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(Jessica's POV)

When (Y/N) and I woke up mainly from my baby waking me up we just got something to eat. I was craving sweets, but I behaved and stuck with a fruit bowl. After a nice snack, I got a scent of BO coming from (Y/N), so I sent him to take a bath. I checked to see if there was any word from Miguel, but there was nothing except the obvious message to keep Gwen, Peni, and others away from the kid to try and put a lid on this. I waited for (Y/N) to be down and hoped he knew how to bathe himself properly. That's when he came out after a decent time in the shower and get himself dressed. He came out and I had to tell him that his shirt was on backward and his shoes were on the wrong feet, so he fixed them.


It was cute to see him making small mistakes like that, that I will be seeing a lot in motherhood. I helped him fix his shoes before I thought about what we could do before Miguel is ready to see him. I don't have any toys or video games in here for him to play I had to think of something safe a settle at the same time. After I like thinking, I shot a web at the ceiling and made it extra long before I put the other end to stick up there to make a swing. When he got on he held the web, so I could push him.

(Y/N)-So... is that other Spider-Man trying to get me home?

Jessica-He is, but first, we need to see why the machine didn't work.

He went silent and he doesn't understand that the only things waiting for him when he gets back is an ugly truth and an orphanage. I felt awful about taking him back to that life and chalking it up as another life I ruined by trying to do the right thing. I know it's not my fault to begin with, but when it happens again and again and you are involved, it bothers the hell out of you.

Jessica-Anything else you wanna do here?

(Y/N)-Not... really.

I remember Gwen telling us he was happy and oblivious to most things, but how ironic that versions of his favorite superhero are the ones to hurt him. He didn't want to play, explore, or really do anything except have me push him, and that was because I was already doing it. I soon stopped just to carry him around the room and tried to cheer him up.

Jessica-Want something sweet?... There's a bakery in a universe that I can visit and they make the best cakes. I can let you watch cartoons here while I get it. ~

He only nodded his head a little, so I got him set up here before I opened a portal and jumped in to get the cake for us.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Jessica left and I just tried to watch the cartoon that she left for me, but I could only think about home and why they can't use those portals to take me home right now. I just sighed before I looked out the window in this new world before I heard something ring. I walked over to it and tried to answer it, but I didn't know how until it stopped. I saw a glowing button on the phone thing, so I clicked on it and heard people talking.

Jessica-I stepped out. He's in my room at the base.

???-Miguel wants him at the lab as soon as possible for experiments.

Jessica-So now we are experimenting on children? Is that no different than what his parents did?!

???-I didn't ask for this drama. It tortures my soul to its core.

Jessica-What kind of experimentation are we talking about here?

(Y/N)'s mind-Experiments... Mommy and Daddy never did that to me.

???-Not enough details there, but not glitching in different dimensions is super weird.

Jessica-You can tell Miguel that I won't be bringing him until I know 'exactly' what he has planned for the kid, and then I will make a decision!... My order is ready. I gotta go. We'll be a while when I get back. Stay away from my room and the kid.

I got scared when they hung up about the experiments and thought about movies my Daddy watched with aliens or how scientists cut things open when they die. I didn't want to be here anymore. Anywhere, but here... I need to find Gwen or Peni or a way to get my own portal to my world, so I left the room and checked the empty hall before I ran.

(Jessica's POV)

There is not a chance in hell Migeul will do anything drastic to the kid. If it's anything above taking a bit of blood, I will draw the line. I got the (F/C) cake and headed back to my room after I got to a good spot to portal back. I got back to my room and put the cake on the counter, but didn't see (Y/N) on the couch where I left him.

Jessica-(Y/N)!... Where are you?!

I looked around a bit and I started to get worried. He wasn't here, but then I saw my home phone and machine here that I use to record calls and someone used it...

Jessica's mind-Oh no!

Jessica-(Y/N), come out! I got the cake!... (Y/N)!

I searched more frantically, but it was clear that he was not here and he heard at least a good amount of my short conversation about Miguel wanting (Y/N) in a lab. I just ran out of my room to go look for him since he could not have gone far without at least getting caught.

Jessica's mind-Lab?! EXPERIMENTS?!?!?! Like he hasn't had enough of that!

My heart was starting to fill with rage, but (Y/N) had to have heard that I would not have brought him if I knew it would be something extreme... THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF MIGUEL!!!

(Gwen's POV)

Peni and I could not go near the area that Jessica was in because she has (Y/N), but Peni got into the prevalence system just now, and we only had access to hall cameras in a few areas. There were no cameras in bedrooms and bathrooms for obvious reasons. We did not even get Jessica's area.

Gwen-Aren't you supposed to be one of the best at this stuff?

Peni-Technology and hacking isn't just typing random buttons and I will have access. This system has very little wiggle room without setting every alarm off. It's his AI Lyla.

Gwen-So what now?

Peni-Wait until she brings him out.

I sighed and soon Peni perked up at something, so I looked at the screen and we saw Jessica running into the lobby.


She's supposed to be watching (Y/N) and now she is running and searching for what must be him. We both looked at each other before we scrolled through the cameras. I was ready to take off the moment we get his location.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept on running until I made it to some kind of cafe place full of Spider-Men and I guess not having a suit got their attention, so I ran out. I had nowhere else to go, but in the lobby, but I know where the front door is. I heard lots of Spider-Men calling to me, but I just kept on running until I got webbed and it was stuck to the ground like one of those dog leashes in the front yard in the ground. I turned to see a Spider-Man walking up to me.


Spider-Man-Easy does it kid... Wait, were you that kid that was taken to the Go Home machine?

(Y/N)-Get this web off of me!

I tried to pull on it to break it, but it wasn't doing anything at all until he broke the web himself and put his hands on my shoulder. My breathing got faster and I was so scared that I was going to get in trouble.

Spider-Man-Hey, you're ok. but think we should get you home before-... before...

He looked at my shoulder where he was touching me I felt tingly and aching so much that it hurt. I fell to my knees and he tried to take his hand off, but he just pulled me with it, and I saw my body starting to glow.

Spider-Man-What the-?!

Spider-Cop-Let him go!

Spider-Man-I'm trying!

A few others tried to come to help us, but...



(Peni's POV)

Gwen and I saw a commotion on screen, so I got another angle to only see a flash until I rewound the footage to see (Y/N) with another Spider-Man, now both gone.


Gwen-What just happened?

Peni-I have no idea. They're just gone, but there's not even a scorch mark on the ground... I don't think it was an explosion... Not entirely.

Gwen-... Where'd they go?

((Y/N)'s POV)



I got hit with another web right before another flash happened when we were falling. He pulled me into him before we landed a little hard on the ground and I felt so dizzy and my vision was so blurry... I crawled somewhere to get sick next to a wall.

Spider-Man-*Groan* *Cough* Note to self, not surprise portals after double pepperoni... Or just take a break from it. *groan*

My vision cleared and when I threw up, I felt much better, but still very scared until I saw something familiar... Leo's Pizza. Mommy and Daddy took me there a few times.

(Y/N)-I'm... home?... I'm home! I'm-!

I suddenly got sick again to add to my pile, but then I got up to try and find an adult to help me get to my house... I think if I know my street name, it should be good enough, and a police officer can help me. I just left Spider-Man after I just took the rest of his web with me to leave him there and he will be fine. He has a thing to make a portal.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, ask the police to get you home or to where Mommy and Daddy are. Easy.

(No POV)

You tried to find a police officer to help you get home and even went to Leo's Pizza to get some water and to ask for help calling the police. You didn't want to turn in that Spider-Man since he didn't do anything to you, so you left him out of it. When he managed to get back on his feet he looked around for you and got higher ground to scout you while he reported in that he was back in 'his' universe. He didn't see you in Leo's, but he still searched the area for you. Meanwhile, someone watched him from a distance...

???-What are you looking for Webs? Lose something?... Like that kid that got sick next to you in the alley?


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