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((Y/N)'s POV)

I stayed up for the rest of the night and the police were questioning the gems and I told the police officer that they saved me from the monster everyone saw. Everyone else said it, so he had to believe me. He went to help search the rest of the place, but Garnet and the gems said that they were all gone. I was brought back inside and I reached out for my Mommy and Daddy. Pearl looked a little mad before she tapped her wrist a little for some reason and gave me to my Daddy. They took me to the living room and Daddy held me on his lap and Mommy leaned into us.

Daddy-Thank goodness you're ok.

Mommy-Everything is going to be ok.

(Garnet's POV)

I was counting up to 5 minutes for their time to be up after (Y/N) wanted them. When the time was up, I stepped in and took (Y/N) back. Then I went over a few lies and found out which one worked best.

Garnet-Doesn't he have school to catch up on and you both have work to do?

(D/N)-I... should down to the office.

(M/N)-*Sigh*... Errands.

They both got up and started to leave. (M/N) just gave me a look, but in no future do I see, she did anything except sulk at best. I felt Saphire gush at him which made me blush as we took (Y/N) to his room. He should really do his own work,... but Pearl does it fast and it just means more cuddles for us. Ruby and Saphire were even debating that they should split up to go as far as Amethyst to tease him a little. I don't want to indulge it because if we do it then Amethyst will only do it more and worse. By the time finished all of his work, she just took him and spun around in place with him against her.

(Y/N)-I should've done all of my schoolwork. That's che-.

She pushed his head into her chest to muffle out the rest of his sentence and bounced him.

Pearl-Here, I have a homework assignment for you. You just have to keep the 3 of us happy by doing what we say... And guess what... Cuddle with me. ~

Suddenly, Garnet just got up and exited the room and I think she even left the house. When she came back inside she whispered something to Amethyst.

(Lapis's POV)

Peridot should know where I am and when I contact her, she can bring the ship, so we can blow the gems to bits and take (Y/N) back with us. I made it back to Beach City, but they weren't in the house or city, so maybe he was in that neighborhood. I was heading over there until I got a call from Peridot and I just landed before I answered to make sure the gems didn't spot me in the air or something.


Peridot-The cluster is in good shape and should emerge sometime soon. How is your progress with the (Y/N).

Lapis-I am heading to his location right now. We'll bring the ship and the job will be finished.

Peridot-*Sigh* And these gems in your report?

Lapis-Who do you think we're blasting?

I hung up and flew over to the neighborhood and stayed hidden until the ship gets here, but until then they should not see this coming. I saw the house and that fusion was standing outside of it.


Lapis-You annoying little pebble... Alright, let's see how you deal with this.

I felt for the water underneath the street caused the street to tremble a little. She'll focus on the ground for an attack, but will never guess the air. Suddenly, I saw the other gems come out with my human and soon started to run with him.


Lapis's mind-You're not going anywhere!

I stayed on them and they were rushing off into the woods with him until I was starting to lose track. I had to get in closer and wait for the ship to get here. I was closing in on them, but then Garnet summoned her gauntlets and locked them together for Pearl to jump on with (Y/N). She launched them high into the air and he screamed from the sudden launch. I tried to fly after them, but I was grabbed by a whip and pulled down to be slammed into the ground.

Lapis-*Grunt*... You don't understand... He'll die here!... GIVE HIM TO ME AND I'LL SAVE HIM!!!

I tried to slice them with water from my wings, but they dodged it and started... dancing. Soon, they jumped into each other and formed a glow that formed bigger and bigger. When they finished... I only made it to their ankle.


???-*Chuckles* Sup. Heard you came looking for a fight. Name's Sugilite. ~ *echo*

She summoned a giant whip with two gauntlets locked together to make a wrecking ball. I tried to restrain her, but she swung the wrecking ball around and brought it down to me. I just barely dodged it.


Sugilite-Why are you running?! You scared now?! *echo*

She yanked it out of the ground and took out many trees when hurling it towards me. I started to fly and sent razor-sharp water to cut her down, but I didn't see the second weapon coming for me and it hit me. The pain was agonizing and I was heading for the ground now. I barely had enough time to fly again.


She let go of the second weapon and grabbed me with both hands to throw me down herself.


Sugilite-*Chuckles* Too easy! *echo*

The last thing I saw was her foot coming down to me.


((Y/N)'s POV)

Pearl was holding me and hid us on top of a hill behind a tree while the new fusion Sugilite fought Lapis. I think she just won because she was walking away. I think she still has future vision because she was coming right for us, so Pearl put me behind a bush and made me look at her.


Pearl-Stay down.

She walked away from me and to Sugilite to stop her from getting closer.

Sugilite-Say hello to your winner. Where's my baby? ~ *echo*

Pearl-Split up first!

Sugilite-... There he is. ~ *echo*

I heard Pearl scream a little before she hit a tree and I was picked up by the back of my shirt and dropped into a hand. Sugilite brought me up to her face and smiled at me.


Sugilite-Ahhhhhh... There's my baby. ~ *echo*

(Y/N)-Um... H-Hi.

She pushed me down with one giant finger and rubbed me until she kept me pinned by my tummy.

Sugilite-So, you know I won you, Little Man? ~ *echo*

(Y/N)-Um... I-.

Pearl-Sugilite! Put him down!

Sugilite-Shut up! I'LL DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH HIM!!!... In fact! *echo*

I was getting scared and then she brought me to her chest and pushed me in her boobs until my head was barely sticking out for her to pet me. My face was burning up and I just wanted to disappear, I was so embarrassed.

Sugilite-Adorable. You can just stay there. ~ *echo*

(Y/N)-*Muffled noises*.

She made her boobs get bigger and tighter for me, so I could barely move. My ears were covered up too, but I could hear Pearl screaming while Sugilite lied down to pet me. I could still hear her just fine.

Sugilite-Relax P. I'm just enjoying my prize... It would also be cute to see him in a crib or in a highchair to make his cheeks the color I want them. ~ *echo*


Sugilite-I can already see it now! Hahahahaha-! *echo*



I screamed as I fell to the ground, but the very loud sound and the fuzziness from this poof cloud were making me so dizzy. I had no idea what was even going on, but I landed in a bush and saw 3 gems on the ground. I thought I heard Pearl, but then I heard a smaller blast. When I turned, I saw a big Pearl on the ground. I rolled off the leaves of a bush crushed by Sugilite, so it didn't poke me. I just tried to crawl away to get the gems, but by the time I grabbed Amethyst... Someone stepped in front of me. I looked up and I never saw them before and my hearing cleared up.


Her fingers were floating and made a screen for her to look at before she looked at me.

???-Are you (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-... Huh?

???-It's a simple question. Do you know if you are a (Y/N) or not?

(Y/N)-Um... Yeah... I'm (Y/N).

???-Wait here.

I had no idea who she was or what she was doing, but she sent little robots to collect the gems and even sent one away to bring back Lapis's gem. Next, something else came to pick me up and put me on a flaying table or something that made a cube to trap me inside.

(Y/N)-Hey, what are you doing?!

She ignored me and kept on working while we flew up to the sky. When we got past the clouds I could see a giant hand and we went inside the finger. I kept on trying to talk to the new girl, but all she did was put all the gems, except Lapis's gem in cells with a light screen to keep them in, She had Lapis's gem go somewhere else while we got to what looked like a lab.

???-This is Peridot's log, conducting a series of examinations on this (Y/N). A brief summary is this organic creature has had Blue Diamond form an interest in him. Four rogue gems have also taken interest in him as well as my informant, Lapis Lazuli. I'm curious to see the appeal.

(Y/N)'s mind-What's she talking about?... Is she taking me back home after this?

Peridot-My first examination will be a full scan on this (Y/N) to better understand his physical traits.

The cage I was in moved to a part of the lab and disappeared and a few little flying poles scanned me and my tongue. She waited for a few minutes before...

Peridot-Just as I thought... This specimen is pathetic in intellect, and physical strength, and has no known redeeming qualities that make himself useful to progressive tasks.


Peridot-And loud too.

(Peridot's POV)

I set the ship on autopilot and on a slow pace so far to give me more time for my research and have Lapis reform. Moreover, the other examinations came back as expected if not worse, so I don't understand why Lapis made a case to bring him with us. I kept (Y/N) in containment and sent a few drones down to earth to scan and monitor behavior. That will mean staying here for a few more hours. Meanwhile, I was making a report to Homeworld and even had a message made for Yellow Diamond about Blue Diamond taking an interest in a human.

Peridot-Done... Now what?

I still had to wait for the drones to collect the data I needed to help better understand the appeal of this (Y/N). I just looked over what little I had. One common factor, I find in other species around his development age is that they spend time with older adults that go by a few similar names. Most interesting ones I find it... Mommy, Daddy, Mama, and Dada.

Peridot-Seeing as I have nothing to do... I can send similar data like this to Blue Diamond.

I was stuck in here, talking to myself until I heard noises coming from the lab. I went back to see (Y/N) leaking from his eyes while making a noise... He was crying.



I just walked in to keep (Y/N) company and hopefully, he'll stop that noise. Progress on the drones was nowhere near done.

Peridot's mind-Hurry up and reform Lapis. You're the one that wanted this thing to come with us.


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