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((Y/N)'s POV)

I really like having company again and thought since the last movie night was only with Millie, I thought I could do another movie night for all of us later. I snuck away from them while Holli and Millie were in their showers, and Madonna thinks I'm with one of them. When I tried to find a movie for all of us, I saw a movie that came out, but I didn't get to see it, yet. "Puss In Boots: The Last Wish"... I thought I could watch this alone for now and pick something they might all like later, like adult stuff or something. I clicked play on the movie and it loaded for a bit until it got a little brighter and static. I thought it was broken until I saw something in the static. I went up to the T.V. and tried to tap the screen, but my finger got covered in pixels.

(Y/N)-Wooooaaahhh... Cool!

I put my whole hand in and it felt tingly, but I stopped when the thing in the screen came out and pressed against my face a little, so I backed it. The pixels went away as they came in and they looked familiar. When they were mostly in, I saw it was Kitty Softpaws from the first movie, but she looked different when she came all the way, the T.V. turned back to the selection screen, and I caught her in my arms.


She was a bit bigger than I thought and heavy too so I tried to quickly get to the couch and put her down. I thought about going to get Millie, Madonna, and Holli, but I thought I could handle this by myself. I took care of people before and Kitty was good in the first movie... Kind of, but she just needs to know I am not going to hurt her. I just need to sneak her to my room, so I carried her and tried to hold her as best as I could and move as quickly as possible with her.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Kitty's POV)

I was waking up with a really bad headache and felt like I was going to throw up from being so dizzy. I could barely move and my vision was so fuzzy that I couldn't make anything out. I tried my best to remember everything that happened before I passed out... I was at the tavern with Puss and Perrito after another adventure... Well, short bandit attack. Anyway, I was sticking with only 3 cups of milk while Puss went crazy and Perrito was trying to make friends. Suddenly, there was an earthquake, so we took cover under a table, but some... holes came out of the ground... Everything after that is a little fuzzy.

Kitty's mind-Did I fall into a hole?

Kitty-Puss?... Perrito? *cough* *cough*

Had something caught in my throat and it wasn't a hairball... At least, I don't think so. No response from either of them and when my vision cleared up... I had second thoughts if it really cleared up. Everything looked odd and I was in an odd, but rich-looking room... It had toys in it, so maybe this belonged to a child. I got out of bed and fell to my side from being so dizzy, but I made my way to the door while wobbling and limping.

Kitty-Puss?!... Perrito?!

I fell to the ground and I stayed still while feeling like I was going to get sick. That's when I heard voices.

???-(Y/N), dinner is going to be ready soon! Just another 40 minutes for the meat! *muffled*

(Y/N)-Ok Millie! I put the pudding in the fridge for dessert! I'll be in my room! *muffled*

Footsteps were getting closer, but I couldn't get up, and then the door opened to show a human boy with (H/L) (H/C) hair, and (E/C) eyes. Hey gasped a little before he closed his door and come up to me.

(Y/N)-Don't move. Hold on.

He ran to get something in his room and came to me with a glass cup of water and some kind of pill. He helped me sit up and gave me the pill with some water. The water soothed my throat, but I pushed the kid away and scooted over to lean against the wall to breathe. It took a few minutes, but I didn't feel like getting sick anymore.

(Y/N)-Better?... I'm (Y/N).

Kitty-Where am I?

(Y/N)-In my room. Others don't know you're here because I wanted to show I can take care of someone by myself!

He gave me an innocent smile, but I was not playing whatever game this is. I tried to grab my knife, but it was missing, so he must've taken it. I looked at the holster and saw it was empty, so I glared at him. He lost his smile before he got up to go to a small table where he had my belt, money, and weapons. I did not expect what would happen next... He laid them out next to me and sat back down in front of my feet.

(Y/N)-Don't worry, I just took them to clean the dirt and stuff off.

I tried to see what Angle he was playing at, but when I could stand again I slowly got my stuff back on. He held out his hand for me to shake while smiling at me again and the look in his eyes... It reminded me of Perrito.

(Y/N)-Welcome to my home. I can introduce you to the others in a bit at dinner. There's Millie, Madonna, and Holli. My Mommy, sister, and grandma are out for the week.

I slowly took his hand to shake it, but still felt uneasy about this.

Kitty-I'm Kitty Softpaws... Where are my friends?

(Y/N)-Oh, they are not here. I can tell you how you got here, the same way the others did. First... Want some more water and a nice massage will help you relax for this.

Kitty-Um... Yes to the water and we'll see about this massage.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

What he told me had to be some form of magic and I have to get back to Puss and Perrito. I took my knife and put it against his neck because there is no way he wasn't behind this somehow if what he said was true. All he had to say was...

(Y/N)-Are you... that angry?

Kitty-You're going to show me where this "portal in a T.V." is or your head will be on the tip of my sword.

(Y/N)-But... then we won't get to be friends. You shouldn't hurt people that could be a friend.

I felt so confused as I looked into his eyes and I could not find a hint of malice in them. Perrito showed me what pure innocence is like in a pair of eyes and he was like that.

(Y/N)-Maybe that massage will really help you... Please? I didn't mean to make you upset and sad about losing your friends.

Now I felt like I couldn't do it because it would be like killing Perrito, so I put my knife away and sighed. I felt so worked up and worried for them, but I snapped out of my thoughts when (Y/N) hugged me... Something felt off... Me. I backed away and looked for a mirror in here, but when I saw my reflection... I froze.


(Y/N)-Are you ok?

First the holes, my friends are missing, the world looks like this, I have a child version of Perrito, and now my body looks like this...

Kitty-I need to sit.

(Y/N)-Here, come lay down.

He took me to his bed and helped me onto my stomach and took off my belt and boots to start the massage with my hind paws... His hands felt nice, but I couldn't stop thinking about everything happening so fast. When he got to my back I realized how long it has been since I last had a massage. I felt my back pop 7 times before it slowed down on the popping. I even let a few purrs slip out before I got a hold of myself.

(Y/N)-Dinner is going to be done soon... Maybe I can tell the others about you and they can come in to see you after if you want.

Kitty-I... don't know what's going on anymore.

(Y/N)-Hmmm... I know what you need!

He stopped the massage to lay next to me and wrap his arm around me before he nuzzled into a cuddle. I wanted to push him off of me at first, but this familiar feeling... I let him have his way since he wasn't doing anything inappropriate to me. Suddenly, the door opened and what I saw next blew my mind again... I am nearing my limit for crazy and from all the crazy things I've seen and heard about, that's saying something.


???-Alright, Sweetie. Dinner is-.

She froze when she saw us in (Y/N)'s bed and he was cuddling me and he had a nervous smile.

(Y/N)-H-Hi Millie... Have you met Kitty Softpaws?... Hehehe.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Millie's POV)

I had my eyes closed to process this little meeting at the dinner table with (Y/N) in my lap. When I woke up, I looked at everyone, including the new girl before I looked back to (Y/N).


Millie-Let me see if I got this straight... A new person got here and you wanted to keep her secret from us while you helped her on your own... You knew and saw that she had a sword and knife, she's a thief and is a good fighter.

(Y/N)-Yeah, and she makes the cutest purring sounds.

We all looked at her, but (Y/N) hopped off my lap to go to her side and act like he was protecting her.

(Y/N)-Hey, she's just like all of you and I let you stay when you had no home. I wanna do the same to help her.

Madonna-But a filthy animal. They belong outside if they are not properly trained. Is she even housebroken?

Kitty-Question that again and something will be broken.

(Y/N)-Stop it!... After dinner, I can show her her own room, and she can take a quick tour around the house... Oh, I know what will make you all happy! How about some online shopping?! My family does it all the time to get new clothes and stuff!

Madonna-Online shopping?... What does online mean?

(Y/N)-You can do it from here and they have it brought to you in a few days. We can eat, talk, have dessert, and stuff tonight then do shopping tomorrow.

He was deadset on making us friends, but I would like to get more clothes and stuff my style, and Holli can not dress like she's a stripper from the ring of lust.

Madonna-I will expect to there to be a fine selection. I will not settle for rags or cheap quality.

(Y/N)-I... think my grandma knows more about that.

During dinner, I put him back on my lap to feed him until Holli wanted him, so he made turns for us, and even gave Madonna one, even if she didn't admit it... She still fed him When he made it to Kitty, she just said no to him, so he came back to me. After dinner, I thought about the bear we ate that I killed for fucking with my baby and if it did have cubs out there, then it should've thought that before fucking with mine. Dessert came out and (Y/N) did know how to present, but Kitty was surprised by this like we were at first.


Kitty-Who taught you how to do this?

(Y/N)-Videos online. I always cook for my family, but Millie wanted to cook tonight. I can make omelets with bacon, sausage, onion, and bell peppers for breakfast tomorrow. We got something to make it super easy.

Kitty-... How old are you again?

(Y/N)-This many.

He held up 6 fingers to her and he went into details on how he learned to cook as well as other things. Her only response was after she was done with her pudding.

Kitty-I'm going to get in a shower.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

(Kitty's POV)

(Y/N) came with me to give me a quick tour of how to work the shower, the bath, and the T.V. in here before Millie came in to take him to another bath, but Holli fought for him a little at the door to bathe him. This place was so much to take in, but what was more impressive is that (Y/N) is 'exactly' like Perrito. From his innocence to the abusive backstory and seeing as it is still going on... I thought about his family coming back.

Kitty's mind-You like to torment and abuse your son for being a boy?... Let's see how you like it when I fight back for him.

After my shower, I soaked in a bath for a little while to relax and heard laughter down the hall which piqued my interest. I got out to dry off and snuck down the hall to see a bathroom in a big bedroom... I think I passed 2 others on the way here. I got to the door peeked in and saw Holli in the bath with (Y/N) while he innocently played with the water.

Holli-Arms up, sweetheart. ~

(Y/N)-But Millie already got them during our sho-. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

He did what she said, only for her to tickle him for a little bit and he leaned back into her to snuggle. I felt myself blushing in disbelief before I snuck off to an empty big bedroom to just call my own, and worried about getting my stuff later.

Kitty's mind-Going into a bath with a complete stranger, and not to mention a hot one and acting like that?... How is he just as innocent and kind as Perrito with all this abuse in his life?! I don't understand!

I thought about it while just going to bed early. I was only up for a little over an hour, but I felt completely exhausted... I just need to rest and let this sink in if I want a chance to come up with a plan to get back home.


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