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(Peep's POV)

I had to reconfigure a lot about this new way of living in order to adopt my new pet, but a lot of stuff I tried made me run into spending a lot on food and water for him, not to mention his size going to be a problem for the city. I did come up with a plan though, it's just a little extreme and scary for him at first. He'll most likely need time to see that I mean him no harm... My doting and cute plans I have for him should help make him see I am not going to hurt him. Not to mention I was excited about it, especially when he becomes used to it. I arrived back at Earth and to where the tracker led me and I saw my little cutie playing in some sprinklers outside while the mom was watching him... or just lounging on a lawn chair.


I rubbed the screen with my finger a little to make it look like I was petting his head. This made me think f the humans I gave that client instead of him. I found a building full of human children and just accidentally got them a baby and a kid for the price of one. I snapped out it and went back to the plan. I take them at night when nobody is watching and I'll give the mother to someone else for free if I have to or if her behavior changes, I'll keep her around for plan B.

Peep-My sweet baby. I can't wait to-. ~



I looked around with the camera and saw a creature known as a cat and mouse that I saw before chasing each other and the cat was swinging a hammer around. They were running around in the backyard where my pet was playing and he could get hurt!


I had to do something, but if I get caught, I make matters for me so much worse, and will lose (Y/N) before I can bring him home. I already legally own him and by extension his mother, so (Y/N) getting hurt is also out of the question. (Y/N) stopped playing and went to his mom before I saw a dog run over and punch the cat over a fence.


I quickly seized this chance to keep my pet safe until I can capture him safely. Nobody was around the cat, so I abducted him and kept him in the holding bay and that mouse was next.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Jerry's POV)

I wondered where Tom went. He would usually try something or be back inside by now, or something else weird would happen. He would not just give up that fast. Everyone was still outside and I was bored in here. I checked the backyard for him one more time before I went out into the front yard.

Jerry's mind-Is he trying to woo Toodles again or something... This is going to be fun!

I tried to run across the street, but before I could even make it to the sidewalk I started to float in the air. I did a little flip before I was shot up in the air so fast that I had whiplash. In a sudden flash of light, I also hit a wall.


I was as flat as a pancake and felt so dizzy and in pain until I shook it off. When I took in my surrounding, I saw a bed around my size, a vent, and a white metal door. I tried to find a way out, but then the door suddenly opened and I turned to see a green alien and 'she' looked mad.


???-So, you're the mouse the cat was chasing with a hammer?

I was frozen for a moment before I nodded my head, but then she got angrier and pulled out a ray gun. I put my hands up and backed up to the wall where she put the gun to my head.

???-You listen to me and you listen well. If you or that cat ever put my pet in danger again, I'm going to do something worse THAN THIS!!!



The electricity and shockwave made me jolt and twitch until I was burnt up and on the floor. She put her foot to my neck.

Peep-You'll be lucky if I remember to dumb the both of you when I leave the planet.

She left the cell and looked me in again. I tried to force the door open, but then I heard a beeping sound and then the door shocked me as much as the ray gun did.

Jerry's mind-Who was that?!... Is Tom here too?

(Timeskip to Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mommy was trying to call out for Tom, but he might be out with other cats or something. I noticed that Jerry was missing too. Mommy got a jacket on to go out and look for Tom, but first, she carried me upstairs to put me to bed.

(Y/N)-Mommy, I think Tom is out playing with other cats. He does that a lot.

Mommy-I'mjust going to look around the block. It'll be fine. Just go to sleep.

She tucked me in and gave me a kiss goodnight before she left, but I couldn't go to sleep because she tells me that walking around at night is not safe and now she was doing it alone. I waited to hear a door open downstairs again, but after I while I started to smell something...


I got out of bed to go look in the kitchen and when I got there, I saw a plate of cookies, a glass of milk, and that small alien from that camping trip was on the counter... I knew it wasn't a dream!



Peep-Hi sweetie. I got treats for you. Come here. ~

I didn't want to say no, so I went over and dipped a cookie in the milk when I sat down on a tall chair.

(Y/N)-What are you doing here?

Peep-I'm just here to show you and your mom something cool, but let's just let you enjoy this for now.

I was kinda excited to see what an alien wanted to show me, but I told her Mommy was not him. Peep said she was already picked up, so I just finished my milk and cookies before I carried her outside and a ray of light came down to make us float up to the ship. I flipped around a little while she stayed still in the air while laughing into her hands until we dropped down and I was on a bed with small pillows and stuff. It was even floating, but I started to hear screaming close by, so I looked to see Mommy on the other side of the room on another bed almost like mine, but less fancy looking.



Mommy-(Y/N)! Get away from that thing!

Peep-Don't listen to her. She's just scared, but I'm not going to hurt you. I would've done it last time.

She got off the bed and pressed a button to make a force field around my bed and it started moving with my Mommy's bed. Peep took us to 2 different rooms that the beds fit in perfectly with a click.

Peep-This won't hurt, Honey. After this, I'll give you both something to help you sleep on your way to your new home where I am going to lay out some rules. However, the first one is that I will be in charge of both of you... Only makes sense since you're both my pets now.


The door closed and I was in a softly lit room, but it got brighter and shook. It only felt like a few minutes and I felt funny until it finally stopped. I waited for the door to open, but... the roof opened instead and Peep was a giant now... Or did I shrink.


Peep-*Gasp*! Awwww, you look so much more adorable like this! Look at you! You are the perfect cuddle size for me! ~

She picked me up and gave me giant kisses before she cradled me like a baby in her arms. I looked to see the room I was in was a box now and the other one my mommy was in was glowing still. Peep got me closer to it and bent down.

Peep-Take a good look because she's going to be the size of a 'teddy bear' for you to cuddle at night.

(Y/N)-P-Peep. Shrinking us isn't nice.

Peep-But then I won't have enough food, water, or space to care for you and keep you happy... I'll leave her in there to sleep with that sedative gas in there. As for you, you're sleeping in my arms for the ride home. ~

She took the blanket out of my box and wrapped me in it before she took me with her to some kind of control room. She turned off the lights and hit a button for the ship to fly and soon, I could see space out the window. She sat down and leaned back with me and I felt a little scared that we were leaving Earth, even if Mommy was coming with us.

(Y/N)-B-But I have school, and pets, and-.

She got out a gummy piece of candy for me to eat and it tasted like strawberries. Suddenly, I felt super tired.

Peep-Night, night. ~

(Peep's POV)

I double-checked everything in my mind to see if I got everything while they were shrinking. I got his stuffed toys, his games, the clothes that I liked, and lastly what his mother needed to survive. She can take care of herself in my care for the most part, but I will be giving (Y/N) baths and feeding him by hand. I forgot to drop off that cat and mouse, but I'll just dump them on Mars to fend for themselves and give them a stern warning that they are not to come near my baby human. I will turn them to ash. When we made it to mars, I dropped all cargo, so they should be falling from the sky right now before we made it the city and to my home. I looked down at (Y/N), still sleeping while I was holding him and his soft snores was music to my ears.


Peep-Welcome home, Baby. ~

I got him and his bed in the house first to set him up in my room and put the crib bars up to make sure he can't get out without me taking him out. I even have a latch top to make sure he can't climb. Next, I got all of his stuff ready before I got the mother in with her stuff set in the living room. When I took her out, I just put her in (Y/N)'s bed and she was a bit smaller than the other stuffed animals on his bed now, but he will no doubt cuddle her a lot when she's in here.


Peep-If you are more trouble than what you are worth, I will give you away for free.

I know they can't hear me, but I closed the top to let them sleep and just went about my business at home for now. I'll get things ready for when they wake up, like a bath for my baby and a smaller bath for the mother. She can make it herself though.

(No POV)

While Peep was getting ready for her 'pet' and her 'pet's cuddle toy' to wake up, Tom and Jerry were unconscious in the middle of nowhere on Mars with a voice message of Peep's warning. When Peep had everything ready, she just sat on her bed and read a book on her tablet for caring for human children for the third time. That's when she looked in the crib to see (Y/N) wearing his new collar already that said 'cute' in her alien language.

Peep-*Giggles*. ~


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