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(Toodles's POV)

I had my little brothers and sisters coming over for me to babysit, so I waited out on my porch to read while bathing in the sunlight until I saw (Y/N) play fetch with his dogs outside. I put my book down to watch him play until he got tackled by his dog. He looked so happy and playful, and I just wanted him over here playing and being cute in front of me. The moment was ruined as we all saw Tom fly out of the chimney and land right on top of Spike, and he did not like that at all.


Just as Tom was about to get beaten, (Y/N) got Spike to stop, but he was left off with a warning. That's when I saw my mom get into my sight and she had my siblings with her.


My siblings were just adorable, but it just reminded me how badly I wanted a kitten of my own... Someone exactly like (Y/N).

Toodles-Hey Mom.

Mom-Hello, Sweetheart. Thanks again for your brother and sisters while I run some errands.

Toodles-It's no problem.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was tired from playing for now, so I rested under the tree in the shade to catch my breath until I saw someone over at Toodles's house... A big cat and 3 kittens. Soon the big cat left and I just watched them from across the street until Toodles waved at me. She spoke to the kittens before they all held hands and crossed the street to get to my house. She came over to me with her kittens and they all looked so cute!

Toodles-Hi (Y/N). I saw you looking at my brother and sisters. Aren't they just adorable? ~

(Y/N)-Oh, I thought they were your sister's or friends or something.

Toodles-*Giggles* Well, Mama would have loved to hear that.

(Y/N)-Can I pet them?

She nodded her head and the 3 of them felt so soft and fluffy, but Toodles might be feeling left out, so I gave her some pets too.

Toodles-*Puuurrr*. ~

Just then the front door opened and Mom came out to get the mail, but stopped when she saw us.


Mom-Awwwww, well hello there. You're that kitty from across the street and you brought babies. ~

(Toodles's POV)

I felt mildly annoyed that the woman that ruined my fun last time was here and she was adoring us. I wanted to smack her across her stupid face, but then I got an idea. I brushed up on her legs and got my siblings to copy me which melted her heart. She bent down to pet the kittens and that's when I knew we got her, so I took (Y/N)'s hand and tugged him towards his house.

Toodles-Let's go inside. It's hot out here and your mom can play with them while we play with each other. ~

(Y/N)-... Um, Mom, can we bring them inside to play?

(M/N)-I'm done with my work, but they will have to go home at a reasonable time.

Toodles's mind-And I will be taking him with me you streetwalker.

We all went inside and I got my siblings to stay with her downstairs while I took (Y/N) upstairs, but we almost fell when Tom came running by while chasing that mouse.


I let go because (Y/N) pulled me close to him in a cute attempt to protect me and I got to see Tom panic from seeing me and fell down the stairs to get his head stuck in a mail slot. He tried to get out and I laughed a little while taking (Y/N) to his room.

(M/N)-Tom be careful! We got kittens over!

And from what they did to Butch when he 'babysat' them, the only one that needs to be careful was her... I just prefer she wasn't careful with her well-being. I closed the door and (Y/N) wanted to go through his toys to find something to play with, but I have something else in mind. I gently grabbed his cheeks to make him look at me.


Toodles-Honey, can I pick a game we play? ~

(Y/N)-Um... like a video game?

Toodles-No. Let's play house. ~

(Y/N)-Like you can be the house pet and I'm the owner?

Toodles-Fun, but no. How about, I will be the mommy kitty and you will be the baby kitten? ~

((M/N)'s POV)

I held one of the kittens in my arms to give them kisses and played with their ears. They were just so cute that I could not stand it and held 3 of them at the same time. I was enjoying this so much and then they all ran around to want to play. While we were playing, one of them pounced me to have me roll over, so I went with it, but...


I put the kitten down and checked what I rolled over on and it was some of the roses I bought for the house. I had thorns in my butt and I saw one of the kittens playing with the petals before they stopped to look at me.


I picked up the rose and picked the thorns left in my butt before I put it away in the trash and got one of Tom's toys. I looked around in the living for the kittens and wondered where they were hiding.


I saw the kittens dash across the room and into the fireplace, but thankfully it was clean, so none of them got soot on them.

(M/N)-Kitties. ~

I jingled Tom's toy for them to come to get it, but they ran around a little before one came to play with me. I got on my knees to play, but that's when I felt something slip in between my burns and I looked to see lit matches on my foot!


I quickly got them out and blew them out before I looked at one of the kittens that was behind me at the time. I was made, but then they got together and did something that made it really hard to be mad at them.


(M/N)-*Sigh* Which one of you has matches?

They all looked at each other before the one without a bow gave a pack to me while looking sorry.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Toddles was taking her part as the mommy in this game very seriously. I just told her not to call me cute and she said, "You can't tell your mommy what to do. If I call you cute, you're cute". I just pouted while my head was in her lap and she played with my cheeks and kissed my head. She took pictures of us cuddling together, but she was always higher than me. She even gave me a ring pop from a buck of them in my Mom's room for a picture together, but it just made me look too much like a baby. I just took it out.


Toodles-Hey, the game is not over.

(Y/N)-Oh, Mommy?

Toodles-Yes? ~

(Y/N)-C-Can we stop taking pictures with the ring pop in my mouth?

Toodles-But you look so cute. ~

(Y/N)-I'm not-!... *sigh* Can we just play a video game together or something else besides house? I'm getting tired.

Toodles-... We'll play a game you want, but we are still playing house. Understand?

(Y/N)-Yes, Mommy.

She gave me a kiss on my cheek and I went to pick a game on my Switch for us. There was a knock on my door and I answered it to see Tom. He looked like he groomed himself just now.


(Y/N)-Hey Tom, wanna come in?

He came in and looked at Toodles with a weird smile while leaning on the wall and raised his eyebrows at her. She just looked bored with him as she sat on my beanbag chair and I got next to her while giving her a controller. Tom sat on the floor next to her, but Toodles snuggled into me which annoyed Tom a little. We played Super Mario Bros on 2 players, but Toodles kept on getting distracted by Tom. It was harder, but we made it to the end of level 1 before I had to go to the bathroom.

(Y/N)-I'll be right back. Bathroom break.

(Toddles's POV)

(Y/N) left the room and Tom took this chance to try and woo me over again by offering a kiss, but I just grabbed his lips to pull and make him look at me while I glare at him. He looked surprised and then in pain when I sunk my claws into him.

Toodles-Listen Tommy. I'm not here to be wooed by you or some business I need help with, or anything like that. I'm here for (Y/N) and to spend time with him. You're going to help me make that happen. When I say bring him to my house, you drop whatever you are doing to bring him over, even if you have to carry him. If I come over to see him, I expect you to escort me straight to him, and if anyone is around him, I want them gone... Do I make myself clear?

He nodded his head while looking scared, so I let him go and he held his lips.

Toodles-Now, get out of here!

He dashed out of the room and I wished his mother would be that easy to get rid of... I thought of something and ran to go see my siblings and that woman was on the phone in another room, so it was perfect timing.


Toodles-Oh, Sweethearts. I can get Mom to get you tuna on the way home when she picks you up. But first, you gotta do something for your big sister. Ok? ~

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

I just got off the phone with a client and they were beyond happy with the work I did, so my work got paid extra. I went back to the living room to try and play with the kittens and one of them ran up to me to grab my hand. They wanted to take me somewhere and it was to the fireplace where they set up a table for a tea party. They even gave me the pillow in the chimney.

(M/N)-Awwww, this is so cute. ~

They gave me a cup of water and a little piece of paper that said, "From Toodles". I took a sip from the water and it tasted funny. I looked in and it looked like someone drank it and spat it back out.


I dropped the cup and did my best to spit out what I swallowed before I her sizzling. I looked to see a string getting burned and going under the big pillow.



I was sent flying high through the chimney and was going to crash into the street where I saw the kittens come out with my son's big wagon. They moved it around to where they thought I would land and...

*Metal thud*

I landed on my butt and was in a lot of pain before they worked together to tie a rope from the wagon to a cinder block next to a manhole. They pushed the cinder block down before I could overcome the pain to get up and I went speeding in there.



The last thing I saw before I blacked out and all my memories were getting fuzzy from hitting my head was the small bit of light closing with the lid.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It sounds like Tom and Jerry are playing with TNT again, and I don't even know where they get it. Right now, Toodles and I were playing our game. She seemed so happy about me coming back to play with her while my head was in the middle of her lap.

Toodles-This is nice... If you want, I can spend the night or you can come over to mine. ~

(Y/N)-I don't think Mommy will let me do that, yet.

Toodles-Well, who knows. Sometimes, life surprises you.

(Timeskip To Night)

When Toodles went back home with her siblings to give them back to her mom, I saw people working to get my Mommy out of a hole and to a hospital. I was so scared and worried for her, and I wanted to go, but Toodles just took me to her house. I wanted to go with Mommy!


Toodles-*Shhhhh* She'll be alright. You just need to let those men do her job and she will be back home in no time. ~


Toodles-You must be so stressed out after something so awful. Let's get you in a nice soft blanket and I'll make you a little treat. ~

We got into her house and I was starting to cry, so she took me to the couch and wrapped me in a blanket with a cartoon while she went to the kitchen. Soon, she came back with some freshly baked cookies.


(Toodles's POV)

(Y/N) still cried a little while I fed him, but now I had him all to myself and he was letting me baby him, and not even making a fuss. He would open for every bite without me even having to ask and pulled me in to cuddle after, but I took him to my room for that.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Is she go-going to be home tomorrow?

Toodles-I don't know. Here watch cartoons in my bed and I'll go get some milk for the rest of your cookies before your bath. ~

I left my room, but when I got to the kitchen, my home phone rang, so I answered it and saw it was my mom on caller ID.

Toodles-Hey mom.

Mom-Honey, the kittens pestered me for Tuna after what you said. Thanks for that.

Toodles-*Giggles* Well, they did help their big sis today.

Mom-Oh, what did they help you with?

Toodles-Well... with how the men are around here... I was considering adoption. I already have my eye on one.

Mom-*Gasp* Sweetie, that's wonderful news! Have you met him, yet?!

Toodles-I have and he's just the sweetest little thing! ~

Mom-Let me know when it's official! I'll come down to meet him!

I spoke a little more with my mom before I hung up and smiled to myself.

Toddles's mind-Have fun in the hospital... I just wish you have something to make you stay for a while.

(No POV)

Sadly for Toodles, all (M/N) got was a coma she had already woken up from on the way to the hospital, slight amnesia, and a few sprains with a broken pinkie. She'll be out by morning to get (Y/N) back home. Toodles just enjoyed the night with (Y/N) and gave him a bath with her before they both went to sleep.


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