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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was playing some video games in the trailer while Mommy was driving. The car was full of stuff and she didn't trust Tom back here with a lot of stuff that can break if it was unstrapped. Tom was in the car with her and I didn't see Jerry come with us. I just played a table game on my Nintendo Switch and looked at the car through the window up front. We were going to pick up something in the country, but it was a whole day of driving. I looked out the other windows and saw we were in a desert. It was kinda fun being back here and both at the little table had seatbelts.

(Tom's POV)

I was so hungry, but all the food was in the trailer and I was stuck in the backseat of the car. What I would not do for a good sandwich, but then I heard something in the trunk. I looked back to see that little pest eating some spray cheese and crackers.


I pushed over a suitcase to fall on top of him and grinned at him when he dug himself out. He undid a latch that sprang out clothes top hit me in the face. I had it and dug around the clothes and threw them behind me until he had nowhere left to hide.

(M/N)-Thomas! You crazy cat! Stop that right-! AAHHHHH!!!

The car started to turn left and right on this empty road when I looked to see a shirt covering her head. Suddenly, I got hit with a camera in the face and Jerry laughed at me before he opened the back trunk window and jumped onto the RV. I was not going to let him get away that easy, so I threw more clothes behind me to get through faster.

(No POV)

(M/N) was blinded again and there were clothes and junk on the dashboard, so she could not see and something was under the brakes, so she could not stop. Jerry landed on the latch for the trailer and when Tom lunged at him the car also hit a bump in the road which caused it to become a little bent. The fight continued with nowhere to go for Jerry, so he did the only thing he could do and kick the lever to hit Tom. He swung under the now damaged hook for the trailer and his butt was dragged across the burning hot road.


(M/N), hit a pothole in the road which detached the trailer from the car. Knowing (Y/N) was back there Tom and Jerry both panicked and tried to grab the trailer, but the car turned into a fork in the road.

Jerry/Tom's mind-Uh-oh.

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up a little bit ago after the crash from Tom and Jerry fighting outside of a moving car while Mommy was driving crazy. I finally stopped crying, but my bruises really hurt and it was so hot out here. I just took some food and water with my game into a bag and tried to find the road or Mommy or something, but I couldn't see anything, but the dessert and the wrecked RV. I'm so scared because I know animals are out here and my legs can barely walk from hurting so much.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* MOMMY!!! ANYONE!!! *echo*... *Sniffle* *hic* *hic*.

I find some rocks and thought I could find some shade, but the only shade was too small for me to be under. I tried calling out for help again until my legs could not walk anymore... They just hurt so much. Soon, I heard something behind me and got scared, thinking it might eat me.

???-Oh my! Ya'll alive?!

I was picked up and the son stung my eyes, so I closed them and whoever this was, got some of my water and drank it for me. I drank the water, but now I felt so tired.

???-*Phew*... Come on, yer gonna get a heat stroke out here.

I was put on top of something before she climbed up and I think this was a horse. Before I could look, I fell asleep.

(Tom's POV)

My ears were still ringing and my butt hurt from getting kicked out in the desert with Jerry. (M/N) got cops to help search for (Y/N) while we went out on foot with nothing, but a tracker for when we find him.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

All we had was 4 bottles of water and some dry fruit to last out here. We found the fork in the road we split up at and followed the other road. Later, Jerry pointed off in the distance when he saw the RV, so I ran to it. I checked the inside of the RV and it was so hot in there and some of the food and water were gone. (Y/N) was not here. It looks like some hot desert wind blew the tracks away. I looked up the tall hill we came from and you could not see the road and looked hard to climb, so I doubt he went that way if he was not found.

Tom's mind-If I did go to the road I could not see... Where would I go?... Forward?

I just went in the direction the door was facing and went off from there after we got more food and water. The was a hill and a long journey ahead, so I came up with an idea to make this go faster.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

(No POV)

Tom used a spare tire to roll him and Jerry down the hill. He expected to spin a lot, but he did not expect sand to be kicked in on them and some rocks to be under the sand... It hurt them both a lot before Jerry jumped up to face plant into a big rock and Tom hit a rock in a way that made the tire fly... He landed sideways onto the hot and got sick over the tire... That was a horrible plan.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt like I was on a couch and there was something wet and cold on my head. I tired to move, but I felt so cozy and cold off. I wanted to lay here forever until I heard something that made me think of everything.

???-Oh, thank goodness.

I felt a little dizzy still, so I opened my eyes and turned over to see who it was. It was a cat girl and she was dressed like a cowboy... or cowgirl.


She moved my hair and ice pack to keep it on my forehead. This place smelled nice the way her gloved hands felt... They were soft and the water still on them felt great.

???-Stay down, Sugar. Ya had a heat stroke... Can ya tell me what happened? What in blazes were ya'll doing out in the middle of nowhere?

I started to think about how I got here and it made me start to cry a little. She looked worried about me and gave me a hug.

???-Now, now, don't ya cry, Hun... How about I getcha some nice lemonade and ya'll just take yer time? ~

I nodded my head to her and she left to get me the lemonade she talked about and when she came back, she helped me sit up before she gave it to me.

???-I'm Tara. Is yer name as cute as you? ~

I took a few sips of the lemonade and it was better than the mix I make lemonade with at home.

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N).

Tara-Now, take yer time. We got all day.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle*... M-Mommy was taking w-with her to buy something from someone... It was a long trip.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Tom's POV)

Jerry and I were still wandering the desert and it was so hot out here that we already went through our water and the food only made us more thirsty. Jerry just used my ear for shade until we saw a house off in the distance. I used all of my strength to run to it and even saw a river with green grass and crops. Jerry even jumped off of me to run and we jumped into the water. I drank what I could underwater and felt so refreshed. When we got out of the water, it felt so nice to drip dry, but we shook ourselves dry before we went to the door. Maybe these people can help. Jerry was right behind me when I knocked on the door and soon someone opened the door and from the looks of this... I was 70% sure this was the best mirage ever.


Tara-Oh... Can ah' help yah?

My mind felt fuzzy when I looked into her eyes and now I think I died and went to heaven.

(Jerry's POV)

I was pulling on Tom's fur, but he was gone now, so I got her attention. I tried to act out what we were doing and I think she was getting it.

???-So, ya'll or lost or looking for someone?

Just then her eyes narrowed, but I smiled that she got it so fast.

???-Just curious. Lil' boy, human, yah high with blonde hair? Calls ya'll 'Tom n' Jerry'?

I slowly nodded my head feeling a little nervous about her 'guess' that might not be a guess. Tom even snapped out of his love trance when she fixed her hat and looked annoyed.

???-Thought so.


Tom was sent flying into the yard to where the mailbox was and he had stars over his head.

???-So ya'll cause that crash?! Do ya have any idea how lucky he was ah' found him when ah' did?! He had a heat stroke out there!

Well... when she puts it like that, it sounds awful and I already felt guilty. I tried to point out we were bringing him to his mother, but she swiftly snatched me, so I tried to explain faster. When I pointed inside the house and back out into the desert she just got angrier.

???-Ah' ain't handin' him over to either of you! Not after almost killin' him! Want him back?! Bring his mother if she can be bothered to come get him herself!

She threw me to the ground and I slid next to Tom before she walked over to us. I looked at the mailbox and the name on it, made me think it was her name.


(No POV)

Tara kicked them over to her horses before they kicked them both high into the air, and back into the hot, hot desert. With only one option, Tom and Jerry just left to get (Y/N)'s mom like Tara wanted. Tara just went back inside to here the running water in the bathroom where she left (Y/N) to take a bath to calm down.

(Tara's POV)

All mah animals should be able to take care of the rest for the day and know where to go at night, so ah just need to focus on (Y/N) and make sure those varmints don't set foot on mah property. The poor thing stopped pacing himself durin' his story right before and after the crash. He believed he was going to die out there and if ah didn't show up, that would've happened. When (Y/N) got out of the shower, I had his clothes still outside drying off, so I gave him a robe to dress himself in. He came out and still looked sad.


Tara-Awww, Sugar. I know this is scary and ya don't really know me, but ah know yer mama will come soon.

That didn't make him feel better. Ah wish some of the fam was here at my small branch farm ah started. I took him to the livin' room and turned on the T.V. to put on a cartoon fer him while ah make some dinner. It's gonna get dark soon and ah can just tell he'll have a rough night if his mother doesn't come. Ah thought about her while cooking fer two now and thought why not follow him in the first place?

Tara's mind-Forget finding a place to stop and settle! She should have flipped around the very instant she saw him missing!

Honestly, some city folk can be snakes in the grass. Ah have half a mind to have a talk with her before I see if he should go back with her or not... I need to get my mind off it before I get too worked up. Pa sent me out here with a few crops and animals to care for to let me blow off steam. Now, ah believe these homemade biscuits and gravy with chicken ain't going to cook themselves.

((Y/N)'s POV)

My bruises still hurt, but I think they got worse for a while. I didn't even know I had some on my hands, so Tara had my hands wrapped. They didn't hurt that much, but she said no and put ointment and bandages on. That means I couldn't feed myself. It was hard to lean over the table for the first few bites, so I went over to her and sat on her lap to make it easier. Her food was really yummy too and helped me feel better... emotionally.


Tara-Awwww, Ah see a smile, and frankly, it suits ya better. ~

(Y/N)-I never had homemade gravy before. I thought the one at the store tasted yucky.

Tara-That instant powder in bags? Please. My family has a special recipe made with heart.

(Y/N)-Well... Can I have seconds after this?

Tara-Sure can. Ah even have homemade ice cream in the fridge for dessert. Hope ya like (F/F) ice cream. ~

That was my favorite flavor and she has it homemade. She fed me the rest of my dinner with seconds and we moved on to dessert... It was better than the ice cream you would buy at the store. Tara was super nice and pretty, but it was getting dark outside and Mommy was not her, yet. Just then, Tara picked me up to hold me like a baby of how strong she was.

Tara-Come on. Ya can sleep with me tonight. I'll even get ya something to help ya sleep. Trust me, what ah got can make an angry bull sleep like a rock. First, I'll get ya to mah bed before I take a shower.

She took me to her room and tucked me in bed before she went to take a shower in the bathroom in her room. I just nuzzled into the robe she gave me before she came out in pajamas and left her room, only to come back with a glass of milk and dropped a pill in it before stirring it with a spoon.


Tara-Bottoms up, Hun. This medicine packs a punch, so I cut it in half for ya. You'll be out cold fer a while, even if I beat a drum up to yer ear.

She sat on her bed and held the cup up to me. I didn't even taste any medicine, just milk, so I don't know if it would work. I finished my milk and Tara lied next to me while tucking me in and holding my head up to her chest to hear her heartbeat. After a few minutes, I felt 'super' tired and I could not hold my eyes open at all.

Tara-*Chuckles* Night Hun. Sweet dreams. ~

(Tara's POV)

I heard his soft snores in my room and he looked so adorable like this, and this is much better than him crying himself to sleep. Such a sweet thing that even lets me feed like a baby while helping himself to my lap should have never suffered one bit. I gave his head some kisses and even picked him up to bounce him in my arms around the house. He didn't even so much stir, even after the doorbell rang, so I put him on the couch before I went to answer the door. I saw a woman with a very meaty body standing out here in the dark.


Tara-Hello... (Y/N)'s mother, right?

???-How did you know?

Tara-Just a hunch. Also, those two varmints came by, and ah told them to send ya.

???-Well, I took a rental car out here to pick up my son, but it's late and I'm tired. Do you mind if we spend the night? My name is (M/N).

Ah just let her in and showed that (Y/N) was on the couch sleeping, so she stayed quiet. Pointless if the goal was to wake him up, but seeing her after all the thoughts ah had of her... Now, ah want answers. When ah took her to the kitchen, ah asked for her side of the story.

(M/N)-Well, my cat Tom went crazy and threw stuff in the car to try and catch that one little mouse. After I finally got what was under the brakes out of the way, I stopped and the car swerved and a tire popped. That's when I sent them out to look for him while I went with the police to search the desert.

Tara-No police ever came to mah doorstep.

She went on with excuse after excuse, even after she got the news from her cat and mouse, but was busy with 'car stuff' and knew he was safe. She didn't know. How could she not be worried? Knowing that yer child is with a complete stranger is dangerous. She should've came rushing here, even if it was on foot, like I know my Ma would've because she did before!

Tara-... Say, ah got leftovers in the fridge... Hungry?

(M/N)-Oh, thank you.

She turned her back to me and I just grabbed a rolling pin.

Tara-Ya vermin!



(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

I just finished putting the firewood under (Y/N)'s mother she started to ake up, tied to a pole like a hog about to be cooked over a flame. She kept on screaming until she saw me wave around matches and I grabbed her face. She looked horrified and she should be. I can be a sweet gal, but I am known to have a short fuse to some things, and I take all families seriously.

(M/N)-HELP!!! (Y/N), WAKE UP!!!

Tara-Don't bother. He'll be out cold until he wakes up on his own. Ah say around morning time. *chuckles* Now, listen here.

I pulled out my carving knife and held it to her throat which made her stop wiggling around.

Tara-Ya'll can't be trusted with such a sweet heart if ya think some car can keep yer son waiting after he almost died and has been askin' fer ya all day... So, we're going to go over some rules. I got yer address from that rental car, so I will be coming over in a few days when ya leave with him in the mornin'.

I dragged the knife down gently to act like I'm gutting her like a big juicy fish.

Tara-I expect to see him happy, a room ready fer me, the house spotless, (Y/N) will sleep with me when I visit, and... you will be waitin' fer me outside the house on yer knees. Whatever else ah say goes... Understand?


Tara-No... I don't think ya do. Yer just scared, like (Y/N) was when ah found and saved him from dying from a heat stroke... Ya need to feel to what he felt.

I put my knife away before I lit a match and tossed in on the wood. The flames were low enough to where they didn't touch her, but the heat and thought of being cooked made her scream for help. I just sat down on mah chair, grabbed the crank to the pole, and started to turn her. She kept on begging for me to stop and I did after an hour and the fear got to her. When I let her down, I stomped her face into the dirt and had her lick the bottom of mah boots.

Tara-Ya understand now?!

(M/N)-Y-Yes! thank you for saving my son!

Tara-Good... Sleep out here. I'm taking (Y/n) to my room and going to bed.

I did exactly as I said while I left her crying and traumatized outside. The last thing I did when I got into bed was give (Y/N) some kisses.

Tara-Yer 'mother' should've had more backbone and told me off... Yer about to have a new boss lady of the house soon Sugar. Just need to take care of things over here. You'll be slowly moving over here too with her... Our little secret. ~ *chuckles*

I gave him one last kiss before I closed my eyes and went to sleep. If ya listen closely... Ya'll be able to hear (M/N) cry like a little girl out there. It brought a smile to my face.


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