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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up in a room that didn't look like my room and I remember Gwen swinging me in a web cacoon before I fell asleep. I looked around the room and felt a little scared, but I could smell something familiar... It smelled like Gwen. I got out of bed and tried to leave, but when I opened the door, I heard a few voices and the sight of a hallway made me close the door. I felt so scared and I thought going out there was a very bad idea right now. I went back on Gwen's bed or at least I hope this is her room, but when I thought about it too much, I tried to hide under it... It was built into the wall and the bottom of it was drawers. With nothing else to use to hide, I hide under the blankets and stayed very still... Until the door opened and I jumped a little. I stayed under the blankets and heard something get put down before my back got rubbed.

Gwen-Good morning sunshine. You don't need to be scared... I got something for you. ~

She pulled the blanket off of me and I saw Gwen without her mask on. She had a plate of breakfast food that made my stomach growl and my mouth water.


She suddenly looked a little sad before she picked me up and sat down with me on her lap.

Gwen-Hey, I meant to be here when you woke up... I just thought you would also be hungry and you slept like a rock. ~

She gave me a few kisses and I wiped my face, so she gave me more and held my arms down in a hold, so I couldn't wipe them this time. I was stuck in my head thinking to myself while she got the french toast for me and held up a bite with a blueberry on it.

Gwen-Open up. ~

I think my mouth was opened a little already and when the bite touched my lips, I opened my mouth and took the bite. It tasted so yummy and fluffy with a very tasty blueberry.

Gwen-You like it. The universe that this comes from makes the best French toast and their fruit has a much better taste.

(Y/N)-... Where are we?

Gwen-Well... Can this wait until after breakfast?... Or brunch in your case?

My body shook a little and she sighed before she put the plate down and turned me on her lap to hold me like a baby and my head rested on her arm.

Gwen-There's no easy to say this, so I'm just going to rip the bandaid off... Your home was not safe and I didn't want to put a kid in an orphanage because of his parents experimenting on him, so... I brought you here when the police... arrested your parents.

My heart sank and I saw tears making my vision a little blurry. It didn't take long for me to cry and try to push away from her, but she didn't even budge.

(Gwen's POV)

I sure am glad that these walls are mostly soundproof, but someone is going to hear him crying when they walk by and I don't think Miguel will be too happy if this kid causes trouble for someone. I'm just lucky he gave me a day pass for (Y/N) when I begged. He just thinks it's just for a few hours while I think about what to do. I spent a whole hour feeding him to calm him down, but the closest I got was him being able to talk and make excuses for his parents. He only kept on crying and thrashing around until he tired himself out... There was a little mess I had to clean after, but I couldn't blame him. He looked at me with his sad pink puffy eyes.

(Y/N)-Gwen... I wanna go home. I won't tell anyone who you are, I-I swear.

Gwen-(Y/N), this is not about that. If I let you stay there... I don't know what could've happened. You could've grown many different arms around your body, maybe turned into a mutated animal like a... lizard or something, or something worse... I won't let that happen.

I thought about 'my Peter', my best friend, and how he died. I thought about how to calm him down and he said that Spider-Man was his favorite superhero and there are tons of him out there.

Gwen-Sweetie... I'm gonna pick you up now, ok.

He still looked shaken up, so I think taking him to highly populated areas is a good idea, so maybe I should call up a friend. Peter is going to enter dad mode when he sees him and I want to be the one to have that bond with him, so he's out. Hobbie is cool and nice to be around but to a kid like him... Maybe another time. Pav is sweet and has a bit of a childish vibe to him, so he could be a good start. On the other hand, Penni is closer to his age and he could open up a little more to her... Yeah, I'll text her and ask to meet up.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I waited in my dorm since bringing him out in the hallway and seeing 5 Spider-Men he never saw before proved to be too much for him right now. Penni agreed to come over and leave her suit behind. There was a knock at the door and I answered it while holding (Y/N and she wasn't surprised since I explained the whole situation to her on text on her way over here.


Gwen-Come in. Just be careful and patient with him.

Peni-Sure. I read everything.

She came in and I closed the door before we looked at (Y/N) on my bed, just staring at us with a timid expression... I miss his happy expressions.


((Y/N)'s POV)

This new girl looked normal at first, but I was still a little scared when she walked up to me with Gwen and they both sat on the bed... Gwen just hung upside down on the roof part of the bed in the wall. The new girl held her hand out to me and smiled a little.

???-Kon'nichiwa, I'm Peni... Peni Parker. You must be (Y/N).

I was confused by the first word she said, but I think it meant 'hello' or something. I shook her hand a little and she did a surprise selfie with me.

Peni-*Giggles* Sorry, thought it would lighten the mood a little in here. I heard you just had a rough time.

(Y/N)-I... I wanna go home, but Gwen won't take me.

Peni-Well... we both know what it's like to lose a home and it can be scary, but this is for the best... How about this? We'll go for a trip someday soon to my universe. there are tons of futuristic video games you can try, cool sights, and all kinds of stuff.

(Y/N)-Can we go to my universe?

Gwen-(Y/N), that's going to make things even harder. I think it will be good to do this when you're ready to leave my room.

I just curled up a little more and Peni sat next to me and went on her phone and it acted like a projector on the wall and showed movies that must be from her world.

Peni-Here, let's kill the lights and relax with a good movie. Got some from many different universes... Like a mini hobby.

(Peni's POV)

I don't have any from his world, but I wanted to let him pick. He just didn't seem in the mood right now, so I picked one of my favorites I used to watch with my father. Gwen shot a web at the light switch in here and I played the movie. All we were missing was popcorn or some kind of snack. Gwen snuggled up with him on one side while I got his other side on the bed. During the movie, I noticed (Y/N) playing with his fingers a little like he was nervous and I thought it was the whole being taken from home for his own good... Then I saw the lighting of the movie get a little brighter and saw...

Peni's mind-He's blushing? Why is he blushing right now?

I read the room a little and noticed that Gwen had her boob pressed against his head and he had his leg pressed against my thigh. I guess two pretty girls doesn't get him hard, but it does get him flustered.

Peni's mind-Awwww, how cute. ~

I pulled him into me a little more and his reaction was shifting his (E/C)'s to mine... It reminded me of the innocence and happiness I used to have. After my father died and the... 'Venom Incident', still haunts me, and know he's going threw some stuff too. I also thought shy boys were cute and well-mannered, unlike criminals and rapists that think they can do what they like.

Peni-You look cozy. ~ *giggles*

Gwen-(Y/N), scoot over a little.

(Y/N)-B-But I-.

Gwen scooted in and all that did was squish (Y/N) between us to cuddle... I know I'm not that old and he's younger than me, but I don't see why he can't be a cute little friend to cuddle with right now. This reminded me of Father holding me close and messing with me during a movie, just to be silly... I miss him every day.

Peni's mind-You lost both of your parents, even if you didn't know they mistreated you... I think I know how you feel.


The movie ended and both Gwen and (Y/N) fell asleep. Not because of the movie being boring, but because of how comfy we all were. (Y/N) even turned over into me to nuzzle in while I smiled at him. The last 27 minutes of the movie were well spent watching him sleep. I remember why I came over here in the first place, so I scooted down and thought I would wake him, but he was a heavy sleeper. I put his ear against my chest and held him close as memories from my early childhood came rushing back. The promise I made to him about taking him to my world sounded better now, and...

Peni's mind-I always wondered what it would be like to have a sweet little brother... You need a family, like me and some of my friends are here, but not heroes here are exactly... 'friendly'... You need more than just a new friend...


Peni-You need a big sister... My Otōto. ~

I kissed his cute little cheek before I closed my eyes too and held (Y/N) a little tighter.

(???'s POV)

I told Miguel that Gwen should be done with that kid by now, but his little computer girlfriend wasn't sure, so he wasn't sure. I tried to tell him that everything was fine and he should be back in his world, but of course, I have to go see for myself. I just went to get something to eat and relax for a bit. I have gone toe-to-motorcycle with Rhinos, Vultures, Electros, and green Goblins, but a baby is what kicks my ass.

???-Kid has to be gone by now... That or that pass he gave her will go out sooner or later.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, while the girls and (Y/N) were asleep, the day pass was wearing off, but something made his skin glow a little in that area. If (Y/N) were awake, he would feel a tingle in his wrist, but instead, he nuzzled into Peni some more, but Gwen kept a firm hold on him in her sleep. The day pass went out earlier than it was supposed to.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* *groan* *soft snoring*.


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