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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and the house was so different with cameras in the living room, hallway, and kitchen. There was even some outside and in the garage for better security, and the locks on windows and doors were all smart locks. Only Pearl had the tablet in her gem and right before my bedtime, the gems said that they were going to go out on patrol and the house was going to be on lockdown. They said I could ask anyone of them to stay if I wanted them to, but I said no since there was nothing that can get in this house now without setting off alarms before they can even get in. They just made sure I was ready for bed and they were going to go hunt a corrupted gem monster after. Pearl gave me a kiss first and then Garnet, but Amethyst pulled me into a hug with my face in her chest.

Pearl-Amethyst, would you please stop that?!

Amethyst-Awww, but pink and red suit him so well. ~


Garnet-... Let's go.

Amethyst pulled me in her chest again before she left with the others and they closed and locked my door.

(Pearl's POV)

I was getting annoyed that Amethyst was teasing (Y/N) relentlessly like that a lot more. I wanted to put him in that stroller to keep him at a safe distance from others, but Amethyst mostly wanted to make him blush and play with him. I set that aside for now and pulled the bubbled gem out of my gem and took a quick look at it.

Pearl-Amethyst, which one did you grab?

Amethyst-I don't know. You wanted a corrupted gem to let loose for a little bit, so I grabbed one... Does it matter which one?

Pearl-Yes! The point is for an easy victory! A gem that is easy to read, overwhelm, and poof! What if it's the centipede or the puffer fish that did... You know what.

Amethyst-I know I didn't grab that one.

Garnet-We're not taking chances. We will let (Y/N) sleep for a while, so we can pick out a well-suited gem for the job. This has to look good.

We all headed back to the temple and this was going to be tough because it they are too weak, then someone might suspect something. Too strong and... That's not happening. It will happen to every other human on this planet before it even becomes a slim chance of a possibility for my baby... Not even a slim chance. It took an hour before we went with a bear-like corrupted gem that was slow, but hard to pierce. Unless, you make your way to its underbelly, and to be sure, we did a test run with them. By the time we made it back, it was already 2 in the morning, so a lot of people had to be asleep.

Garnet-Pearl... Do it.


((Y/N)'s POV)


I suddenly woke up really fast to that loud sound and felt the ground shake. I looked outside to see what it was, but I didn't see anything at first. I thought about going back to bed, but then something came running from down the street and it looked like a bear with no eyes. It was running straight for our house while knocking things over and then I noticed a trashcan it knocked over was cut up by just its fur. I ran out of my room to go to my parents, but then I heard something outside that made the monster scream. When I got back to my window, I saw Amethyst had tied up the monster with her whip.


I saw her pull harder before she looked up to see me at the window and I tried to open my window, but it was locked. While the monster was down, Pearl came out from over the house and shot some kind of light blasts to hurt the monster and the blasts even blew up.


Finally, Garnet came out from the sky and smashed her huge hands on the monster and it spitted out something.


That something rolled into a mini monster and it was faster. It made it to my window and scratched at it a little which made me scream and fall back on the ground. The monster was still trying to get in, but a whip wrapped around it and pulled so tight it got poofed just like Garnet did with her fight with Lapis. When I left my room to go see the gems outside I saw Pearl holding a gem in a bubble before the tapped the top and sent it away. She ran over to me to pick me up and people from houses and RV's on the block, so the gems took me inside and locked the door.

Pearl-Oh, sweetie. Are you ok? The corrupted gem tried to get you. ~

I wanted to go see if my parents were ok, but their door was locked, so I guess they were still sleeping. Pearl held me the whole time before Garnet took me from her.

(Y/N)-Are there more out there? *whisper*

Garnet-No, that was it... Can you go back to sleep?

I thought about it for a second before I shook my head no, so they took me back to the living room to watch cartoons, but Garnet made me look at her.

Garnet-Now do you see why you need to stay close to us?

(Y/N)-... The monsters and stuff like the fight with Lapis.

Amethyst-That's right... You know, since he's not going back to sleep. I might as well give him a bath.~

Garnet-You had enough teasing him. You will either settle down in that bath with him, or I will do it, and I will be watching.

Amethyst-Ugghhh! Fine, Mom.

I tried to get them to be a little more quiet, so my parents don't wake up. Amethyst got my clothes off on the way to the bath and Amethyst glowed a little to do what Pearl did with me before she turned on the water.

(Y/N)-I can take a bath by myself. It's my house and-,

Garnet-No. After what happened, you know why we can't risk leaving you alone. Do you know what would've happened if we weren't here?

(Y/N)-Well... I... B-But... it's just a bathroom. I can call if anything happens.

While I was talking, Garnet just bounced me while the bath filled up. I kept on trying to convince them because they put up so much security, but when Garnet got annoyed, she gave me to Amethyst before she bent down to say this to me...

Garnet-Since you are going to act like this. We are getting a child leash in the morning.


Garnet-Now a pin for the living room.

(Y/N)-But the house is-!

Garnet-If you kept this going, we will take you back to our house this instant for this bath.

I wondered if she even meant like this or something, but I just stayed quiet and Amethyst put me in the bath with her. Garnet sat next to the tub to pet my head and helped clean me before Amethyst and I got to play with bubbles.

((M/N)'s POV)

I secretly connected the cameras to my laptop and saw Amethyst and Garnet giving my son a bath while Pearl was tidying up the house and making something. I tried to get out of my room while their 'plan' was in effect, but this stupid lock would not budge. I knew we could live like this, so I had to plan something behind my husband's back in case he blabs or lets this slip... I was getting tickets to North Korea where I have a friend we can stay with for a while until we find a new house. All flights are on a tight schedule, plus I need to pack a few things without the gems finding out, so I can't just grab the first flight and leave. Too risky.

(M/N)'s mind-This is going to take a while but it'll be worth it.

For a moment or two, I even considered leaving (D/N) behind if he bends to the gems too much out of fear, but it's the fear that should make us want to leave... I need to think about our son first.

(Lapis's POV)

Peridot and I were nearing earth and she was talking to someone on a private communications channel for the mission. Meanwhile, I was looking at the cells and saw they did not look comfortable for (Y/N) when we put him in. I'll just have to steal something soft for him to rest on, but suddenly, Peridot came from behind me.


Peridot-Lapis, it appears that report of yours we just read over by Blue Diamond herself.

Lapis-Oh. Does she wish to talk to me?

Peridot-No, but reports said that she took an interest, so it seems we could put more effort into this side mission. Checking on the progress of the cluster still comes first.

Lapis-Of course. I also know where he will most likely be.

Peridot-Very well then... As you were.

She left me alone and it was clear she still didn't care about the real reason we came, but I know that this will be easy with help from the ship because we can just last them to bits and take (Y/N) easily when they are gone. The earth will be destroyed, so (Y/N) will have no choice, but to accept my love and care for him. A smile curved onto my face at the thought of it.

(Peridot's POV)

To think a being, such as a Diamond will even notice something like a 'human' that we just keep in a view that nobody ever goes to. Why would a Diamond even care about organic life in the first place? They are just made to slowly wither away anyway. I pulled up Lazuli's report to go over it again and she labeled the 'child' as 'cute and affectionate for personal enjoyment'.

Peridot-*Tch* For what enjoyment? Some stupidly easy functions that any gem with half a brain can do effortlessly and even do better.

I saw a new attachment from the report and it was from Blue Diamond and her interest in this report. She talked about a time before I was made and Pink Diamond was alive. It just reminds me of how different she and Yellow Diamond are. White Diamond is... a completely different case. This (Y/N) still managed to get the very thing some gems would shatter to achieve... Personal recognition by a Diamond.

Peridot's mind-Ugh, what's so special about you anyway?

Perhaps a little experiment of observation will be in order if we are to capture him. I went back to the control room and saw we were entering Earth's atmosphere. I landed us near the kindergarten and met up with Lapis at the exit.


Peridot-Alright, we will check on prototypes first before I check on the cluster. After... I don't, I will give us a day or so to find this (Y/N) you are so invested in.


We got out of the ship and I had the entrance of the prime kindergarten open up, so we can get to work. The whole time Lapis was trying to rush the process to get to that (Y/N) creature. When we finished checking on prototypes that have not even emerged, yet, Lapis got a head start on the search.

Peridot-Where are you going?!

Lapis-You have the rest covered here. I'll be back with (Y/N) and we can head to the zoo with him to drop him off.

I was left alone and I felt so frustrated. This (Y/N) will be observed, but I am reporting to Blue Diamond's communication channel that a Lapis Lazuli under her command is breaking an agreement of this mission in order to capture a (Y/N) she brought up in her report. It's up to her how she responds.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(No POV)

Blue Diamond-Hmmm... Pearl.

Blue Pearl-Yes, my Diamond?

Blue-Arrange a time to visit the Earth in a couple of days... I wish to see her planet one last time if able.

Blue Pearl-Yes, my Diamond. You have an opening in a few weeks so far. I will see what I can do to open something up.

Blue Diamond-Also... Keep an eye on the 2 gems that were sent to Earth. I'm interested in this (Y/N).


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