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((Y/N)'s POV)

So far my Mommy and Daddy didn't know anything about me sneaking out, so I guess what Palutena said really made security not want to tell my Daddy I got out. It was like this all day while I rewatched all of the fights from last night and in the second round, Donkey Kong went up against Meta Knight and lost. Donkey Kong is super strong, but Meta Knight could teleport into short distances with his magic. The rest of the day after lunch was spent with my private tutor until 5 and he went home. I was not allowed to be home alone, so I had to spend the night at my Daddy's club on the top floor again. When I watched all the fights to the last fight where Bayonetta won, I just played Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I was still thinking about the match I was almost in.

(Y/N)-Were they really going to make Toad fight Donkey Kong out of the gate like that?! Who's idea was that?!

I was playing my favorite playable character Lucas and the random computer was Fox and he gave me some health at times when he tried to shoot me. After a bit, my Daddy came into the room and he had a drink with him.

(Y/N)-Hi Daddy.

Daddy-Hey, wanna come outside with Daddy to meet some business friends?

(Y/N)-Like... On the first floor?

Daddy-You can't stay in the club areas. It has to be outside. You can come out and say hello and then come back up here if you want.

Daddy calls me his 'successor', whatever that means because right now, it just means nothing. I just got some shoes on and followed him to the elevator to the kitchen. He took me around the building and we met his business friends in the front of the building. There was a long line of people waiting to come in.

Daddy-(Y/N), this is Mr. Hendricks, Mr. West, and Mr. Alwinger.


Daddy-Everyone, this is my son. My next in line to this fine establishment.

Mr. West-You brought your son here?

Daddy-I let him stay on the top floor where only the invited and most trusted can go. It's rare for anyone to go up there and there is never heavy drinking.

Mr. Hendricks-I see... We came to discuss matters regarding the club opening in other locations.

Daddy-Yes. If I read the email correctly, there was a minor issue. I can assure you that security has never failed and the alcohol limit is sure to keep incidences at a minimum. Assets and income are even at an all-time high thanks to many coming in favor of the tournament.

Mr. Alwinger-And that's the matter we wish to discuss. There seems to be overspending lately.

I thought I should just leave and go back to the elevator in the kitchen, but the line was blocking the way to the alley, and nobody was letting me through. Maybe I can get around if I go to the back of the line I can get back inside.

(Bayonetta's POV)

Jeane was insistent that we visit this club, but the line was long and apparently, the bouncer did care much for a Super Smash fighter, much less the champion. The line is even moving dreadfully slow. How long does it take to scan an idea or are there just that many teenagers trying to sneak in?

Jeane-A five-star club... I hope it lives up to its name.

Bayonetta-It better because I refuse to waste a night.

Jeane-Do you think we could ask for the club owner? Maybe they will be wooed by our beauty and let us in.

I could hear the sarcasm in her voice, but if I get looks and others getting too cozy and handsy around me, I will give them a proper ass-kicking. I'm already finding those looks here in line. While waiting in line a little while longer.


Jeane and I looked over to see a child looking at us in awe, so I take he was a fan.


???-You're the Super Smash champion!

Bayonetta-I am... Where are your parents?

???-My Daddy is talking with his business friends and I'm trying to get back inside.

Jeane-Inside?... Inside where exactly?

He just pointed up at something and we looked to see him pointing at the sign of the club and specifically the top floor where we could see a balcony. I find this really hard to believe.

???-Mommy is not home, so I'm staying here another night since they are both so busy right now. They said the tournament brought in a lot of... terrorists?

He seemed unsure about that last part, but I knew it was wrong. After a brief picture of that in my head, I snapped back to reality.


???-That's it... Are you trying to get in?

Jeane-Emphasis on trying.

???-Well... I can get you in. I just have to talk to my Daddy first. Come on

We looked at each other and at this point, I am no longer waiting. It's either we get in now or we just go out for a shopping spree or something.

Bayonette-Hey little one. What's your name?

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N)!

Jeane-Well then, my name is Jeane.

((D/N)'s POV)

They are saying I spent a little over 500k over the budget limit by extending shifts to keep up with service. They don't want it to get worse and demand I cut back or find something to cover all the money we lost, or else the supply will be cut down to half. I couldn't think of something on the spot besides reaching into my own pocket, but that would look pathetic... I had to buy time.

(D/N)-Now, gentlemen. What's 500k to millions?

Mr. West-It starts now, but this is just in a few days. More people are coming to see more fights. While that means more business, it means nothing if you spend extra like this on more hours for employees instead of supply that we also need to increase. This includes the expansion you want.

Mr. Hendricks-Which is now looking to be delayed at the very least.

(D/N)-I'm sure we can come up with something... We just need a little more advertisement. A new commercial, a billboard, or even attract new investors.

Mr. Alwinger-Unless you have something right now, these changes are happening immed-.


We all turned to see my son with... two tall and gorgeous women.


He ran up to me and my business partners looked as confused as I was. The women stopped behind him and I was lost in my mind for a moment.

(Y/N)-Daddy, this is the Super Smash Champion Bayonetta and her friend Jeane.


(Y/N)-I was wondering if we could let them up to the top floor.

A champion of the tournament, beautiful women, no doubt rich, and hey came the moment I needed a miracle.

(D/N)'s mind-... Thank all that is holy.

I went over to them and patted my son's shoulders.

(D/N)-Take them upstairs and I will have the staff know that they get whatever they want.

(Bayonetta's POV)

I was a little surprised that this could be actually the son of the owner and a guard came out to escort us around the building to an elevator in the kitchen to avoid the public. When we made it to the top floor... It was certainly worth the wait and being the champion now.

Security-Menus are by the couch, there is a hot tub out on the porch, the bathroom is upstairs, second door down by the mini gym, the T.V. has all sorts of streaming channels and downloaded movies, and the office/bed area is on the third flight of stairs. Enjoy.

He left and (Y/N) went over to the big couch to hop on where he had a little video game going. Jeane and I admired how big this place was and already picked up menus to order.

Jeane-Now 'this' is more like it.

After we ordered our food free of charge, I went back to that man whom I knew wanted to exploit us for something. If he asks to see more of my body, he will see the bottom of my foot to his face before it goes up his ass. That aside I looked at the boy who was just staring at us... Mainly me.

Bayonette-Didn't Mommy ever tell you that it's rude to stare?

(Y/N)-Sorry... I just really love Smash and you're... here.

I sighed, but I suppose it was better than grown men eyeballing me with their dirty minds. I thought he might be dirty too from what I caught some kids talking about to sound like a grown-up around their friends, but he went on a streaming service and I saw he was on the Smash tournament and had watched all of them.

Jeane-Do you have a favorite, Little One?

(Y/N)-Oh, my favorite character to play as in the game is Lucas, but my favorite fighter switches a lot. The fights are just too good... Like your final with Meta Knight. He teleported, but you were so fast and ready that when he came back, you made that giant magic foot crush him and send him flying!

He went on about the final I was in and also some other fights. He clearly had a passion for this and it was cute.

Bayonetta-You seem to know a lot about me and my friends in Super Smash.

(Y/N)-Well... yeah... You're always in my top 10 and I even got to meet Samus too.

Bayonetta-That's sweet... Wait a moment... Are you the child that snuck in last night?

(Y/N) jolted a little when I said that and the face he made was cute, but it also told me that I was right... and he was absolute rubbish at hiding it.

(Y/N)-... No. I meet Samus at... a signing.

Bayonetta-Don't sit there and lie.

(Y/N)-... Sorry... Please don't tell my Daddy or a lot of people will get fired.

Jeane-All of that security and you were able to sneak out? How old are you?

(Y/N) held up six fingers and I chuckled a little at the thought of grown men being so dimwitted, they lost track of the owner's child. When our food came up they also brought something for (Y/N) that the chef said his daddy ordered. It was a porkchop with a twice-baked potato and a small salad with dressing on it. We all sat at the table and it seems someone taught this child well enough table manners. He's a clean eater. When we finished, the elevator opened and his dad came in looking happy, but none of his little friends were with him.

???-Cerisa. How is the penthouse?... Oh, where are my manners? My name is (D/N) (L/N).

Bayonetta-Excuse me, but my friends call me by that name. For you, it's Bayonetta.

(D/N)-Oh... my mistake. Well, I was hoping to have a private talk with you in my office. Just the two of us.

He was already off to a bad start with me by not only looking up and using my real name without seeing why I use my other name a lot more often. Regardless, I humored his offer and left Jeane with the boy. While walking up to the office, I could see how uncomfortable (D/N) looked that I was towering over him.

Bayonetta's mind-Honestly, some men with their big, yet fragile egos. Even his son seemed delighted to see me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I left the table and pushed my chair back in before I went back to the couch to watch a show. Jeane walked over and sat next to me and I looked up to see that she looked taller up close.


Jeane-You seem to take a shine to Bayonetta. What about me?

(Y/N)-Well... I don't know a lot about you.

Jeane-I'm hurt. ~

(Y/N)-But I did know your name and you are friends with Bayonetta and you even call her Cerisa. She doesn't let a lot of people do that.

Jeane-Well, you've done your homework on her.

(Y/N)-I just have one question.


(Y/N)-I see some adults online calling her 'Mommy'. Why do adults say that just because she's pretty?

She just froze for a second before she thought about it.

Jeane-What can I say? Some people are just like that, but some are worse.

(Y/N)-Really? Like the bad guys she fights with you?

I kept on talking with Jeane and soon I started to get tired, but wanted to stay up. I want to see if I can get Bayonetta to sign some things for me. When Jeane saw I was getting tired she looked at the blankets and pillows we keep on the side of the room.

Jeane-You seem tired there, Little One. When is your bedtime?

(Y/N)-10. *yawn*... It's only 8:09... Here, you can pick a show or movie you like.

Jeane-By all means, watch your show. I'm just going to order a little something to curb my sweet tooth.

She picked up a menu and I just fought to keep myself awake. I can't go to sleep now with Bayonetta still here. I can do this, I can stay awake.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Bayonetta's POV)

(D/N) had decency and loyalty to his wife to not seduce me, but to keep it about business. However, that business included me visiting the bar and doing performances. When I said no to it, he kept on offering me deals and money but stopped when I walked up to him and leaned over him. Another thing...

(D/N)-Cerisa, please-.

Bayonetta-First of all, you will not be addressing me as Cerisa. Especially since you tried to get me to perform on stage. I know the way I dress, but I have more class than that. Second, I will not even be staying for that long, and are sure as hell not going to spend it doing such acts.

He seemed intimidated by my height, but if I were him, I would be more intimidated by the things his son knows I could do.

(D/N)-J-Just... think about it, maybe?

Bayonetta-You might want to learn how to speak to ladies, seeing as you have a wife to love and a child to set an example for.

I just turned and headed back downstairs while he took another elevator in here down to the club. I sat on the couch and noticed Jeane was sitting next to (Y/N) and he looked tired but happy to see me.


He asked me a few things, like for autographs and how he couldn't wait to see me fight again to defend my title, but when he crawled over he accidentally slipped his arm off the edge of the couch and fell on his face and belly. Thankfully the couch made the landing soft and... cute. Jeane and I chuckled a little while he turned over and let out a yawn.

Bayonetta-You seem tired.

He shook his head no while he sat up and looked like he had trouble keeping his eyes open.

(Y/N)-I'm ok... I just can't believe I have met so many Super Smash fighters in the past 2 days. I wanna try to meet Sonic, Snake, *yawn* and... everyone.

Bayonetta-Well, some do have no manners. Like that Bowser fellow and Wolf.

(Y/N)-But you beat Bower tons of times. He can't keep up with you.

He kept on showering me with flattery and Jeane found this amusing. Even more so when he got closer to me and even more tired.

(Y/N)-I always thought you were the most beautiful, but I don't know why a lot of people call you Mommy. *Yawn*... Seems silly.

Bayonetta-Ok, you're wobbling while sitting up. You need sleep.

(Y/N)-I'm fine... I-... I just need some water.

He got up to get some water and even came back with some bottled water for us. He took a few sips before he tried to act more awake, but when the elevator doors opened to bring in something for dessert that Jeane ordered...



I looked down to see (Y/N) had his head on my lap sleeping. He looked a little exhausted and from tonight, he had no ill or pervy intentions... I suppose he can rest here until we leave. Jean and I just shared the dessert and also a few more drinks while watching a movie. During the movie Jeane got a blanket for (Y/N) and that made him curl up a little more into me.

Jeane-Awwww, cuddling with a fan. Those simps would be jealous. ~

Bayonetta-Let them be... In fact.

I do love teasing men who lust after me, so I pulled out my phone and Jeane came in for a selfie and (Y/N) was in the shoot too. He looked adorable with my hand on his little head, stroking him in the picture. I posted it online and the many followers I had soon liked the picture, but most comments were about jealousy while some thought this was cute. When I felt (Y/N) stir when an explosion was heard in the movie, I turned down the volume some more and felt his face pressed against my stomach a little.

Bayonetta's mind-Indeed... very cute... I don't see how another visit before the tournament couldn't hurt. ~

(Snake's POV)

Some friends and I were out at a very expensive restaurant in a party room that I got dragged to by Sonic and Diddy Kong. I had a nice steak with some sides while I watched Sonic, Diddy Kong, Fox, Falco, Kirby, Krystal, Dixie Kong, and Link mingled. Just then Dixie Kong dragged Krystal over to me after she was minding her own business too.


Dixie-Come on, it's a party! You should be having fun too!

Snake-I'm just here to eat and talk for a bit before I call it a night.

Krystal-You and Diddy did drag most of us here.

She just booed us before going back to the party and Krystal went on her phone when she got a message. She looked a little surprised which got my attention a little.


Krystal-Look's like someone is having a good night.

She showed me the picture and I saw Bayonetta with Jean with some kid, and the post said, "Meet up with a little fan and he got me to a penthouse at a club. Championship titles payoff. 💋".

(No POV)

By the time Snake and Krystal left the party early, Bayonetta and Jeane were still having a good time and (Y/N) still had his head on her lap. After getting carried away with drinks, she got more tired than planned and fell asleep on the couch with her feet on the table. Later, (Y/N)'s dad came in to see the 3 sleeping together on the couch and he made a daring move for 'the sake of his business'. He snapped his fingers a few times to see Bayonetta was out of it for a good bit and tried to under her clothes. There was no way he could find to sneak them off, so out of desperation he tugged on the sides inward to let her boobs slip out and take a picture of them and fixed her when he was done.

(D/N)'s mind-Just a little photoshop on the eyes to make her look awake and some would pay a fortune for this... It's for the sake of the business and my family. She'll understand.


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