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((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to think of something because now I had the library all to myself again and this world was from the book "Chowder". I thought if these books weren't magic before they got in here, maybe I just need a pen to make it magic and use that for a better chance to go home. It makes sense and honestly... It's all I have for a plan right now besides plan Z... Going back into the Coraline book. In order for this plan to work... I have to leave the library and just look for a pen. Any pen. First, I gotta get myself ready and pumped up... Just run out the door right now, LET'S GO!!!


I was almost outside, but I couldn't do it... I just wasn't ready.

(Y/N)'s mind-Come on! You wanna get home?! You need a pen! You let The Beldam get your first pen and you are not going back there! This is the easier way! You can do this!


(Y/N)'s mind-... This is gonna take a while.

(Panini's POV)

I knew where to find my Num Nums or at least I thought I did, but he wasn't at any of the food stands. I was checking some of the shows right now, but no sign of him. I got on top of one of the stands and pulled out some binoculars.

Panini's mind-I know you're out there... We could be spending time at the fair together!

(Chowder's POV)

I just got out of the candy store and they had really good deals today and the explosive fruity flavor is so powerful, that it actually explodes in your mouth a little. I walked down the street to find a game that looked fun to play and when I finally got to a booth to play a fishing game they gave me a fishing pull. After a bit of waiting, I pulled as hard as I could and got one that said, "WINNER".

Chowder-I WIN!!!

Just then I got hooked from behind and pulled up. I was now face to face with the most evil creature known to all of existence.


Panini-Hi Chowder. ~


Fish-Too late little man... Too late.

I tried running, but Panini would always reel me back into her and make me hang in front of her. My body started shaking like a leaf.

Chowder-What do you want from me, woman?!

Panini-I just want a day at the fair together. ~

I bit the line and dropped to the ground before I ran away and jumped into a pickle barrel. There is no way she could've seen me come in here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I finally got out of the library to go look for a pen and pens can be found all over the place. This should be the quick and easy part. I just went out in the street and tried to look natural, and not look at anyone. Just a normal walk in the fair, but then I saw another human boy that looked a little funny and he stopped in front of me.


(Y/N)-Um... What?

He glared at me for a moment and I started to get nervous. Then he suddenly smiled and held up a fly swatter.

Boy-I didn't see you around. If you're new to town, join my club and help me get elected as president, so I may-.

Just then a fly flew past us and he got mad.


He ran off and I forgot how weird this world was. I shook it off and had to find a pen. I checked a few booths and I found a cup full of pens and tried to take one, but then a huge bird stopped!

Bird-Hey! Those are for paying customers only! I'm running a business here!

I looked up at the name of this stand and it said, "Draw your own face". I have no idea who would do this, but I don't even have any money.

(Y/N)-... Can I just borrow a pen?


I just backed away from them before I ran away into the ground, but then bumped into someone. We both fell to the ground and I rubbed my head.



I looked to see who it was and it was a character I knew this time... Panini.


She looked at me and I know how this works, so I backed away from her. She only looked confused when she got up.

Panini-What are you scared of?

I just got up and ran away from her and I looked back to see her roll her eyes and kept on walking this way. She didn't have a reason to chase me and thank everything in the universe that she didn't have one. I kept on trying to look for free pens at stands and inside buildings, but so far nobody was giving them away. In my world, I hated when random things gave you free pins, but now I would do anything for those.


I think I just said that out loud because a lot of people went quiet and looked at me. I smiled nervously before I felt someone poke my shoulder. If I know my luck...

(Y/N)'s mind-Please don't be Panini, please don't be don't Panini!

(Panini's POV)

He spazzes out like Chowder and runs away a little worse than Chowder, but him not being him is actually a little weird. Now he was drawing a crowd and was in a very awkward situation... All for a pen. He just slowly turned around and jumped at the sight of me.

Panini-Are you ok?

He looked at me like he saw a ghost and this is fun to do with Chowder, but embarrassing to watch with whoever this kid is. I did him a favor by pulling him away from this crowd and somewhere more private, but then he tried to rip his hand away from me. Luckily, I had tons of practice with keeping my grip... Chowder just always manages to slip away. I finally let him go and he still just looked wary of me.

Panini-... Do I... know you from somewhere?

He just shook his head no.

Panini-Then why are you afraid of me?


Panini-Nothing... Or something.

???-... No.

He backed away from me and I just rolled my eyes and I should just leave him and he'll be fine... Physically, but I have morals... He just better not test them.

Panini-Where do you live?

???-Ummm... Nowhere.

And now he was testing my morals because he was a horrible liar. I think I'll test him now if he wants to play hardball.

Panini-Nowhere?... Then we can go to my place to have my mentor help you.


He suddenly started running and I just watched him run until he made it back to the crowd, but went into a street where a snail car...





I took him back to my home/kitchen where I live after he got hit because I scarred him off. The guilt was eating away at me and it was so much to bear! I called the Spa Ms. Endive went to today and got her on the phone and told her what happened. Apparently, the hospital was full from what happened last week and they just treated him at a tent... So I brought him here when he needed rest. I heard the annoyance in her voice and she was on her way home.

Panini's mind-Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! What else do I do?! Do I go to therapy now?! What am I supposed to say at therapy?!

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open downstairs, so I left my room and met up with Ms. Endive in the kitchen.


Panini-Hehehe... How was your spa day Ms. Endive?

Endive-Panini, don't change the subject. You said you brought a boy here that got in an accident.


Endive-And why do you look guilty about it?

Panini-I was minding my own business!... At first... Sort of.

Endive-You were chasing the purple one again, weren't you?

Panini-... A little.

Endive-*Sigh* Explain.

(Endive's POV)

She told me the story from when she left to chase down that boy she had a crush on before she told me how she met with this boy. Apparently, he was afraid of her at first sight and later yelled at the top of his lungs about a pen. When I had her take me to where the boy was, she took me to her room and he was lying on a makeshift bed on the floor that looked fairly comfy.

Endive-You said he had nowhere to go?

Panini-I'm sure he was lying. I just said I would bring him here to catch his lie and let me take him home. I didn't really plan on bringing him here!

Endive-Oh, Panini.

Panini-I never met him before or did anything to him! The only boys I remember beating up were Ceviche and Gorgonzola!

Endive-Then he might just have his own set of issues if what you are telling me is true. I will hear his side when he wakes up.

Panini-What should we do until then, ma'am?

Endive-Seeing as I ended a spa day early, I will be soaking in a bath for a while. Keep an eye on him.

I left her alone with that boy and decided to make a nice tray of snacks to go with my bath. Maybe even some leftovers for the boy when he wakes up. I will decide if my apprentice is to be punished or not when that boy explains his side of the story.

(Panini's POV)

I paced back and forth in my room, worried he might lie if he hated me so much for some reason. Or what if he forgets everything because he hit his head really hard? When I looked back to the bed I made for him on my floor, I felt so bad because I scared him into running into the street. I can't stress that enough and it's already so hard!... I slowed down and took a breath before I looked in the mirror.


Panini-It's not your fault, it's not your fault.

I took another look at him and I thought he was going to freak out when he woke up in my room... Everyone likes food, so I can make him something from what I know how to do. I went down to the kitchen after looking my door from the outside and looked through some recipes.

Panini-Meviled Eggs?... No... Sparkle Spackle Pudding?... Let's do that for a small dessert... I need Ms. Endive for most of these... Maybe I can just cook some thin meat and make a sandwich... I can even toast some bread with it.

(No POV)

Panini got started on cooking alone while making an effort to clean up as she went as Endive got into her giant tub to relax. (Y/N) is still out cold, but for a moment he gripped the blankets he was sleeping on, but that was it. Both of the girls thought about (Y/N) for their own reasons.

Panini's mind-Please be okay. You didn't to get hurt... Why couldn't this be Gorgonzola?!

Endive's mind-I saw children and men like you before for the most part, but have a bit of a different build... You must be from out of state or something... I wonder.


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