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((Gwen's POV)

I was starting to wake up and I just felt so cozy, but after a few moments, something felt off. My spidey sense wasn't going off, but this feeling of something wrong is bothering me. Maybe I'm just late for something... 5 more minutes won't kill Miguel or any other Spider-Man or Woman. I was about to go back to sleep before it hit me that I was still in another universe and I slept in a kid's room. I didn't feel him, so I shot my eyes open and saw I was still in his room all alone now. I jumped up to the ceiling and tried to go into stealth mode in case the parents were home. I just need to crawl out of the window and leave. When I looked out the window... it was sundown.

Gwen's mind-Oh, Miguel is going to kill me.


I looked to where the sound came from in the hall and went to investigate. I slowly went down the hall to listen for footsteps or voices but didn't hear anything. There was another sound that came from the basement, so I headed down there only to see (Y/N) cleaning up some broken glass.


Gwen-What are you doing down here?

He looked at me and he looked scared because I saw the mess he made It looked like it was just a cup of water he dropped or knocked over.

(Y/N)-I just wanted to call my Mom and Dad on the computer and I just hung up. They'll be home extra late this time.

Gwen-So who's watching you?

(Y/N)-Mom said to take a sleeping pill and go to sleep. I just knocked over my cup.

Gwen-Sleeping pill?


He reached into a cabinet while I walked up to him and my spidey sense went off, so I took it from him. The bottle said, "Trazadon", but I have my suspicions, so I took a pill and got to work analyzing it while (Y/N) whipped up the water on the floor. There was a computer in here to make this go so much easier and faster.

Gwen's mind-Telling your kid to take a 'sleeping pill'? You still have a file of him in here... Let's see what's in this thing.

The computer was done and besides the Trazadon, there was "Norflex" and "Zolpidem". This was not just going to put him to sleep with the right dosage. This is more like it's meant to put him under. I looked around the lab and noticed an operating table with medical equipment around it.

Gwen-... (Y/N)... Did your parents ever tell you to lie on that table when you take that pill?

(Y/N)-No, I just take a pill to bed and helps me sleep and dream. Why?

Gwen-... New plan. No pill and... go watch some cartoons or something. Just stay awake.

(Y/N)-Really?... I don't think my parents would like it.

Gwen-They don't have to know and... I think a few cookies can be our secret.


He gave me a quick hug and ran upstairs and I blushed a little under my mask, thankfully. I shook it off and it looked like he left the computer unlocked from that call. Better for me. I went through the files until I found him again and opened it. The first thing I clicked on was a video dated 3 days ago.

Gwen-That recent?... What did you do?

I played the video and it took a minute to load, so I guess they didn't pay for the good internet.

???-This is Dr. (L/N) here with my wife and the test subject has just been prepped for examination. Today's test is based on last week's test. The pill we gave caused sleepwalking as a side effect of temporary 'increased stamina and concentration'. The test subject during this phase experienced a complete second wind after a long walk and completed a word search we made containing 50 words in 2 minutes, and 3 seconds sharp. No headache has accused, so today we will be performing an MRI scan.

The camera turned to the MRI machine in here and (Y/N) was in it.



(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was humming a little sound while getting some pizza bagels out of the air fryer and tried to take some down to Spider-Woman, but she came up and she looked at me while I the plate out for her a little.


(Y/N)-Pizza Bagel?

Spider-Woman-Can you turn around for me for a second?

(Y/N)-Uh... Sure.

I turned around and she touched the back of my neck and was feeling for something that I don't know. After she stood up and looked a little frustrated while I had the first pizza bagel dipped in ranch. After she took me to the living room and we sat on the couch. She had a few pieces while holding her head.

(Y/N)-Is everything ok?

Spider-Woman-Just... trying to figure out how I should break a heart for the greater good.

I felt a little nervous and wondered if I did anything wrong because she was here the whole time. I guess she's gotta leave soon, but I didn't force her to stay, did I? After the food was all gone, she looked at me and my heart sank a little.

Spider-Woman-Hey, so I know you love your parents and you must be proud of them for being doctors.


Spider-Doctor-But the kind of doctors they are, are... bad doctors.

(Y/N)-Bad doctors? I thought doctors make everything better.

Spider-Woman-But they did it in a way that is very, very, 'very' bad and... *sigh* It's just not safe for you here.

Now, I was feeling a little scared and scooted away from her. My mom and dad love me, I just know they do or else they would not bring me home fresh cookies and stuff. I tried to tell her that she was wrong and there has to be a misunderstanding.

Spider-Woman-(Y/N), I know this is hard, but it's just not safe here, and staying here is not a good idea.

She reached into her wrist sleeve and showed me a USB with a Spider-Man logo on it but in her colors. She was in the basement, so their work has to be on there and they don't let anyone look at their work.

(Y/N)-You have to put that back! They will be super angry!

(Gwen's POV)

Where in signing up for being a hero does it say you feel like you are kicking a puppy... and taking him from his home to put in an orphanage. This kid was scared of me now because he knows I have to get him out of here for reasons he can't understand and showing him will make things worse. His parents didn't want to search and pay for human test subjects, so they just gave birth to one... Him.

Gwen-(Y/N), please. You know that I help people and that's what I am trying to do with you.

He just ran from me, but instead of going for a phone, he ran up to his room.

Gwen-Ugh, I should've brought Peter.

I walked up to his room while thinking of all the things Jameson could label a 'Spider-Man Cultist' as. A kidnapper, a home invader, the common thread of threat or menace. I made it to his room and I could hear him crying in his closet that has a door. I just sat next to it to not make this harder, but maybe I just have to stay awake longer than him. That will be easy because I once went 3 days without sleep... That was a dark time for my New York.

Gwen-Alright, I'm not going to drag you out of there. Let's just talk... Ok?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle*... O-Ok.

Gwen-I know those pills make you very sleepy, but taking too much can be a bad thing. You 'will' need those to sleep. Do you take one every night?

(Y/N)-N-No... L-Last one was 3 days ago, b-b-but before that, it was last month.

Those dates checked out. The videos I saw of them doing unspeakable things to their child have violated more human rights than just experimentation. I felt so bad for him and I have no idea how to tell him. In one video, they considered cutting him open and giving him stitches after.

Gwen-If it helps... I know what it's like to have a parent who... doesn't treat you fairly.

(Y/N)-... D-Did they hit and hate you?

Gwen-No. He loved me, but not the me in the mask. He thought... I did something terrible to my best friend. He was a cop and vowed to arrest me for something I didn't do. *deep breath*... I saved lots of people with the help of some new friends one day and he found out that Spider-Woman was his daughter.

(Y/N)-But you saved people and cops save people. You should be on the same side.

Gwen-He didn't think so.

My voice cracked a little.

Gwen-Sniffle* I tried to talk to him, but he didn't listen *hic* and thought I killed my friend... I left him.

Emotions were soaring when I thought I was over this. I curled up with my face in my nice when I heard a door open. I tried to hold it in and I was doing so good at it until I felt (Y/N) give me a hug. Despite my trying to take him from his home with almost no explanation and betraying him the same way my dad did to me... He was just a sweetheart. I pulled him into a hug and held him tight while I cried.

(Y/N)-M-Maybe we can talk to my Mom and Dad when they get home... Please.

I continued the cry a little harder and he even gave me a kiss on the cheek. He was just a kid and he has no idea how this feels, but I felt like I needed this instead of just holding it in. The longer he stayed with me the more thought about the plan of taking him to an orphanage and turning this evidence over to the police... I hated one of the parts of the plan so much before and even more now.

Gwen's mind-How did two monsters create such a pure innocent sweetheart? What did they do to even deserve him enough to keep him?!... I need him more than they will EVER LOVE HIM!!!

(Y/N)-See, Spider-Woman?... We just needed to talk about it.

Gwen-... Gwen... My name is Gwen Stacy.

He must be surprised that he learned my real name and I got up while still holding him against me. I looked in the Mirror and pulled up my mask.


He was nuzzled into my shoulder and I made a promise to myself to keep this kid from feeling exactly as I felt, even if it does hurt at first.

Gwen's mind-They won't hurt you anymore... Nobody will 'ever' hurt you 'again'.

Gwen-Hey, let's get you ready for bed properly. No pills and the adults are gonna have a talk... I promise, Sweetheart. Everything will be ok. ~

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((M/N)'s POV)

We made it home and I plan to get a cup of coffee before I get (Y/N) to the table. He might be a little sick tomorrow, so we will give him the day off if he has a fever. We got inside and tried to turn on the lights, but the lights weren't working. That was odd because the rest of the neighborhood had power. (Y/N) must've done something or maybe something in the lab malfunctioned.

(M/N)-(D/N), go check the breaker. I'll get (Y/N) to the lab.

(D/N)-Meet you down there.

He went down to the lap where the breaker was to turn the power back on while I used the flashlight on my phone to navigate the house. I made it to (Y/N)'s room and... he wasn't in bed. I checked other parts of the house he could be sleeping in, but he wasn't in our room, the living room, or the patio couch outside.

(M/N)-Where is that boy?... Why isn't the power on, yet?!

I headed down to the light and looked around in the dark and when I saw the breaker, I did not see a trace of (D/N).

(M/N)-(D/N)!... (D/N)!... Where are you?!

I walked up to the breaker and when I turned on the lights, I was grabbed from behind, pulled down, and webbed to the floor, but I saw it wasn't by Spider-Man... It was someone else.


???-Keep your voice down. You'll wake the baby.

(M/N)-Who are you?! Get out of my hou-!

She shot a web to cover my mouth before she picked up the lab phone and sat on a computer desk.

???-Normally, I would beat the crap out of bad guys, call the police, and just dip, but I felt like changing it up a little. I got your 'test subject' somewhere safe and coming back with me. I think it's better than going to an orphanage after you and hubby go to prison for a long time from all the data, footage, and evidence I gave to the police.

She pointed at the wall and I saw my husband with a black eye and knocked out. I felt so angry and tried to threaten her that she would be on a detection table, but all that came out was nonsense.

???-Sounds great, don't drop the soap, and one more thing... I even hear a word about you wanting your son back, I won't pull my punches with you.

She hopped down to me and I saw her fist become a blur.


(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

(Gwen's POV)

I had the lovely couple webbed up and hanging in a cacoon made of my webbing from the tree in the front yard by the time police arrived. (Y/N) was asleep in a web cacoon also that I was holding in my arms. I gave him a gentle kiss on his head and double-checked that I had a wrist bracelet on him, so his atoms don't glitch out and hurt him.

Gwen's mind-You're gonna be so scared at first, I just know it... But 'this' is for the best... You're mine now. ~ *whisper*

He took a deep breath in his sleep and turned out a little more to give me a better look at his sleeping face.


I covered his face with one of his extra shirts I packed and shifted the sash of the duffle bag with his stuff in it before I opened a portal. The light was not in his face when we jumped in and were headed to the Spider-Society. More specifically, my room here that I barely use. He stirred on the ride here, but thankfully he was a bit of a heavy sleeper. I placed him on my bed and smiled down at him.

Gwen-See you when you wake up, Honey... I wonder what you would prefer for your first breakfast here... Maybe a little comforting ice cream on the side will help soften the blow. ~ *whisper*


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