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((Y/N)'s POV)

I wanted to see if Millie could find the bear again, but she said it was where it belongs and she was going to barbequed something tonight. I never barbequed anything before and wanted to learn, but Millie said no and I could play while she cooked later. Just then we heard Madonna scream a little, so we looked over at her running away from another cartoon woman now and it was the new lady. I could barely see her, so I ran to the patio to go meet her and I was so excited to say hi to her and wondered how I should do it. Millie jumped up ledges while I used the stairs, so she got there before me, but I made it and saw the new lady look at me.


(Y/N)-You're awake!

Millie-(Y/N), stay away from her, we don't know who she is!

Madonna-Put clothes on and make yourself decent!

I thought Millie was being silly to be scared of her because she looked so pretty and she smiled at me while she walked over to me before Millie got in front of me and pulled out her knife.

Millie-Stay back!

(Y/N)-Millie, stop! She didn't do anything wrong!

I ran past Millie and up to the new girl before Millie could grab me and the new girl knelt down to me with a smile on her face.

???-Well hello there, little man. How heroic of you to stand up for me. ~

She was about to give me a hug, but Millie pulled me away from her again and held me like a baby in her arms while she took me inside.

(Holli's POV)

That little noid child looked so adorable and I felt something as I grazed his skin... I felt him. I was still in my doodle form, but I could feel him. I followed them inside and went to the kitchen and pulled out a pitcher of lemonade and poured myself a cup... I COULD TASTE IT AND IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!

Holli's mind-How is this possible?! Is it because I was a noid before?!

I enjoyed my lemonade and then noticed the old lady looking at me in disgust which pissed me off a little.


Holli-There a problem, lady?

???-My name is Lady Tremaine to you! Put some more clothes on besides that bit of clothing that barely even counts as underwear!

Holli-So you got a problem with showing extra skin? Nice amount of cleavage you're showing!


She turned a little and grabbed her shirt to close it some more and hide herself. She ranted on about some old lady stuff, but I didn't care. I enjoyed being able to have the perks of a noid in my doodle form by touching things and kissing my life with that dumbass in a comic book goodbye. My mind turned to that little boy that seems to be the only noid here.

Holli's mind-That red bitch can't hog you forever. You even seem to have a kind heart... Very easy to manipulate. ~

I walked off which made that old hag turn her nose in a snooty rich person way. I made my way down the hall and followed voices until I saw Millie with that boy.


Only one of them looked pissed to see me and she pushed the boy behind her when I walked in with a warm smile on my face. I just have to seem friendly, but I guess it was normal for most girls to be jealous of my amazing looks.

Holli-Hey there. My name is Holli Would. You must be Millie, and who is this adorable little guy? ~

(Y/N)-*Giggles* I'm (Y/N) and this is my home. I can give you a tour and-.

Millie-Hold it, mister!... I don't know who you are, but your clothes tell me a lot about what kind of stuff you do.

(Y/N)-... Like dancing?... Are you a ballerina?!

Holli-Well, I do dance a lot back home.

Millie-I'm sure you do. Out.

(Y/N)-Millie, that's not really nice. I give you and Madonna a tour and a warm welcome.

He left her and took my hand. The look in his eyes looked so pure while he looked back at Millie glaring at me.

(Y/N)-I'll give her a nice welcome and we can play again before you cook that dinner you wanted. You can pick your own room too if you want while I give her a tour.

He pulled on me a little, but before we left the room, Millie pointed at her eyes and back to me to tell me, "I got my eye on you".

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just got done with giving Holli a tour around the house and she already saw most of it, but I wanted to 'wow' her, so I took her outside a bit. She wanted to carry me through most of the tour and I got to cuddle her the whole time. It was a win-win. She took me to her room and I gave Millie and Madonna massages, so I wanted her to have one too to feel welcome in my home and everyone is treated fairly.

(Y/N)-Here, lay on the bed and I'll be right back to give you a massage.

Holli-Awwww, you are so sweet, Suger, but I have something else in mind. ~

(Y/N)-Like what?

Holli-Do you think you can help me with your daddy later? ~

(Y/N)-I don't have a daddy. I live here with my mommy and my sister (S/N). My grandma comes over to visit a lot, but right now they are on vacation.

Holli-Well... It's a big and rich-looking house. Do you have men that clean it?

(Y/N)-Sometimes and I clean it too when something looks messy.


(Y/N)-Oh, I got so much to say about my family! They love to play around, but it's mostly girl talks and trips, or I give them treatments. I know I did something wrong if I get punished, so I got really good at massages and stuff.

Now, he was starting to remind me of that pencil dick from my time in the comic. I guess becoming a noid would either mean calling a man over or resorting to a kid to do the job. While that thought was knocking around in my head as I considered if it meant being fully real again...

(Y/N)-I bet you always get called out to go dancing and everybody wants to be your friend... We're friends too, right?

Holli-Uh... Of course, sweet thing. Friends help each other, right? ~

(Y/N)-Well duh. I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't help.

Holli-Well, later I need a special kind of help to reach my dream of being just like you.

He looked a little confused when I said that and checked me out. I saw children in Cool World check me out all the time and he is no doubt going to be turned on by me... Instead he...

(Y/N)-But you already look soooo pretty. You must have tons of friends and fans to watch you dance and help you. Why would you want to change that?

Holli-Oh... Tell me. What's so pretty about me? ~

I pushed my boobs out to get his attention on them, but instead, he kept his attention on my face.

(Y/N)-Your eyes look so blue and look pretty with your hair, your skin is so soft and smooth, your hair looks like it belongs to a superstar, and my sister has a picture of girls with bodies like yours that help her go on a diet. She wants to be as pretty as someone like you one day... I think you are perfect the way you are.

For the first time forever... I was truly blushing. He had such a way with words that makes a girl feel special. He gave me a hug and pushed me onto the bed to cuddle me... Just cuddle me by wrapping an arm around me and he nuzzled his face against my cheek.

Holli-Wh-... What about my clothes? My body.

(Y/N)-Well, you must get asked to dance a lot. You must be pretty famous back home.

He nuzzled into me some more and I looked into his (E/C) eyes and... I could not see a hint of lust, smugness, or anything like that. He looked purely innocent. My thoughts of using him to be a noid in exchange for destroying that innocence seemed a little too much now. I thought about it and I guess a woman could work.

Holli-Hmmmm... Hey (Y/N), would you like another mommy? ~

(Y/N)-Like two mommies?

Holli-That's right. ~

(Y/N)-I saw some kids with two mommies or two daddies too! Oh, oh, oh, I can tell you what she likes, so you can get to know her when she comes back home! She likes make-up, girl talk, making me massage her, watching romance drama shows,-~

Holli-Slow down there, cupid. I think we need a few more things than just that. Can you tell me the kind of things she does and show me her room?

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Madonna's POV)

I just got out of the bath and this hot water was so much easier to use. When I got dried off and dressed in a robe while that machine finished drying my clothes, I heard (Y/N) giggling and he came running down the hall with a rope in his hands. He stopped when he stopped me.

Madonna-What are you doing with that?

(Y/N)-Oh, Holli said she wants my mommy's room ready for a surprise when she comes back home. I think they are gonna make a rope swing over the bed or something.

Madonna-That sounds... interesting. Why don't you help me with something? All of these changes where I live and how I look is really stressful for a lady.

(Y/N)-Oh, you want another massage?

Madonna-Precisely. Come along now.

(Timeskip 4 Minutes)

I was relaxing and he made me feel lighter, even after a soothing bath. It felt odd to do this with a robe and he put a 'heating pad' on my bottom and thighs to keep them warm, even though he sat on them to work on my back.

(Y/N)-What do you think of Holli? She's pretty, like you, right?

Madonna-She needs to cover herself up and I am rather disappointed in you for laying eyes on her in that state.

(Y/N)-What state?... We never left the state.

Madonna-*Sigh* I mean like how she is almost naked!

(Y/N)-What's wrong with that?

Madonna-Excuse me?! Everything is wrong with that! It will ruin a proper lady for marriage! Or whatever her case is!

(Y/N)-It will ruin her marriage?... Did she tell you she's married? She wants to date my mommy too, I think.

Madonna-She can't marry another-. *grunt* How are you ok with this from her?!

(Y/N)-The naked part or the marriage to my mommy part?


(Y/N)-Well... she's not naked outside, but inside the house that is like her home now or a place to stay. My mom made me put oil on her body before and then my grandma when we were at a private beach and they were fine... Until grandma slapped and spanked me for missing a spot. Plus girls wear bathing suits that look like a bra and bottom underwear all the time at the pool. I even took a bath and Shower with Millie to get itching powder off of me.

All of that just sounded inappropriate, even for a whole world to act like this. I was almost no better at this moment, but I would never show my body like that to the public!

(Y/N)-My mommy said she hates men, but she loves me. I just want her to find someone to help her be happy and my sister too. My Holli can help her with that when she meets you all and sees how magical you all are. You all used to be cartoons and now you are real! How cool is that?!

Madonna-Your world is uncultured and unethical! I refuse to let you turn out that way!

I covered myself in the robe before I got up and looked him right into his (E/C) eyes.

Madonna-Consider this a start of many lessons on how to be a gentleman. In exchange, I expect you to inherit this house for both of us and follow my rules. I will also have a talk with your grandmother about the house.

(Y/N)-Lessons?... Is this going to involve a lot of smacking?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

Books fell to the ground, so (Y/N) fell to his knees laughing and giggling. He gave me a riding crop his mother kept in a trophy room from one of her ancestors training horses and had trophies. I intended to bring it down on him... I just could not with that look on his face. I would gladly do it to Cinderella and I told myself he would fall under my thumb either way, but I still could not do it.

(Y/N)-*Yawn*... Madonna... Can I take a nap with you?


(Y/N)-I really like cuddling now... I could go get Millie or Holli if you don't want to-.

Madonna-No!... I-I mean... for the effort you gave... despite making very little progress, I will grant this request... I just expect results in future lessons.

He nodded his head and joined me in bed. He nuzzled into me in a way that made my body jolt a little... He was buried in my boobs and just looked peaceful. I have no idea why I couldn't bring myself to harm him, even if it's to correct his behavior... I guess I lost both of my daughters and spent so long as a maid that missed this life that he gave back to me... I let him be and even found myself pulling him in. However, I thought back to some pictures I saw of his mother and sister around the house.

Madonna's mind-A little competition to challenge a male controlling the household under my future rule... It should be taken care of soon.

I closed my eyes and fantasies of my whipping them around the house to make them do the cleaning and cooking like Cinderella did for me filled my head... My grip on the crop tightened and a smile curved on my face when I pictured myself holding (Y/N) in my arms while being waited on hand and foot.

(No POV)

Holli peeked in the room and felt her heart fill to the brim with anger and jealousy that an old hag took her new favorite child from her like this. She didn't want to disturb your sleep, so she went to the living room and tried to work this new T.V. She ended up on Netflix and found something she liked. Millie came in the room and joined her for the show since she was bored and had while for the meat to cook. She gazed over at Holli and without her 'new son' possibly ended up in the arms of a slut that could rape him, she loved the size of her exposed ass and boobs with her flawless face to go with them. She bit her lower lip a little, but kept herself in check.

Millie's mind-I wonder... What's sex with her like?


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