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((Y/N)'s POV)

Pearl waited in the living room for me to get changed into a bathing suit and when I came out, she put sunblock on me. Amethyst, Sapphire, and Ruby were outside waiting for us, but Pearl wanted to do everything right. She started with my chest and belly before she got my back, arms, legs, and face. When she was finished with sunblock she carried me in one arm and played with my nose a little before she took me outside. I saw Amethyst, Ruby, and Sapphire out here and only Amethyst looked ready to go swimming.


Amethyst-Geez Pearl took you both long enough!

Amethyst came over to take me from Pearl and left me above her head to go down the stairs with me. It felt weird to be carried over someone's head like this down the stairs, but the others followed and I saw Pearl glow very bright to change clothes in an instant.


When Amethyst finally put me down, Ruby and Sapphire got right in front of us and Amethyst made sure I was looking at them.

Ruby-Hey, wanna see something cool?

Sapphire-I already saw that it will make you speechless.


She both grabbed each other in hugs before Ruby swung Sapphire around like they were dancing. They both started to glow like Pearl did and they got really tall. What I saw next... I could not speak.


I slowly raised a finger to try and speak, but before I could even stutter.

Garnet-Future vision... Sapphire told you that you would be speechless. ~

She came over to pick me up and kiss my head a few times before hugging me in both of her arms. When she took me out in the water Amethyst jumped super high over us to do a cannonball in the ocean while Garnet glowed again to change into a bathing suit.


Pearl came out in the water next with a floaty for me that came out of her gem, and Amethyst grabbed it to pull me out further into the ocean. I was nervous after going out so far, but the others came with and Pearl made sure I stayed on the floaty until... Amethyst took me out and swam back really fast somehow before she threw me to Garnet.

Amethyst-Heads up, Garnet!


I never went so fast before, but Garnet grew her hands to catch me and tossed me over to Pearl for a 'the game'. Pearl looked hesitant while Garnet swam away from us and this was kinda fun being the ball for this game. When she saw me smile a little, I tried to hide it, but she threw me back over the Amethyst which made me laugh. I was having a good time, but I still thought about home, but they won't let me go back as long as they think Lapis is going to come back to fight. I don't even know where she went, but I thought about what she said to me... Until I was slammed into Garnet from when Pearl threw me, but a wave threw her off. She felt super soft where my head hit and after a few more throws, my stomach started to growl.

Amethyst-Yo, he's hungry! Let's get some food and BBQ on the beach!

(Lars's POV)

I just got off of work and it's mostly quiet every day now, so easy money at least. I didn't have anyone to hang out with right now, so I decided to head down to the beach to chill under the pier. Soon, I heard giggling and stuff off in the distance with some music as well as there being smoke in the air.

Lars's mind-Is that a party?... The gems barely come out anymore since Steven died. Who's throwing this party over there?

I started to head over to the part of the beach where Steven's house was until I stopped at the big rocks. When I peeked around, I saw it was the gems, but I was not expecting what I was seeing. Not only were they looking extremely hot, but there was a kid I never saw before with them.


Pearl was on a BBQ, making burgers and hotdogs while Amethyst and Garnet were doting on the new kid.

Lars's mind-When did they become so hot?!

I saw that Garnet had the hottest body, but Amethyst was small enough to be cute like that, but still with a body like that,... and Pearl was your basic beach babe. I went back behind the rock and felt so confused about what happened. Greg said they shut themselves in and it was like that since the funeral and now this.

Lars-Did... Did they adopt or something?

I thought about going out there to try and flirt with them for a quick moment, but it would just be more awkward if anything. On the other hand... Amethyst was always the most chill out of the bunch...

Lars's mind-It's just talking to someone you saw around the city before. Nothing weird about that.

I took a deep breath before I sucked it up and went out there with thoughts of turning back... Until they spotted me and it was too late to back out now. Garnet pulled the kid into her lap and hs his head against her.

Lars's mind-Come on, say something! They are looking at you, so say something!

Lars-Yo, Amethyst!

Lars's mind-Yo?!

Amethyst-Sup Lars.

I tried to not stare at her new 'features' on her body, but that bathing suit makes it really hard not to look. I got up to her and Garnet and this kid looked at me. I looked at Amethyst while Garnet got up to take (Y/N) over to the food.

Lars-Don't really see you around anymore... Did you all adopt?

Amethyst-Yep. He's all ours.

Lars-So... you're all good now? After... You know.

Amethyst-It's easier now, but he needs us.

Lars-You know... I heard some news about a party tomorrow. If you want.

Amethyst-Nah, gonna be here.

I saw her looking at the kid when she said that.

Lars-What's his name?


Lars-Did Greg meet him?

Amethyst-... No. He left Beach City... Guess this place just holds too many memories for him.

I can understand that much, but I could've sworn I saw his van back at the car wash not too long ago... Maybe he's just getting ready to close up shop before he leaves. I tried to do more small talk with her while trying to get somewhere, but this was getting too awkward, even with her new body.

Amethyst-Hey buddy. Eyes are up here.


Amethyst-I can see why you came over. You clearly like my new form.

Lars-Wh-What, no! I-!

Amethyst-I'm not stupid, dude. Not on the market either.

Lars-Well... Are you just going to be a mother figure now?


Lars-Isn't Pearl or Garnet more like the responsible ones while you're the fun one?

Amethyst-I'm just as much a mother as they are.

I looked back over to the others to see a weird sight of Garnet feeding (Y/N) a BBQ hotdog... Like holding it for him and pushing his hand down when he reached for it to feed himself.

Lars-Um, are you sure you're all good?

Amethyst-We're fine. Don't you have friends to hang out with? I'm spending the day with my kid.

She just gave me a cold look before I just left, but something about how they were babying them felt off. Maybe Greg would know more or Connie since I heard she got back in touch with Pearl a little.

Lars's mind-Wonder if anyone else knows about the adoption.

((M/N)'s POV)

Police and construction crews were everywhere. My husband and I both want to go to the police to have them get our son back from those gems, but (D/N) said we can't get the police involved. It was because of what that other gem did and even almost got us killed before she killed dozens of other people. This caused some fights between us because we can't just abandon our son like this. He just had another approach...


(D/N)-We have to find a way to negotiate! One gem did all of this and if they have superpowers or magic or whatever, we will only be lining people up for slaughter!

(M/N)-Police have snipers! They can't be bulletproof!

(D/N)-You don't know that! How can you possibly know they are not bulletproof or something worse?! If we fight them head-on, that blue gem or some other gem will most likely kill us!

(MN)-So what do you think we should do?!

(D/N)-... Tonight at Midnight, I'm going over when (Y/N) is most likely asleep. We can talk without him getting involved. You can come with me or stay here.

He left the room and I felt so frustrated that I knew that this was the best chance we had. I just sat down and sighed while trying to think of a way to at least have our son live over here again.

(M/N)'s mind-This is stupid.

After a bit of thinking and remembering how hostile they can be, I thought it would be best to have a plan B. I know we have a pistol in a safe in our room and it's a magnum that has a .375 caliber bullets.

(M/N)-... The. Are not. Bulletproof!


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