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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mom sent me to my uncle's for a while again and I like him and the cool things in his lab. It's like stuff that comes straight out of a movie sometimes. He lets me play with some things that he thinks are not too dangerous for me, but I just can't tell my Mom. Today, I was playing with a machine that turns old bottles and stuff into something cool. I put in 2 water bottles, 4 soda cans, a plastic bag, and 2 paper bags, and it gave me a laser tag set! I put one back to make 3 tiny versions, so I can play with the rat named Napoleon, another mouse named Jerry, and a hamster. During our game, my uncle came in and he was on the phone.


Uncle-Of course I have it locked up. What kind of idiot do you take me for? I have my own lab run by robots that I made!... Terminator is just a movie!... Look, I got something to test in a bit and I am pretty sure my nephew will be fine... No, he is not the test subject, it's a teddy bear... Bye.

He hung up with what must've been my Mom before he went on the phone with someone else, so I sat down next to Napoleon and Jerry.


I looked at him while he was getting something set up, but I just wanted to be sure about something.

(Y/N)-So, was that another lie to Mommy, or is this one really going to be a teddy bear?

Uncle-That depends. Do you want your hush ice cream sundae?


Uncle-Then stand still and let this machine scan you. I'm testing out this new AI I invented. If this works, it'll know everything about your allergies, favorite foods, what food you dislike, how you will like them cooked the most, and your state of mind.

(Y/N)-How can it do that?

Uncle-Just watch.

He brought something out of a box and it looked like...


(Y/N)-Why does it look like a mouse?

I saw Jerry's jaw drop to the floor before Napoleon helped bring it back up.

Napoleon-Reel it in. She's a robot.

Uncle brought it up to me and put me in a different spot, so it could look at me or maybe it was scanning me right now.

Uncle-I mainly wanted to test my AI, but a toy that you buy only can't handle it and I don't want to sink thousands of dollars into building a robot until I get statics on how the AI really operates and check for bugs in the system... Stick out your tongue for her


Uncle-I still had to add more to the body to let it run properly as well as give the AI a titanium frame structure, state-of-the-art cameras and receptors, and a voice box, not to mention the gel I put in to keep the system from overheating and nicking you.

When she looked down, I put my tongue back in and he pushed me to her when the robot closed her eyes.

Uncle-(Y/N), say hello to the first and most unique... Dodo.

(Y/N)-does that just mean stupid or something?

(Dodo's POV)

Scan: 100%

Optimization systems: Active

System Check: Approved

Safety Protocols: Active

Powering on...

I opened my eyes and I rescanned my surroundings and noticed the primary user standing in front of me while looking in awe. From me scanning his mental state, he was amazed for the most part.


Dodo-Hello, I am Dodo. I am your humble protector and assistant. May I have your name and age?

He looked at an adult in the room before he got a nod and turned back to me.

???-I'm (Y/N) and I am this many.

He held up 6 fingers, so he was six years old. I restricted him from asking for alcohol or anything above his age without proper clearance and judgment. I did a quick search for what his age group typically likes and tapped into a parenting website for proper care tips.

Professor-Go on (Y/N), ask her for that ice cream sundae.

Children often like feeling a sense of control. My systems are only programmed to take orders from him as well, with the exception of his safety and restrictions.

(Y/N)-Um... Dodo, can I please have an ice cream sundae?

Dodo-Of course. I assume you like one scoop of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry with hot fudge, banana, whipped cream, caramel, and strawberry sauce, with a cherry on top.

His mental state was even more amazed than he was before and his excitement raised as well. I got to work to head to the kitchen and the door was in the way, so I extended my arms and legs as much as I could, but could not reach the door knob.

Professor-Oh, (Y/N), wait here. I'll go with her to check her progress.

He opened the door for me and I went back down to size to walk down the hall.

(Jerry's POV)

I know that 'she' was a robot, but she was gorgeous. If only I could find someone like that with no mechanical parts and emotions, I could be having the good life most dream of. I walked to the window in depression and looked into the alley to think until something slowly came up that made me snap out of my thoughts.


He glared at me and I tried to feel for glass,... but the window was open.


The alley cat jumped through the window and I ducked before I ran and Napoleon and we both took off, but (Y/N) stayed and look at the cat. He looked a bit confused before he smiled and grabbed him.

(Y/N)-Hi there! I have a kitty just like you at home! His name is Tom and-!

The cat pushed off of him and knocked him down before chasing Napoleon around the lab. He was focused on me, so Napoleon went off somewhere else to hopefully get something.

(No POV)

Tom chased Jerry under the cabinet and closed it for Tom to open it and look for him. The only thing he found was an electric taser to shock him at full power. His body twitched in the air for a bit until he flopped on the ground, and Jerry ran past him. As for Napoleon, he was digging into a drawer.

Napoleon-Anti-gravity boots?... Maybe later. Slow-mo raygun?... Nah. Ah-ha! Soundwave canon!

Napoleon got it charged up and pointed at the window while trying to get Jerry's attention. When he got news on the plan, he led Tom to the window, Tom saw what was pointed at him...

Napoleon-Say hello to my little friend!


The soundwave sent Neopaleon flying back and busted down the door while Tom flew out the window and smashed through the brick wall, and became a pancake on another wall... in a girl's bathroom. When he flopped down and looked up at 3 women, he nervously smiled.






(Dodo's POV)

Professor stepped out for a bit to get some lunch while I finished the sundae. I left it when I heard a noise and decided to investigate. I got into the hall and saw the rat on the floor with what my files tell me in the 3rd version of the soundwave cannon.


Napoleon-No ice cream for me. I have a flight to catch. *dizzy*

I ran into the lab and saw the window was damaged, Jerry was next to it, but most importantly... (Y/N) was on the ground whimpering and holding his arm.


I ran to him and he looked at me while I examine is arm and carried him to a rug in the lab for something softer to lay on. I examined his arm and found it was bruised. I activated my protocol for this, but something went wrong, so I immediately tried to correct it.

Protocol Activated: Treat wound, console child for emotional distress, find problem, correct problem.

For defining, "Correct Problem", there were many ways, so I chose what would be best for his safety. In problems that cause harm, there is no negotiating or compromising... The best way to solve a threat is to get rid of it. This would increase his safety and mental well-being increase dramatically.

Dodo-Let me see it, Honey. There, there. ~

(Y/N)-*Hic* Th-The-. *sniffle*

Dodo-Don't talk. I know 'exactly' what to do. Let me get you to the break room and have you lay down with some ice. ~

He tried to get up, but I pulled him back down before I dragged the rug with me to give him a ride, and my censors picked up that he was enjoying the ride, but still too stressed to relax. I carried him after I slid under his back and got him on a couch. I got him his ice next and placed a rag n him, so it isn't too cold.

Dodo-Wait here and I will bring you that sundae. ~

In the moment he was taken care of, I realized I failed in my object to protect, take care, and nurture (Y/N), my primary user. I optimized my object to find another way to-.





(Napoleon's POV)

My head and vision were all fuzzy, but I saw someone walk past me while I think Jerry was by my side. After a while my head cleared and I saw Jerry and the robot standing behind him.


Jerry turned around and jumped a little when he saw her all of a sudden and... for a moment, her eyes flickered red. She kept on staring at us in silence.

Napoleon.-Uhhhh, hi.

Dodo-What happened, and you will now best to tell me the truth. Both of you.

Napoleon-Well, a cat broke in, but I got rid of him. No thanks are necessary.

Dodo-That is indeed correct. No thanks 'are' necessary. I tapped into the video footage wirelessly. The cat broke in and when (Y/N) tried to be friendly, he was only met with being shoved into a corner of the table. Not only did you all ignore that he got hurt, but you took out a dangerous, yet non-lethal weapon and aimed it just above (Y/N) which caused him more distress from the sound of the blast. This caused stress, trauma, and physical pain when his body flinched... All done by you.

I looked at the soundwave cannon and back to her and saw her eyes flicker red again. I have seen movies where a robot gets angry.

Napoleon-Hehehe, this looks very bad. But can I have a chance to explain myself?!

She stood there to wait for an answer...


Jerry and I dashed into the library and I slammed the door shut since she could not reach the doorknob last time. We backed up a little before I sighed in relief, but Jerry still looked scared.

Napoleon-*Tch* Relax, she can't open that door if she can't even reach the-.


The door suddenly came rushing down and squashed me while barely missing Jerry. I could only hear heels tapping on the door as she walked over my flattened body under the door.

Dodo-You are both residents, but I will not hesitate to get rid of you, even if (Y/N) enjoys your company. You will both stay away from him or we will play a game called, "Exterminator". As for you, Napoleon. *muffled*

A hand bashed through the door and I was yanked out through a new hole in the door to come face to face with solid red eyes that stared into my soul.


Dodo-You require a punishment, 'now'.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all in the breakroom while robots repaired what got broken in the lab, but now Napoleon was in a full body cast after he was brought in when I finished my ice cream. Dodo wanted me to stay on the couch with an ice pack on my arm to help my bruise, but I thought he looked fine when the cat was gone.

(Y/N)-What happened to you?

Dodo looked at him and Jerry for a moment.

Napoleon-I, uhhhh... I fell down some stairs.

Jerry nodded his head to tell me that's what happened.

Dodo-Oh my, you need to be more careful... Ok, Honeybunch. Nap time. You need to sleep this off ~

(Y/N)-But I'm not even tired.

She started to hum a song while stroking my cheek with her tiny hand and she kept this up while I closed my eyes. She pulled a blanket over me and snuggled her body into me. I liked this feeling and I felt a little better than I did before. When finally fell asleep, I felt and heard one more thing. There was a kiss on my cheek.

Dodo-Sweet dreams... I'll watch over you. ~


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