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(Felicia's POV)

I just added 6 more recruits after Silk and now we found a universe to set up shop, but break time is not now. I gave them so much, so I want the hunt for my baby to start. Some wanted to search in groups and that would help to cover a universe and clues to help us track my baby. I started in the universe of that Spider-Man clubhouse where I found out this Miguel guy runs things. It wasn't hard to listen in on coms undetected and it sounds like he is also looking for my baby, so if the army finds him, I will know where (Y/N) is. I just kept my device locked on this channel and then switched to another to send a message to everyone.

Felicia-Heads up, everyone. All of our little Spiders have an army looking for my baby too. I'm sending you a channel to listen in on comms and keep an eye on Earth-928. Send me info too if you find any traces. Don't forget these things can scan traces and replay events from atom placement.

I stopped and sent the message before I left this universe that I found from the history of places traveled on this watch. I could also use more pieces for more watches and others will get more too while they are out searching. During my time in another world, I found no traces of (Y/N) so I had time to think about other recruits and who else I could pull to my side that can also pull their own weight around us. Villians like Doc Ock that I saw plenty of were too crazy while Rhino, Electro, Mr. Negative, Scorpian, and Vulture are too much to handle too. I have seen plenty of other new villains in other universes already, so besides the select few kind, there has to be someone else... I guess it doesn't matter too much. Just then, I was getting a call from one of my new recruits... We call this version Kitty.

Kitty-Felicia, I'm at your universe and I'm seeing a group of Spider-People looking for the boy you want.

Felicia-Keep an eye on them and see if they find any leads.

Kitty-On it... Awwww, is that really what you look like as babies? ~

Felicia-Just stay on point.

(Jessica's POV)

Someone finally had a trace from when (Y/N) was here, so we all followed it and it lead us to an apartment and this world's Peter said this place belonged to Felicia, also known as Black Cat. I scanned the area and saw a holographic version of my baby and smiled before I saw...



We played out the while simulation and I hardly paid attention to her fight with Black Cat until we saw that Gwen's gizmo broke off and Black Cat got a hold of it...

Jessica-She can't fix it... Can she?

Just then Lyla popped up to shed some light on this, but her expression wasn't looking so promising.


Lyla-I mean... most pieces are still intact from what I can see. Maybe some damage to the projector that's repairable, but the latching was busted... Yeah, it would not be hard, so that was a very lucky hit.

Jessica-Are you kidding?! Gwen! *grunt*

Lyla-Relax, I'll just track down her model and-... Oh... Where... *Sigh* New problem. It's off the grid.

Jessica-Could it be destroyed?

Lyla-Possible, but Black Cat ran off with it and I don't think she would let anything happen to it... Worst case, she went off our tech and fixed it if we can't find her here.

This has just gone from bad to worse because now a Black Cat might be traveling dimensions. I had to think about what to do to solve both problems... I got nothing for Black Cat, but as for Gwen having my baby...

Jessica-Track down Peni and we're going to the universe she's in. I bet Gwen and (Y/N) are with her.

Lyla-Peni... No location, but it's said that she picked up another gizmo and reported hers broken.

Jessica-Then we'll check her universe first. Also, don't report this to Miguel just yet. There might still be time to put a lid on this.

Lyla-Understood, but I'll have to report if I spot any anomalies.

Jessica-*Sigh*... Heading to her universe now. Send my other units to Earth-14512. Actually... I'm replacing my time with something smaller and easier to manage. I'll only be taking 2 new girls.

(No POV)

When Jessica got on her motorcycle and opened a portal and drove in. Little did they both know that someone was watching and listening in on them after she checked out another version of her apartment. She hopped down onto the balcony and sent the recorded message to the rest of her team.


Felicia-See you there. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Peni had me sit on her lap while we were playing a game and gave me a cake pop that she had made. When Gwen came back earlier she just got in the shower here. Peni kept me from joining her for another bath, even if Gwen offered to add bubbles for me to play in. Peni wanted video games and I really didn't want to get in a bath with someone again. By the time Gwen came out, she was in her super suit again and she took me from Peni and Gwen smelled like... flowers.


She gave me kisses before Peni tried to take me back, but Gwen was stronger than her.

Gwen-I sent you new intel! Go check it!

Peni-Give him back! You had him longer than me!

Gwen-I was gone for hours!

They both still fought over me until I put my feet up to lay across both of them. For a moment, I think Gwen was using her wall-crawling powers on me to keep me still and I could not turn until she knew I was not going to leave. Things calmed down until I started to feel the need to move which made Peni stop reading whatever Gwen sent her and Gwen looked down to me and stopped petting my head.

Gwen-Um... Where do you think you're going?

(Y/N)-I just wanna walk around a little... Just in the living room.

Gwen-Oh... Just... Stay in the house. No going outside.


I... was actually expecting her to say no to that, but I was not going to push my luck. I went into Peni's room and it looked like it had a couple of things in it, but I found a couple of pictures of her with other people. Some of the stuff was in Japanese, but one looked like her father when she was smaller.

(Y/N)-Peni's dad?... Where is he? Who's this other woman?

I thought about looking around Peni's room some more, but I heard something outside the open window... I know that voice.

Jameson-It's a nightmare come to life folks, and it's worse than I thought! Low-tech Spider-People are swinging through the city! *echo*


I walked over to the window and saw a billboard that showed live footage of... JESSICA?!?!?!


Jameson-The fanatics of this masked vigilante have even got a PREGNANT WOMAN to put herself in unnecessary danger! One menace in a robotic suit is one thing, but this is a whole new low, and would not be happening if this illegal pile of bolts known as the SP//dr! How long until your children follow this trend? Not to mention the multiple break-ins that 'coincidently' happened hours ago!... WE ARE ON TO YOU 'HERO'!!!

Jessica is looking for me... She wants to take me back to put me in a lab!

(Y/N)-Gwen, Peni!

(Jessica's POV)

I'm doing a quick scout around the city and heard the big man on the mustache himself talking about me and some punks or something, but I was hardly paying attention. If Gwen and Peni were both passive over that child and needed to stay off the radar so badly, the only universe where she can be undetected with Lyla's tracker disabled and the local doesn't see something strange is her own universe. They have to be here. I landed my motorcycle on a roof when I was getting a signal and then a portal opened that brought me the help I wanted.


Jessica-Are you two already prepped?

Arachne-We're looking for a little boy?

Jessica-A little boy that doesn't glitch in other universes and the Go Home machine won't work on.

Scarlet Spider-He doesn't need a watch or day pass? How is that possible?

Jessica-Good question and we can answer it when we bring him to a lab for examination.

Scarlet Spider-(Wooaahhhh!)

Arachne-Hold up. We're taking a little boy to a lab? Not... You know... Home?

Jessica-He touched a Spider-Man and teleported to his universe. But before you take him to base, he goes to me first. Understand?


Jessica-No lab and no Miguel!

Arachne-So, we're going behind Miguel on this?

Jessica-Do you wanna help or not?

They both looked at each other before they ran to jump off the building and swing in opposite directions. I went on coms with my new team.

Jessica-Scavenge a few select locations and we will meet at Peni's house that I have marked. If she's around the city then she has to be there.

Scarlet-Copy... Hold on, bank robbers, 2 o'clock. Quick detour.

Arachne-Got a mugger.

I mentally sighed at the fact that they were already having to put the search aside and draw more attention than we already have. Peni might see us coming a mile away and make finding (Y/N) harder if she knows to avoid us.

Jessica's mind-A Black Cat gets a hold of our tech, 2 Spider-Women are in hiding with (Y/N), and Lyla can't track down either problem. Can this day get any worse.

(Felicia's POV)



The last person of my new strike force just met up with me in a warehouse where Kitty got a lead that (Y/N) is most likely in this universe and we robbed this one not too long ago. He better have just gotten here. I turned around to see two other Gwenpools help up the one that just got here.


Gwenpool#1-That was awesome! Never gonna get tired of that.


Gwenpool#2-How come you get to have the codename #1 again? I don't remember coming to an agreement in the meeting.


Gwenpool#3-We never had a meeting. We just went with who was recruited first.

Gwenpool#2-And it's bullshit!

Felicia-Ladies, you'll have time for better codenames when we find and bring me my son then head back to base. You can figure it out while you decorate your room.

Gwenpool#1-We get to keep the watches, right?

Felicia-Yes. Kitty is tailing the Spider-Woman on the motorcycle around the city. Just try to find my new son first.

Gwenpool#2-You got it lady. We just have to grab the kid, but not inappropriately, and bring him to you.

Gwenpool#3-Easy peezy. Right #1?... #1?

We all looked and there was a vote on the ground and we all looked at it and there was a kiss mark at the bottom of the paper. It said, "Dear valued teammates and boss, I am sure you must be wondering where I am if you are reading this. I am totally not getting a head start on the mission to get a top bunk in our new room. Scouts honor. P.S.: I don't plan to carry the boy in a sack and come back wearing a Santa hat, but if you plan to do it, please don't. That will make me very angry that you stole my jok-. Sad because putting a kid in a sack for an early Christmas joke is not funny. With love, Gwenpool#1. *kiss mark*

Gwenpool#2-That cheater!

Gwenpool#3-Come on!

They both ran off and I traveled by rooftop, and they know to stay hidden. The Spider-People have all the resources and that means if they don't see us coming, that gives us a huge advantage. Meanwhile, they were cast all over the news for being heroes. I already spotted one down the street, so I slipped into the store to borrow some clothes and slip into the crowd and follow her.


Felicia's mind-Why hello there... Let's see where you lead me. ~

(Gwen's POV)

Peni was closing all the blinds here while I held (Y/N) in my arms after he came to us scared that Jess was here and most likely looking for him. When Peni was done closing the blinds, she went out on patrol in her city alone to try and keep up appearances. Worst case scenario, (Y/N) and I put on some old coats and slip out the back from the lobby in case Jess or someone comes, and that includes her uncle. I looked at (Y/N) and he just looked at me.


(Y/N)-Gwen... I don't want to go to that lab... Can we just go to my universe?

Gwen-More Spider-People are there, Sweetie... We just have to trust Peni... Here, go watch a cartoon in Peni's room. Mommy is going to keep an eye on things out here.

(No POV)

(Y/N) went to Peni's room and turned on the T.V. in there and made sure the curtains were closed and the window was locked. After a bit, he calmed down and then thought of something...

(Y/N)'s mind-Did she say, Mommy?

Meanwhile, another portal opened up in the city and two women came through late, but started their search immediately


With so many watching from the shadows and blazing across the city, it was only a matter of time before their prize is found... Who will find (Y/N) first?


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