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(Snow Queen's POV)

I had (Y/N) in one of his first sessions in my quarters while I do other tasks that need my attention. Once my kingdom has a proper prince, it will not be as lonely to be on the top of a new world. I could see the world being covered in snow and there being no hot or warm places. A beautiful winter for everyone as far as the eye could see. I will be looking for his home and see about them designing a new wardrobe for me and my new prince. I suppose his parents would retaliate to get him back, but freezing them would do the trick as long as he doesn't find out.

Snow Queen's mind-Perhaps a new name for him would be in order. I'll check on him in after I take care of a few things.

I will start by trying to find more suitable areas of the world to cover in snow.

(Gerda's POV)

I knew where the castle was and it wasn't much farther now. I only took one girl with me and Red wanted to come, but I thought she was too little to do something this dangerous. Alice really hated the cold and so did Goldilocks, but Goldilocks didn't know how to make a fire or want to help clean the chimney to make a new fire, so she came with me while the others keep a fire going. I got into the castle once and I'll do it again. Besides, we only had 2 sweaters and extra blankets to keep Goldilocks and (Y/N) warm from when we get back. The girls said there's a way out of here, but it was settled that we were not leaving without (Y/N).

Goldilocks-Why does this place have to be so cold and snowy?!

Gerda-I'm cold too, but we got all the warmth we can get. The castle is not far now.

Goldilocks-... Stupid Snow Witch with her stupid snow. *grumble*

I ignored her and thought about (Y/N) and Kay. I just needed to have (Y/N) back with me and in a lapse of judgment, I pictured myself burning the Snow Queen on a stake. I stopped myself and wondered where that came from. I kept on having these kinds of thoughts until we saw the castle and we slid down a safe path to get to the castle faster. We stopped at the stables the Snow Queen had and we saw her sled... I know we can't outrun her with her on her sled, so why not just take it? The beasts were still tied to it anyway.

Gerda-Put the extra jacket and blankets on the sled. We need it when we leave.

Goldilocks-But what if that witch sees it?

Gerda-Put it under the seat. It should hide it for long enough.

She did what I said and we headed inside. Last time I found Kay in the dungeons, so we will check there first.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was so cold in here, but this glowing ice was the only thing less cold. I still had my clothes on, but Snow Queen told me that she was going to take them at some point, "when I could handle it". I tried to get out, but she took my shoes and the ring of ice around me stung my feet from being so cold.


My body continued to shiver until the door opened and I saw 'her' come in and smile at me.


Snow Queen-Ahh, right where I left you. Are you ready to accept me as your mother or are we going to have to get numbing you to the cold the hard way?

I don't trust her to not turn me into ice or something. I'm not staying here either way. I didn't say anything to her and slowly turned away from her and more fog came around me which made me colder.

Snow Queen-If you are going to be this difficult, I can make the first lessons harder than they need to be to get that attitude of yours adjusted... Perhaps if you tell me more about your home, I can stop making it colder in here.

(Y/N)-I-I-I'm n-n-no-not te-telling y-y-you anything! I like the c-c-cold!

Snow Queen-... You will, my little prince... You will.

She left the room again and I was alone again to shiver in the cold. Each time I lost feeling in my toes, I felt a little warming from the fog going away and then got colder again.

(Goldilocks's POV)

This place was freezing and he was not even in the dungeons. When we got to the higher floors, we heard footsteps echoing down the hall, so we hid in a closet and did not move. The faint colors in the ice showed us the Snow Witch a little bit and let us see her walk by. When she was gone, we got out of the closet.

Gerda-She came from this way... Maybe (Y/N) is down here. Come on. *whisper*

I followed her and we checked door after door until I found a room with (Y/N) in it and he was shivering in a corner with food around him. It was colder in here than it was outside, so I waved to Gerda before I ran in and grabbed his shoes on the floor.

Goldilock/Gerda-(Y/N)! *whisper yell*

He turned to look at us and he could barely move, so I gave him the blanket covering me to warm him up and Gerda gave him her scarf before she carried him. He was still shivering and she had a little trouble carrying him, but we had to go. We left the room and had to be really quiet if we wanted to get out of here. It was hard to stay quiet when (Y/N) was making noises from being so cold and I think he was hurt from how cold he was... He was starting to cry.

(Y/N)-*Hic* *hic* sniffle* *hic*.

Gerda-No, no, no! Please don't cry! I have you and we're leaving. ~ *whisper*

That didn't stop him and she tried giving kisses to calm him down, but... all I know it just annoyed me a little until we heard something.

Snow Queen-(Y/N)!... Is that you?! *echo*

We both ran the other way to hide in a room, but we could not see through this one. We were too scared to go back out there and footsteps past us, so I cracked open the door. Gerda pushed me out a little and we tried to get downstairs. Suddenly, it got even colder in here. The ice floor changed, so it was not slippery at all anymore, but when we turned around...


Snow Queen-Put him down... 'Now'.

Her voice sounded so cold and even when she didn't look mad or yell at us... I could feel it.


We both ran down the stairs as fast as we could and the Snow Queen looked like she was just walking fast after us. The ice around us was moving and tried to stop us, but e slipped past them. (Y/N) was completely crying now and soon the Snow Queen started running after us. We were getting close to the sled and when we got in the Queen was right behind us, so Gerda grabbed the belt thingies.


The animals got up and started moving, but the Snow Queen grabbed on, so I pulled (Y/N) closer to me.

Gerda-GET OFF YOU-!!!

She was stopped by the Snow Queen suddenly kissing her and making her look dizzy. I grabbed a sweater from under the chair and threw it at her face to blind her before I lifted her fingers off to make her fall into the snow. The animals kept on running and (Y/N) clung to me while I grabbed the belts since Gerda didn't look so good.

Goldilocks-Ok, ok. Driving can't be that hard... That mountain looks familiar.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Red's POV)

I kept on looking outside for the others coming back and I missed my dear friend (Y/N) so much. I was actually getting a little angry while waiting, so I tried to breathe. Alice looked worried too and even had a few tears. Soon, I saw something coming to us from outside. It was the sled.

Red-They're back! Alice, they have returned!

I opened the door and she came to my side to greet them, but we soon saw a big cloud of snowy clouds behind them. When they got close enough they stopped the sled and we saw Gerda look dizzy and look around while (Y/N) was curled up and crying in the sled.


Goldilocks-Help! She's coming!

We both ran to help (Y/N) and Gerda back into the library. Goldilocks and I got (Y/N) while Alive helped Gerda and she fell on top of her and onto a soft rug.

Goldilocks-The door! Get it!

Red ran to close the door just when the cloud got super close and she locked it. The only light we had was the big fire in the fireplace since the cloud made this place so dark we could barely see the walls. Suddenly...


The ground shock and the cloudy look outside were not even there anymore. The sound of the wind from the blizzard was gone too.

Goldilocks-What just happen?

I felt so scared and I was not the only one about to cry like (Y/N) and Gerda passed out on Alice, so she could not get up. Red tried to unlock and open the door and... we only saw a wall of snow... We were buried in snow. She closed the doors and leaned on them when she cried for her mommy and I wanted my mommy too. I just wanted to go back home and bring (Y/N) with me to help me feel better. Things just got worse though...

Snow Queen-Oh (Y/N)... I know you are down there my little prince. There's nowhere to go. *muffled*

It came from above us and we saw snow coming down on the fire.

Goldilocks-... Get a book... GET A BOOK!!!

Alice tried to get up, but Gerda kept her down, (Y/N) could barely move next to the fire, so Red and I tried to look for the books in the dark, but we couldn't find them and didn't have much time!

Red-Where are the books?!

GoldilocksI don't know! J-J-Just any book! Hurry!

The fire was getting smaller, the room was getting darker and all there was inside was a book full of smaller books. Red and I ran to it, but she beat me there and opened a book. It didn't work at first, so I could not hold back my cries anymore and curled up. The soft laughter we could outside from the chimney went away when the fire went out and a sudden white light flashed in through the windows while the library shook. When it stopped, sunlight was coming in, but it looked close to sundown. I noticed that all of us were crying. Alice finally got Gerda off of her and slowly went to open the door. I crawled over to (Y/N) with Red and we both got in the blanket with him. He still felt so cold and some of his skin was a little hard.

(Alice's POV)

I collected myself a little and wiped my tears while I looked outside. Fear still struck my heart when I looked around and I thought about the simple times before I made the wish to go to Wonderland and follow the white rabbit. I made it a few steps down a trail before I collapsed and cried next to a tree.

???-Hello?... Hello?

I heard a voice and my body flinched. I covered my mouth and I just could not trust another right now, so in fear... I ran back to the library. and closed the door.

(???'s POV)

I know I heard someone crying and it was not my son or my friends... They sounded like a little girl. I tried to search for the crying again, but it stopped. I felt nervous, but maybe they were just scared and hiding. Soon, I saw something new that I wasn't sure what it was when I did see it. I saw footprints leading to this strange house and small dots of wet dirt. Someone must've been crying and got scared when I called out to them. I thought about getting the others, but I think getting a group to crowd them would make things worse. I looked at my reflection in a pond on the path before I went up to the doors and knocked on them.


I waited for a little it, but nobody answered, so I put my ear to the door. I heard faint noises in there and it sounded like more crying. I wanted to help, so I tried to push the doors open, but they were locked. This thing was so cold and covered in a bit of snow all over it. It's the middle of spring, so how is there snow on this thing?

Kanga-Hello?... Is anyone hurt in there?

Still, nobody answered the door. What I was about to do would be considered rude and nosy, but leaving someone alone that is sad and scared is worse. I peeked through a window and saw someone on the floor that was barely moving, so I tried to open the window. They were not locked, so I managed to squeeze my way inside with a bit of a struggle and they looked like the same kind as Christopher Robin.


Kanga-Oh my goodness! Are you alright?!

She slowly looked at me before she looked around and looked at her hand.

???-Where... am I?... Who are you?... Who am I?

I felt her head and looked around for first-aid supplies, but instead saw someone peeking from behind a chair and shrunk back in. Their crying got a little louder and when I hopped over there, I saw two little girls and a little boy huddling together under a blanket, but one look at the boy's toes told me he had frostbite.



Suddenly, I saw another girl that was also crying in here hiding behind a shelf with small chains on it. They all looked so scared and that one girl just looked so confused.


Kanga-Who... are all of you?

I realized I had no time because that boy with frostbite needed help now, I want to check the others too, but they need to be taken to my home for me to help them all.


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