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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up this morning and tried to sneak out of bed from Millie to see if my family made it home, yet, but Millie was holding me really well. Her legs, tail, and arms were wrapped around me, and she was on top of me. I tried to ask nicely to leave after I gently woke her up and even said I would make breakfast, but all she did was stay on top of me and played with my hair. I kept on trying to ask, but she would just ignore my question. She would not let me go until the door opened and Kitty came in holding her sword until she put it away.


Kitty-Hey, his family is here... I think he would like to leave his room now.

(Y/N)-Millie won't let me. I asked her a lot of times, but she just keeps on cuddling.

Millie-... Fine.

Millie got off of me and got out of bed, but she still held me and Kitty got close to rub my cheek and jumped up to give me a kiss on the cheek. We made it to the living room and I saw my family was back, but my mom and sister had marks on their faces. Madonna and Planetina were out here with them and I wiggled out of Millie's arms to go see what happened.


(Y/N)-Mommy, (S/N)! Are you okay?!

I tried to hug my Mommy, but she put her hand on my head to stop me and Planetina pushed her arm away before she picked me up. I reached for Mommy and sister to try and comfort them, but they just looked at everyone before they leaned back.

(Y/N)-What happened?! I thought you came straight home! Where's grandma?!

Mommy-She's... resting in her room here.

Planetina-Well, let's get you fed and have a little sit down for a family meeting. We already introduced ourselves and had a little talk earlier.

She took me to the kitchen and I wanted to stay in here to take care of my hurt family, but Kitty came with us to make sure I didn't go back in until the family meeting starts. Planetina made me some oatmeal and even made the garden sprout really fast for fresh fruit and they were really tasty. Dawn and Holli walked in and saw Millie and Planetina feeding me until Holli took over on the last fast few bites.


Holli-Morning sweetie. I'm going to be your mommy really soon. ~

Planetina-Can you not bring that up again?

Holli-Prude. Millie was eyeing her a little.

Kitty-I don't think she wants her that way.

Holli-I mean I plan to be rough and Millie can have both. She already acts like a mom.

Planetina-Don't put that in my head!

(Y/N)-Put what?

Holli-Nothing. Say ahhh. ~


When we were done with my oatmeal, we went out to the living room and Grandma came out with Madonna now. Holli put me on her lap before she gave me kisses and Mommy watched like it was weird, but I loved getting kisses. Just then, Kitty took me from her and I sat between her and Dawn. I just snuggled into Kitty when she kept an arm around me. I lied on her lap and put my legs on Dawn's lap to get comfy and Kitty pet my head before Dawn dubbed my tummy a little.

(M/N)-(Y/N), sit up you little-!

Millie-Let's... start this meeting.

I just sat up again to make my Mommy happy and Kitty tried to keep me on her lap, but I slipped from her paws pushing on my head and Dawn stopped to. We can always do this later... It just looks like they really wanted to snuggle.

Madonna-We got Millie caught up on the first meeting and no let's go over some new changes around here. It's clear this house needs some 'etiquette' and reforming, so I will be overseeing that. I will be giving lessons to (M/N) and (S/N) for starters... Also, if (Y/N) would like-.



Holli-I'll be sharing a room with (M/N) and in exchange, I will take over a few minor chores and care. The girls will take care of the rest, all thanks considered.

(Y/N)-But I do the chores.

Millie-You can help me with a few things. You're just not doing some stuff anymore. Like mowing the lawn and stuff like that is off limits.

Kitty-But for laundry, your mommy, sister, and grandma can do their own.


(S/N)-That's a poor man's job in this day of age! (Y/N) already does it and-!

Kitty-Is done with that.

That didn't make my sister happy and I wanted to stand up and say that I would just do it, but the girls weren't done talking, yet.

Dawn-You still have the least amount of chores, but if you make a mess, you'll be the one cleaning it up.

(Dawn's POV)

With this rule, it will be almost impossible to retaliate against them and easier for us to deal with them without (Y/N) thinking it's cruel. I still don't understand how he loves them so much because Madonna hit them after they tried to interrupt our rules for (Y/N) last night. I enjoyed seeing predators get hit with a riding crop, but they reminded me so much of Lionheart. I never got the fearful and sad reaction from (Y/N) that I expected, but I will for sure get it from them. I even felt comfortable giving (Y/N) affection and they ruined it with their stupid habit.

(G/N)-A lady does not dirty her hands with chores when there is a male around!

Madonna-You and I will be doing other things. It is (M/N) and (S/N) who will have assigned chores. You have other duties to attend to at first. It starts with some paperwork that you'll be signing.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Grandma was about to say something, but she stopped for some reason and Kitty pulled my head back down to her lap and Dawn landed on me a little. (S/N) was getting her mad face and I don't like that face or what happens after because it is never good.

(Y/N)-Um, I can still do the laundry for-.

Millie-No, she's a big girl and can do it on her own.


Planetina turned a little red and Madonna stood up while looking at her and she just got angier before she stared at me. She suddenly ran to me and Millie tackled her to the ground.



Millie dragged my sister out of the room and outside while I started crying, so Kitty and Dawn pulled me with them to Kitty's room. They took me to the bed and I tried to go out there to make (S/N) feel better, but Kitty and Dawn won't let me. I heard voices out there and I'm sure if they take their anger out on me, everything will be much better.

(Y/N)-Kitty, just let me my sister! She just needs to let it out on me and she won't be angry anymore!

Kitty-(Y/N), no! She is going to learn another way that doesn't involve hitting you and she will learn these new rules we agreed upon.

(Y/N)-B-But, this is our house! It's going to make them mad and nobody will be friends!

Dawn-We're all adjusting, and that means you too... Sit down.

(Y/N)-*Hic* *hic* B-But-.


I sat down on the ground next to the bed and curled up. This was not supposed to go like this at all and it's all my fault because I didn't try harder. THIS ISN'T FAIR!!! I could be out there making things better and it will only hurt for a few seconds... Well, for the worst part. Kitty got me to go up on the bed and I just cuddled with her and Dawn made me put my head on her lap.

Kitty-It's ok. We know it was scary, but this is for things to get better. I mean, did you think you were going to take care of them like this forever? ~

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* I-I don't know... Maybe a little.

She made me look up into her eyes and she was doing her cute face and it made me stop crying very quickly.


Kitty-Honey... Please, don't ok. Just snuggle into us and listen to what we say. There are some very good things in this for you. ~

(Y/N)-L-Like what?

((S/N)'s POV)

Millie-You, your ma, and the hag are going to do whatever he asks, or I can send ya 'live on the farm'. Do ah make myself fucking clear?

This psycho had me pinned down on this filthy dirt with a knife to my throat, but the glowing yellow glare eyed glare she was giving me, scared me the most. I wanted to cry out for help, but I felt the knife on my neck already. I closed my eyes to not look t her, but...


I opened my eyes to look at her like she wanted and not I can see the reflection in the knife close to my eye.


Millie-You and your family are not in charge anymore... We are.

She just got up and stepped on my face to head back to the house and I started to get really mad again. I'M NOT SOME STUPID DOORMAT!!! I got up and ran at her to knock her down while her back was turned, but she stepped aside, tripped me, and pinned me back down.


Millie-I don't know if you are more arrogant or stupid... Maybe when I'm done with your mama, I'll find time in the night for you... Just so you know, I can pick locks.

She got off of me and I just screamed and hit the ground before I just ran inside and to my room, but when I got in... I slipped on the floor and hurt myself. I couldn't get up from it being so slippery, but I also saw something on my bed...


(Madonna's POV)

Holli and Planetina were with me to make sure (M/N) and (G/N) comply and I didn't mind Planetina trying to set (M/N) on fire, but not (G/N)... At least until I have full control over the house. Holli just plans to take her to her room to 'get to know her better' and her interests disgusted me. When (G/N) saw a new will of hers I have written since we have the same handwriting, I just needed her signature, stating that when she passes, all assets and properties go to (Y/N) when he is of age and I will control it until then. Her response however was...

(G/N)-I will not live a penny to a boy that will grow to be some arrogant male!

Planetina-You will, or-!

Madonna-Now, let's not do anyone we might regret ladies... I assure you, your daughter and granddaughter will be well taken care of. You know better than me that (Y/N) has... a bigger heart than any of us could understand.

I pushed the papers closer to me and Planetina had fire coming off of her a little with her eyes slightly glowing. I would be terrified too, if I were in their position.

Madonna-Let's just settle this peacefully. Sign the dotted line and we can go about our day. All the chores will be cared for by the others, and we could be in good standing with each other. Nothing changes for you in terms of the condition of this manner.

I noticed Plantina getting warmer next to me which persuaded her to sign the papers and I took them while smiling. Millie and Dawn might know how to do this inside the spider-web or whatever it was. Holli just took (M/N)'s hands and pulled her to her room that they were sharing now.

Holli-We have things coming in today. Do you prefer a ring or a ball?

(Kitty's POV)

I don't understand how he can love his family after his sister charged at him, his mother yelled at him like that, and I heard what his grandma said thanks to my hearing. (Y/N) just kept on getting worked up until Dawn and I just held him on both sides and he flipped over to nuzzle into Dawn. We can't let him talk because it will go to defending his horrible family. Soon, I heard a noise that Dawn said was the doorbell, and when I slowly got up to peek out the window to see a truck with a flying letter on it drive away that I think was a mail truck from what I'd seen on T.V... I think I got something to help (Y/N) get his mind off the family meeting.

Kitty-Oh (Y/N). Wanna help decorate my room?

He perked up when I said that and it looked cute.

(Y/N)-Can we help Dawn next?

Dawn-Awwww, of course.

(Y/N)-Do I have to be tied up when I go in again?

I looked at Dawn and she just gave me a nervous look while I glared at her.

Dawn-No... I think someone else gets that rule now. You just have to be a good boy and ask if you can sit on my furniture or do anything in my room. Ok. Like we are going to go over what a secret is.

(Y/N)-Oh... Kitty, would it make you feel better if you did it to me too? So you don't feel left out.

Kitty's mind-Unbelievable.


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