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(Kitty's POV)

I didn't really sleep much last night and just looked at my new body in the mirror. At first, it terrified me, but in time when I got used to it... I didn't look half bad. I would even go as far as to say I may not be as slim on the edges anymore, but I got a better figure on my waist. I even did some backflips, frontflips, and my other fighting moves to see that I did not lose even a bit of mobility. I could even feel my body sway at times. I think I was starting to enjoy this when I looked back into the mirror again.


Kitty's mind-Well, hello Mama. I'm starting to enjoy this look. ~

I could see the look on Puss's face now, but then I got hit with a wave of despair... That's right, I'm not home and have no idea how to get be and nobody else knows either. Everything looks different, so no matter where I go or what I do, I will stick out like a sore thumb... I sat on my bed while thinking of Puss and Perrito from my old life.

Kitty-*Sigh*... Is there even a way back?

Time started to fly by so fast for me that I lost track of it and snapped out of it when I smelled food. I walked out of the room and heard giggling coming from the kitchen, and when I got in there, I saw (Y/N) rolling dough with something in his ear while he watched something. He stopped what he was doing when he saw me.

(Y/N)-Did I wake you up?

Kitty-Oh, no. I've been up for most of the night... What are you doing up?

(Y/N)-I snuck away from Holli to make breakfast for everyone.

Kitty-What are you making anyway?

(Y/N)-Just some strawberry and cream cheese pastries. My sister 'loves' them.

He went back to cooking and looking at that tiny thing, so I walked up and saw he was copying it and I could hear the things the lady said specifically to him. She was belittling him while also giving him instructions. He still looked happy after I heard the lady call him a-.

???-Don't be a clumsy dumbass boy by forgetting to preheat the oven. We expect this to go in the oven at the right temperature the moment it is ready. If anyone here deserves improper food, it's you.

Kitty-Who is that?

(Y/N)-My mommy. She has other recipe videos if you wanna see them.

Kitty-You do realize what she just said to you, right?

(Y/N)-... The recipe?

Kitty-No, she-. *groan* How many times have you made this.

(Y/N)-I think maybe 8 times in one month.

Kitty-Then you should know this by now. Why are you still using that thing?

(Y/N)-I like it when she talks to me.

I stood there dumbfounded by what I heard him just say even when I knew someone just like him before... I have to test something with him and I have a feeling I don't need to cover it up so much.

Kitty-Hey, did your family ever play hide and seek and you had to hide?

(Y/N)-*Giggles*Well, it would not be hide and seek if I didn't hide. *ahem* I am the best hider in this family because my record is a whole day.

He said that with pride in his voice and it was clear he had no idea what really happened, but he said something just as bad as Perrito's backstory.

(Y/N)-I remember when my sister played hide and seek with me when I got my record. We went to a hotel for a week and I got to sleep in the car. Mommy needed the car, so (S/N) told me she was going to count to thirty and I knew where she would never look... Outside in a thunder and lightning rain storm!

Kitty-... Excuse me.

(Y/N)-Yeah, she tried to find me in the hotel and I hid behind a tall tree, but when the game was over, she gave me a metal pole with a flag on it to wave around in victory.

He has no idea how lucky he is to be alive right now. Waving a metal pole with lightning around would have fried him in an instant. I can't let this go on or he will only get killed by his own family.

Kitty-Kid, she was not trying to find you!

(Y/N)-Then why would she start the game?

This was going to be difficult to explain, even if I was being as blunt as I could be until we heard a door open and Holli came out with a new dress.


She saw that (Y/N) was cooking and she bumped her hips on my head a little when she swayed them a bit.

Holli-Oh, is our little chef making something for us? ~

(Y/N)-Is that one of my Mom's dresses?

Holli-Well, seeing as we're sharing a room now, she can share some of her clothes.

(Y/N)-But I was gonna teach you how to shop online and Millie was going to do it too.

Holli-And I still do need some things... Here, let me help you, my little matchmaker. ~

I can see why the demon didn't trust this woman, so I stayed in here to make sure she didn't try anything with him. By the time he was done, I was surprised from how good it looked and smelled.


He gave me the first 2 slices before he made plates for others and had me and Holli sit down to eat while he left to get the others their food. The taste was better than anything I have ever had which brought me back to his abuse.

Kitty's mind-He is so sweet and innocent that he is completely naive... Seeing as I am not going anywhere right now and these women are coming home sooner or later... He will be under my protection as well.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

This 'computer' stuff was giving me a headache and this is just shopping. (Y/N) says he plays games on here and his bitch of a mom and sister use this to also talk to people and make appointments at places. I don't need much, but if he was offering, I just wanted some to decorate my room to feel more like home, and for the most part, so did the others.

(Y/N)-Ok, not you just click on your cart and press checkout.

Kitty-What cart?

Millie-That picture at the top right of the screen! Click on it!

(Y/N)-Millie, she just needs to learn and Madonna had just as a hard time.

Millie-You did it for her.

(Y/N)-I do shopping sometimes for food.

I think I finished the shopping when I clicked on 'Checkout' and I never want to do this again. I felt (Y/N) rub my shoulders and it felt nice to be pampered like this and he helped me out of the chair, so Millie could do her shopping for her room and stuff she wanted.

(Y/N)-If you want, I can get you some milk while you relax on the couch.

Madonna-We had lessons for-.

Millie-There is going to be no lessons like that for him. He's fine.

Holli-We'll when you're done with her, can you help me in your Mom's room? Pretty please? ~

She was about to grab him, but I pulled him closer to me and she looked a little angry with me until I showed her my knife in my holster.

Kitty-Back off, you had enough time with him last night.

I took him with me and rested in the living room while he went to get the milk for me. I thought I would try this new future world equipment, starting with the T.V... I got how to turn it on down, but besides the arrows and the OK button, I had no idea what I was doing. I went on a thing called, "USB" and saw a bunch of pictures that must be titles to plays and shows on here. I tried to find something that he might like and only had my culture to go off of...


It did sound promising, so I clicked the big button and I heard crackling and popping sounds with a few sparks behind the T.V.. The screen turned white after a bit of 'loading'. I remember the description he made and wonder if I did something wrong. I tried to turn off the T.V., but it was not working. I stopped when I recognized the stuff on the T.V...


I saw something coming out, so I drew my sword and knife to get ready to fight. I inched closer to the T.V. and stuck my sword into it. It got covered by tiny floating squares until I pulled it out and that blob of those squares was about to come in, so I backed up.


My voice echoed in the house to warn everyone, but before anyone could make it in here, I saw the figure come in and turn into a sheep lady before falling to the ground.



(Y/N)-Kitty, are you-?!... Ok?

(Y/N) came in with the milk he promised and the white screen was gone. This was all so crazy that I needed to sit down and have that glass of milk. The others came in, but Millie sprinted in and had a red and black knife with teeth on it ready for whoever was going to fight her.


(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Dawn's POV)

My head was killing me when I was starting to wake up from a crazy dream. The prison I was in, went completely nuts when earthquakes started to happen... At least they were at first until holes came out of the ground. I managed to escape my cell thanks to the holes bringing some walls down. I got to where the prison keeps your stuff and I got my old clothes and planned to make a break for it to get my revenge on Judy, Nick, and all predators... the floor collapsed under me and I fell into static. Must be my head tuning out a prison riot by making it a dream. I opened my eyes and my vision was blurry without my glasses. I felt like I was sitting in a nice soft chair... Nothing like my cell had.

Dawn-*Cough* *cough*!

I was given my glasses back, but my eyes were still readjusting from my headache and I was given a pill with some water. It took a while, but it did help my headache.

???-Get away from her!

???-But she looked in pain. I wanted to help.

A figure was yanked away from me before my vision cleared up and I saw a cat nudist in some room and I had my clothes on, instead of a prison uniform.


The fact she only had a belt and boots with 2 weapons did not catch me off guard... It was how this room looked.

Dawn-Who are you?! Where am I?!

It suddenly hit me that this was still a dream... It had to be a dream within a dream. It's the only thing that makes sense. I started to calm down until this lady came over and pinched my arm.

Dawn-Oww! What was that for?!

???-To show you that you are not dreaming and we can get this over with.

She said it so casually before she went to a table where there was milk waiting for her to drink. I found water next to the chair I was in and even saw a bed, dresser, a big T.V., and a simple window with blackout curtains. My breathing was starting to get faster when I pinched myself again to confirm that I was awake and this was happening... I leaned forward and fell out of the chair while blacking out.



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