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((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie had me in her lap in my room at night while I waited for my family to come home. It was almost my bedtime, but the house was clean, everyone was here, and I would stay up past bedtime to introduce everyone. I pulled on my cheeks a little to help keep me awake, but Millie rubbing my head and back felt so nice and was making me sleepy. Dawn and Holli came in with a cup of water for me to drink and it was nice and cold too with crushed ice.


(Y/N)-Is there any cars out front, yet? They should be here soon.

Holli-How about you come to sleep with me? Everyone will wake us up when they get here. I sleep in your mommy's room, so she'll have to come to us. ~

She had a point, but when I reached for her, Millie just held me tighter and turned me away.

Millie-He's staying with me. You know why.

Holli-You think he knows what a girls' wrestling match is?


I gave Millie a hug to try and calm her down before my family comes and it worked, but she still didn't give me to Holli. She just turned me over with her against the wall before she gave me some water and lied down with me. Dawn just lined over Millie and rubbed my head, so I turned over into Millie to try and peek at her, but Millie held my head down.


Millie-You're just so tired from all that cleaning and excitement. ~

(Y/N)-No I'm not.

Dawn-Just go to sleep. You'll be up to introduce us faster.

(Millie's POV)

I wrapped my tail around (Y/N) while the others left and Dawn left the extra knife I asked for on the table that (Y/N) almost saw. They closed the door and we were left in darkness, and (Y/N) nuzzled into me while I stroked his back. I pulled the blankets over us and tried other things to get (Y/N) to sleep faster. Even relaxing music in here to drown out some of the noise that is bound to happen. It didn't take long for me to start hearing his soft snoring over the music in here.

Millie-My sweet baby... ~ Please, don't wake up. *whisper*

I slipped out from the bed and it took a few minutes to do that without waking him up. I took the knife from this world and sat on the table while holding both of my knives. Kitty wants me to stay in here after she saw my show today because she knew what I would do if I saw (Y/N)'s family right away. I agreed to this, but if they come in here or wake him up and have him go out there only to be abused in front of me, I will fucking kill them. When I heard (Y/N) make noises, I turned to see his hands trying to grab the air looking for me. It was so adorable and I gave him my tail to grab which made him calm down.

Millie's mind-So cute! ~

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((S/N)'s POV)

The house better be a fucking mess, so I can have an excuse to hit (Y/N). A man at the gas station pissed me off when he talked back to me in line to get some candy after I pointed out he needed a change in cologne that didn't smell like he belonged in the slums. When we pulled up in the driveway, I tried to get inside the house, but the door was locked. I had to wait for Mom with the key, but when I was on my phone, I heard something when I took a selfie which ruined the shot.

(S/N)-Mom?... Grandma?

I put my phone in my pocket before I went back to the car, but they were not there. I checked around the car and tried to go on my phone to call them, but my phone was not in either of my pockets anymore.

???-You put your password on your wallpaper and it's still 1379?

I quickly turned and froze at what I saw, but I tried to pinch myself to see if this was a dream... It wasn't.


I knew who they were because I saw their movies and shorts online when their movies were trending online.

Dawn-Ugh, some press are so stupid. She is no better than her brother.

Kitty-I'm right 'here'.

Dawn-Good to know.

I pinched myself some more and tried other things to wake me up until I was tapped on the shoulder. When I turned around, I was punched in the face and tackled by someone.


I have no idea who she was, but she looked like she came straight out of a cartoon like the others I just saw.

???-Ohhhhh, don't you like like a nice appetizer? Maybe I can play with you after your mama. ~

Dawn-Keep that talk and... whatever else you have in your head to yourself!

Kitty-Just gag her and bring her to the others!

???-*Sigh*... Name's Holli Would, Honey. Also, I wouldn't yell or anything. The only one that might here it will bring out knives if you wake (Y/N) up.

I was too in shock to fight back that much and she flipped me over to tie my hands behind my back.

(S/N)-Wh-Who?... Wh-What?... I-I...

Dawn-Just shut up.

She came over and shoved a washcloth into my mouth before they started to take me somewhere.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was thrown to the ground with my mother and I couldn't get this disgusting dirt off my clothes, so I was mad and this blindfold was annoying my eyes. I got up as much as I could and was going to give these people a piece of my mind.


The blindfold was ripped off and I saw something I was not ready for. Mom was already in shock since she didn't have a blindfold.


I have no idea who this alien-looking woman was, but I recognized the other woman from Cinderella and she looked straight out of a cartoon. She also looked... different. She walked over to my mother and had a riding crop with her.

Lady Tremaine-You must be (G/N). I have been wanting to talk to you about (Y/N)... In better conditions for a proper conversation.

???-They are not going anywhere! They clearly abused (Y/N)!

Lady Tremaine-And I will talk to the grandmother about the future of the household.


The alien lady was lit on fire a little before she calmed down and looked back at me and knocked me back down by pushing me with her foot.

???-I say we just leave them out here!

Madonna-We talked about this.

???-You and Dawn wanted this and manipulated (Y/N) to your side!

They kept on arguing until my mom and I saw 3 other cartoon girls come by with my daughter and she was trying to scream through a gag and run away.


The cat jumped and pressed her feet on my daughter's back to push her down next to us and this ballerina woman eyed me with a smile like she was checking me out.

???-Hey Baby. Been talking with your son. ~

It all clicked and this had to be (Y/N)'s fault! My mom cleared her throat to get attention and regardless if this is a dream or not, I refuse to have anything go my son's way. Even if I have to punish him when I wake up.

Mom-Y-You were all talking to (Y/N)?

Kitty-More like abused him to the point he thinks it's how you love him!



Madonna hit me with the crop and I screamed.

Madonna-You will not raise your voice at me in any way. Uncultured pest.

She turned her attention back to my mother and already showed a tone shift. During the talk, Kitty came over to me and took my phone out of my pocket while holding a knife to my neck. She took a bit to figure out how to work it before she looked at me and showed my my wallpaper of a date before she put in my 6-digit pin... My phone was unlocked for her. I went back to what Madonna was saying when I heard...

Madonna-Which is why the house should be left in (Y/N)'s name when you pass as well as other possessions.

(S/N)-Huh?! *muffled*

(M/N)-What?! You're insane is you-!

She raised the riding crop to me and my daughter while still talking to my mother.


(Millie's POV)

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *sobbing*.

My poor baby had a nightmare and woke up, so I hid the knives before I cuddled with him for a bit until I gave him some water to calm down. I tried to get him back down to bed, but I think he was waking up more and more when he cried.

Millie-Do you wanna talk about your nightmare, Hun? ~

He nodded his head before he drank some more water and then held onto me tighter.

(Y/N)-I-I thought I woke up in the morning *sniffle* a-and you all weren't here... I-I looked outside and saw you were all by the pool with my family.

Millie-Oh, did we ignore you?

(Y/N)-N-No... You were all fighting with my f-family and nobody was getting along. I-I ran outside to try and fix things by l-letting me get hit in-instead of others, but that made you and the others really mad and I didn't know why. *sniffle*

I just pulled him closer into me and this only made me mad at his family even more. He thinks because he gets hit, it makes it better?... I WILL FUCKING DESTROY HIS MOTHERFUCKING FAMILY INSIDE AND OUT!!!... I took a deep breath before felt him tug on my shirt a little, so I looked down to him.

(Y/N)-Y-You wouldn't get mad at them if they hit me... Right?

He gave me puppy eyes after saying something like that which made me have very mixed feelings right now.

Millie-(Y/N), Sweetie... Hitting ya is not ok.

(Y/N)-What?... Y-Yes it is.

He was getting more worked up now from what I just told him. This is unbelievable that he is expecting me to agree with him on this to make him feel better... Fuck that noise.

Millie-It's not. There's no sugarcoatin' that, but... Don't you like this even more?

I rubbed him some more and he nodded his head, but he still didn't look happy/ I want to pound his mother into a bloody paste, but that would destroy him. How can I do it without upsetting him too much?...

Millie-You said Holli was going to do something with yer mama to be your second ma?

(Y/N)-Yeah... Why?

Millie-Would you like to have 3? ~

He finally perked up a little and wiped a tear that was threatening to fall. I sat up and leaned back to let him lay on top of me and he looked at me with those cute little pearls he calls his eyes.

(Y/N)-Three mommies?... You want to be my mommy too?

Millie-Why wouldn't I? We can even share this room and cuddle all ya like. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

If Millie is my mommy too then there won't be as much fighting, but then I thought about everyone else being my mommy too. Nobody will ever fight. I gave Millie hugs and kisses before she took me to the kitchen for a little snack while holding me. She used her tail and free hand to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I reached for it, but she held it up to me and poked my nose with her tail.


Millie-Awwwww... Ok, open up for Mama and say-. ~

(No POV)


Madonna would not let anyone interrupt her 'conversation' with (G/N) and just let the others punish (M/N) and (S/N) for talking. They planned to be out in the woods for a little while, but now it looks like it will be all night. Hollie still had her plan in mind for another night now and toyed with (M/N)'s body in front of the others. Meanwhile, at the house, Millie took (Y/N) for a nice bath and he ended up falling asleep in the warm water and dimly lit room. When Millie took him back to bed, she just went to sleep with him and had her arm, leg, and tail wrapped around him to keep him nuzzled into her. His face was in her neck and she enjoyed the feeling of him softly snoring into her neck which helped her sleep fast. During the night... Millie had a dream of a rough and fun night with your mom in a dungeon with her, but it was more blood than anything aside from her laughter echoing off the walls.

Millie (in dream)-Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!!! *echo*


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