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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

I just turned 6 today and I was on the top floor of my Dad's club with my new presents, but I didn't get the thing I really wanted, and was the only thing I asked for. A ticket to tonight's Smash Tournament, but they told me that there were going to be a lot of people there and the private rooms were all booked. I didn't have a problem sitting in the crowd, but Mommy and Daddy didn't want to sit with the others and not have catering. Before Daddy left, he said I can stay up as long as I want and he will reserve a room for the next tournament, but I was tired of watching on the T.V and playing the game. I would use my allowance to get a ticket, but I can't buy one on my own because I'm not an adult. When I looked out the window, I looked at the stadium that is going to be filled up in a few hours and I won't be one of those people.

(Y/N)-*Sigh*... Didn't even ask for games or toys... Just a ticket.

Everyone here is lining up to have that fire water Daddy sells here and dance to be happy, but then I thought of something... It's super busy here at night and Daddy said I can stay up for as long as I want. I can use the elevator to the kitchen to sneak out the back, get a ticket with an adult or something, watch the tournament, and come back while Daddy is super busy. Nobody will even know I'm gone!

(Y/N)'s mind-But what if he does come up here?...

(Timeskip To Night)

I put some pillows under a blanket and since I was supposed to stay at the club overnight again, it'll look like I went to bed early. Right now, I was in the elevator and hid off to the side before the doors opened and I peeked into the kitchen. It was full of workers and when I got out, one of them saw me and know I'm supposed to be upstairs... I know him too.

Marcus-(Y/N), aren't you supposed to be upstairs on the top floor?

(Y/N)-H-Hey Marcus. My Daddy paged the top floor and... we're going to the Smash Tournament a few blocks away.

Marcus-... Really?

(Y/N)-Yeah. You know, it's my birthday... You brought a cake up earlier.

Marcus-I know I brought up your birthday cake, but I also remember your presents and your parents didn't have tickets.

(Y/N)-Well, I guess he bought some.

Marcus-You're not good at lying.

(Y/N)-I'm not lying!

Marcus-So if you're not lying, then I can call and remind your father you were going to meet him at the 'back door'?... Or do you want to save us both the trouble and go back in the elevator?

(Y/N)-... You're no fun!

I went back to the elevator and tried to press the button to the top floor, but Marcus reached in to swipe his employee ID and press the button before he waved goodbye. I just stuck my tongue at him while the doors closed. I even saw my reflection in them.\


(Y/N)-'Stupid' Marcus with his 'stupid' rules.

The elevator was still going up, but then I pressed another button and it stopped at a V.I.P. room and there were a lot of adults in here and some were watching others dance in underwear or something. I tried to sneak off to get outside, but then a big man got in front of me and I have no idea who he was.

Man-How did you get in here?!

(Y/N)-Um... I got lost.

Man-Yeah kid, let me show you to the front door.

This was happening... HE WAS TAKING ME OUTSIDE!!! I looked sad, but I was really happy and when we made it outside, I said my parents were across the street, so he told me to not come back. I think he could get in big trouble for doing this, but I won't tell on him because now, I got to go to the Tournament... I ran into another problem when I got there... Nobody would let me get a ticket with them.

(Y/N)-Please, I got lots of money! I'll pay for yours too!

I held out 5 $100 bills, but nobody believed me. I made it to the stadium, but I can't get inside. I just need a ticket! That's when I thought of something.

(Y/N)'s mind-It's technically not stealing if you leave money, right?

I looked around and I saw someone in a cape holding an envelope with a smash logo on it walk by me, so I thought they had a ticket mailed to them... No harm if I leave them an extra hundred and something dollars to buy a new ticket. I followed them to a food truck they had out here and this food truck was Mario themed. I reached into their big pocket where the ticket was sticking out and carefully put $400 in and then tip-toed away.

(Y/N)-Yes! Yes! Yes! *whisper*

I ran to the gates to get in line and was so excited until I went to scan the ticket after taking it out of the envelope, but then the gate thingy started to glow on the inside and everything was white. I suddenly hit the ground or something soft and saw I was on a couch in a room.

(Y/N)-What the?!

I got up and saw the ticket I had was gone now and looked around more to see a name on the door... "New Fighter: Toad".

(Y/N)-... Fighter?

I looked at the T.V. here when I heard a sound come from it and it showed a match starting with two fighters. Sonic and Snake.


I saw another screen and it looks like Toad is up against... DONKEY KONG!!!


I tried to calm down and just thought if I could get to the crowd and find an open seat, nobody will ever find me. There were only 9 minutes left in the 10-minute fight, so I just left the room and checked to see if the coast is clear...

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, just like in the games with a hard boss... Slow and steady wins the race.

I can hear the crowd outside cheering and I should be out in a seat before the match ends. No problem... Ok, a wrong turn, no worries... There are a lot of voices coming from that room, so not there or someone might see me.

(Y/N)'s mind-WHERE'S THE WAY OUT?!?!?!

(Tails's POV)

I got some food from the snack stand and got back to our front-row seats where the girls were sitting with me. I flew over some people and landed on my chair before passing down the food to Amy, Cream, Bunnie, Sally, and Rouge.


Tails-So, how's Sonic doing? Is he winning?

Sally-It's a tie right now. Snake changed his approach.

Tails-What did he-?


I looked out to see Sonic flying in the air and Amy took her salad and Rouge's baked potato. Snake planted landmines all over the place, so it's going to be hard for Sonic to build up speed.

Rouge-Needs to watch where he's going or he'll be out on the first round.

Amy-I still don't understand why I'm not out there! I have a hammer and tons of fighting experience! And what if Sonic is being hit on by other girls in the fighter's area?! THEY EVEN INVITED TOAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

Tails-Are you still mad after last night?

Cream-What happened last night?

Blaze-Amy, he just gave her a handshake to be a good sport before all of this.

Amy-Did you see Isabelle?! She had her eyes on him and was wagging her tail!

Rouge-You mean half asleep before her friends took her home?

Amy was still touchy and didn't like being completely closed off from the fighter's area. She even turned down a private room up top in exchange for front-row seats... Not like it would change anything for her anyway. When the match was over the stage resetted for a sudden death round with bombs flying everywhere and Snake got hit first and sent flying out of bounds.

Narrator-GAME!!!... THE WINNER IS... SONIC!!! *ECHO*

Now I was thinking of poor Toad having to go up against Donkey Kong... It just seemed cruel. When they called up both fighters, I couldn't really watch until... they said Toad was not coming out, yet.

Tails-Huh?... Well, I can't really blame him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I hear them trying to call out Toad and I still can't find a way out of here! I heard everyone calling out for Toad and they were getting closer.

???-Toad, you're up!

???-We talked about this! Bigger opponents fall harder!

???-You waited for this moment! It's just cold feet!

I ran into a door that was another fighter's room and it was empty, but now I can't go out there without getting caught. When I heard everyone getting closer, I just ran behind a couch to hide behind it. After a few minutes, I heard the T.V...

Narrator-No Contest!

I sighed in relief that I got out of the fight and next up was Bayonetta and Lucario, so I can leave in a little bit to try and find a way out again... The door opened and I was still behind the couch.

???-Still, they threw him straight in the deep end with Donkey Kong. That's like having Olimar's first fight being Bowser.

???-Actually, did anyone see Toad actually make it?

???-What, like traffic or something?

???-He was so excited when he came to me with his invitation.

I heard 3 of them before the door closed and I was so scared that I was going to get caught and get into a lot of trouble. They kept on talking until one of them leaned back on the couch a little hard and it made me jump and whimper a little.


I froze in place for a second until I tried to make a run for it out of here, but just bumped into someone and fell to the ground. I looked up to see who it was and started to cry a little.


It was Samus in her zero suit, and I backed up to bump into someone else. I saw it was Peach and Palutena was on the couch.


I tried to get up and run but tripped over myself by going too fast, but Samus caught me and the others come closer to me.

Samus-Woah. Take it easy.

Palutena-Calm down, little one.

Peach-Who let you in here?

(Samus's POV)

I was so confused on how a kid was able to get in here, but he was too emotional to talk. I tried to offer a gentle touch, but it only slowly worked until Paulutena came over to pick him up to stroke his back while humming to soothe him... her voice was really beautiful and Peach came over to give him some water to completely stop his whimpering and crying.

Peach-Much better... Can you talk now?... Let's start with your name. My name is Princess Peach. ~

???-*Deep inhale* *exhale*... I'm (Y/N)... You're Palutena and Samus.

Palutena-Oh. I take you are a fan?

(Y/N)-Well... Samus is one of my favorites.

Samus-Awwww, really? ~

He nodded his head and we all sat down before he told us how he got here. The story started with it being his birthday and he just turned 6. He only got games for presents with some cake before his parents went to work, but all he really wanted was to come to see the live tournament in person. He told us how he snuck out, but could not get a ticket, so he took a pass from some tall guy and left $400 dollars with him. It sounds like Toad's pass was stolen more than once. Now he's stuck in here until the tournament is over.

Paulutena-I find it repulsive that your parents did the bare minimum for your birthday, even more so where... they kept you. But what you did was really dangerous and wrong.

(Y/N)-I-I'm sorry... I just really love Smash and wanted to see it in person. *whimper*

Samus-Well... Almost being put into the ring with Donkey Kong seemed to have scared him enough.

Peach-What now? We can't leave until the tournament is over. His parents must be worried sick.

(Y/N)-Well... My Daddy works until re-really late... Sometimes all night. It's why I had enough time to come.

His dad was going to leave him on the top floor of his nightclub all alone on his birthday while his mom went out for her own business that she owns. For this to happen on his birthday of all days.

Samus-*Sigh*... I'm up next. Looks like he's staying in here and we will drop him off with his dad when we are let out. Just... enjoy the show (Y/N).

I got my suit on before I headed out to wait for my name to be called.

(Palutena's POV)

I kept the child on my lap and allowed him to watch the matches he desired to see. While they might not be in person as he hoped, he gets to be with some of the fighters up close. I hated the idea his parents had the option to stay with their child on his special day, but abandoned him with only some games and cake to be left alone. I will have a talk to his parents about this when I get the chance about leaving their child alone in such a place on his birthday. The Tournament went on and (Y/N) fell asleep in my lap, but I had to put him down when it was my turn to fight, but I lost on the 3 round. The Tournament was over and the champion was determined and shown on screen as the crowd cheered for her.



I heard (Y/N) sneeze and it looks like he was awake a little and happy from watching the last fight between Bayonetta and Meta Knight. His sneeze did sound pretty cute and he looked so sleepy which added to his cuteness.

Palutena-Did you enjoy the match? ~

(Y/N)-*Yawn* Yeah.

Peach-*Giggles* Come on. We should get you back to your father.

peach took him from me, so I may get up and we walked past so many of our friends who were confused on why Peach was holding a child. We saw Lucina and Robin walk up to us to confront this matter, but we just kept on walking outside and saw the tall nightclub building he said he came from.


Zelda-Whre did you 2 get a child?

Palutena-We would be happy to tell, but he must get home to rest.

Peach-We can discuss this over tea tomorrow.

Lucina-His parents aren't here?

Peach-Well... Sadly no.

They looked confused and we just left with (Y/N) back to the club and went up to the bouncer here and many adored us as fans and wanted our attention. I simply waved to them until we made it to the front... I really didn't want to leave him here, but we don't have much of a choice.

Peach-Excuse me. Mr... Ardo. We came to return (Y/N) to his father.

She turned (Y/N) to the guard and that woke him up and he already looked scared. As dangerous and reckless his actions were, it wasn't entirely his fault. His parents neglected him. Peach looked sorry for him too when he was put down.

Mr. Ardo-(Y/N)?!... *Grunt* When your father hears that you snuck out on your own-!

In that instant... I stepped in.

Palutena-You are going to tell his father that his six-year-old son snuck past all of you and wondered the city all by himself? He will for sure get grounded, but I have a feeling security guards that weren't even aware that he was gone will be the first to be fired.

Peach-I surely would too.

He looked speechless and tried to think of something to say, but I held my composure before he called for someone to escort (Y/N) to bed. The little one waved us goodbye and we went up to him to give him a hug goodbye.

Palutena/Peach-Happy Birthday. ~

We left while they took him inside. We have another tournament here in a few days to play someone called "King of the Hill" where one person takes on the champ and if you win, you try to hold that position... Perhaps I can offer special tickets to (Y/N) to make up for this tragedy of a birthday... Well, mostly a tragedy.

(Bayonetta's POV)

The others were gossiping about a child that snuck into our quarters during the tournament which should not be possible without an invitation. Mindless rumors, I'm sure. When I made it to the limo, I saw Jean waiting inside it for me and poured us both a drink.


Jeane-Congratulations, Champion. A toast?

Bayonette-I'd love to, but it's not over, yet. I have a title to defend in a few days.

I took the drink but did not toast to victory just yet. We drove back to the hotel we reserved here since we are visiting this world for a while, but Jeane was insistent on celebrating somehow.

Jeane-How about we do a little clubbing tomorrow? Being a champion has its perks. Might as well enjoy them. I even know about this fabulous nightclub close to the stadium.

Bayonetta-*Yawn* I suppose so, but first... I need my beauty sleep.

(No POV)

Everyone was heading back to their worlds or to places they planned on sleeping tonight while the stadium was getting ready for the next phase of the tournament that will take a few days to ensure the champion is given a fair chance to rest. Meanwhile, Peach went out with some more of the girls to explore and even made a spot to reserve a room for a 'special fan'.

Peach's mind-See you then, Sweetie.


Epic the Orca

Hell yes! I was waiting for this one!