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((Y/N)'s POV)

Amethyst pulled out her whips and let out a scream while she went for Lapis's feet. Lapis tried to fly off with me, but Amethyst caught her by her left foot to keep her from leaving. This was not going how I thought it would go at all, so I tried to calm things down when Lapis landed and was about to attack Amethyst by making another clone of her as she did back at the beach. I couldn't get Lapis to drop me, so I had to just yell to get their attention. When I tried to yell, I couldn't even get a word out before the fight started.

(Y/N)-STOP!!! Lapis, you wanted to try things I wanted! We can all be friends!

Lapis-(Y/N), just stay out of this! We are leaving and we are going to-!

Suddenly, I was grabbed by someone and ripped away from Lapis, and saw it was Garnet before she shoved my face into her chest to keep me from looking at the fight.


(Garnet's POV)

I had (Y/N) with me and Pearl had Lapis's 6, so now we had her surrounded. She still had plenty of attacks to deal with situations like this. I looked into a few visions of me running with (Y/N) and they all lead to Lapis catching up, so we have to weaken or beat her first. (Y/N) looked up at me, but I kept my eyes on Lapis.

(Y/N)-Wait, she's just sad and angry that you left her in the mirror! If you apologize and make it up to her, we can all be friends and not fight anymore!

Garnet-(Y/N), you don't understand! Lapis is not a friend that you want!

I shape-shifted a harness on me to keep (Y/N) firmly against me while I looked into a future where she wins... She leaves the planet with him this time and rage filled both Ruby and Saphire.


She shot a rushing current of water after Pearl and Amethyst to take them out of the fight as well as punched 2 holes in a building. Her focus was on me, but she won't directly attack me with (Y/N). I took this chance to try and close the distance with us and summon my weapons, but as I was about to hit her, she made a wall of rushing water to soften my punch enough to grab me. She created a spike out of water and ice to throw at my head to poof me. Before she could do it, Pearl's spear came hurling past me to deflect the spike. She followed after to grab Lapis to try and detain her... She just flew up in the air with her.


Pearl-You won't lay so much as another finger on him!

A spear came out of her gem and Lapis barely dodged it, but I saw it graze her arm. Amethyst got her with her whip and yanked her to the ground.


(Pearl's POV)

I wasted no time to get to Lapis to poof and bubble her, but horrible-smelling water burst from the ground to send me flying in the air and the steam pipes in the streets burst under Amethyst. Lapis came out of the rubble and looked furious as more humans ran in terror.


A huge body of fresh water surrounded her to protect her as she grabbed Garnet with water without smothering (Y/N). I tried throwing my spear at her again, but the water slowed it down from its current, and Amethyst jumped over me to try and slash the water with her whip, but the water stopped her attack too.


None of our attacks would work in time, and when we saw Garnet get poofed and (Y/N) was caught by a hand of water... We had only one more thing we could do.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I looked back while I was still crying to see 2 gems were Garnet was... Lapis killed her! My heart was racing when I looked back to Lapis and she was smiling at me softly in this tunnel of water.


Lapis-I'm sorry you had to see that, my little funnel cake. Let's just go home... I think the diamonds will have you put in a human zoo where I can take care of you. ~

(Y/N)-Z-Zoo?!... What are you-?!

A string of light shot at Lapis and it cut her dress super fast.


We both turned and I saw a super tall woman through the water with a bow and arrow.


She shot another arrow that turned in dozens of them. Lapis tried to make ice, but the arrows went right through like nothing was there, so she quickly flew up. The water dropped me and the landing was soft as I slid over to the giant woman and hit her legs. She put one foot over me while she got another shot ready and Lapis looked into the sky.

Lapis-... You can't keep him from me! I'll be back and you will wish you let me take him back to homeworld with me! *echo*

She flew off while this lady tried to shoot her down, but missed until Lapis was out of sight. Her weapon disappeared and just as I ran out of tears to cry, she picked me up like a baby.

???-Thank goodness you're safe. Sweet little thing. ~

(Y/N)-*Sniff* Wh-Who are you?

???-Awwww, don't be scared... I'm both Pearl and Amethyst, but you can call me 'Opal'. ~

I wanted to be put down, but she held me tighter as I struggled and started to scream.

Opal-You must be so distressed, but we can't have you hurting yourself. ~

She summoned Amethyst's whip and used it to tie me up and hold me in one arm before she picked up the 2 gems Garnet left behind. The city street and building looked destroyed too after I just wanted them to be friends.


Something was put into my mouth and I saw it was a bottle of water with the cap you have to suck or squeeze on to drink. She squeezed some water into my mouth to make me drink it while looking at me.

Opal-Someone needs a nap. When we get back to the temple, I'll put Garnet in a safe place to reform before you go to sleep.

Opal walked with me out of the city, but I never stopped fighting to be put down! I don't want to be held by anyone right now! I wanna be left alone! When the water bottle was empty she put me in front of her to give me more kisses. I couldn't take it anymore!

(Y/N)-*Hic* Pl-Please, put me down! I-I wanna be alone! *hic* *hic* I want my Mom and Da-!

She put me back in her arm and put her finger in my mouth before she changed it. There was no room to move my tongue and with my heavy breathing, I was forced to suck on her finger.

Opal-*Giggles*. ~

(Lapis's POV)

Fury and rage were all I felt as I was forced to flee the earth empty-handed after all of my years of suffering. I was clearly cheated out of what was owed to me. I stared in Homeworld's direction with only one thought in mind...

Lapis's mind-When I get (Y/N) back, I'll make sure to personally shatter you all and dispose of any human that has 'ever' touched my human!

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Pearl's POV)

(Y/N) did stay awake for long when we got back to the temple and with Lapis gone, we let him sleep in Steven's bed and strapped his ankle to it, so he can still move. He even moved around in his sleep and got tangled which looked adorable. Amethyst and I got on both of his sides to cuddle with him and he turned back to me in his sleep.


Pearl-Hello there, baby boy. ~ *whisper*

He stirred a little in response which made me smile until I saw Amethyst stare at the doors to remind us both of the pests in the basement. We had our baby back now, but they have proven to only want to take him from us...

Pearl-Amethyst, let him be for a moment but make sure the door is locked...We still have one loose end to tie.

(Greg's POV)

One moment I was dreaming about flying around the universe in my van and the next moment, I crashed into nothing only to wake up with my face on the floor. I was groaning until I was kicked in the stomach to flip over and my neck was stepped on. I looked up to see Pearl looking down at me while my ears were ringing.


I tried to get her off, but then I saw Amethyst holding down Connie while she was kicking her... AMETHYST WAS CHOKING HER WITH ER WHIP!!! I looked up to see her mom was still alive and sleeping in her bubble floating over a pool of lava, but my vision got too blurry to really see her. Pearl looked to where I was looking and smiled. She summoned a spear and threw it at her bubble.

Greg-No! *cough* *gag*




I was frozen in fear and Pearl didn't even say a word until she put more pressure on my neck until...


She got off and I could not breathe at all anymore and she got on one knee and knelt down.

Pearl-You're not going to take anyone else from me... Nobody is. ~ *echoed*

The ringing in my ears got louder and louder when she grabbed my hair. I was being pulled somewhere until I was tossed into lava and could not even scream or think straight at all... My life flashed before my eyes as I screamed on the inside until everything stopped... Connie was next.

(Timeskip 7 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sitting on a bed playing some of my games since my leg was tied to the bed and Pearl and Amethyst would not let me go. I could not focus at all, but I tried begging to go home to my Mom and Dad, but they keep telling me that this is my home now. When Amethyst came over and pulled me closer to her.


Amethyst-Hey buddy. Got room for one more player?

(Y/N)-Umm... You can play if you want.

Amethyst-Come on, don't such a sad sax. You're just getting cold feet.

(Y/N)-But... I miss my room and you guys can visit when Garnet gets better or whatever reforming means. Please?

Pearl-Honey, we've been over this and it just causes stress for you now.

We both looked o see Pearl coming up the stairs with a towel and she made a key come out of her gem to unlock the strap on my foot.


Amethyst-Hey, I just got here!

Pearl-It's bathtime for him Amethyst. He needs it for many reasons, but mainly to relax.

She picked me up and they both took me to the bathroom. Pearl got the water ready while Amethyst took off my clothes and she was way too strong for me to stop her. When I was put in the water, Pearl started to pour water on me and wash my hair. I just curled up and cried a little which made Pearl look worried.

Pearl-Is the water not to your liking?! Is it too hot?!

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Mommy. *whisper*

(Pearl's POV)

I am getting sick and tired of hearing that word in his mouth and not meaning me or any of us. It's still early in the morning, so I will need to wait until night to go deal with her and that other parasite that distracts (Y/N) from me, Amethyst, and Garnet. We just saved him from getting taken off the planet and I bet they had a part to play in Lapis finding us. I thought about how earth women look without clothes when they are in baths, so I made myself look naked and soft for him before I slipped into the water behind him to let him rest. His cute little cheek turned pink which reminded me of 'her', but the moment was almost ruined.


Pearl-Amethyst!... There is only room for us in here and I require silence for him to relax. If you want to do something for him, we still have those pests nearby... Get rid of them.

Amethyst-Why do I have to do that?! Anyone can do what you do!

She made her clothing disappear as well and that's when his cheeks got an even darker color. I rinsed the soap out of his hair and he closed his eyes while Amethyst looked annoyed.

Pearl-You can do this next time. Go.

(Amethyst's POV)

I left the bathroom while Pearl got to enjoy a bath with (Y/N) and I was told to go deal with those 2 idiots (Y/N) goes on about. I bet if my body looked different (Y/N) would prefer me over...

Amethyst's mind-Ohhhh, I got an idea.

Ruby and Saphire take their sweet time, but I bet I can be done long before they can. I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a knife to hold against my neck by the tip of it. I remember a few magazines that some humans throw away and some in Greg's storage, so I have a good idea. I took one last look in my reflection and smiled.


Amethyst-You're going to love the new me, (Y/N). ~





This story just keeps getting better