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((Y/N)'s POV)

Daddy was helping me finish my schoolwork, so we can leave the house early and do stuff. I took the mirror and my Switch with me to have something to do and use the gift Pearl gave me. We got in the car and he started driving to the city for a day of us hanging out, but when we got to Beach City, I put my Switch away and took the mirror out with me to take around the town. He looked at me when I held the mirror up to smile at myself in the mirror and then walked next to me while we walked down a sidewalk.

(D/N)-What's with the mirror?

(Y/N)-Pearl gave it to me. It came out of her gem, like magic.

(D/N)-Is she a street magician or something?

(Y/N)-No, she really is magic! She has a magic room, a magic spear, and can shapeshift!

(D/N)-Oh really?

(Y/N)-Yeah, the weapons come out of their gems and they say that they fight monsters!

We went around the city, like the arcade and stuff to have fun, and have good food too. At this fry place, they have this thing called "Fry Bits" that also said "In memory of Steven" next to it. I don't know how tiny bits can help you remember someone, but when I got them, they were really crunchy and good. After we ate, my Dad and I went to the rides, and when we got there...

Amythest-Yo! (Y/N)!

My Dad and I turned to see Amythest coming up to us and I was so happy that he gets to meet her.



I gave her a hug before I let her meet my Dad and he looked a little confused about this.

(Y/N)-Dad, this is Amythest! You know, the one with the whip!


(D/N)-Uhh... Hi.

((D/N)'s POV)

I thought he was just making things up in his head and just found that mirror somewhere. A small purple woman was standing before me and I tried not to seem rude when I took my son with me back to the rides, but he invited her to come along after already following us. She got distracted by food and I took this chance to get on a ride that goes super high up, like the spinning teacup ride which was more like a swing. Sadly, (Y/N) was the only one able to get on since the seat belt in one of the teacups was broken, but one. I just let him go on the ride to at least have time to think to myself, but Amythest came up next to me while eating a hotdog.

Amythest-They fixed this thing already? That was fast.

(D/N)-What do you mean?

((Y/N)'s POV)

The ride was starting and I had my mirror with me, and when we started spinning. This ride was fun and I used the mirror to see the ocean behind me. It was so pretty, but I stopped when I heard some kind of clanking noise.


I looked around and felt a little nervous from how loud it was. I heard a popping sound from under my seat and felt it thump, and then my teacup rattled. I was starting to get scared and looked down.





???-"No!" "(Y/N)."

I heard that voice, and it sounded like me before the teacup fell and I was screaming and crying until I felt someone catch me and we went up a bit more before we fell again. I still screamed until we landed, but the soft arms and body made it to where I didn't get hurt or die. I couldn't open my eyes when I cried into whoever had me.

(Amythest's POV)

I felt so relieved that he was ok, but then felt so angry at the amusement park guy for starting this deathtrap for him, and his Dad for putting him on! He cried into me and his grip on the broken mirror was shaking.

Amythest-Hey, it's ok now. I got you. ~

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *hic* Amythest. *muffled*

He curled up in my arms, so I sat in the sand with him and rest my head on him while covering him in my hair a little. After shushing him until he calmed down, his Dad showed up and I put on a normal face, but I wanted to show him how angry I was.

(D/N)-(Y/N)! Are you ok?!

Amythest-He's fine.

He kept a small distance when he saw (Y/N) crying into me and now he looked angry at the rides.

(D/N)-Can you watch him?! I heard you had a temple at the end of the beach!

Amythest-... Yeah.

He thanked me before he ran off and I stood to take (Y/N) back to the temple. I got in Steven's bed with him and he nuzzled into me. Soon, Garnet and Pearl came back on the warp and spotted (Y/N) crying into me.


Before they could even get up here, I think he fell asleep or passed out from an adrenaline rush, as Steven did at the temple with the spinning rooms. Pearl sat on the side of the bed while Garnet stayed on the last step.

Garnet-What happened?

Amythest-One of the rides at the amusement park almost killed him.

Pearl-... Excuse me?

I told him how the owner didn't get it fixed before he let people on and his dad put him on because he looked skeptical about me. He was lucky I was there or there is no way (Y/N) would've survived that fall and crash. Garnet looked like she was thinking about something or maybe looking into the future while Pearl was guessing what to do without waking him up. I held (Y/N) tighter and thought about my past failure with Steven...

Amythest's mind-I am 'NOT' letting that happen 'again'!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((D/N)'s POV)

I was taking (Y/N) home and that owner of that amusement park was going to be hearing from my lawyer when I sue him for running that damn thing. (Y/N) was mentally exhausted after that near-death experience, and I guess as freaky as this whole gem thing is, it's good to know they actually help people. As for Harold Smiley, he'll be lucky if his amusement park is still standing when I'm done with him in court. When I got home, I woke up (Y/N) to let him walk inside to rest, but now he just sat on the couch while looking into the mirror. (M/N) saw this and asked me something.

(M/N)-What happened?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mommy and Daddy went upstairs to talk while I stayed down here, trying to forget what happened. No matter how hard I tried, I keep on thinking about something while I was still on the ride like I heard myself say something, but I didn't say anything. After that, I would think about how I almost died.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic*.

Just then... the mirror stopped showing my reflection and showed me myself and my parents. I could even hear us while it acted as it got cut into scenes with short lines.

Mirror- 'Hey, it's ok now. ~"  "(Y/N)", "sweetie" "it" "will" "be" "alright".

I froze at what I just saw and wondered if I was dreaming or if the mirror worked as Pearl said, but I didn't know...

(Y/N)-You can talk?

This time, it only showed me a ceiling, but I heard my Mom in it.

Mirror-Yes Sweetie.

(Y/N)-Woah... You do work! What else can you tell me?!

(Harold's POV)

They said the ride was good to go and now I am getting hit with a lawsuit. The ride was closed down and so was the park for the day because of commotion, so I decided to go out for some food and I got some pizza. While I was walking up to the lighthouse to be alone, I heard some footsteps behind me. I looked behind me to see one of the gems.


Pearl-Hello there.

Harold-Oh, it's Pearl, right?

Pearl-Yes. I heard about a little accident happening today.

Harold-Your little friend Amythest took care of it. Everyone is fine.


Harold-She snatched a kid up from a falling cart.

Pearl-I heard about that part, but I fail to see where in any of this seems 'fine'.

Harold-Nobody got hurt, but I got a lawsuit to deal with later. I just want some time alone.

Pearl-Well, then I got some good news.

Harold-What's that?

Garnet-You won't have to deal with a lawsuit.

I turned behind me to see Garnet and wondered how she got there without me hearing her. Amythest was by her side as well.


I saw how Amythest looked a little more worked up from her usual careless and relaxed attitude I see her wear around town before the incident happened with Steven. I was getting a little nervous, so I tried to go back down the hill, but Pearl cut me off.

Pearl-Hold on. We're not done talking.

Harold-What happened ended with one of you saving the day. What's left is my business.

Pearl-... Tell me. You remember what happened, right?

Harold-... With the kid or with 'him'?


This is getting confusing and nerve-racking, but I know they were mad.


Garnet-Would you like to go through them again? With both (Y/N) and Steven.

Harold-... No. It was an acci-.

Pearl-So you see the problem. Great.

Harold-I... I don't understand what you're getting at right now.

Pearl-What happened with Steven should never happen again, and you had a part to play in (Y/N) almost getting killed. Another happy and innocent child, gone... Because of you.

She pulled out her spear while Amythest got out her whip, and Garnet summoned her gauntlets as they all glared at me. I was too far away from the city for anyone to come to help me if they could even hear me.

Harold-Hey, I was told the ride was good to go again! It was my maintenance team!

Pearl-So you're just bad at managing your park, and that's your business... Think of us as managing the city.

Her voice sounded so cold. I tried to make a run for it, but Amythest tied my legs together with her whip to make me fall and drop my pizza. Pearl pressed her spear against the back of my neck before she stomped on my upper back to knock all the wind out of me. She flipped over me before she kicked me over to Garnet. She was holding her fist out a little and hitting me clean in the face. I fell back to the ground and was about to pass out when my last sight was her reaching for me with her hand.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was feeling much better now that I could talk to the mirror by it copying me. We were laughing together and I taught it to say so many things, but it didn't want to talk in front of others. When I asked why it wanted to keep its talking a secret, I guess I didn't say the words for it to answer. It even said 'no' when I asked if we could tell the gems. I looked at the cracked gem on the back and I wonder it it was hurting it.

(Y/N)-Hey mirror, do you know if we can fix the gem on the back? I wanna help.

Mirror-... I-I can take you somewhere.

(Y/N)-Where? Do we need a warp pad? The gems said only a gem can use it.




I looked at my window to see nothing and when I looked away it happened again and again until there was a knock on the door downstairs. My parents answered it while I stayed in my room and that's when Amythest and Pearl came into my room with Pizza.


Amythest-Sup, little dude. We got you some pizza.

Pearl-We came to check if you were alright.

The mirror won't talk anymore, so we can talk after they leave and I'll tell them when I fix it. I put it on my desk with its pillow.

(Y/N)-Is Garnet here?

Pearl-Oh, she wanted to come, but... She's busy with something and wants you to come by tomorrow.

(Y/N)-What's she doing?

Amythest-Boring leader gem stuff... Got any games?

(Garnet's POV)

I had Harold floating in a bubble over a pool of magma while he was still unconscious. I wanted to wait for him to wake up before I pop it and drop him in for almost killing (Y/N). (D/N) is not off the hook either, and we will keep an eye on (M/N) too. I stood in the corner of the room to watch Harold sleep in the bubble while I looked into the future for his torture. In very few that I let him go, fewer does he get involved with (Y/N) in some way again. I'm not chancing things like that even if I didn't see the end... Not anymore.

Garnet's mind-This is the safest course of action for (Y/N).

Saphire's mind-We mustn't take any more chances with his safety. *echo*

Ruby's mind-Agreed. *echo*


Epic the Orca

They starting to show their dark sides.


I'm just waitin' on the diamonds now >_<