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((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept on thinking about if the girls were hiding something from me and if it was good or bad. I was walking around the house right now to finally have a little bit of time to myself, but I know the girls don't like that and will take me with them somewhere to watch me. I had to do this alone if I can find out what that trail of water was. I checked the garage first and there was nothing in here, so I went to the living room and other rooms out there... Nothing too weird. Maybe the cameras caught something, or maybe it was just Elsa practicing her magic or something. I went to the break room for the old workers and found the tablet on the counter next to the phone. I think I know how to work it.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wonder if it's practicing an ice sculpture... If it's something to embarrass me in the way they do, it'll be nice to be ready.

(Judy's POV)

I just left the gym, but Tigress stayed, and Poppy was in there making a scrapbook of whoever works out in there. I used a towel to wipe all the sweat off my body, took a quick shower, and got dressed in some clean clothes. I looked in the mirror to fix myself a little more, mainly still getting used to my new figure.


I left my room to go see Helen in her room and get (Y/N) from her, but when I got there, she was alone, in a chair while reading a book.


Judy-Where's (Y/N)?

Helen-I think he's with Diane. Check his old room.

I left to go to his old room we use to hide the USB in his old hiding spot from his father, but when I got there, I saw Diane and Elsa on the T.V. in here.


Judy-Is (Y/N) in here?

Elsa-I think Tigress has him helping her workout.

Judy-... No, I was just there. Poppy is with her too.

Diane-Is he with Helen?

Judy-I checked with her before I came here... (Y/N)!

They came with me to look for him, but no matter how much we called his name, he would not come out. We told the others too, and I decided to go check the cameras to see if he was outside. He knows better than to go outside before construction is done, but it couldn't hurt to check. I went to the staff break room, but when I did, I saw (Y/N) look at me with his (E/C) eyes filled with shock.

Judy-(Y/N), what are you doing in here? You should be with someone.

I walked closer to him and he backed up a little. I was taken aback by this until I to a closer look at him... I don't think it was shocked filling his eyes... It was fear.

Judy-Hey... I'm not mad at you. It's ok. ~

(Y/N)-Y-You... Y-You-...


I slowly made it to him and looked at the tablet... It was paused at us pushing ice blocks with those men in them, in the T.V., but there was another screen that showed his dad in the garage when we froze him. I could see why he was scared of us now, but I would never hurt him.

Judy-It's ok... It's ok... Remember, they hurt you or tried to hurt you... I'm gonna take the tablet from you, ok? ~

I did take the tablet from him and put it up on the counter, but before I could take his hand, he ran to the door in a panic.


I ran after him, but when I got out of the room, he was already caught by Tigress and he was struggling a little as tears fell from his eyes. She looked worried about him and held him firmly, but in a way that didn't hurt him until he was tired.

Tigress-What happened?

Judy-He peeked through the footage and saw what happened.

Poppy-What happened?

Diane-In a moment... (Y/N), sweetie, please don't be scared of us. We only did it, so we can keep you safe, happy, loved, and all of us together. ~

(Y/N) kept on struggling and Tigress had to perform a chi technique to drain him of most of his energy. He just wrapped him in a blanket to at least keep him comfortable, and we all got the house clean and showered while he had time to himself. We checked the progress outside and they should be done either tomorrow or the day after. Maybe taking him outside or at least considering never putting a gag in his mouth would put him at ease.

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt so tired and the girls just got done cleaning and stuff, so Poppy tried to ing a song to make me feel better, but she even looked a little bothered when she saw the T.V. in the room. Helen had me in her arms to gently hold me until she took me to my old room for us to be alone. She sat on the bed and kissed my head.

Helen-You remember when I first got here? We were both scared.

(Y/N)-I-I... never w-w-wanted t-to hurt-.

Helen-*Shhhh* I know, I know, but your dad and those men... They were going to hurt us, and we didn't hurt them. It was painless and clean... Remember how your dad and his friends hurt you? ~

He did hurt and scare me, but I didn't want him to die. I struggled in her arms, so she got up and went into the hiding spot of my closet, and came back with the USB that brought them here. I was scared that they were gonna put me in the T.V. too!


I kept on crying and Helen just ran over to me to pick me up and bounce me in her arms.

Helen-Don't worry. It's not for you. We're gonna see about getting rid of it. Let's go talk to Diane or Tigress about this. ~

I only kept on crying and tried creaming with my eyes closed, but she only put something in my mouth. I opened my eyes to see a washcloth in my mouth, and Diane was here to take me from Helen.


Diane-My goodness, you poor thing. You need a nap to calm down. ~

They took me to the kitchen and Helen started to boil some milk in a pot while they talked. I kept on trying to break free and go hide, but Diane kept a hold of me. I saw the USB in Helen's pocket and Diane turned me away.

(Diane's POV)

It's clear that (Y/N) is never gonna change his views now with the USB still around, so we have to get rid of it. Destroying it will be too risky, and I don't know where we can hide it that's safe from the world. Right now, we focused on getting (Y/N) his warm milk, but he fell asleep halfway through his cup. Probably because of all his stress and crying which broke my heart a little from how scared and confused he was. I called everyone in the living room for a meeting after Helen and I took him to his room and put him in bed. Everyone heard his crying, and when Helen put the USB on the table they knew what this meeting was about.


Diane-Alright, (Y/N) is clearly scared of this USB, so I think it's time we get rid of it. (D/N) is gone, (G/N) is gone, those friends are gone, those people are gone, and those detectives have been dealt with.

Poppy-If we're done, then just smash it. Nobody can use it ever again.

Tigress-No, I can sense my chi in there and there was already something else. From how powerful it is and what it can do, it's too dangerous and risky.

Judy-So smashing it out. We just need to hide it in case something happens later.

Diane-(Y/N) is always gonna be scared if he even thinks that thing is still here or if we can just get it back. He's very skeptical. He needs to see us get rid of it.

Elsa-But if we can't smash it or hide it... I can freeze it and let it sink to the bottom of a lake. He can watch me do it.

Diane-Well... There's a suggestion and we got a while. Any more ideas?

Poppy-Well... What if we can shoot it into space?! I saw things go to space on the T.V.!

Judy-With what rocket powerful enough?

Poppy-We can't just use a cannon?

Diane-... So we get the ice block in a lake as Plan A.

Tigress-He might still see it as we can still get it. How hard would it be for Helen to reach down and grab it, or Elsa to find a way down there?

Helen-Well... Not very hard, but it's the best we got so far.

This meeting was frustrating as we kept on thinking of ways to get rid of this thing for good without risking others using it. We kept on poking holes in each other's plans in case (Y/N) thinks of it. Judy actually came up with an idea that could work, but we need a part to do it. We went on the computer and got a piece with a delivery time as soon as tonight. Now, we just need to wait, and until then...

((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls let me hold the USB in a glass bowl and said that they were going to get rid of it. The men were almost done with the fence outside, but the loud stuff was over thanks to there being a lot of people out there. I still felt so scared being with them, but I was tied up and Helen was feeding me some pudding. They kept on saying that I was just confused and they will prove they won't hurt me. Suddenly, there was a knock on the garage door and Judy perked up and went to go get whatever they ordered. She came back with a small box and a pair of scissors to open the box and pulled out some kind of cord. Helen took the bowl with the USB away from me and took the lid off.


My breathing got a little faster while I reached for it with my free arms, but Tigress just pushed my arms down slowly.

Tigress-Take it easy. You're completely safe.

Diane-After this, we might have to take more measures for your safety... Maybe some additional crib walls on our beds when you sleep with us.

I blushed when she said crib like I was a baby to her. I covered my face a little, but Tigress pushed my arms away to look at me and kiss my nose. Now, I was blushing even more when she smiled at me.

(Y/N)-I'm... n-not a baby.

Helen-But you're our baby. ~

Poppy-*Gasp* Can we dress him up like it for a scrapbook?!

The girls looked at me, like they loved the idea and I turned into Helen, but she didn't let me hide my face either.

Helen-Honey, look. ~

Diane and Judy were getting the USB hooked up to the T.V. from the new cord they got and put the USB on the table before we all moved. Poppy hopped on me to nuzzle into my neck to watch and Judy waved the T.V. at me.

Judy-After this, we should go online shopping for you. Until you trust us again, we need you to have extra protection... Now, say bye-bye to the USB. ~

She turned on the T.V. and Tigress had all of us stand behind the counter in the kitchen before she shot a wave of chi at the USB to do something to the T.V. Small stuff was getting sucked in and the big stuff was getting pulled a little. It was getting worse and scary until Tigress used the scissors to cut the cord and the T.V. stopped... The USB was gone and everyone looked at me when Tigress came over to hold me. I was still breathing kind of fast and could not stop until Tigress put her finger in my mouth, and I couldn't stop sucking on it.

Tigress-It's just us now, sweetie. ~

Popy/Elsa/Judy/Helen/Diane-We love you. ~

(No POV)

The girls took (Y/N) to the nearest computer and did shopping for safety items which was mostly babyproofing some things. Whenever (Y/N) got nervous or fussy, they would do things like a switch from their fingers to nursing him, even if all but Helen could give him milk, use their chests to muffle him, or other things toddlers and babies would find comforting... As much as he didn't like this treatment, it did work and they would still let him play outside like a normal kid when the fence was done, and even plan on going to the lake sometimes for swimming or ice skating. They made the home that was almost the complete opposite of what it was when they first arrived. From neglectful, abusive, and uncaring to doting, loving, and comforting... Just a little too much for him to handle, but they loved the sight of him blushing, so this became one of the cons of his life.

(Y/N)'s mind-But... I'm not a baby!


(Timeskip 8 Hours)

With the combination of Wanda's magic and Tigress's chi, the USB was gaining so much power in the void and went crazy. Zooming across the limitless void until it hit a glitchy ice block when it circled back, it reached even higher speeds. Electricity spilled out of it bit by bit until a big blast created another portal. The recoil slowed it down by a lot before it flew into the portal and hit a wall in a room. The power it used in that blast took a toll on it and contained the magic and power in it as it rested on a small chair by a desk with drawings on it and a bed. Just then, a child was playing in the halls.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Hahahaha!


Author Note: I hope you enjoyed the sequel to The Void series... That doesn't mean it's over, yet! More yandere, more callbacks, and in this book... a few new rules.



I can’t wait for the next story 🤩 You are way to good at making these stories