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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up in a bed in the living room with Garnet cuddling me and it almost looked like it was getting dark outside. I tried to get up, but Garnet held me tighter, so I guess she was awake. She rubbed my hair and sat up while holding me in a blanket and bounced me in her arms. I slipped my arms out a little to rub my eyes to wake up. Garnet took me to the kitchen to get me some water when I woke up and my throat felt kind of dry and scratchy. She tucked my hands back in the blanket before she tipped the water into my mouth slowly.

Garent-Enjoy your nap?... Amethyst is gonna come soon to play with you for a while, and then Pearl will take you from there. ~

I couldn't answer right now because the water was still going down my throat. I wanted to go home before it really gets dark. Just then, Amethyst came in and looked at the bed first to see we weren't there and then saw us in the kitchen.


Amethyst-Finally, you're up!

I finished the water and Garnet unwrapped me before giving me to Amethyst. She put me over her shoulder and my face almost hit her butt if I didn't hold myself up with the help of her hair.

Garnet-Keep him in your room.

Amethyst-I know. Later.

She took me to her magic room and I was still trying to wake up until she jumped really high up and landed on a big pile of cushions, pillows, and other soft things. We sunk in like a foam pit and I tried to get my head out, but she jumped up with me again, just enough to land on top of a cushion. She gave me a big hug before she put me down and hopped over to another part of the pile.

Amethyst-You like it? I spent your whole nap on it for a little game. ~

(Y/N)-What game?

Amethyst-... Duh-nuh... duh-nuh, duh-nuh. ~

She jumped into the pile and I saw a small glow until there was nothing.

(Y/N)-Amethyst?... Amethyst?!

(No POV)

(Y/N) looked around for Amethyst and felt a little scared, so he tried to leave, but Amethyst thought of this. She knew how to make a pile the way she wanted and this one was made carefully, like she never does. (Y/N) stepped off the cushion, but then sunk down to half his body. When (Y/N) slowly moved in the pile he saw a few pillows and stuffed animals move.

(Y/N)-Amethyst, I don't like this game!... Amethyst!

There was still no response, so he tried to get out faster. Only to suddenly see a purple shark jump up and transform into Amethyst that tackled him back into the pile while he screamed a little.


(Amethyst's POV)

I held (Y/N) tight while he wiggled until he calmed down, so I gave him kisses all over his face to show that I was sorry for scarring him. He did look adorable when I surprised him like that and when I went back up to put him on a cushion, he looked a little pouty.


Amethyst-Awwww, I'm sorry. I was just a little excited... I got something to make it better. ~

(Y/N)-*Hmph* Like what?

I dove down to the bottom of the pile to grab his favorite stuffed animal from his house and came back up to give it to him and he happily took it from me. I sat next t him and pulled him onto me, so he could rest his head on my chest and covered him with my hair that he loved.

Amethyst-We'll take a 10-minute break and if you can get out of the big pile before 'the purple shark' catches you, you get an award. If you lose 3 more times then I get the reward I have planned for you. ~

He looked nervous, but before he could answer, I dove back into the pile.

Amethyst-*Giggles*. ~

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Lapis's POV)

I spent hours circling the planet and I finally spotted the neighborhood and the home (Y/N) lived in... Well, what's left of it now as I suspended it in a giant water bubble and had the 'parents' in their own water bubble prisons, at my mercy. Human authorities tried to negotiate with me, but we were too high up to really hear them, nor would I care.

Lapis-I'm not playing games. I called for (Y/N) in his home and he is clearly not here... 'Where' is he?

They both tried to plead with me, but I silenced the male in the water and made sure he could breathe from his nose. I turned my attention to the 'Mommy' and pulled her close to me and I grabbed her face.

Lapis-You have until the count of 10 to tell me where he is before I drop you both and tear this place apart to find him, and that city.

(M/N)-W-Wait, you don't need to involve my son!


I flipped her upside down to make her look to see that we were high enough to kill her if I dropped them and their house.


(M/N)-Don't drop me! I'll give you anything else! Money, the house, name it!

Lapis-8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2.

(D/N)-*Muffled yelling*!

I uncovered his mouth and he looked horrified while catching his breath. I pulled him close to see if he had something to say, but he shook at the sight of me.

Lapis-Fine, I'll tear this neighborhood and city apart to find him.

(D/N)-Wait! Garnet! Her name was Garnet and she took him! Go hurt her, but leave us alone! We didn't do anything to you!

Lapis-... Next time I ask for something, I'm not counting.

I gently put them and the house back, but the police shot at me. With their missed shots, I used the water to catch all of them and threw them in some random direction to fall to their deaths while I flew towards the city.

Lapis-Enjoy your last-!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Amethyst--few bites. ~

Amethyst won the game and took me out to the house and pulled out donuts from the fridge. She made a game out of it where I try to catch small pieces in my mouth and when I tried really hard, she laughed. I only missed 3 so far out of 8. After another throw, Amethyst ran out of donut pieces, so she took me to the kitchen to get another one and play in there, but we were stopped by Pearl.


Pearl-What is he doing out here?!

Amethyst-Just having some fun. We'll head back in soon. We're working on 3-pointers.

Pearl-Amethyst, he has to stay inside our rooms!

Amethyst-Garnet let him out here.

Pearl-What?!... Give me him!

Pearl picked me up and held me tight in her arms while turning me away from Amethyst.

Pearl-What if-?!... 'She' came here?

Amethyst-He's still in the house and it was only for a few minutes. It doesn't take long to go in and she's blue, so I 'think' people are going to make noise if she comes here.

Pearl-I'm taking him to my room for the night for his nap while it's still dark out. Your job of play time and tiring out can be finished by me.

Amethyst-Hey! You can't do that!

Amethyst jumped at Pearl, and Pearl dodged her, but she grabbed me. Amethyst tried to take me to her room, but I wiggled out of her loose grip and to in the middle of them. I know that they were talking about Lapis and they were scared of her coming, but Daddy said making a problem wait for later is only going to make it worse...He said it about chores or homework, but I think this counts.

(Y/N)-Wait!... Maybe we can just talk to Lapis. She was angry about being in that mirror, so if you could make friends with her, she won't be so bad.

Pearl-(Y/N), Lapis is another kind of gem. She can't be trusted!

(Y/N)-Your gems and I have to trust you, and now I can't go home because you all say it's not safe! Daddy told me that things like this are only going to get worse until you fix them.

Amethyst-Nice speech. Now, you're coming back to my room.

Pearl-No he's not! He's coming with-!


We heard something outside and Amethyst grabbed me while Pearl went to check it out, but before she made it to the other side of the room, a stream of water swung the door open and quickly came for me. Amethyst tried to get me to her room, but the water caught all three of us. My head was the only thing sticking out of the water while we were pulled outside and we saw Lapis was out on the beach using water from the ocean.


Lapis looked mad until she saw me and made a water bubble with me inside to float over to her. She scratched my chin with one hand before she gave another kind of look to Amethyst and Pearl.

(Y/N)-Lapis, we can-.

Lapis-(Y/N), we will talk later about a few things... I just have to take care of a few things.

(Y/N)-No, wait!

I tried to grab her and stop her, but she made 3 things of water come out of the ocean and I was so scream I screamed. Suddenly, the door to the house was busted down and Garnet came out with her big gauntlets and hit the ground so hard it felt like an earthquake.


Lapis fell to the ground and dropped all of us. The gems looked ready to fight, but Lapis just grabbed me and grew wings.


(Garnet's POV)

I ran as fast as I could, but Lapis made a water clone to get in my way, and the gauntlets were ice. She made clones of Amethyst and Pearl too to send in to fight us. She didn't even stay and flew off into the sky. In a last-ditch effort, I tried to throw Amethyst at her, but the clones copied us and just ended up crashing into her double in the air.


(No POV)

Lapis flew as fast as she could across the ocean and landed on a big island to rest and noticed (Y/N) passed out from her speed and height in the air. She smiled down at him and readjusted him in her arms. She found a cave to hide in before she talks about taking him back to Homeworld to request that he be added to the zoo, and she would want to be stationed there.

Lapis-You'll love being in my care... You'll have no choice. ~ *whisper*


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