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((Y/N)'s POV)

Ruby kept me in her room and in a bed she made in her closet when she saw I wanted to hide really well to make sure the girls don't find me. I just know one of them is guarding the library or maybe they came back with people that they know want me. Mama Bear, The Queen of Hearts, Kanga, Mama Heffalump, The Snow Queen, and THE BELDAM!!! They were really controlling, but now they can bring others here that are much bigger and stronger than me... I was too scared to go out and find the library and I was crying in this stupid closet. When Ruby opened her closet from it being cracked, she and her friends all had something for me. Ruby had a sippy cup with milk, Valerie had a sandwich, and Louis had a stuffed animal.


I felt so ashamed of myself that I wished my Mom and Dad would come out of nowhere to just yell at me to grow up and leave no matter how bad it was. Instead, I get...

Ruby-Hi there. I got some milk to go with your peanut butter and jelly sandwich. ~

Louis-I even brought you a toy to cuddle in here. ~

(Y/N)-I... I should be out trying to-.

Ruby-But (Y/N)... You told us that girl and her friends betrayed you and they could bring others here, including a monster. It's not safe until the police catch them, so you need to stay here. ~

Valerie-Do you even want to go outside? Let alone look around for the thing you need to find.

I really need to say "yes", get up, and leave this house, but the girls acted so weird and I don't know if this is just to scare me into them or something, but bringing everyone here to capture me... I won't make it home anyway. I took too long to answer them because Ruby same in the closet and put my head on her lap before she put the sippy cup in my mouth. Louis made me hold the stuffed animal and Valerie sat next to Ruby to get ready to feed me.

Ruby-Isn't this much better? ~

(Ruby's POV)

I don't think he knows if he wants to stay or go, but I know it would be best if he just stays here. Having a cute alien at home is just too good and I know he will need me, just as much as Max, if not more... He's not going anywhere. He already doesn't fight much from being so scared, so maybe reminding him of the bad things to keep him in my room isn't so bad...

Ruby's mind-It's just like reminding someone to look both ways before crossing the street.

I could tell he was unhappy and still fighting himself on this, but he'll learn.

(Red's POV)

This town really did look like it came out of a storybook and everyone was a bunny here. Almost like Alice's world, but less mad. I'm in a little town and made it to some houses without being spotted. When I checked in through the windows while listening for (Y/N), I noticed a few bunnies in a metal wagon with strange uniforms. I thought it would be the worst thing if they saw me. When they passed by, I ran across the road and got in the middle of some houses. Then I heard something from a really high window.

???-*Giggles* Come on (Y/N), open up. I made this sandwich for you! ~

Red-*Gasp* (Y/N)?! *whisper*

Red's mind-Wait... ARE THEY FEEDING MY BROTHER?!?!?!

(Roger's POV)

I just finished the sandwich Valerie made and they were all upstairs with the alien. Since I could not get up, I spent some time with my thoughts. I heard the window open next to me and I looked over it to see nothing, but the open window that I knew was closed.

Roger-Huh?... Valerie?... Louis?... Ruby?

The room was quiet besides the giggling upstairs, but then a red cloth came around and tried to choke me. I couldn't scream and felt something pushing on the back of the chair.


I kept on trying to fight back, but I was still sore from falling down the stairs. Soon, I started to black out and lose all of my strength until everything was dark.

Roger's mind-Who would... do this?

(Valerie's POV)

We got (Y/N) to come out and sit in the middle of the floor with all of us around him, but he still looked unhappy. Just then, there was a ring at the doorbell which annoyed all of us. We all thought we could give (Y/N) a while to himself to go answer the door and make sure that nobody gets in. We saw Roger sleeping on the chair when we answered the door, but nobody was outside.


Ruby stepped outside to look around while we were in the middle of the door. Suddenly, we got pushed with a pillow from behind and forced us out of the house. I didn't even see who before the door was slammed shut. We tried to rush in and get whoever was inside, but the door was locked.

Ruby-MAX, (Y/N)!!!

(Max's POV)

I heard noises out there, so I hid under my bed and saw a shadow of feet at my door. I covered my mouth to stay extra quiet while they passed by. Next, I heard voices and I couldn't hear everything.

???-*Mumbling* come with *mumbling*... Gerda... mother. *mumbling*... Now! *muffled*

I heard more footsteps and noises outside, and it was Ruby calling me. I waited until everything was quiet before I left my room and checked the house to see nobody... The window in the living room was open and I tried to shake Roger awake, but he would not wake up. I ran to the door where I heard my sister and her friends, so I unlocked and opened the door and I was instantly pulled into a hug by my sister while her friends ran upstairs.


Ruby-Max! Are you ok?! Is (Y/N) ok?! Did you see him?!

A lot of stuff was happening and her friends screamed upstairs, but I noticed one thing... Nobody was helping Roger and he was not moving or even waking up...

Max's mind-Is he in a deep sleep?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Red made me follow her out a window and sneak out or else she would come back with the girls, but my heart really sank when she said 'mother'. I do know who she meant, like if it was her mother, Mama Bear, or... No, it can't be her. They would already be dead or stuck in that world. Red was holding my hand as tight as she could before we made it back to the library. I looked around for the others and nobody was here. Before I could think to just push her out and go into another book, she took me to the barred-up part of the library before she closed the door to lock me in. I turned back to her and she was smiling at me like I was cute and she didn't just do something completely crazy.


Red-*Sigh*... Much better. We'll be a family again! ~

She tried to give me a kiss, but I backed up to where she could not reach me. She didn't look mad and just blew me a kiss and waved at me.

Red-The others can come back soon, but I'm sure we can get some training in for you. ~

My body shivered a little before I looked around for a way out... No window or door in here. Just the bookshelves to other books, but those books were gone... I just got on my hands and knees to beg and Red looked a little surprised

(Y/N)-Please, Red... I'll do anything, just help me get home. *sniffle* Please.

Completely desperate, I crawled up to the bars and she cupped my face in her hands.

Red-We are going home. Mother will let us play, cuddle, and spend time together when she leaves me in charge of you. ~

(Y/N)-Your mother?

Red-*Giggles* Our mother. ~

She kissed my head and hugged me through the bars before she left the library to get the others. The whole time, I tried to get out of here, but it was hopeless... No books in my reach, no key, and no exit means no escape. I cried in a corner after completely giving up right now and even wished I was back with Ruby at the very least. When I heard the other girls come in, they called out to me, but I closed my eyes and faced the wall.

Goldilocks-(Y/N). ~

Gerda-Oh, Sweetie. ~

Alice-I got a treat from this world (Y/N). Some fresh strawberries. ~

I didn't even look at them and then the library shook which meant we were going to another world. I could only hope for nothing bad to happen, but no matter what, it was going to end badly if it was their plan. When the library stopped, I heard the gate unlock and open before I was picked up and held over a shoulder. I still didn't want to look at them, but I opened my eyes to look at Gerda and the others anyway.


Gerda-Awwwww, there's those cute little eyes. ~

Gerda kissed my face a couple of times before we walked up to a big mansion and the others opened he door. I don't know what this place was, but Alice pulled a cord next to the door a few times and we waited out here for a little while. When someone finally came out, I started to really panic when she walked up to us, but when she got close, my body froze and would not move... I was just so scared.


Beldam-*Gasp* There's my baby boy. Come to Mama. ~

She took me from Gerda and my body could only shiver with each kiss she gave me and then Red stepped up from the others.

Red-I'm the one that caught him, Mother! I did it all by myself!

Beldam-Good girl, Little Red... Awwww, your big brother is shaking like a leaf... You can play with him after he gets a good nap with me and I ask him a few questions. Ok? ~

Red looked happy while the others looked jealous.

Alice-What about us?!

Goldilocks-We tried really hard too!

Gerda-He needs a loving big sister too!

Beldam-Now, now girls. It's up to Little Red and me... *sniff* Smells like he also needs a bath before bed.

(Beldam's POV)

I could see the fear in (Y/N)'s eyes and feel his body tremble in my arms. I ignored it and felt really happy that I had everything I wanted and in the meantime, Mel was being used as a toy for everyone out back in the garden. Either for in the painting or out of it to use her however, they please. With my son here, I might just not let her back in the house for a while, or any house. I'm still mad after I found out I was supposed to die in my story before I changed it, so she can have a worse ending. When we made it to my room, I stripped us both down to have a nice shower and bath. I loved the way the bathroom looked from the way my servants made it the best they could. The shower and bath were in a smaller glass room and the water felt like heaven. The whole time, (Y/N) was completely paralyzed in fear, so he couldn't fight me.

Beldam-*Giggles*... I know you knew what was supposed to happen to me, but I'm not mad at you at all... No, no, no... I just have questions for you and from how precious and special you are... You just have to be mine. I learned so many things already, but nothing about you, and we're going to fix that. Aren't we? ~

(Y/N)-... I-... I d-d-don't... underst-and. *whimper*

Beldam-*Giggles*... Arms up. I want you nice and clean before our nap. ~

I may not have needed sleep anymore, but I bet it will still feel nice or I can make it feel better than it ever did before. I continued with the bath and when I dried us off, I wrote that pajamas would dress him for me before a rope would fly in and tie him up before floating over to the bed. He would also be in a perfect cuddling position for me. He struggled, so I tried to write him to calm down, but he only started to scream and cry until I just got in bed and turned him into me to bury him in my cleavage and pajamas.

Beldam-We have so much to talk about when you wake up... I want to know everything about you and where you came from... Maybe, I'll just take over that place too, and just have this world be your little toybox. You like that? ~

He shook his head no to me and I laughed a little as I waited for him to tire himself out. It took hours for him to go to sleep, but I never got tired of watching him and holding him still... He was even cuter when he was sleeping.

Beldam's mind-So cute... Maybe you can play with Mel soon too. I'll give you anything you want to have you love being mine... 'Anything' I will like you to have. ~


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