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((Y/N)'s POV)

Red wanted to go out and explore this place, but I told her that it was a bad idea and Wonderland was a very weird place with some things being just as bad as the Big Bad Wolf. I tried to read about a few things because she said we would need help to beat the Big Bad Wolf or even food and water to survive. She's right, but I have no idea how this story will be different and it will take me a while to read a book this long... We were both getting hungry now. She said we can stay close to the library in case something happened and try to find food, so I said we have to see the library the whole time. I left the book here and told her what I know from the movie and the small books I read.

(Y/N)-Ok, there's Mad Hatter, Dorm Mouse, The Hare, Queen of Hearts, Alice, The Chesire Cat, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, and... who else am I forgetting?

???-... Late... -very, very late! *off in the distance*Red-What was that?

(Y/N)-Oh... Mr. Rabbit.

We didn't see him and we weren't going to follow him to the Queen of Hearts anyway because she was just mean and evil. I told Red if you make her mad, she will have your head. We tried to look for food, but all the lunch we had so far was plums yelling at u, strawberries singing with some flowers, and cookies that said, "Eat Me". I stopped her because I know cookies and mushrooms here can make you grow and shrink a lot here.

Red-Is there anything safe to eat here?

(Y/N)-I told you this place was weird. We should just go to a place with better food.

???-Um, excuse me. Hello?

We both turned and we saw Alice come out from some bushes and she looked about normal size right now.


I had no idea what to do now because we just came out here for food and come to think of it... How far did we go to find food? I don't see the library anymore, but I know how to get back to it.

Red-Greetings. May we ask for your name?

Alice-Oh, my name is Alice.

Red-My name is Little Red Riding Hood, and this is my new friend (Y/N). He calls me "Red" after he helped save my life.


Alice-How brave of you. Perhaps you can help me. I am looking for a way home. I followed a white rabbit and now that I have lost my way, I just want to return home.

I have no idea how to tell her that this is either a dream from the books I read, plus a movie, or if this was real and we came here in a magic library... That actually isn't too far off from this place. Suddenly, we heard chuckling. I looked up to a tree and I knew who it was before I even saw them slowly appear. He looked like the old and newer movie versions of him put together... He looked a little creepy.

Cat-So you wish to go home and you lost your way? If your way leads you to new friends then you can always try the Queen's way.

Just then he did something to make a door into the door appear and open up for Alice to look inside. Red and I looked in too and saw a castle, but I know who it belongs to.


Alice-What? Why not?


Just when she had a look of shock on her face with a bit of confusion.


The door flipped up off the ground and Alice flew in it when it slammed shut. Red ran to the tree and tried to push it open. I tried to help her, but it was no use.

Red-Hey, that was very rude! Let her out!

Cat-Let her out? How can you let out what is already out on the other side?


Cat-Oh, it's not a door. It's a tree.

(Y/N)-I'm gonna rip your tail off!

Cat-What? This tail? ~

He pulled on his own tail until we heard a small pop when it came out and then he tossed it in the air while Red screamed. He only laughed when he floated in the air to disappear. I watched the tail fly away and I felt so annoyed, but then Red took my hand and started to pull me to go with her.

Red-Hurry, Alice needs help!

(Y/N)-We don't even know where the castle is.

Red-We can see better on top of that tall hill, now hurry!

(Alice's POV)

I tried to find a way out of the garden when I heard singing and saw dancing cards. They sang about painting the roses red "Or they will lose their head". That was mere moments ago... Now, I was bowing with the cards as the queen walked by us and I wonder how much it would take to make her mad.


That cat tricked me into coming here and the thought of losing my head made me unable to stop shaking a little. She was in a good mood until she touched the white roses and got red paint on her hand.

Queen-Who has been painting my roses red?!... WHO HAS BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED?!?!?! SOMEONE'S HEAD WILL ROLL FOR THIS!!!

Card#1-I-It wasn't me! It was the ace! He collected the seeds from the merchant!

Card#2-Don't listen to him, your majesty! He planted the seeds and know it was the wrong ones! The 3 even came up with this idea!

Card#3-The 2 ordered me to plant them!


The cards were grabbed and taken away while begging for mercy and a tear came out of my eye from my heart being filled with fear. (Y/N) seemed terrified of her and I don't know how he knows her. She looked at me with a stern look.

Queen-Who are you?!

Alice-W-Why, my name is-.

Queen-Oh my. You are just a girl. ~

Her attitude was completely different, almost like she was soft and gentle now. Even though her voice sounded soothing, the fear she made me feel still lingered. I tried to speak again, but...

Queen-Stand up straight! Chin up! AND STOP TWIDDLING YOUR FINGERS!!!

Alice-Yes, your majesty!

It slipped out from fear crushing my heart, but she seemed pleased with how I sounded. The cheers and screams could be heard down the yard and when she turned her back to me, I looked at the noise, only to see an axe coming down with... blood already on it. I turned back to the queen and tried to be as perfect as I could, but I do not want her help in getting home. I would much rather have (Y/N) help me find my way, and even if he is unable to, it's much better than this.

Alice-I-If I may be excused, your majesty. I just wandered in here and would like to be on my way.

Just then, she turned to me and looked angry which made my whole body shake again.

Queen-YOUR WAY?!?!?! HERE, THINGS ARE MY WAY!!!... *sigh* Do you know how to play croquet?

Alice-... Yes, your majesty.


(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Red really wanted to help Alice, but when we got to the top of a hill in a forest, we saw the castle was kind of far. When we made it, the whole place was surrounded by a bush, so we had to walk around until we found a way in. I told her that we had to be really quiet and if we saw a card or rabbit, they will take us to the queen too... I don't know for sure, but her not seeing us would be best. When Red and I finally found Alice... I saw this scene of her being used as a hammer thing to hit a hedgehog by a flamingo. Red looked really scared when she saw her with the queen.


Red-(Y/N)... What happened in the story?

(Y/N)-I never read this book before. I don't know.

Red-We have to help her.

(Y/N)-How do we get her out of there without getting caught?

(Queen of Heart's POV)

Of all the things that this girl could not do, it seemed fitting that she would be used as the mallet instead. All of a sudden the crowd was taken by something and I looked to see what it was... Another child is such odd clothing, and this one was a little boy. He slowly walked over to us and he looked frightened, so I put on a warm smile as I walked over to him. I do say that he did have an appeal to him, due to his unique clothing choice and he was adorably small for his height. I do think a few drops of potion to put him at my knees would be suiting.

Queen of Hearts-Hello there little one. Were you brought here the same way as this girl?

???-Um, yes.

Queen of Hearts-Don't say 'um', that is the talk for the dimwitted.

???-Of course... I'm here to see if Alice-.

Queen of Hearts-I don't care. Come along.

I took his hand and halted the game for the time being, but nobody is to leave the garden until I return. I brought the little boy into my castle and summoned guards to bring me a pedal stool to place the child on.

Queen of Hearts-Arms up.

He did as I said and I inspected his body. He has the right features, his looks are up to standards to that of the royal bloodline. Also, with the king gone for simply being too annoying with his talks about me being too harsh and me taking his head, I am in need of an heir after he failed to give me one.

Queen of Hearts-You are nearly perfect, but nothing that can't be fixed. Congratulations, you will be my son, the prince. Your name and you will address me as "Mother" from now on.

???-... I'm the, what now?

Queen of Hearts-That is an odd name.

???-N-No, that's not my na-.

Queen of Hearts-THEN WHY DID YOU NOT SAY IT?!?!?!


Queen of Hearts-I will let it be pardoned this time on the account that you are my only son, but do not let this happen again!

Just then a guard rushed into the throne room and looked a little panicked. I walked up to him and he stood up straight before he could make me lose my temper... I will have him beheaded later for him not letting me lose my temper.

Guard-Your Majesty! Another girl came and ran off with the other little girl!... She threw rocks at us and it really hurt.

Queen of Hearts-I have no need for them. Tell the others to be ready for some great news. I have just acquired a new son. Doesn't he look adorable? ~

I stepped out of the way to present my new son to my guard, but he only looked confused.

Guard-Your majesty?

Queen of Hearts-What?

I turned to see (Y/N) was not where I left him and then back to the guard when we heard a door slam shut. I now lost my temper in a way that I did not like at all! My blood boil and my first thought was me naming him my son and he dare run away from his new mother! He must know that other girl, so I ran to the doors and swung them open with my skin turning bright red from all my age.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I ran as fast as I could away from the castle! Red should be heading back to the library with Alice, and I still hate this plan! I heard guards come running out into the forest and I was getting a little tired, but did not want to stop! Actually, I ran faster when I heard...

Queen of Hearts-Find the boy named (Y/N) and bring him to me! His mother! *echo*

There is no way I am getting trapped in Wonderland with someone that will kill others for stupid reasons! I kept on running and the guards didn't sound like they were getting farther... They were getting closer to finding me until something made me look behind me, and I saw the Queen of Hearts running after me with her heels slowing her down.



Cards were behind her, so I kept on running and the library should not be far. The queen was slowing down, and she didn't let the cards pass her. It might be that she cares about being in front, and that's better for me.

(Alice's POV)

Little Red Riding Hood and I made it to the library where we should be safe and we just have to wait for (Y/N). I don't feel that it was right to leave him with that awful queen. Soon, we did hear noises outside and that's when (Y/N) came over a hill. He was running as fast as he could and the queen was soon behind him. Red and I closed one of the doors and left one open for him.

Alice-Please, hurry!

Red-You can make it!

He kept on running and when the queen tripped over, she tumbled down the hill to make her cards trip over her. (Y/N) made it in, completely out of breath, so we closed and locked the door. We went to his side and got him to lean on me to rest, but it didn't last.




Alice-Oh, dear! What do we do?!

(Y/N)-*Pant* *pant* Book. *pant* *deep breathe* Open *pant* a book.

Red ran to push on the door to help even a little as they were moving at each pounding sound. (Y/N) pointed a small row of books behind small chains, so I ran to it. I don't know how this will work, but I grabbed a random book and opened it. Nothing happened at first, but then the ground started to shake. I dropped the book and ran to (Y/N) with Red to hold on to him. He risked his life to save mine, so I could at least do this. I was so frightened and closed my eyes while crying a little until a bright light shined through my eyes and everything stopped... I opened my eyes to see Red and (Y/N) were both ok, and there was no longer any screaming from the queen.


Alice-What... happened?

(Y/N) fell to the floor to catch his breath still and Red pulled his head onto her lap while I got up to look out the window. I saw we were in a forest that looked normal. We were not here before and that's when I looked at the book I dropped. I walked over to pick it up and it was called...

Alice-Goldilocks and the 3 Bears... I never heard of such a tale.

I put the book on a table to help (Y/N) and gave him a kiss on the cheek to express how thankful I was to him and Red gave him a kiss on his other cheek.

Alice-Oh, thank you! You are a true gentleman to save my life!

Red-We did it!

His cheeks got a little red which was rather a little funny to see. We helped him to a small couch in here and sat next to him to rest as well. I was older than (Y/N), so I had him lean on me while I lied on the armrest and Red rested on him.

Alice's mind-When I make it home. I will make sure that Mother and Father know how truly brave you are... Maybe even discuss marriage for the boy who saved my life.


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