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(Kanga's POV)

I took the children to my home and had "Alice" help me with "Greta". She was out cold and freezing somehow, so we had to get her in front of a fire and under blankets to warm up. When I had Greta taken care of, I checked on (Y/N), Red, Alice, and Goldilocks, and (Y/N) had frostbites. This was so odd since there was snow on that building, Greta is freezing, and it hasn't even rained for months. Everyone else seemed fine at the moment, so I focused on helping (Y/N). I wanted to take care of everything that was the worst first before Roo and the others come back. The frostbite on his feet, arms, and hands will take a while to go away, but I kept on treating him.

Kanga-What happened to all of you? Where are your parents?

Red-Umm... We do not know, Ms.

Kanga-Call me Kanga, Dear... *Sigh* All of you, stay next to the fire with Greta. I'll make some soup once I am done with (Y/N).

The girls did seem a little clingy to him, so I wondered if this was an adopted siblings relationship or something.

Alice-Here, please allow me to help him. I think I learned from watching you.

Goldilock-I wanted to help first!

Red-Don't touch him!

They all crowded him and he seemed to be sore when he winched in pain. Due to his young age, he had a few tears, so I nudged the girls a little.

Kanga-Children!... (Y/N) is very sensitive right now, so you all need to be calm. I will let you know when and if I need help. For now, you all must rest before we talk.

They seemed to listen to that, but stayed close to (Y/N). I soon made good work of his frostbite and got to work on the soup before I heard voices from my friends and son outside. I should give them a fair warning about these children. They are already on edge and still in bad shape.

(Red's POV)

We heard other voices outside and it made me feel nervous from the other books we've been in. I curled up against the chair (Y/N) was on and Kanga put a lid on the soup she was making for us.

Kanga-Children, stay put. I will be back shortly.

She left the house and I looked at (Y/N) since now will be our moment to speak about what book we are in. Goldilocks and Alice looked at him too.

Red-(Y/N),... do you know about this book?

(Y/N)-Y-Yeah... No bad guys or anything, but made-up monsters and fun adventures. The worst thing here is bees.

Alice-Are you sure?

(Y/N)-... Also, my throat and lungs burn when I talk... I'm gonna stop now.

I carefully leaned over the chair to hug him and found there was room for me. I got on and leaned on him while we felt the warmth of the fire. He closed his eyes to sleep and I soon yawned and felt sleepy after the whole adventure at the snowy place and the Snow Queen. Just then Alice came over and did her best to slip in and have him sit on top of her. Goldilocks came over and pressed down on (Y/N)'s lap.

Goldilocks-Does this part hurt?

He shook his head, no, so she lied across all of us and got comfy... It was a comfy sleeping pile and body heat will help him too.

(Kanga's POV)

I had Roo in my pouch as I explained to everyone what I found and exactly what happened to the children that I know of. There was even a library out there where I found them in. Heffalump said he would get his mom to help check out the library. As for the others...

Rabbit-A whole library?! A big building filled with books doesn't just pop out of thin air! And covered in snow, no less.

Owl-I do believe that it is nowhere near winter. I can conclude that snow at this time would indeed be impossible.

Roo-Can I go inside and meet them?!

Kanga-Now, hold on. They are in very bad shape. The oldest girl is freezing and out cold while the only boy has frostbie, so I don't want us to go in and crowd them.

Tigger-Why not?! All they need to warm up is a good bouncing! Hohohohoooo!

Tigger bounced around us and I do know my friend well enough that he would act like this, but those children need to be watched and well-rested right about now. Plus, it would help as we explore the library.

Kanga-Perhaps we can let them rest while we look more into this. When Heffalump returns with his mother, it will only make the party at the library that much safer.

Rabbit-We will need more time to prepare! Th-There could be traps in there! Magic spells if it "came out of nowhere"! This is indeed very dangerous and Kanga is right! We need it to be just us there and nobody touches anything unless they are sure it is safe, and those kids will need to stay here!

Pooh-Will a library have honey?

Rabbit-Did you not hear me?! Traps Pooh, TRAPS!!! That honey could be poisoned or worse!

Pooh-... Empty?

Rabbit's face went blank as he took the others with him, but I took Roo inside with me to put him down and check on the soup. When we got inside I saw the children piled up on the chair and footstool, trying to nap until they peeked at us. Greta was still asleep.


Roo hopped out of my pouch and over to them to say hi while I got back to cooking and realized the soup was done now. I beckoned for Roo to come over for a bowl of his own before I got the girls to disperse to have their (F/S) soup with some bread to go with it. (Y/N)'s hands must still be sore, so I fed him. His blushes were cute, but he didn't like the others watching. It's a shame he can't feed himself right now.

Kanga's mind-A mother's work is never done... It does help with cute moments like this though.

Kanga-Does this soup make you feel warm inside? ~

(Y/N) only blushed and nodded his head a little, but I noticed he had a difficult time swallowing. His throat must be sore too and while this soup will help in time, I do have medicine for a sore throat.

Kanga-Wait right here. I'm going to get something for your throat. ~

Roo-I wanna help!

(Goldilocks's POV)

Roo wanted to try and take care of me, but Ms. Kanga was hogging (Y/N) and she's been hogging him all day by keeping us apart to take care of us. She said if (Y/N) gets sick, she doesn't want it to spread to us as fast, so she cleans herself after leaving him alone to take care of the rest of us. She made us lay down while she checked our temperatures with some kind of weird glass stick thingy. Roo helped by giving Greta hot rags to put on a hand on her head and she felt a little warmer, but still cold. When Kanga came to me she checked my temperature again.

Goldilocks-Ok, still healthy. Are you sure you would not rather go to where (Y/N) and Greta won't get you 3 sick? I would hate for you to catch what they got.

Alice-We are sure, Ms. Kanga. Thank you.


We all looked to see Greta opening her eyes a little and he stretched her arms and legs. She looked around the room and looked confused and scared, but Kanga and Roo went up to her and she backed up.


Kanga-Please Dearie, do not be afraid. Try not to love too much either.

Roo-Mama is very nice!

Greta only looked around the room and what she said next, even confused us.

Greta-Who are all of you?!

Alice-What?... Greta, it's us.

Goldilocks-We helped you out of the snow... Well, not her and her son.

Red-It's us. Red, Goldilocks, Alice, and (Y/N).

(Y/N) only waved at her, but she still looked afraid while Kanga went over to her to help her get back to where she was.

Kanga-Do you know if she hit her head or something?

The others looked at me and I thought about the sled ride... She didn't hit her head or anything... Or at least, I do not think so... My sled riding could have been better.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Kanga's POV)

Rabbit and the others came by earlier to tell me they were going to find the library in the morning when they were ready, but I was worried about these children. (Y/N) and Greta were still recovering from frostbite and amnesia. At least she was warming up and her color was coming back. They wanted to help each other, but there were 2 fights over (Y/N) today between Alice, Red, and Goldilocks that I had to settle. Roo was asleep in his room and I checked on the children a few times before bed, but I saw (Y/N) struggling in his sleep, so I picked him up.

Kanga's mind-Poor thing. He must be having a nightmare.

I gave him soothing touches to calm him down and when he was calm, I decided to take him to my room and sleep with him tonight. Whatever they find tomorrow, I hope it gets these children home... That made me think.

Kanga's mind-How far are they from home... How could all of these awful things happen to them?... Where are their parents?

I tried to go to sleep, but this all bothered me too much to even get me to sleep. Mama Heffalump should be close by for the mission tomorrow... Perhaps she and I could go see it first. I didn't want to leave (Y/N) here, so I carefully wrapped him up in a blanket and took him outside with me while the others slept.

Kanga's mind-If your parents are irresponsible or you just might not have any, I can't let you leave on good conscious... Christopher Robin's house will be too small for all of you, but I'm sure if we all work together, we can make extensions to my house and you all can live with me... Having more cute children does sound nice and Roo will have siblings to play with.

I liked this idea and looked at (Y/N) before I tapped his nose and smiled.

Kanga-*Giggles*. ~

(Greta's POV)

(Dream Start)

I was walking alone in a blizzard, looking for someone... Kay. I remembered Kay, but after I found his body buried in snow and frozen solid, I could not stop crying until his frozen body stood up.


He only looked at me and started to melt when the storm calmed down. I felt so weak and on my knees while I watched him go away.

Greta-NO!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! NO, NO, NO!!!

I managed to grab him, but someone was inside of him... They were coming out of the ice. I saw (H/L) (H/C) hair first, (S/C) skin on the forehead, and then (E/C) eyes. The person came out more and more while I tried to remember their name. They told me before... I heard it before...


(Y/N) only hugged me when he was free from the ice and this feeling made me feel like Kay was still here in a way. I returned the hug and cried into him while I was still on my knees.

(Dream End)

I woke up to the crackling sound of a fire in the living room with tears in my eyes. I wiped them away before I looked where I saw a small bundle on the couch that I think was (Y/N). My heart was beating faster and faster, but in a good way as I thought of Kay.

Greta's mind-You're all I have left of him... You have to stay with me when I return home... You just have to.

I don't know what I would do if someone tried to take him from me, but then I saw the soft light reach into the kitchen where I saw a set of knives... A few thoughts popped into my head, but I shook them off and tried to go back to sleep while staring at the bundle of what I believe is (Y/N sleeping.

Great's mind-Nobody will keep you from me... Not even the Snow Queen... That witch.


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