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((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up from that nap, I tried to run away, but all that happened was a crowd of people tied me up and woke up the Beldam to give me back to her. I knew she was never treated like this in the movie and I have a strong feeling the book is almost no different. So why is everyone acting like this? Where's Coraline? Is this all just her other world and something changed from us coming here?... No, she only has so much power to make her world and the girls are even acting weirder now... What's going on here? The Beldam took me for a bath before we went to the kitchen for breakfast and the girls were sitting, but I had to sit on her lap wrapped tightly in a blanket.


Red-Mother, may I have him! Just for breakfast!

Beldam-No, you will have your time with him when I say. Mother is going to be very busy with him after breakfast.

I tried to get away, but she held me tightly and some chefs brought out pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. The only one who didn't eat was the Beldam and she just fed me. The more I tried to get away or turn away from her, the more annoyed she got until she had the girls come over to hold me still and even make me chew.

Beldam-Just so you know, the pen might not work on you, but I will still always win.

I knew she had my grandpa's pen and that's when everything clicked inside my head. No wonder everyone and everything is acting weird. That pen is changing everything... And the worst character to have it has it.

Breakfast went on like this until the Beldam left the girls to clean up and took me back to her room. She strapped me down to a chair and she sat on another chair in front of me.

Beldam-Alright now. Would you like to tell me where you are from?... Your sisters already told me how the library works to take you to other worlds. None of us can find where you are from though. Even the pen doesn't help.

She reached for a small box and pulled the pen out to show me and I just got a little mad... I need that pen.


She grabbed a little notebook and wrote it and then a tree slowly faded into the room and dropped a... cupcake into her hand to eat.

Beldam-Oddly, it doesn't work on the library or anything in it either. I know that you know something. Some kind of magic that even blocks out this maybe or does it cancel it out?

(Y/N)'s mind-It doesn't work on me or the library?... Maybe... Is it because I'm from the real world?

That makes sense, but it doesn't help me that much because I can barely get out of the house without the whole world turning me back over to her. She kept on talking and I could only think about how close I was to going home, but if she had that pen, I couldn't go anywhere... What if she took me to the library?

(Y/N)-I-I can show you my book! It's a secret book hidden in the library!

She stopped talking and looked back at me before she smiled while crossing her arms.

Beldam-A secret book?... Where is it?

(Y/N)-Just take me to the library. I can show you where it is.

Beldam-But if I don't go check for myself. How do I know you are not just lying to me... I will be taking you where you want to go... Just like Coraline tricked me into opening the door for her... Or at least she would've. Not making that mistake.

She was waiting for me to talk, so I felt nervous and gave her the title of a book I knew about.

(Y/N)-U-Um... The Wizard of Oz.

Beldam-I saw that one.

(Y/N)-Another one... I'm from the secret book of that... Hidden under a floorboard under the desk in the office.

Beldam-Hmmm... If you are lying, I will be back with a punishment for you... I think an hour of spanking should teach you if you are lying to me... You can still take it back.

(Y/N)-I'm not lying. Go check.

Beldam-*Chuckles* You sisters will be right outside the door... I'm taking the pen with me too.

She let me get unstrapped, but I was to stay in the room. I panicked because she was going to see that I was lying soon enough, but I was so close that I could see the library out the window. I just need to get out without anyone seeing me. The hallway and front door would get me caught for sure... I'm on the second story, but there are vines on the house...

(Y/N)-Ok... 3 stories high and you need to climb down some vines that are growing on the house that can snap... Just don't look down and feel for good footing... It's like rock climbing at the fair, but no safety stuff... This is crazy. *whisper*

I didn't have another choice, so I opened up the window and slowly crawled out to grab a vine... I accidentally looked down and cried to myself a little.

(Beldam's POV)

I humored (Y/N) and checked the 'hiding spot' in the little office in the library, but not before I walked by to see Mel currently being paraded and whipped by a crowd of people completely naked on a path of broken glass and razor blades until she fell over from the pain. The icing on the cake was that one of the people whipping her looked like a child younger than Coraline. She was them whipped as she slowly bleed out and was sucked back into the painting.


A smile curved onto my face as I entered the library and went up to the library's office. I looked under the desk and saw... a string going in between two pieces of wood.


I reached for the string and pulled it up to find a book under the floorboard. There was even a warning stamped on top of it.

Beldam-My dream world. Written by (G/N) (L/N)... Do not open.

I knew if I opened the book in here it would take me to that world and I didn't want to deal with that just yet. I want (Y/N)'s world first to find out more, but I will hold on to this book in the meantime. I headed back to the house and grabbed Mel by her hair on the way while she was being held back and punched in the gut by everyone. She had her clothes on, so she should be lucky enough for that. When we got inside I tossed her to the ground in the living room and she was crying. I shoved the book into her and she looked at me with hate and fear.

Mel-*Cough* *cough* gag* Wh-What is this?

Beldam-Keep an eye on that book. Lose it, and you're back out there or in that painting.

I left her on the floor and headed back upstairs to see Gerda was standing by the door.


Gerda-Hello mother. (Y/N) has been really quiet since you left.

Beldam-Very good. I found a book and left it with Mel. Later, we'll send her to check out a new world and I will have a few people with her. If the book is as dangerous as it warns you then hopefully one can return to the library.

Even with my control over her, she seemed a tad bit uncomfortable with this. I ignored her and went inside, but failed to see (Y/N) in the room.


I checked the bathroom and saw that it was empty too, but when I left, I noticed a window was open on the other side of the room.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was making a run for it to the library after I heard that screaming and soon everyone was looking for me. I had to beat them to the library though or they will only find me. I thought about the pen, but if it can't work on me or the library then I say she can keep the stupid pen!


I turned to see a woman running for me, but I just kept on running and ducked under her. The library was so close and I saw a big glass water dunk tank out here for some reason, so I picked up a rock and turned around to throw it at the glass to let the water slow her down. A lot of other people were coming, but I beat them to the library and locked the doors. They were screaming and pounding on the door trying to get in. When that didn't work they broke the windows!


I ran for the box full of books and grabbed a random book to open it. I saw the lights and some people were hanging on for a few seconds until they flew off along with pieces of broken glass. I felt the library stop, so I looked for the Coraline book again... and then threw it in a drawer to keep it away from me.

(Y/N)-*Sigh*... Ok... Ok, ok, ok... Never going back there.

I sat on a chair all alone in here. I got the library back and all to myself... Grandpa had to have done something to get out of here, so there has to be something to get me back... Like a go-home book or something.

(No POV)

(Y/N) started to search the library, but meanwhile back in the Coraline book the Beldam was furious and demanded to be alone. She wrote with the pen over and over again like writing it bigger would help, but it was no use... Everyone knew to stay away from her right now. As (Y/N) searched the office he found a part of the floor was opened under the desk like he made up, but there was nothing in it anymore... He kept on looking and hoping he didn't just give away his only ticket home. Little did he know that outside the library that mysterious appeared in empty part of the city, there was a festival going on... a food festival. A girl in a big kitchen was doing her makeup to get ready to go out and woo 'her man', and when she looked in a mirror.


Peninie-Here I come, Chowder. ~


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