! This is not what is supposed to happen! I was going to request to be stationed at The Zoo for him! There's no point if she takes him for herself! Is she really considering that?! A DIAMOND?!?!?!

I held (Y/N) tighter and hung my head before I walked down the hall. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone hit the cell they were in, so I looked in to see it was Pearl and she looked very mad, but I didn't care.



She kept on hitting the cell again and again to hurt herself, but I kept on walking away while she yelled at me and for (Y/N). I even ignored his cries for Pearl while I thought about what might happen if I took him to Blue Diamond. I'm not sure if I walked past the others, but then I made it to the core room by accident. What made me snap out of it was...

Peridot-Lapis! *echo*

I looked behind me into the hall where Peridot's voice came from.

(Fantasy Start)

I entered the room with (Y/N) a bit ago and Blue Diamond and her Pearl were inspecting (Y/N). He was curled up on the ground, but he rolled over and did a stretch. Blue Diamond found this as cute as I did before she picked him up.

Blue Diamond-Oh, he is just the most adorable little thing! ~... Well done, Lapis. I will be taking him back to my quarters at once. He will not be staying here, but I will grant your request to be stationed here... This will even be my last visit here. With the Earth gone, this human is all I really need.

I was completely silent when she got up and walked past me with (Y/N) reaching for me. The last thing I saw was him peeking his head over before the door closed... Now I was stuck here... Caring for random humans I didn't care about... Forever.

Lapis-*Sniffle* *sobbing*... AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

(Fantasy End)

Lapis-... No.

I held (Y/N) in front of me and he looked exhausted from all of his crying. I just bubbled him in some water I could spare and he looked at me a little confused.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Wh-What are you doing?

(Peridot's POV)

I was looking for Lapis to get her to return that (Y/N) to the lab, but she was nowhere to be seen and I want him in full containment before we get moving. This needs to go smoothly for a Diamond. Suddenly...


The ship's alarms were going off and the power was becoming faulty to where some of the cells were acting up. I ran to where the explosion happened and saw the main power source of the ship cut into pieces!

Peridot-What?! Who did this?!

I was about to go over security footage until I narrowly dodged a whip that I saw on the reflection of my screen. I turned to see who did that and most likely destroyed the engine.


Amethyst-Where is he?

I ran while also activating my weapon systems to fire back at her. She chased me and when I felt the ship being pulled back into Earth's atmosphere I was suddenly struck in the head. I flew against the wall and saw my new attacker.


Ruby-Tell me where (Y/N) is... NOW!!!

I was cut off on both sides and had only one blaster. My chances of progressing are completely gone if this goes on... I only have one option left. There was a spot where I could call for an escape pod just by the Ruby, so I rushed there and slammed my limb enhancers down. She tried to hit me but was too slow because the escape pod was already quickly formed and shot me out of the ship... towards a doomed planet... with a Gio Weapon that could go off at any minute buried deep within the crust... that I am now stranded on.

Peridot's mind-... This was supposed to be an easy mission... Just a quick check on the cluster! I didn't sign up for this!

I screamed in frustration before I piloted the escape pod towards a solid surface to crash. Meanwhile, I went over what went wrong... It's what those gems wanted.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Peridot's mind-You... WHY ARE YOU SO SPECIAL?!?!?!

(Pearl's POV)

I was alone and running on this ship while it was falling and alarms were going off. I later found the others and Garnet was back together again, but we were missing someone.


Pearl-Where's (Y/N)?!

Garnet-He wasn't with Peridot or in the lab!

Amethyst-Then where is he?!

Pearl-... LAPIS!!!


(Lapis's POV)

The quick and fast travel through space was too much for (Y/N), so he passed out in my arms before I could land. I sat down on a cliff while I watched the ship crash into the ocean and blow up. A smile curved onto my face and I bounced (Y/N) while giving him kisses as he was out cold. This human trait is adorable and makes it to where I can do whatever I want to him and he was completely unable to even struggle. I just had to be quiet and gentle with him.

Lapis-*Chuckles* My little Funnel Cake. It's just going to be us now. I just want to hold and take care of you forever, but I have to take care of something. ~

He's going to need a cage to stay put in the meantime and I don't want him to be sad and feel like it's a cage... I need it to feel friendly so he can relax while I work. I flew over to another part of the world but found something close to the town he loved so much... Those gems have no idea how to summon an escape pod, so it should be fine. The biggest threat is his parents and I can take care of them easily. I flew to the building and it wasn't funnel cake, but it looked like he would enjoy the food in there. After I vacate it of other humans, I just need to make it more comfy for him.

Lapis's mind-Easy.

(Saddie's POV)

Lars was in the back on his break and I was wiping a few things down at the counter until I heard the door open. I put down the rag and looked to see who it was and... they looked blue and were holding a sleeping child.


Whoever she was, she was just looking around at the food in here while holding him with a blank look on her face.

Saddie-Um, welcome to The Big Donut... May I-?

???-Get out.

Saddie-... Excuse me.

???-That's the point. Bye.

Saddie-Ma'am, I work here and my co-worker is-.

???-Are you defective or this dense?!

Wings made out of water came out from behind her when she started to get mad, but the kid didn't even stir in her arms. He was clearly alive, but now I wonder what she did to her. My heart started to race as I was looking at the boy while she was trying to say something to me, but I couldn't hear... Until she grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me over the counter to hold me in the air.

???-What are thinking about while looking at him?!

Saddie-P-Put me down! Put me-!


For mere moments I saw that I was falling, but I saw the back of my body on the way down.

(Lars's POV)

I was listening to this new song on my headphones and tapping the table to the beat. I was getting to the beat part again after listening to this on loop, but when I reached the peak of the build-up...


I didn't even have control to scream or do anything while my vision was blacking and blurring out while splitting apart.

(No POV)

Lapis just split Lars in half before she used the water from the plumbing to carry the bodies to the trash in water bubbles and clean up the blood. After she went to a few other buildings to get something to have (Y/N) sleep on, she left him with a plate of donuts and a note for when he woke up. The cuteness was something she could not resist and snuggled with him while covering him with kissing before tucking him in. She barricaded the door and put up the closed sign before she flew off to find a good place to start her work. Lapis Lazuli was made to carve and terraform planets, so she plans to carve out the cluster... or just work on cutting it back into fragments.

Lapis's mind-I'll make some good progress before I check on you... I don't see the harm in feeding and playing with you a little if you're awake. ~

(Peridot's POV)

I was coughing up the dust from this filthy rock while walking away from the crash site. I need to find a way of communication to Homeworld as well as get the (Y/N) for Blue Diamond. She will already be upset for the delay and I remember the last time a gem made Blue Diamond cry harder... It was purely unlucky that their Diamond was Yellow Diamond too. They were made an example in front of so many gems because what they did also made her very angry too.

Peridot-*Sigh*... This is Peridot's log. The ship has been destroyed by rouge gems, I am stranded on this doomed planet, and have to retrieve a specimen for Blue Diamond. All before the cluster emerges. My first need is to establish communications... Assuming there is anything left on this planet that works. Ending log.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, far into the ocean where the ship crashed the ship was slowly flooding on the inside of one of the rooms that was barely intact. Matters only got worse when the inhabitants learned that Lapis had (Y/N) last and nobody destroyed the core that would've put (Y/N) in danger... When all the pieces were placed together... Boats were coming in to investigate the "UFO" that crashed into the water. Just before they could send in divers, a huge body of rushing water came up that pushed all the boats back and the people on them were panicking. When the water was running down a giant was emerging and had fire fuming out of one of her mouth for a moment. A few sailors had their eyes on other things for a moment before the fear set back in.




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