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((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls have made me completely tired and whenever they hear a knock on the door, they switch worlds without even opening it. I just wanted to sleep, but even that was a part of my 'training'. I was getting sick and tired of this and the girls got to the point where I am a toy or a glorified pet that they love. They don't hit me because Red and Alice said no to that, but they do tie me up again, and it's been like this for hours. I kept on trying to find a way to ditch them, but in the next world, I decided to try something.

(Y/N)-Wait!... Why don't we go for a walk?

Gerda-And leave the library? That never ends well.

(Y/N)-Well, you can pick a baby book. Something so safe that nothing can go wrong. There are so many books in there.

Red-I would like to explore with him. Plus, we can tie a rope to his waist.

Gerda-I don't know. He just wants to run.

Red-Where can he go? He needs the library to get home and if 2 of us stay, we can get back, even if he tries anything... Please? I just want to go out for a little bit.

Gerda thought about it for a moment while looking at me and I just smiled while she walked up to me to rub my cheek.

Gerda-I'll be holding your leash... Try to run, and I might just have to find a cage in this world.

(Y/N)-I won't do anything. I swear!

Gerda-That's right. You won't.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

Gerda and Red took me outside with my hands tied behind my back and the rope was being held by Gerda. I tried to think of something from here, but there was nothing to distract them. I have no idea what world we are even in right now, but something about the way this way looks rings a bell.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please don't be anything dangerous at all... Like a cookbook or a book where you learn how to spell and count and stuff... I'll even take the little monkeys jumping on the bed.


(Beldam's POV)

A world in my image, me as a perfect being that doesn't even have to eat, servants all around at my beck and call. All thanks to a little pen, and this was only the beginning. Although, I don't know what else is beyond this which is a problem. I tried to write the library back here, right in front of me, but that did not work. Next, I tried to write (Y/N) to appear in front of me, just like I can do the same to others as a form of teleportation... It just won't work for him.

Beldam-How odd?... I guess this power isn't truly unlimited. Let's try this though.

Beldam's mind-Red and her friends, all dropped what they were doing to bring the library here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The three of us saw a town and stayed away from it, but I think if I can make a run for it I can... Leave them with the library. That will never work! I have to get them out of the library somehow. Suddenly, they stopped, but I didn't know that until I tripped on Gerda's shoe and fell down a hill near a river. She let the rope slip out of her hand and stayed there until I stopped falling. I looked up at them and got mad.


(Y/N)-What did I do that time?!

They ignored me before they walked away the way we came from.


I tried to get up, but without my hands, it took a bit and the hill was too steep and the dirt was too soft to climb up with just my feet. I was panicking because they were focused on keeping and now they were going to ditch me?!... No, they have to be bluffing.

(Y/N)-Hey, whatever I did, I'm sorry! Just help me back up!... Hello?! *echo*

I tried to get around the hill to meet up with them somewhere down here, but I couldn't find them. Soon, I make it back to the library is... or I think was. I could see the flattened bushes and bent grass on the ground and I started to get scared.

(Y/N)-Girls!... Alice, Red, Goldilocks, Gerda?! *echo*... Hello?

I started to panic and my breathing got quicker as I ran around while trying to get my hands free.

(Y/N)'s mind-Did they really leave me here?!

I did everything to get this rope off, but nothing sharp was around and if I can't use my hands and some kind of monster or something is here...

(Y/N)-HEELLLLP!!! HELP!!! *echo*

It just hit me that even if I do get free. What's the point?! The only chance I had at getting home is gone, I'm trapped in whatever story of my baby brother's books this is, and I have no way out of here. My breathing kept on getting faster until I fell down another hill while panicking and started to black out. Before I did though, I saw something in the bushes and my final act was crying a little.

(Y/N)-M-Mommy, *pant* Daddy. *whisper*

(Beldam's POV)

I had Mel serving me tea while I waited to see if my command of the girls worked and when the library appeared in front of "The Pink Palace". I went outside and wrote for the girls to line up side by side in front of me and to obey.




Red-Little Red Riding Hood.



I smiled at this for a moment until I went inside the library and saw that (Y/N) was nowhere to be found. If this was his library and the pen does not work on it, there have to be more secrets. 'He' has to know them. I walked out to the door and back to the girls and they looked at me.

Beldam-Where is your brother?!

Gerda-In the last world, we were in before we came to you.

Beldam-What do you know about this library?

Alice-Not much. Only if you open a book, you can go to that world, like from our books.

Beldam-Books... Do I have a book?

All girls-Yes.

I wrote for my book to fly out into my hand, but it didn't work, so I had the girls help me find it. When Red found it, she gave it to me and I opened the first page of a book named after the child I ate not too long ago...

Beldam-Coraline?... You girls make yourself useful around the house for now. Tell Mel to make me more tea and to come in quietly when she serves it.

All girls-Yes, Other Mother.

I went inside the house to read this book and by the time I was halfway into the first chapter, Mel came in with my tea.


I motioned for her to leave after a while I continued to read until I took a short break when I saw a part that looked familiar to me.

Beldam's mind-This book somehow knew about me... I wonder what's different from now.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I started to wake up and I felt that I was on something soft and felt warmer too. I felt something wet on my head and tried to reach up... I could actually reach it. My hands were free. I opened my eyes and the light stung for a bit, but I saw that I was in a room. When I sat up I saw this room looked a little empty except for the bed table, and dresser, like a guest bedroom. When I got out of bed, I thought about what happened and sat on the floor to curl up and cry into my knees.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic* *sobbing* *deep inhale* *sobbing*.

I didn't hear anything except for myself, so when I felt a hand touch me, I jumped and went to the opposite of the touch to get away. This made the person that touched me scream a little with me. I finally saw who they were and I knew which book I was in now.



We both looked at each other and I tried to calm down because I remember these books being read to me and my brother, but knowing I was still trapped here forever my breathing got quicker again.

Ruby-Wait, please! Don't freak out! I'm not going to hurt you!

She got a little closer to try and calm me down until I backed away and she stopped. She went over to the little table that had food on it now and just put a sandwich in front of me.

Ruby-I hope you like peanut butter and jelly... I'll leave you alone for a bit.

She left the room and my stomach growled, so I took the sandwich and started eating.

(Ruby's POV)

Thankfully my friends agreed to watch Max while I try to handle... Whoever and whatever that boy was. I just hope he didn't mind me washing and drying his clothes while he was unconscious. On the plus side, I know they are a boy, so maybe they would like to play a game later. Louise and Valere said they would be back to check on me in about 15 more minutes, but I think I should call to tell them that this creature was awake.

Ruby's mind-What are you, anyway?


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