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(Felica's POV)

I sent Webs a brief message with a location of where to meet on a tall building so that nobody can just walk in on our conversation. I took a moment since I had time to kill to pull out my phone and listen to my message to him again. Nothing like another day of playing with my favorite spider. I clicked play and smiled at my work.

Felica (speaker)-Hello Webs. I think you lost a little something in the alleyway. I wonder what a little boy has to do with you, but he told me some interesting things... Let's meet up and talk like adults. Don't worry about (Y/N)... I'm taking care of him.

Just like Webs, he will always come running when it comes to me having something he's looking for or curious about... It's more fun when it's both. Speak of the devil, I saw him swinging towards me now.


He landed next to me on the crane at the construction site where Hammerhead had the vault with his file in it. He was quick to get to the point.

Spider-Man-Felica, where's the kid?

Felica-He's napping. Just us here.

Spider-Man-Felica, you have no idea what you are messing with.

Felica-I think I have a good idea. He spelled a lot of for me. Other worlds, hundreds of Spider-Men and Women, whoever Miguel is, and how I saw 2 of him here.

Spider-Man-Please, if he stays here, he'll die. You have to have seen it by now.

Felica-Seen what?

Spider-Man-*Sigh* Gliching! He must be glitching and in agony!

He seemed serious about this, but I have no idea if that was a term or metaphor for something.

Felica-... Glitching?... Like tweaking or something?

Spider-Man-I'm serious Felica.

Felica-So am I... He seemed to really hate the idea to go back to... whatever this place was to be put in a lab.

Spider-Man-Lab? We're trying to get him home.

I don't think Webs would put a kid in a lab like that even if all of his worst enemies tried to force him to. He never takes the easy way out like that, but I don't think this Miguel guy is the same. We talked a bit more about this until I came to a conclusion... No home for the kid to get back to, plus 'heroes' hunting him down...

Felica-Alright Webs, I don't see any glitches with the kid and I think we can both agree we know who we are... Hero of New York, somewhat of straight going thief, and the one thing we have in common right now is that we don't want a little boy to be put up to human experimentation.

Spider-Man-What are you saying?

I quickly tossed a flash and smoke grenade to the ground to suddenly flash him in the smoke as I made my escape. I quickly hide behind a building a few blocks down. I got to my bag of spare clothes before I went inside to get changed and put a coat on.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I started to wake up in bed before I stretched and my back only popped once, but it felt nice. When I opened my eyes I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and maybe get some water. I didn't see Felica in her apartment while I was walking around, but I saw her balcony door was open. I walked outside to see that she wasn't out here either, but she is Black Cat, so she can go from building to building too, like Spider-Man. I know she's the villain Black Cat, but she seems really nice. Still...

(Y/N)-Where is she?... Is she out stealing again?

I decided to sit down out here to wait for her to come back until I thought Spider-Man might see me and take me back to Miguel, so I went back inside. Just as I was about to go back in, I saw someone swing by.



She did a flip in the air and I think she saw me because she came back and landed a few feet in front of me. She rolled on the ground when she landed and swept me off the ground to hold me.

Gwen-Oh, thank god you're alright!

(Y/N)-How did you find me here?!

Gwen-Peni and I have been worried sick since they took you and wanted to put you in another lab after I saved you from one!... Here, let me see. Did Miguel hurt you anywhere with needles or did anything weird?

She put me down and asked more questions while checking me, but stopped to dodge a surprise attack by Felica when she came down from the roof.



Gwen shot a web at Felica, but she dodged it and threw something at Gwen before she covered me, but in a quick moment, I heard a small explosion far away.

(Peni's POV)

I was in the middle of searching until I just got an SOS from Gwen all the way from the city and I was in Queens. I hurried over to help her as soon as possible, but then I overheard something on comms.

Spider-Man-Base, I need assistance in getting the kid back. My Black Cat has him and I'm unable to locate him. Send back up.

I jammed his signal, but that's not going to work forever.

Peni-Ugh, why does everything so hard have to also be a race?!

(Felica's POV)

I don't know who this Spider-Chick is, but she feels like the real deal instead of just some faker trying to be Spider-Man. I took (Y/N) with me to try and get him to a better hiding spot, but this girl would not let up. She caught up and grabbed me in mid-air before she snatched (Y/N) from me and webbed one of my hands to my waist. Now, I only had one arm left to swing.

Felica-No you don't!

(Y/N) was screaming into this girl as we fell for a short while, but I held on to her leg and dug my claws into her.


She swung us onto a rooftop and while we were tumbling, she webbed me down. I couldn't get up, but (Y/N) got in between us to protect me.

(Y/N)-Gwen, stop! She's not a bad person!... Well, a thief, but she helped me!

Gwen-*Sigh* Oh, (Y/N).

She came over to pick him up, but with a last attack, I shot a grappling hook at her and she dodged it, but I managed to hit that thing on her arm to break it off. I don't think she noticed because she quickly took (Y/N) and took off. My blood boiled as she took... MY NEW BABY!!!

Felica-*Fast and heavy breathing* *GRUNT*!!!

I cut myself free after a minute or 2 before I picked up the thing she left behind in her escape. It looked like a high-tech wristwatch, but I knew that was not it. It also got damaged a bit so with no leads of this new girl...

Felica's mind-Webs doesn't have to know that I have you. It'll be tricky, but with some modifications, I can find out what you are. First things first... Get rid of whatever can track you.

I fled my apartment and headed for one of my hideouts to get to work on this thing before I call Webs for help.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Peni's POV)

I lost Gwen's signal which meant her equipment had to have been destroyed. Won't be long before others see this and jamming the signal will be completely useless. I have to find Gwen, so I started with her last location, but when I got there, all I saw were small fragments of the watch and no sign of the main parts. Hopefully, they were smashed to pieces.

Peni-I should be able to track Gwen from the residue from the radiation from the watch.

It took a moment to get it right, but I finally got a trail. I followed it to find Gwen and it lead me to the Oscorp building and we I made it on top I saw Gwen sitting on a box and (Y/N) holding on to her. Even with so much space to walk around, I guess the edges were just not far enough for him.


Peni-Come on, we need to get out of here! Others are probably already here looking for you!

(Y/N)-Gwen's hurt!

Peni-What happened?

(Y/N)-Sh-She brought us her while we were swinging a-and-!

Just then Gwen was screaming a little when she glitched right in front of us, so he held her as best he could while crying and looking scared. When she stopped glitching, (Y/N) looked at me like he was begging for help.

Gwen-It's going to be ok. I just need to go back to my world and get a new device to travel.

I opened a portal for us to Gwen's world and he acted like she was on her last legs. Glitching hurts, but at best you're just down for a moment or two when you start glitching. She picked him up and he held on to her while we went into the portal and started traveling to her world. To think, even after we did what was for the best for him, even when he hated it, he still cared. When we landed in the other world on a rooftop, Gwen put him down and I hopped out of my suit to run up and give (Y/N) a hug.

Peni-I'm so glad that you're ok and not in that mean lab! Did you miss me?! ~

(Y/N)-Um... Yeah.

I gave him a few kisses before I took him into my suit with me while Gwen rested. I put my suit on auto-pilot to just follow Gwen around, so I can just cuddle and get to make up time with (Y/N).

Peni-Hey (Y/N). ~


I just poked his nose and the blush forming on his face was so kawaii!

Peni-Boop. ~

(Peter's POV)

My backup got here, but that was because a 'goober' was destroyed, but mine was perfectly intact. They wanted to know who else was here, but I didn't see anyone else. I did tell them that the kid has to still be here and my Black Cat knows about our society of Spider-Men. Now, it was time for my questions and I wanted to speak to Miguel's right hand... Until I saw she was in a very bad mood.


Jessica-Let me get something straight here! If you find him or have any leads, it goes by me before anyone else! Got it?!

Peter-I just asked what was with this lab.

Jessica webbed my chest and pulled me close to her and I held my hands up.

Jessica-There's not going to be a lab... It goes by me if you really wanna help that kid. He is coming back with me.

Peter-I'm not really getting that 'friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman' vibe, right now.

She glared daggers at me, so I just agreed to what she said, seeing as she was against the lab idea. She made that perfectly clear to me and 2 other Spider-Man that questioned her orders.

Peter-Hesh, she could be besties with Silver Sable.

I thought about what Felica told me and tried to get in touch with her, but I was having no luck... No answer.

Peter-Come on, Felica. Where are you?

(No POV)

Somewhere in New York City, Felica was taking apart the 'goober' piece by piece to understand it and disable any racking and remote controlling hardware and software. Taking it apart was the easy part... Now, repairing and putting it back together to function was different.

Felica-Nice tech Spider... Let's see how long it takes to crack.


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