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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was playing in the backyard with the sprinklers to cool off and have fun in the summer heat. Spike was resting in his dog house with Tyke, Mommy was working on her computer for the morning, and Tom and Jerry were out chasing each other around the neighborhood or something. When I had enough with playing in the water I dried off and got new clothes on before I rested on the hammock out here with my Nintendo Switch to play a game, but then I heard something. It sounded awful and hurt my ears a little, and it was coming from over the fence. I put a step ladder next to the fence and pulled myself up to peek over and see a cat playing a broken trumpet or something for another cat. I think Toodles called the black cat Butch, but I didn't see this other cat before.


He kept on playing and I didn't want to stop because for some reason, she enjoyed it and they could be a couple. He finally stopped though to talk to her.

???-Oh Butch, you're so musically romantic. ~

Butch-What can I say? It's a gift.

I thought there would be more music, so I went back inside where things are more quiet and I got a snack before lunch. I went up to my room, but then I remembered that I left my Nintendo Switch outside. I thought about it for a bit if I should go back out right now, but then I remember our sprinklers go off by themselves, so I had to get it. When I got back outside and grabbed it...



Someone sounded angry so I peeked over the fence again and it was that girl Cat Butch was with and she looked angry and upset, so I used the gate to get into the alley.


I wondered what happened, but before I could get close, she saw me and got angry at me.

???-What are you looking at?!

(Y/N)-U-Um, I was just wondering if you were ok!

???-I'm just flippin' dandy! Beat it!

(Y/N)-W-Wait! Please don't be mad!... Would some leftover fish and milk help calm you down? I just wanna help.


(Timeskip 10 minutes)

I reheated some leftover fish I was not going to eat, so now I can tell Mommy that I did, and got a plastic bowl of milk for her. She was still mad, but at least she wasn't mad at me anymore. This Cat was a girl and Mommy said it's important to try to understand what they like and say nice things. If they were made, find that out first.

(Y/N)-So... What's your name and why are you mad?

???-... Name's Dollface, kid. I just broke up with the world's dumbest cat! Saying, "I'm not the loveliest cat out in the world". He said he didn't see all cats, but I should the lovliest out there!

(Y/N)-So he was mean and didn't think you were cute?

Dollface-Who needs him anyway?! Toodles can have him!

She crossed her arms and I remember a girl cried at school once because other girls called her ugly. I scooted closer to her and noticed her fur was dirty, tangled, and she smelled a little funny. Like how you smell when you get out of the river for a while and didn't shower or something.

(Y/N)-I think I can help you.

Dollface-What do you mean by that?... AM I NOT BEAUTIFUL TO YOU RIGHT NOW?!?!?!

(Y/N)-No, no, no! I mean, my mom leaves in a bit and if I get the others to stay quiet, I can give you a little Spa day like I used to do with Tom... until he got grumpy or lazy a lot. We can do a nice soak in a warm bath, brush your fur and I'm sure Tom won't notice if a few of his treats went to you.

Dollface-Hmmmm... What's your name, kiddo?

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N).

I help out my hand to her with a smile and she took it.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Dollface's POV)

(Y/N) was working in the house to get the dogs in line by bribing them until I saw a car leave out front. I waited for a bit until the front door opened and (Y/N) waved for me to come inside.


When I got inside, I realized the only other house I'd been at was Toodle's place.

(Y/N)-Mommy is gonna be gone for around an hour, but I can hide you in my room while she takes a nap when she gets home. She likes taking a nap after work and errands. Come on, I got a bath ready upstairs for you and when we are done, Butch will call you the best in the world!

I liked the sound of that. I followed the kid and he wasn't kidding about this bath. The warm water felt amazing and he wanted to wash me, but I got it myself. Much better than bathing in a river all the time. When I got all the dirt and loose hair off of me with the soap, (Y/N) gave me a brush and turned on the shower while the water drained to get more hair off of me. I smelled amazing and felt lighter already. When I got out and put my loose fur in the toilet to get rid of, I got a hair dryer and a towel to dry off.

(Y/N)-Um... Can I brush you in my room, please?... I didn't get to do this in a long time.

Dollface-Well... Just this once for helping me this much. I feel better than I ever did before. Just look at this fur coat! Gorgeous!

(Y/N)-I thought you were already gorgeous.

I smiled and felt flattered by what he said. We went to his room and I got to sit on a small pillow while he gently brushed me.

(Y/N)-Woah. *whisper*


(Y/N)-Your fluffy fur... It looks so much prettier now. I never saw this before.

Dollface-Well, at least you appreciate my beauty.

(Y/N)-I love all animals, but you're the second girl cat I saw here. You know Toodles. The cute cat across the street.

Dollface-Well... Who do you think is cuter?

(Y/N)-Well... Toodles is cuter.

Dollface-... What?

(Y/N)-But you, your beautiful fluffy fur, your soft-looking face and eyes, and these adorable paws you have... I think you're pretty-ful.

Dollface-Huh?... *snicker* Pretty-ful isn't a real word, kid.

(Y/N)-I like to make words up when I don't know them, but Mommy teaches me about girls since her friends call me... C-U-T-E a lot, but I am handsome.

Dollface-Cute?... What's wrong with calling you cute?

(Y/N)-I'm handsome!

I turned back to see him a little pouty now while he blushed. He just wanted to keep on brushing me to get more loose hair off of me, but I wanted to have some fun with this.

Dollface-So you don't like being caaaalllled,... Cutie Pie? ~

(Y/N)-No!... J-Just handsome.

Dollface-But look at you. You know how to talk to the world's most beautiful cat when you see one, and you're blushin' for me... Cutie. ~

(Y/N)-*Whine* St-Stop calling me that!

Dollface-Whatever do you mean? ~

(Y/N)-I'm not saying it!

Dollface-Awwwww, how cu-. ~


I got closer to his face and normally yelling at me would get him a new hole by me, but instead, I poked his nose after he was done having his cute little tantrum.

Dollface-And don't you forget it... Handsome. ~

He calmed down and went back to brushing me and I got a little sleepy from all this soft brushing... I felt so much lighter and relaxed now. He wanted to check my paws and I told him to not touch the claws. He rubbed and played with them a little and looked memorized by me. My tail hit the side of his leg and I have to saw, with how much cleaner it looked, it looked like he was hypnotized by it. I snuck in to rub his cheek and pushed him down on the pillow he brushed me on and I was on top of him. He started to gently rub my cheek and scratch my chin a little which felt so nice, but stopped when we heard the doorbell.

(Y/N)-I'll be right back.

She followed me to the stairs to peek down and when I opened the door I saw Butch and he looked surprised until Tom came to the door with me.


Butch-Hey Tom, I know Dollface is here. I wanna talk to her.

I thought about how mad she was at him and I want them to make up, but I just don't think it's a good idea right now. Tom might tell him, so I got in front of Tom. I won't lie, but I won't let him in right now either.

(Y/N)-Hey Butch, so I do have Dollface here, but... I don't think she's ready to talk to you right now.

Butch-And who are you?

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N)... I live here.

Butch-Well, you got a cat that doesn't care about that. I came to take my Dollface back. Move aside.

(Y/N)-Do you think you can do this... later? She just wants to calm down a little more.

He ignored me and walked in while closing the door, but I tried to guide him outside without calling Spike.


Dollface-What do you want?

We all looked up the stairs and she still looked mad at him, but maybe I can help right now... Nobody has to get hurt.


When she came down the stairs I gently took her to the kitchen to be alone, but Butch and Tom followed us in there. She pushed me off a little to be mad at Butch.

Butch-I came to say that all has been forgiven. Water under the bridge. Am I right?

Dollface-Is that right? What about your ex that would be 'happy to take you back'?

Butch-Toodles told me otherwise.

Dollface-So am ah just your sloppy seconds?!

(Y/N)-Woah, Dollface, Butch didn't say that. I bet it was just a little fight and a few wrong words.

Butch-Well, she did overreact.

Her ears perked up and her tail fluffed up which meant that she was really angry.

Dollface-... Excuse me?

Butch-I just wanted to say that I didn't know every cat in the world, so I couldn't say for sure. That's why I said you were one of the most beautiful in the world.

She got really mad and reached into a drawer in the kitchen for a cake mixer, but I just gave her a hug. I just need to save this and so far... Tom was backing away from us.

(Y/N)-Um, Butch. We talked earlier and she even looks a little different now, right?

I let him look at her and he waited a few moments before he looked clueless, but answered.

Butch-She changed the perfume she finds in the trash?

Dollaface-Why I outta-!

(Y/N)-No... She got a bath, brushed, and she looks so much more fluffy, soft, and just the most beautiful kitty in the world.

Butch-Well other cats do that too, ya know.

He just sounded uncaring and kind of mean, but I still wanted to help them out to be a happy couple again. He just needs to know how to answer and be nice.

(Y/N)-Now Butch, what's wrong with her being the most beautiful kitty in the world?

Dollface-Yeah. What's wrong with it, Butch?

Butch-I mean, can I see all the cat girls in the world first?


(Y/N)-That's not very nice and she is very sensitive!

Butchface-I think she heard worse.



That was a very mean thing to say and someone that mean doesn't deserve a beautiful cat like Dollface. I wanted to call Spike, but Dollface pushed me aside and held up the cake mixer.

(No POV)

... Suddenly, a mixer could be heard as well as pounding, smashing, and slamming into walls. Nothing in the house was getting broken unless you count Butch's bones, pride, and ego. He jumped out a window and ran down the backyard.

Dollface-GET BACK HERE!!!

He tried to escape, but ran into someone.


Spike-What were you doing in that house?


((Y/N)'s POV)

I could hear Spike beating up Butch outside in the backyard, and I think it's for the best that he stays away from Dollface. I took her up to my room and let her lay her head on my chest while petting her. I only got up to close the window and turn on some soft music my mom likes to drown out the noise outside.

(Y/N)-Are you ok? He was very mean to you. ~

Dollface-Forget that moron. I got you, Sweetie. ~

(Y/N)-I just thought after a nice spa day, he would see you for how beautiful you are... If you want, I can make a secret bed in my room for you and you can spend the night. My mom just can't see you... I'm not allowed to bring random animals home.

Dollface-Ohhhh, I would love that. ~

She gave me some kisses and I cuddled her a little more before I made her bed under mine and closed my door to keep this secret guest a secret for when Mom comes home.

(Timeskip To Night)


Mommy-Goodnight, Sweetie. I'm so proud that you ate all of your fish for dinner... We'll go out for pancakes or something for breakfast in the morning. ~

(Y/N)-Thanks. Night Mommy.

She turned off my main light and turned on my night light before she closed the door. I closed my eyes and smiled, knowing that Dollface was comfortable under my bed on her secret bed. I was so tired after today, I think I was going to sleep faster than normal.

(Dollface's POV)

I waited for a sign to tell me that (Y/N) was asleep, and soft snoring was good enough to convince me I got out from under his bed and adored him for a few moments.


I went into the hallway to make my way to the kitchen and sneak a glass of milk before bed. When I made it back to his room, I locked his door to make sure his mother doesn't just walk in to see me when I really get comfortable. I looked out the window and I saw Butch's tail in the alley while still out cold from that beating of mine and then the dog. Serves him right for not calling me the most beautiful and a little human boy having more manners and knowing how to treat a lady than he ever would.

Dollface's mind-You ever come crawling back to me, I send ya crawlin' away... I got someone better.

I snuck onto (Y/N)'s bed and pulled his head into my chest. I thought about his affection to his mom earlier today, but I know he has to love me more... He just has to love me more or he would not break her rules to help me. I closed my eyes until I got bothered by the thought of that woman getting a little too close to (Y/N).


(Timeskip to Morning)

((M/N)'s POV)

I woke up to my alarm beeping, so I can get an early start on the day without work and be ready to help my son get ready to go out for breakfast. When I tried to silence my alarm I felt something different, like a fuzzy paw. I opened my eyes only to see a golf club coming down to my face really fast, like someone was swinging it.


I felt so dizzy and blacked out with the last thing I heard was this.

???-Go back to sleep... I want a few more hours of cuddle time with (Y/N)... Eh, doing this again in an hour couldn't hurt. *echo*


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