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(Madonna's POV)

This idea was so childish, but (Y/N) dragged me out here onto a couch and snuggled into me while the others watched, and he even kissed my cheek. After spending time with me, he went to Holli for his "Cuddle Party". This child was beyond strange, but Millie glared at me when she saw my disapproving look which made me keep quiet. If she's a demon, she must be a ruthless savage when even a tad bit upset. I have spent night after night sleeping on stacks of hay and was lucky that they were in sacks or covered sometimes, but now that I have a real bed again, they expect me to sleep out here. I looked back over to Holli to see her tickling his sides to make him laugh while cuddling with him.

Holli-Who's my little cupid? ~

(Y/N)-Hahahaha! St-Stop!

He let her play with him until he looked at Dawn trying to look away which just ended up grabbing his attention. He hugged her from behind and she jumped and screamed a little.

(Y/N)-You look so alone over here!

Dawn-That's the idea.


She tried to get him off her, but gave up after a short fight and he said something that made her blush.

(Y/N)-You're like a fluffy cloud you can cuddle with! ~

I kept my composer while the others chuckled at this and he finally let go of her when Kitty held a cookie over her and pulled it back to make him flop onto his back. His head landed on her lap and he had his mouth opened for her.


Kitty-*Chuckles*. ~

She broke off a piece of the cookie to feed him and Millie brought her tail over to rub his cheek while he chewed. She tried picking a show or movie for us to watch and when I suggested the opera or something of culture, Holli, Kitty, and Millie called it boring. (Y/N) sided with Dawn and I, but they took his vote when they tested he would vote for anything. I tried to argue that I was the eldest and of more status here than anyone else, but I guess to the uneducated, it doesn't apply much to them.

(Y/N)-Don't be upset, Madonna... Here!

He came back up to the ouch and cuddled with me again, but Kitty and Millie had a problem with his choice.

Kitty-Hey, what happened to my turn?

Millie-I didn't get mine!

Madonna-You get to pick whatever rubbish is on this... T.V., so it seems he saw fit to give me another turn.

(Y/N)-You'll be next! You can pick what you want now!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I never had this many cuddles and now I can have as much as I want while everyone gets to be together too. Dawn talks to Kitty sometimes and Millie is really good friends with Kitty, but I need to work on Madonna and Holli, so we can all be friends. Millie found something that looked cool called, "Rick and Morty" and clicked on it. Madonna rubbed my head when we saw the loading screen and the episode started on Max. It started on the first episode, but I barely watched it. I nuzzled into Madonna's neck and got comfy. During the episode, I guess it kept on stopping because Millie got annoyed and looked for the episode on the USB.

Millie-Who wants to get popcorn?

Kitty-Is this show even... Actually, I don't know what this is.

Millie-He's not even watching. Hey (Y/N). Is Rick the one in the yellow or blue shirt?

(Y/N)-Um... Which one was the teenager again?

Holli went to get some popcorn ready for us, but when Millie started the episode the screen went white and static again. I just got up from Madonna and sat up.

(Y/N)-Hey Kitty, this is how you and everyone else got here!


Madonna-This isn't some normal magic thing?

Dawn-No! What is even happening?!

Millie-Why didn't you say anything?!

(Y/N)-I thought everyone needed our full attention to help them right now. Plus, everyone coming out is going to be nice now.

Something was coming into the living room and Dawn ran out of the living room screaming, so I went after her down the hall.

(Y/N)-Dawn, wait!

(Dawn's POV)

I got to my room and closed my door, but forgot to lock it because (Y/N) came in. I just want this to be a horrible and long nightmare and actually wake up in my prison cell again. At least there, things made sense, given how bad they were. (Y/N) came up to me and crawled on my bed while looking a little sad.

(Y/N)-Hey... It's ok

Dawn-Don't! Say that! You saw that happen before and thought it was no big deal?! How are you sure that didn't destroy my world and made those holes?!

He thought about or a little bit and he shrunk down with a tear in his eye.

(Y/N)-I... I don't know... I'm sorry.

Dawn-None of that out there was normal! Th-This is-!

He suddenly pulled me into a hug while he was on the verge of crying from me being so stressed out.

(Y/N)-I didn't know it was so scary, but if you came out and can have friends now, maybe everyone else did somewhere else.

He pulled me down on my bed with him to cuddle, but I still hate the idea of cuddling with someone who is mostly a predator. He saw how I was still not happy and sat up.

(Y/N)-Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable around me. I feel you tense up when I try to hug and cuddle you out there... I just wanna be friends.

Dawn-You want me to feel safer? Wear a muzzle or something. *grumble*

(Y/N)-Really?! Ok!... What's a muzzle?

Dawn-It covers your mouth, but you also can't take it off.

(Y/N)-Like... my hands tied behind my back or something?


(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I locked my door for many reasons, mainly to keep what got in the house from that T.V. out of my room and sight. I got stuff to act like a rope and (Y/N) held still and even helped me tie his arms and legs together behind him. He may be a child, but he would grow to be bigger than me like the other humans here. When his hands were behind his back and his legs were together, I expected him to be at least upset, but he was smiling.

(Y/N)-So, are we done?

Dawn-Ugh, say ah.


I shoved a ball I found in here into his mouth and used a scarf to keep in in place. He giggled and chuckled while I added this final touch. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but when I lied back he nuzzled into me while looking at me with... puppy eyes. He was also happy because we did what I wanted and he's getting the cuddles he wanted. I just sighed and put an arm around him and rubbed his back. He just closed his eyes and buried his face into my side.

(Y/N)-Hmmmmm. ~ *muffled*

Dawn-*Sigh*... There is something wrong with you.


He stayed by my side while I turned on the T.V. to find something I wanted to watch since I wasn't forced to stay out there anymore. I wanted something with no humans in it, but that didn't leave me a whole lot of options from what I could see. During my time searching, (Y/N) was trying to move his arms and I looked at him to see if he was bothered by something. When he flipped over he rubbed his head on the bed as hard as he could, but it did nothing for him.

Dawn-Oh, does your head itch?

He looked at me and nodded his head and leaned to me to show me the spot. I just smiled at this. I realize this is a child, but I never had the power to do anything in a while.

Dawn-I suppose I could, but I do have conditions... Whenever you enter my room, you're going to be like this unless I say so... You'll also call me Mayor Bellwether. Are we clear?

He whined while nodding his head, so I scratched all over his head until I found the spot he wanted to be scratched. He was so easy to read because he looked blissful before he nuzzled back into me.

Dawn-... I bet the girls are gonna be busy with your mess out there for the night... I guess you can sleep with me like this.

His eyes glimmered at me when he finally got my approval before he shifted around to get comfy for bed. I got us both under a blanket and I gave his restraints another look... They looked tacky and like they would give out with time.

Dawn-Maybe we can go online shopping again for some straps and a real muzzle for you. How would you like a rubber bone or something?

(Y/N)-*Chuckles*. ~

Dawn-*Giggles* You like that idea? You're really just a dumb kid... But I guess I'm stuck here, so you're mine as long as you're in my room under my rules.

He closed his eyes and I turned on some relaxing music on the T.V. before I closed my eyes too.

(Millie's POV)

The new alien bitch was inside the house and I took the USB outside to smash it with a rock, but Kitty swiped it from me somehow without me even feeling her take it. I grabbed a big rock and she pulled out her sword.

Millie-Do you 'really' think that scares me? Put that thing down! It's dangerous!

Kitty-We can't just smash it!

Holli-Why not? No more portals, no more problems.

Madonna-Magic has to go somewhere and that 'thing' had lightning coming out of it!

Kitty-Exactly! If this breaks we don't know what could happen! It could explode!

Holli-So what? We're doodles. We don't die from this.

Kitty-Not (Y/N)!

She did bring p a good point, so I put the rock down and Kitty put her sword away. She took it back inside and put it in a glass container in the kitchen to keep it safe even though we... Well, we don't have a safe.

Kitty-I'll keep this in my room and nobody is touching it. Just keep an eye on the new girl. We don't know who she is and neither will (Y/N).

Holli-*Yawn* I'm going to bed. I need my beauty rest... I'll take (Y/N) out tomorrow while you deal with... whoever that woman was.

She went to her room and Madonna called it a night too, so I picked up the living room a little before I checked on Dawn and (Y/N). Her door was locked, but these locks were shit. I picked it easily and peeked in to see Dawn and (Y/N) sleeping together under a blanket, and (Y/N) had his face buried into Dawn. She opened her eyes and saw me before I just let them both sleep.


I decided to sleep in the room with the new girl to be there when she woke up. When I got to the empty room, I sat in a chair with a stool to keep my feet up with a blanket while I watched her lay there unconscious.


Her body may be thick and sexy as hell, but her costume looks so cheesy. I don't know what her deal is, but hopefully, we will find out in the morning while Holli keeps (Y/N) out of the house. This all kept on happening because (Y/N) didn't say anything, so we're gonna have a talk about that too. I just closed my eyes to go to sleep, but also stayed alert for any sounds.


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