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((Y/N)'s POV)

Gwen had me on her lap after she got some free pizza from someone's dad of a guy she saved before. She was feeding me one slice and Peni took a turn on my second slice. When we were finished with the pizza Peni started to get ready to go get Gwen a watch, so the glitches don't hurt her anymore. Peni gave me one last hug and kiss goodbye for now, but she also called me her 'Otōto', and I had no idea what that means. Gwen and I were left alone on top of a building and she took me to other places in the city before I thought of something. It could be my ticket home if she fixes things with her dad and will give my parents a second chance.

(Y/N)-Gwen, can we see your dad?

Gwen-What?! Why do you want to see him?!

(Y/N)-You can patch things up with him. I know what he did last time was... bad, but he has to still think about what he did too.

Gwen-The only thing that will happen if he sees me is that he'll call back-up to try and arrest me.

(Y/N)-Can we... at least see him. It might help.

Gwen-(Y/N), if this is about you going back to your parents, this is something completely different.

(Y/N)-Gwen... Just something. You were so sad about it.

I just looked up at her as she swung and the look on her mask kinda told me she was at least thinking about it. When she landed on another roof she looked a little annoyed.

Gwen-My room and only if he isn't home. That's it.


(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

(Gwen's POV)

We made it to my old home and I left (Y/N) on a fire escape, so I could check the apartment. My dad was not here, so I brought him into my room and he inspected it, even by smelling the air a little. I guess growing up in and out of a lab gives you habits when your parents give you a lot of medication and stuff... It looks like the way I left it, except from my drum opened up where I kept a photo of me and Miles. He got on my bed to get comfy here and I sat on the stool of my drum kit.

(Y/N)-You play drums?

Gwen-I was in a band... Until I couldn't find the right one to be in.

I took my mask off and (Y/N) came over and sat on my lap to grab my drumsticks. He didn't have much of a beat, but it was still adorable to watch. He quickly grew tired of it after a few minutes and put the sticks down.

(Y/N)-... Why did your dad think you were a bad person?... You said you saved people when he caught you.

Gwen-He just didn't approve of Spider-Woman.

(Y/N)-Well, the last Spider-Woman that worked with Miguel tried to really put me in a lab... What if you get a new name? You can be different from the others.

Gwen-A new name? Like what?

(Y/N)-Well... Look at your costume... You are helping me and not that mean Spider-Man Miguel, and I think you will still take me home when you think it's safe for me.

That last statement annoyed me a little, but I ignored it for now. I humored his idea of a new superhero name for me, even if it didn't seem likely to stick with others. I can even think of a cute pet name for him when we are alone. His first few pitches were really bad and he thought so too, but when he felt around my costume...

(Y/N)-Hey... What about Ghost-Spider?


(Y/N)-Yeah! Your costume is white, you're very sneaky, and it's better than Spider-Woman!

I sounded the name in my head a few times and I was starting to like it. I didn't see anyone else calling themselves Ghost-Spider back at base.

Gwen-Ghost-Spider... I like that... We should really get going before-.




We both looked out the window and peeked outside to see smoke in the distance before we heard another explosion coming from over there. I knew I had to help and my room was the safest place for him right now, but just for safe measures I locked my door and put (Y/N) on my bed.


Gwen-Listen to me. You do not open that door and stay quiet in here if you hear someone out there. If someone does come in, just tell him I left you here and I will deal with him until I come back.

(Y/N)-B-But would I get in trouble?

Gwen-My house too, my room, my rules, you're staying.

I ran out the window before he could argue with me about this and shot a web to swing through the city I heard gunshots and if I know my crimes in this city that it was gang activity or a small hold up of robbers. When I made it there, I did see the criminals with assault rifles shooting at the police. I swung over them and webbed up their rifles to stop their fire before I landed.

Gwen-Hey boys. Miss me?

Thug#1-It's the bug!

Thug#2-Get her! She can't take all of us!

Gwen-That's what they all say.

Four of them tried to charge me, but I had no time for this, so I just webbed their feet to the ground to keep them in place for the police. One of them tried to throw a knife at me, but I shot a web to send it flying back to a wall. Only two guys left.

Gwen-Ok, you saw how I easily took your friends down with ease, so the logical thing to do would be to-.

Thug#3-GET HER!!!

They both charged at me, so I webbed their legs together and when they fell, they lost their weapons.

Gwen-Nobody ever listens.

I cleared out of the scene before more police arrived, but during the swing back, I ran out of webs. I stuck to a building and remembered I still had spare webs in my room hidden in the vent. I just climbed down and ran through the alleyways to sneak back over to my house, but on the way, I crossed the street and before I could get hit by a police car, I did a side flip over it. The car stopped and I was about to leave until I saw... my dad come out of the car.


He looked at me and I just ran to lose him before going home or at least beating him there, get my webs, and go meet up with Peni. He was chasing after me though

Gwen's mind-This is so much easier with web swinging!

Dad-Gwen, stop!

I kept on running and ran up a wall, so he tried to taser me, but Spidey-Sense comes in handy at times like this. I dodged it and jumped over to another wall to get up faster. I ignored his cries to me and traveled by rooftop. I had no time for him and had to get back to (Y/N), but when he got out of the alley, he got into a police car that drove by and took the driver out to follow me alone.

Gwen-Come on!

I can't let (Y/N) get into this drama, so I led my dad somewhere more private. The best I could do was Tombstone's old hideout. I jumped into the site and Dad drove in behind me, behind the building before he got out.

Gwen-... What?

Dad-Gwen, you can't keep running. Where have you been?

Gwen-Don't know. Finding more friends to murder.

Dad-*Sigh*... Can we just talk?

Gwen-Now you wanna talk? Don't I have the right to remain silent?

Dad-Gwen... Please.

Gwen-I don't have time for this. I have someone who needs my help and actually appreciates it. Get to the point.

Dad-... Gwen, you have to understand that I took an oath. I can't let you keep doing this.

Gwen-And I have a kid to take care of.

Dad-Kid?... What kid?

Gwen-... My kid, and you're not keeping me from him.

Dad looked confused about this and I tried to think of a way to slow him down without hurting him, but then I heard his radio go off. He was one button away from calling back-up and without webs, getting away will be really hard. He tried walking up to me and I wanted to make a break for it, but that will do little good.

Dad-Let's just talk about this at the police station.

Gwen-I'm not going anywhere with you.

Dad-Is it because of this kid? Where did you even get a kid? Where do you even have to go when you go through that portal again?!

He got closer to me like he was getting bold, but still tried to make this situation calm. I thought about if I went with him, (Y/N) would be alone, he would try to take him away from me, and have no idea what he is doing. I hung my head down and my heart started to race and break at that thought.

Dad-You need to tell me every-.

He put his hand on me, but I grabbed his arm tightly to where he fell to his knees and I got to look down on him. I quickly grabbed his radio on his shoulder and crushed it in my hands, so it was only going to be us.

Gwen-I did tell you everything you needed to know... I didn't kill Peter, I have a... son to take care of, and if you think you can stop me from being a mom to him, I won't wait for some canon event.

I crushed his arm until I heard it snap and he screamed, but nobody would hear him over the New York traffic.


I covered his mouth next and held him over the water on the edge of the hideout. Next, I grabbed and broke his other arm too.

Gwen-Don't call me Gwen... My friends call me that. My son will call me Mom but to you... It's Ghost-Spider.

I dropped him in the water and only swimming with your legs against waves will get you so far. The pain was overwhelming him too, but I just left him to get back to my baby. I went back from jumping rooftop to rooftop before I saw a portal high in the sky and something big came out of it.

Gwen's mind-Peni.

I smiled knowing I was going to give (Y/N) a good home and a loving mom... Although, for his age, I would prefer Mommy... It's cuter.

(Felica's POV)

I got this thing working and... it made a portal in my hideout I tested it by tying something to a rope and throwing it in to wait for a moment before pulling out and the pineapple was completely fine... Still cold from when I took it out of the fridge. Next, I went through and it felt like I was moving really fast, but steadily. I saw I was in a whole new New York and I could tell because there was a Statue of Liberty, but it had a shield on it. The next portal I went through took me to another New York and it looked somewhat the same. I looked at the watch and it said...


My earth said something different on the watch and I saw Webs on T.V. saving the day, but it wasn't my Spider-Man. I was still catching up in my head until I had an idea. I went to some places in New York where I have my hideouts, even my older ones. Most were occupied by someone else, some were empty, some were definitely mine... or this Earth's me. At the second hideout that was mine, I was almost crushed by a falling pipe and grabbed from behind. I countered the attack and threw them over me and we both stopped when we saw each other.


???-Who are you? Some secret agent version of me?

Felica-... Felica Hardy?

She looked surprised when I said her name... Our name. She looked ready to fight, but before I got into a fighting stance I thought of something. If Webs has friends and tech like this... Why not make another kind of club. I just stood up in a way that showed I didn't want to fight.

Felica#1-Hold back those claws, Kitty... I got something that might interest you more.

Felica#2-Like what?

I blew her mind by opening a portal back to my world and she froze in place.

Felica-If you help me get my new baby boy back, I can make you something that can help you steal 'anything'... We can even get some more friends that we like the most... Us. ~


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