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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up on a beach from an island earlier with Lapis and it was already nighttime, but I was too hungry and felt a little disgusting. Lapis wondered why I smelled different and she didn't like it, but when I told her what a bath was, I thought she would take me off the island... She just got water from a lake here and stripped me to spray me with water. For soap, she used her water to find something to make her water bubbly which was some kind of leaf before she scrubbed me with her hands. I tried to fight her and bathed myself, but she was just so much stronger than me. When I stopped fighting she looked more calm, so I let her calm down, so we could talk and get her to be friends with Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl. I was too shy to talk to her during my bath... She gave me 3 baths and smelled me and then smiled at me. Now, I could get dressed after she took the water out of my clothes and body.

Lapis-Much better. ~

(Y/N)-Um, Lapis... I know what the gems did to you was bad, but do you think we can talk about it?... Just a little?

Lapis-Of course not. Those gems don't care about other gems, so as soon as I think of the right words to say for your case, we're leaving.

(Y/N)-Case?... Where are we going?

Lapis-I'm going to be taking you back to Homeworld with me, but you will likely be placed in the human zoo I heard that was in construction. Should be finished.

Just then my heart sank and I don't know what Homeworld is, but I have a good feeling that it's not on earth. I just gave her a hug to try and make her happy and more likely to listen, like I do with Mommy and Daddy. If they are mad, they don't listen, but happy means they listen.

(Y/N)-Lapis, I wanna stay home... Maybe if I explain things to my Mommy and Daddy, you can live with us.

Lapis-Why would I want to stay here when I can take you with me?

(Y/N)-Well... There's a lot of fun stuff here that I can show you.

Lapis-Like what?

(Connie's POV)

I had my mom and Greg with me to try and get (Y/N) away from the gems through reason because I know if it came to brute strength, then they will for sure win. When I knocked on the door there was no answer at first, but then I saw Garnet come to the door and she just looked down at us.


Garnet-We're busy.

Connie-Garnet, please listen to me. I saw the destruction in the neighborhood and so many people are going to be looking for you when they see you have (Y/N). Just give him to us and we won't say a thi-.

Garnet-(Y/N) is not here... We're busy.

Mom-Ms. Garnet, we don't want police and CPS to get involved because that will only hurt-!

Amethyst-She said he's not here and it's the truth.

We all turned to see Amethyst on the porch railing and Pearl next to her, like they snuck up behind us.


I felt a little nervous, but I just know that they have (Y/N) here, they just have to have him here somewhere. However, I started to doubt that when I saw the looks on their faces... Did something happen?

Pearl-You all need to leave and let us get our baby back... You will also stay away from him.

Greg-Your baby?! He already has-!Just then the gems pulled out their weapons and Greg stopped talking.

Pearl-You have until 3 to-!

Suddenly Garnet scooped all of us up and held us tight by shape-shifting to keep us trapped and our mouths covered.

Garnet-Don't bother Pearl... They just come back with more later.

She took us inside and into her magic room before she threw us to the ground and bubbled us while we were down, but Amethyst grabbed me before Garnet could bubble me.

Amethyst-Didn't I tell you to leave it alone?!

Connie-Amethyst, please! Don't do-!

She slammed me to the ground and stepped on my throat while glaring at me. I couldn't breathe, so I tried to get her off or slip out, but I couldn't breathe until I felt lightheaded and she let me go.

Amethyst-When we have our baby back and I have free time, I will make you wish you listened to me and have your mom watch!

She bubbled me herself and I floated up while hearing voices from my mom and Greg, but not very well because of the ringing in my ears. My vision was blurry when the gems were leaving the room and I was stuck in my head for the time being.

Connie's mind- I know we can't beat them in a fight... How do we get out of here?... What do we do after?

(Lapis's POV)

(Y/N) pointed a few things out to me when we made it to another city, like how some humans were doing this thing called, "Skateboarding". I could fly, so I didn't really find it that great, but then he tried to show me an arcade to play games, but we needed money for that... I saw a woman with lots of money that she won't need anymore after she had an 'accident' from someone pushing her down a hill... or taken and thrown down a cliff while calling for help on her 'phone'...

Lapis's mind-Someone might help her.

(Y/N) wanted me to play a few games and this was a big waste of time, but he called it, 'fun'.

Lapis-So, what is the point of this game again?

(Y/N)-Pac-Man is an old game where you collect dots while not letting the ghosts touch you. The big dots turn them blue and if you eat them, you get more points.

Lapis-No, I get that, but what's the award when you complete it?

(Y/N)-You just move to another level and it gets harder until you lose. It's just fun when you have lots of time. I got better games at my house I think you saw.

I thought he was on that thing for another reason. After this game, he took me to a fighting game and it was just pushing buttons so nobody got hurt. This will be valuable intel for when I make his case on how humans changed, so I will be placed with him for knowledge purposes. All the controls and moves were on the machine and were super easy to do, so I won.

Lapis-What next?

(Y/N)-Well... There's Pinball.

Lapis-Show me how to play it.

We spent the next 2 hours playing games and he started to get hungry and thirsty, so I had to find him some food. He pointed out a snack bar and got a hotdog with some fries or so he called them. Next...

(Y/N)-*Gasp* LOOK!!!

I looked at a sign that said "Funnel Cake" and he seemed really happy to it that you would forget that he tried to convince me to take him home earlier. He looked at me with hope in his eyes and took my hand.

(Y/N)-Do you have any money left?! Please, I'll do anything for one!

Lapis-... Anything? ~

(Garnet's POV)

I checked every future and we had to go through one after another until we find (Y/N). In some, he uses the warp whistle to find us, but those are slimmer for some reason. He never used it before, I doubt he's considering it an option right now or Lapis got a hold of it and destroyed it. My future vision showed a future most likely to happen and when the warp landed, we saw a city in the distance.

Garent-We'll search the city and the outskirts of it. Don't fight Lapis alone unless you have to. If you get (Y/N), get to a warp and to the temple to go straight to your room.

Amethyst-Got it.


I headed into the city with Pearl while Amethyst stayed on the outskirts of the town. My future vision showed more and more of (Y/N) being here with Lapis. He just has to be here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Lapis was feeding me the funnel cake in a park with people watching us. I finally got to talk to her about taking me home and she seemed so happy that she agreed to everything I said while feeding me, so I happily took the bites. They were helping me get her to listen and they just taste so good. I even got to lick what was left off of her fingers before she played with my nose.

Lapis-You really enjoyed that. ~

(Y/N)-You can try some too. There's one left on the plate.

Lapis-Gems don't need to eat and... I'm not keen on trying right now. It's yours.

(Y/N)-Oh... Ahhhh.

She started to feed me the last piece and when we were done she took me back into town to do more fun things. The sun was going down, but I still felt wide awake and full of energy from her carrying me. I wanted to walk, but...


(Y/N)-I'll hold your hand.


(Y/N)-Just to the corner?


(Y/N)-A few steps?



She only gave me a look that said 'no'. We just walked around the city and I just kicked my feet a little to move while Lapis held me. We made it to a candy store for more sweets, but when Lapis checked her pocket for more money she sighed before she put me down on a chair in here.

Lapis-Wait here. I'll be back with more money. Don't get up.

She left the shop and I thought about telling her I'm ready to go home after some candy.

(Amethyst's POV)

I changed the outside of this city 3 times and the food smelled amazing from one spot. I just hopped from rooftop to rooftop. Someone wasn't around their food, so finders keepers. I went back to the rooftops and kept my eyes on the sky until I spotted a cand shop and thought about getting some gummy candy. I hopped down for a quick trip inside to get some candy, but when I got in... I spotted him in a chair by the chocolate.



He looked over to me while I ran over to him.


I scooped him up in my arms and held him tightly while thanking my sweet tooth that I found him. I put him down and took his hand. he seemed really happy to see me.

(Y/N)-Amethyst, I got great news! You don't have to worry about hiding me anymore!

Amethyst-What do you mean?

Just then, we made it out of the store and (Y/N) and I were both grabbed by water, but he was pulled away from me and into 'her' arms.


Lapis-'What' are you doing here?... Stay away from him.


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