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((Y/N)'s POV)

Decorating rooms was so much fun with Kitty and Dawn, and everyone's mail come in, but Holli and Millie had my Mom's door locked while they were jumping on the bed or something to help get to high places or something. Dawn just said they were busy with their own decorating and Madonna said I was not to go near that door or them until they have a bath. I guess they might get sweaty or something from working so hard. I just went outside to play with Kitty and when Madonna said I can have something I want, I thought about how fun jumping on the bed was, I thought a trampoline would be fun. She said I can buy one later if I want, so I think I will get one big enough for everyone. Kitty saw I was getting tired, so we went to the porch to sit with Madonna and Dawn was relaxing on a long chair to sunbathe. I wanted to sit on Madonna's lap and rest my head on her soft chest to use it as a pillow. When it got quiet enough out here or louder in there, we heard my Mommy, Holli, and Millie still working really hard to decorate.

Madonna-Do they have to be so loud?

(Y/N)-I guess they are a little loud... Oh wait, I think Holli is doing something to be my new mommy and Millie is doing it too.

Just then, Kitty spit out her milk and coughed a little.

Kitty-*Cough* *cough* Who told you this?

Madonna-Don't ask questions you already know the answer to.

(Y/N)-Holli just wants to be my new mommy. Millie too.

Madonna-They don't need to... do what they are doing for that.

(Y/N)-... Decorate and share a room?

Kitty-Madonna, he's not going to get it, and don't even try.

I was confused about what they were talking about, so I tried to think of what else a mommy can do... Maybe (S/N) and Grandma now. I just went inside saying I had to go to the bathroom, but I went to (S/N)'s room, but when I cracked open the door, I saw my sister cleaning her room while crying and getting angry... I better leave her alone for a while longer. I went to Grandma's room next and saw her sitting over her bed and I went up to her.

(Y/N)-Hi Grandma. Can I ask you a question?

Grandma-Is it stupid?

(Y/N)-What can a mommy do? Something nobody else can.

Grandma-If I give you a short answer, would you get out of my room?!


Grandma-They give milk! Out!

She pushed me out of her room and slammed the door and I think it's because of all of these changes. I went back outside and got back on Madonna's lap while thinking of what Grandma said to me.


I thought about it, and if Madonna had daughters, she had to be a mother. I leaned back on her while thinking, but then I looked back to her chest and thought about the bathes I had with her and the others.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, if a mommy gives milk and milk comes from a cow... No, anyone can milk a cow and give that milk to a baby... Or... other animals can't get milk from a cow for their babies and if a mother can give milk.

Madonna-(Y/N), stop staring right there! That is very rude!

(Madonna's POV)

I have no idea what is going on in his head now because I highly doubt it's anything intentionally pervy. He's not capable of that as anyone with a brain that spends this long around him can tell. He snuggled back into me but still had an eye on me like he was thinking of something before he stared off into space. He snapped out of it when I sat him next to Kitty and sipped on my tea and Kitty made him lean on her. That did not stop him from looking at me still.

Madonna-What is it? Stop just staring at me in silence.

(Y/N)-You're a mommy too, right? You had two daughters.

Madonna-... Indeed I did. What's your point?

This earned an odd look from Kitty and Dawn came up to look at whatever was happening.

(Y/N)-My grandma said that mommies give milk so I thought of cows, but then I thought other animals can get milk from a cow. Some places don't even have cows.

Dawn-... What did she say to you?

(Y/N)-Do you make milk Madonna?





Kitty-... (Y/N)... Where is your grandma?

(Y/N)-In her room being a little grumpy. Why?

Kitty-Dawn. Take him and watch him.

(Dawn's POV)

I thought it would be best to take (Y/N) away from Madonna before things go any further. He wanted to play hide and seek with me, but I would have to be it. I am not going to be hunted by any predator in any way, even if it is just a game to him. I just sat on a trunk and counted to 10 with my back turned before I went to look for him... His giggling was giving him away so easily, so I found him in no time.

Dawn-I'm taking you never played this game much before. Laughing gives you away.

(Y/N)-I play this game all the time with my family! I'm even the best hider in the house!

He seemed so proud of that, but I knew he was 'good at hiding' because his horrible family never looked... It really makes me angry when I think about them being so close to Lionheart's behavior that I just wish I could turn them savage and have them tear each other about while I watch and see the last one bleed out... Made it even better with Lionheart in the mix in my mind. I sent (Y/N) to hide again and I decided to count to thirty this time. Also, I felt a little nice to let him hide a little longer by looking in other places.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* *snicker*.

Dawn's mind-Wow, it's a good thing you are cute. The only way that can backfire is if-.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It's so funny that she has no idea where I was and I snuck off farther away from her and found another hiding spot... and then another and another. I think this was going to be my best game of hide and seek ever. Soon, I heard a whistle and turned around to see a man with a gun and had it pointed at me.

(Y/N)-Oh, hi there!

Man-Don't move kid. You'll just make this harder. I know you live in that rich and fancy ass house.

(Y/N)-Umm... Do you need help with money?

Man-Oh my-. Yes!

(Y/N)-Ok... I think Mommy and Grandma have all the money and give it to some events they like. Are you holding an event?

Man-... Are you for real?

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Of course, I'm real.

Man-... Actually, my friends and I are throwing... a party that your Mom would love to give a lot of money to for us, and you're going to be the first to be invited.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* I've never been to a party before!

Man-Then we'll fix that.

He got behind me and pushed me a little with a gun and soon we made it to a car on the road. It has a few holes in it and a bag for a window. He put me in the backseat and I asked if my secret friends and new moms could come too, but he said, "Maybe later".

(Y/N)'s mind-My first part! I'm so excited!

(Dawn's POV)

I saw a man with a gun take (Y/N) into a car to drive away and I knew I could not stop him. I would only get shot when he freaks out when he sees me and I got nothing. I could only do one thing... I ran back to the house.


(Kitty's POV)

I had this old hag hung upside down by her feet and gagged her with some underwear I found in her drawer while I held a knife to her throat. She was begging and crying through her gag, but I just hit her with the handle of my sword. Just then Millie walked by and I saw her in a robe while Holli walked down the hall naked.


Millie-Meet (Y/N)'s new Mommy. ~... What's with her?

Kitty-I'm dealing with her! Get lost!

Millie-Fuck, lose your catnip over her?

Holli came by again and looked in the room.

Holli-Eh, too old for me. These noids don't even turn you into a noid... What a ripoff... Where's my baby?


They both left and (G/N) cried out for them, but I just kicked her in the stomach and planted the bottom of my boot on her face.

Kitty-Shut. Up. *Growl* *hiss*

I hit her a few times before I cut her cheek a little and that's when she tried more ways to beg. I didn't care much for this anymore and had my fun to get my anger out, but I didn't want her near my baby again right now. I just cut her down and dragged her to the closet and propped a chair under the handle to keep her in. I even closed her door to silence what little cries reached my ears.

Kitty's mind-Fucking bitch.

(Holli's POV)

Millie and I got into separate showers, but I brought (M/N) into mine and she was very tender. I wasn't gentle, but Millie was really rough with her, so thankfully I had the idea of gagging her with socks before I put the ball gag on. She was passed out on the floor in the big shower, but the room made it easier to clean her. After we got out, I got us in some new clothes... Well, I put her in a robe and stole a dress from her closet that I liked.


Holli-Here comes Mommy, (Y/N). I'll have your old Mommy clean the sheets before we snuggle tonight. ~

I blew a kiss into the mirror before I left the room and went outside to see the others, but Dawn was missing and so was my baby boy.


Planetina-I'm just saying, solar panels are better for us and our planet. We need to get some. We can even cut back on sources they don't need in exchange for us.

Madonna-This electricity can also come from the sun?

Millie-We're not going into the science of it with you. Just think of it as magic.

Holli-*Ahem* Where's my son?

Madonna-Dawn took him out to play and get his mind off of breastfeeding.

Holli-What?! We're doing that?!


I saw Millie ponder it for a second and this idea... If he was open to it and none of them wanted to do it, I'm sure there is something that can help me get started. Planetina had fresh grape vines grow over us and washed them with a cold mist. Our enjoyment was short-lived when we saw Dawn running to the house from the woods and there was a sound in the house.



(Planetina's POV)

I ran inside to see what that noise was while Dawn made it to the porch and talked to the others. I found the broken window and there was a brick with a note attached to it by a rubber band. I took it off and read it.

Planetina's mind-We have your son. If you want to see him in one piece again, you will bring your bank information to this location as well as 5 billion in cash. You have until sundown, so you better hurry up bitch.

My heart sank for a second, but then I read the address which made me so angry that the note burned in a mere second and I floated in the air. I heard a voice I did not like and...

(S/N)-Wh-What was that sou-?

I burst into flames and hot air blew throughout the room when I glared at her as the hot wind got stronger. She screamed and ran back to her room, but I blew a strong gust of wind that sent her flying to a wall and knocked her out. I slowly went outside to give the bad news before I headed out, but the look on their faces said it all... Millie pulled out a red and black knife while staring into space, Kitty looked into the reflection of her sword and her tail fluffed up and her fur stuck out. Everyone else just looked devastated or angry... Until everyone was angry.

Millie-*Slow and heavy breathing*.


I looked into my reflection in the glass out here and it reminded me of the reason of my last break-up... Now, I will do this to take back what I deserve... a son... My son.

(No POV)


(Y/N) was playing with random junk in a locked room with no windows... None that weren't boarded up at least. Soon, he rolled over a remote and it played a porn video on tape that he found interesting for only one reason. After he found out where the 'mommy milk' came from he just got bored and went back to playing before the party.

(Y/N)'s mind-I knew Madonna could make milk! It comes from their chests! I wonder what it tastes like or if they have different tastes.

Very quickly from this point, he got bored and heard music he didn't really like playing outside and it made him not want to go out and join the 'party' that just started.

(Y/N)-Ugh, I'm so bored... When are they going to pick up my family and secret friends and mommies?

Soon, he found a teddy bear in a pile and he played with by pretending he was having a happy family with other things he printed were people. He started with the Mommy and sister hitting him to have themselves be happy first.

(Y/N)'s mind-More mommies with a new kind of love... I wonder what the punishments will be like... Oh.

He grabbed his water bottle and poured it on the piece that was supposed to be him to pretend his new more poured water on him for a gentle punishment and his old Mommy kicked him.

(Y/N0-*Giggles*. ~


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